Starting from Zero

Chapter 237

"Kill! Set the star A crossbow with a white trail shot under me. Squeak! It wasn't like a muscle to a metal twisted sound. The tentacle under me was scratched by the crossbow arrow, but it didn't seem to prevent it from pulling me to the sea. The archer was a poison. He didn't realize that his arrow didn't work.

"Thunder chop!" Xiuluo purple clothes followed the poison out of the cabin, as soon as she saw the outside situation, she immediately rushed up!

A loud bang, a thunder from the sky, although the tentacles let me go, but I was also blown into coke!

A roll rolled over and landed on the side of the ship, and the tentacles retreated into the sea at lightning speed. But I heard the other hand pull out of the side of the boat. I turned and was about to rush up. Suddenly, there was another tentacle on my waist. A force of brute force pulled me backward. I had no place to exert myself on the ship's side, which was easily pulled down. The poisoner jumped out of the ship's side with one lunge, changed his posture in the air and made a beautiful water entry posture. Unfortunately, the monster seemed to be picky, and another tentacle hit him back to the ship. On the other side, the ruthless pursuit of the rose in the water did not have any obstacles under the water!

Bang! There's a boom in my ear. I know it's in the water! Damn it, I don't have a helmet on. This is bad luck! Quickly take out the helmet and put it on, but it seems a little late. The helmet is full of water, so it's useless to put it on!

After the monster entangled us, we went all the way to the deep and shallow, the speed was super fast, and the surrounding sea water became dim, which is the reason for the increase of water depth! I noticed a nearby tentacle wrapped around a rose. She was in a coma! I can't care so much. Save the rose first! It's a pity that because the diving speed is too fast, the flying rope is not hit by the water resistance and turbulence!

Just as I was about to do "it's up to you?" To my surprise, this squid can talk, and his voice is not small!

There were four more figures behind us. "Is that enough with the three of us?" Fortunately, the three of them also arrived, followed by ADINA!

"Cut! Deceive the less with more! " This squid is very aggressive!

The plague spoke first: "Little Dragon Girl, don't talk nonsense with her, send it up, in the water, our combat effectiveness is limited!"

Little dragon girl nodded, the squid realized that it was not good to run, but fortunately, they immediately changed back to the original shape and blocked it in place! "Over the river and the sea!" XiaoLongNu and I used aggressive magic for the first time in such a long time. Suddenly, a large number of bubbles appeared in the surrounding sea water, and the sea water seemed to start to rotate.

ADINA also began to use magic: "water dragon roll!" This sea water has been completely roaring, the high-speed rotating sea water makes me feel like I am in the washing machine!

Crystal seems to feel that it is not chaotic enough, she also withdrew from the siege line and began casting: "blasting - spring spray!"

The fight below is lively, and the sea is not free. There is a huge vortex beside the biling, so Sumei quickly makes the warship move to the side away from the vortex. The vortex on the sea surface is growing until it becomes a giant vortex with a diameter of 500 meters, and its speed is also increasing. All of the people on the biling stares at the center of the vortex nervously. Suddenly, a scream comes out from the center of the vortex with a big fountain.

All people's eyes follow the scream to fly up, soon the call gradually reached the height and began to fall, this time to see clearly, it was the rose! The night shadow flew up and picked her up, but they had not yet landed on the boat. There was another scream in the water, and ADINA was sprayed out. Originally the night shadow still planned to go to pick up, but only followed behind ADINA, I was also spurted out.

I was less than two seconds out of the water, the sea suddenly raised a bag, a huge black shadow flew up, all of us took a breath, because it was not something else that flew, it was the squid! After the squid are three dragons and little dragon girl!

After everyone came out of the water, the vortex on the sea surface disappeared. Just now, with the whirling force of that vortex, we just sent this monster from the bottom of the sea to the sky. This guy is not as arrogant as the sea when he comes out of the water. The sky belongs to the dragon. Whether it is Chinese or western, the dragon is the most effective in the air!

Three dragons dive in turn to catch the monster to the high altitude, while the little dragon girl has been weakening the monster's strength with attack magic! This tactic is very useful, and soon the squid is finished. After a long cry, the monster blew up in the air, and the result was a big explosion. A lot of messy things fell on the ship. A lot of things are rubbish, but there is a strange thing.

"What is this?" I'm holding this black thing in my hands. I don't know what it is!

Su Mei touched and said, "it looks like a parrot's mouth, but it seems to be bigger. If a parrot has such a big mouth, it will be bigger than Tiananmen Square."

"Can it be the squid's mouth?" "I remember the squid's mouth is like this!" he asked

Mercilessly wiped the water channel on the head: "look at the property, don't you know?""The property of this thing is only material, and the specific thing needs to be identified!"

"I'll identify it!" Su Mei was about to be identified and was pushed away by me.

"I'll do it! My own expertise is level 20! "

After three tests, it's called soft steel, which means hard material from a soft body. Property said that the characteristics is incomparable hard, and amazing penetration, the biggest feature is that even if bending will not deform, is absolutely a good material!

"It's better to keep this kind of good thing first!"

"Don't you have a chance to reward upgrade equipment?" "Xiuluo purple dress reminds a way:" just, put this thing in, perhaps can make what good thing


"That's good!" After putting this thing away, we will continue to meet the brigade westward, but it seems that we always can't do it. A large fleet suddenly appears in the rear!

"Lookout hand? Where's the fleet? "

"It's the Indonesian fleet!" Lookout hand returns.

Su Mei shook her head and said, "it seems that we don't want to pursue them. They don't intend to let us go."

Rose even more simply, went straight into the cabin, and then ran back with my carrier pigeon. "I'll call back the fleet that Chuang Wang took away. We'll sweep them all the way along their coastline. We'll have to beat them up!"

I nodded and said, "yes! When we come back, the warships are full of troops. I'm afraid it's not good to fight again. If we can't clear the sea passage completely before returning, our future troop transportation plan will be seriously affected! I don't want my own troops to be like vegetables with transportation costs! "

Speaking this meeting, the rose has written the letter, threw both hands, the dove flew out.

I stood on the command tower and began to give orders: "all attention, keep a distance from the enemy ships. We have the advantage of range, and we are relatively fast in terms of speed. Keep away from the enemy's firepower."


The biling and 10 other warships began to slow down automatically, so we had to let the enemy fire first, so as to test the range of each other, so as not to beat the enemy away with too much firepower! Both the biling and the pirate warships have been completely refitted. The range of artillery fire is as high as 30 km. The enemy's firepower range is not clear, so we can only slowly approach!

Slowly, the enemy gradually caught up. When the distance between the two sides was close to 15 kilometers, the lookout finally reported that the other side had fired. Boom! A small splash appeared more than 200 meters behind us. The big pot rice looks at the water flower way: "how does not look like the blossom bomb?"

Sumei added, "and the range is pretty average."

Rose finally said, "it seems that there are not many guns."

"Shall we kill the fleet directly? Wang, it's not necessary for them to fight rubbish directly Rice in a big pot is urgent.

"What if it's a trap?" The poisoner's profession is assassin, and he thinks things are more cautious: "maybe the other party knows that we are trying to test their range and deliberately hide heavy fire, hoping to lead us into the encirclement circle and kill us all in one net? After all, there are more than 200 warships! "

"Really, I'll tell you by the way?" Su Mei said nothing to us!

"Then send someone to see it!" I nodded: "which one of you will go?" I suddenly found that everyone was looking at me. "Well, can't I go yet?"

Helpless jump on the night shadow, quickly close to the enemy fleet. I don't want to be close to each other, but I don't want to get close to each other!

After a few detours, we reached the enemy's sky. This time we can see clearly that the number of the enemy is very large, but the equipment is definitely behind home! A small broken boat is similar to a fisherman's boat. There are more than a dozen black front loaded cannons on both sides of the ship. Only one silver rear loaded cannon is installed in the bow and stern of the boat. It is strange that there were only a few shells fired in the first round just now!

The Indonesian people below saw me over them and immediately began to shoot with bows and arrows. However, everyone knows that upward shooting is not powerful! A row of arrow rain just fell around us, and there was no penetration of the ship at all! Suddenly remembered that crystal chocolate gave me a few bundles of fire last time, Yao asked me to take it to experiment, this time it happened to try!

Holding a bundle of Zha medicine, I suddenly remembered that there was no fire, "night shadow! Take a fire

On the single corner of the night shadow, an electric arc started to flash, and the lead of Zha medicine was ignited immediately after touching it! After seeing the largest warship, he threw it down. Boom, a pile of wood chips accompanied by many people took off. Several warships nearby were also affected, and were hit by pieces of wood!

"It's not bad!" Looking down at the people pointing at me and shouting at me, I knew they were scolding me. I waved to them with great magnanimity, and then threw another one down.Five bombs sank six ships and injured more than a dozen. The power is not bad, but less with them! Now that the reconnaissance is over, return home immediately. Intelligence shows that the combat effectiveness of the Indonesian fleet is not equal to the average strength of the fleets of all countries. It is not necessary to be so careful as to deal with Japanese warships. In fact, it is not a trouble for the biling to rush into the enemy fleet alone! The warships of these Indonesians are too backward. To say that warships are exaggerated, it is reasonable to call them armed fishing boats. They can bully unarmed fishing boats, and warships are not at the same level!

As soon as the night shadow landed on the deck of the biling, I jumped down. "Don't wait for King Chuang to turn around. Those small sampans and the waves brought by the biling can knock them over!"

The first mate immediately issued an order: "out of the oars, left full rudder, the whole fleet turn around!"

The big pot rice was about to ask the sailors to prepare the cannons, but I pulled it back. "No, order. Open the Great Wall defense shield, close all gun doors, attack angle, lift armor plate, the maximum speed of the whole fleet, and turn them over with wolves! There are too many enemy ships, it's not worth wasting shells! "

The fleet immediately carried out the order, all the gun doors were closed, the armor plates that had been put away in order not to affect the shooting were lowered, and the blade like impact angle in front of the warship was pushed out. Originally like a hedgehog, the warship immediately turned into a steel monster. Its whole body was protected by armor plates, and there was a great wall defense shield from the dark temple in the middle of the hull, which could greatly reduce the damage!

The Indonesians didn't expect that our ships would dare to turn around after seeing such a large fleet. What they didn't expect was that we didn't fire any guns! But soon they understood what we were going to do! The biling and the warships nearby were equipped with underwater thrusters from Atlantis. The speed of the ship was frightening. The two sides had been chasing each other. Now we turned around and turned into a face-to-face attack, and the distance was quickly narrowed.

Those Indonesians are not stupid. They saw the huge size of the biling and its amazing speed. What's more, they saw the white surge behind us. The turbulence caused by 11 warships side by side is definitely a nightmare for small ships. The size of the biling is equivalent to an aircraft carrier, while the Indonesian warship is only slightly longer than the large missile boat. The full speed biling can form a wave head of 13 meters high behind her, and the main mast of the Indonesian warship is only more than 10 meters.


Continuous shelling from Indonesian warships, but solid bullets can only make a tinkling sound and sparks on the biling's armor, with no other effect! Seeing that we finally rushed to the middle of the enemy fleet, I only felt that the warship trembled slightly. The biling jumped up and pressed the warships in front to the bottom of the ship! A burst of broken wood, accompanied by people's screams, 11 giant warships rushed from the center of the Indonesian fleet, all the warships on the direct impact route were turned into pieces of wood, and the surrounding warships were knocked over in the sea by the huge waves. However, some warships rolled 360 degrees in the water and stood up again, but the guns and crew on the deck were lost!

Such a good opportunity can't be let go. I quickly let Xiaochun, Xiaosan and prodigal son go out to beat the water dog. Anyway, the enemy is in the water now, which does not pose a threat to us. It's all experience value. Don't be too sorry! Besides, I can also let the three new favorites get familiar with my fighting style.

Xiao San to rushed out without hesitation. On the one hand, dragons like to kill, on the other hand, because Ling is absolutely obedient to me, Xiao San is also very obedient. But Xiaochun and the prodigal son were indifferent. Prodigal son is small pure demon pet, small pure disobedient, prodigal son of course also cannot adjust! I am most worried about the problem or appeared, small pure loyalty is too low, there is no way to command!

"You're up to it!" I point to the sea and let Xiaochun go up to kill the enemy!

Small pure a pair of air drum appearance pouts the mouth is not to move, I turn to the prodigal son way: "you go up!"

Prodigal son seems to have some embarrassment, see small pure finally still did not move! It seems that the relationship between Xiaochun and him is more direct!

"How can you be such an unruly pet? Go and kill the enemy I point to the sea and order Xiaochun again!

Xiaochun's eyes began to turn red. Sure enough, two crystal clear tears came down. "I am the God of light. How can I do such dishonorable things? They are all in the water, you should save them up! Even if we don't care, we can't let them down

Bang! The loud slap in the face scared everyone! The big pot rice and the poison man quickly came up and pulled me down. "Calm down, what are you fighting with the devil?" The drug addict tried to persuade me.

I pushed both of them back a few steps and went back. Seeing that others are coming up, Su Mei comes over and stops everyone. "Brother ziri's fight is right. You all go out in a speedboat to get some experience and bring the equipment back by the way." Or Su Mei is smart enough to understand what I mean!

Xiaochun stares at me in surprise, while I nervously looks at her attribute column. After a standoff for about 20 minutes, Xiaochun suddenly put her hand down, and her loyalty really increased to 40. Just now I was just holding on to trying, but I didn't think it could be!I pointed to the sea: "kill them!"

Xiaochun went to the deck and looked at me with angry eyes, and then began to use large-scale attack magic at the head of the sea. The prodigal son on her shoulder flew out to attack immediately after the master began to attack! Anyway, I'm listening to the command, although I'm tired!

Rose suddenly appeared behind me. She was still worried and ran back. "How's it going?"

I refer to Xiaochun who is carrying out the order.

"What did you do to hit her? They are girls! It's so cute that you can do it too

I am a little angry, not because of others, but because of rose, others can not understand me, but she can not! "Since I was a child, I have a lonely character and a dark psychology. I can do it without blinking an eye even if it is a massacre, not to mention beating women! When I was three years old, I walked with my father in the laboratory, sat on the experimental table eating shrimp sticks and watching the experimenter do the living body planing. My nerve bearing capacity is not comprehensible to ordinary people! But you have to understand me, because you will be with me through the rest of my life! If people in the world misunderstand me, at least I hope you can understand me! " Then I went back to the cabin. I was really angry. Rose didn't understand me! What I said just now is actually intended to stimulate her. I am not so cold-blooded in fact!

Rose was confused by me. Standing on the deck, she knew I was angry, but she didn't know why! Sumei walks over and shakes her head. "You make brother purple sad!"

"I know! But why? "

"Because you doubt what she means to beat Xiaochun!"

"For that? Then he is too stingy Rose is not without temper!

"I can't tell you why. I can only tell you that you are wrong. You must find out the answer by yourself, otherwise you will have more and more chances to quarrel. You should be careful! I never give up Su Mei's words clearly tell rose that she is interested in me, and that she will rob rose if she makes mistakes!

"Don't you all recognize him as a brother?" Rose was startled that there was such a small competitor!

Su Mei looks like an old man: "brother ziri's deep thought is very conservative, and she had you first. In addition, he is a person with heavy feelings and a sense of responsibility. Therefore, he will not easily change his choice, especially the issue of his girlfriend! If I have been pestering him, he will only disgust me, but now I can stick to him openly, and he will not resent me. As long as there is any loophole in his feelings, I can immediately make up for it, so that sooner or later I can get his control! You don't know men yet. Men don't think like women. They don't have a strong sense of love. On the contrary, what keeps them is instinct and responsibility. If you don't understand these two points, you have no hope of winning. In addition to tell you, you may also feel that, like the purple day brother not only you and I! Bingbing sister and Hongyue, they are all strong enemies! There are also the people around him, especially Ling. If she wasn't NPC, I would have listed her in the enemy's list! "

I can't stand a little girl who can't bear to be understood by a little girl! But who is Sumei? She won't give rose a chance to get angry. When Rose reacts, he has come to me in the lower cabin!

"Brother ziri?" Sumei pushes open the door of the rest room.

"You I was a little disappointed. I thought it would be a rose!

"Disappointed to see me?" Su Mei is really a human spirit!

"You don't make a mess of me!" I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"In fact, you don't need to be sad. Some ideas are relatively new, which are not easily accepted by ordinary people. Habitual thinking and behavior patterns are the things that most people can't get rid of. We usually call them habits! Your behavior is quite special. It doesn't conform to the behavior habits of Sister Rose. You should be considerate of her

High! one step back today for two steps forward tomorrow! I heard what Sumei had just said to rose. Although I came down, the night shadow was always on the deck. I could call the magic pet's hearing and vision at any time!

"Don't explain! I heard everything you just said to rose

Su Mei didn't panic as I expected. Instead, she said, "I know you can hear it. I said it to you on purpose! Do you think I didn't know that silly horse had been listening with a big ear? "

"And you still say that?"

"I was comforting you. Don't you feel comfortable when I blow you so hard?"

"Human spirit!" I rubbed her hair with a smile! In fact, Sumei is also very lovely. Although many of her behaviors were purposeful in the past, they were not pure enough, but I have to admit that her efficiency and means are incomparable. Moreover, her original intention is generally good, but her methods are extreme! "Let's go! Let's go to the sea to see how the fight is going , the fastest update of the webnovel!