Starting from Zero

Chapter 217

"Lord of the city, his subordinates are ordered to lead the misty army to garrison the Mordor Eisinger. Including me, there are 5 sub divine Knights - death knights, 50 magic Knights - blood lords, 2000 heavily armored Knights (heavy cavalry) - Demon knights, 3000 high-level all-round magicians - Dark patrollers, 10000 archers - evil pupil guards, 20000 heavy infantry - night watchers, and 20000 attack mages. Please accept it

As expected, it was the army that Arni had said, but I felt stronger when I saw it with my own eyes than when I heard of it. The whole misty army is attacking mages and heavily armored troops, which are the best troops to defend the city. Because it is only for urban defense, there is sufficient logistics support, and there is no need for rapid mobility, so the team equipment tends to be heavy and highly offensive. Field troops generally don't consider heavy equipment for speed, but defense forces don't have these concerns. From the top to the bottom, even the eyes are protected by crystal flakes!

"Yes! The troops are very good. I'll take them. Are those heavy trailers in the back your supplies? "

"No, my Lord!" Vader took the helmet back. "By the way, our Highness's cannon is required! All the magic crystal cannons you ordered have been delivered. 280 giant magic crystal cannons and corresponding magic crystal stones are here. Besides, we have brought gifts from Her Highness! "


Vader turned and waved, and a loaded giant trailer was pulled over. Dozens of infantry took a lot of effort to lift the canvas. What was underneath was rocket gun? "It's not a rocket launcher, is it?"

"Mr. Hui, this is a projectile weapon designed to imitate China's Phoenix gun! Because it was just finished in the dark temple, there were only 100 doors in total, which were mainly sent for the experiment. Her Highness said that it would be a gift to the Lord of the city as a gift for the success of the city's construction! "

"She can be a man! Oh, no! God! Take me as a free experiment! Well, it's useful anyway. Let's get in! ADINA! Open the door

Aisinger's gate slowly rose, and the army finally slowly drove into the city. I was more curious about the Rockets in the dark temple, so I followed the cars behind me into the city. 280 magic crystal cannons only use 140 vehicles, 100 rockets also occupy only 25 vehicles, but the team has 400 trailers, and the cars behind are almost all the ammunition of huoyao and rockets! After the troops entered the city, they were directly stationed in the barracks. More than 50000 people, horses and equipment occupied a large area of barracks. Thanks to the size of my city, so many people would not be able to live there! I think the system is very unfair. The guards of the system city occupy a few small houses. When necessary, hundreds of thousands of troops can be refreshed from them. However, all NPC garrisons in the player's city should actually occupy space. There are no buildings here, and the camp area of tens of thousands of people is almost the size of a small city! Thanks to aisinger's several floors, the huge camp is still empty for tens of thousands of people to live in!

After arranging the troops, he took the five death knights and the 50 blood lords to familiarize themselves with the city environment. The main purpose was to let them arrange the defense distribution of the city. The defense of the outer wall mainly depended on the large-scale urban defense facilities and the assistance of players. The width of the wall on the front of Eisinger has exceeded the defensive ability of the fog army. If 20000 infantry soldiers are distributed on the front wall, it will take at least four or five meters to have one person. This density is obviously lower! And the side wall can never be left alone! Fortunately, this is a monster siege, there will be no siege equipment, as long as we rely on the wall to top the enemy outside, there is no big problem. When the next siege of the temple of light begins, we will have to rely on the dragon's key penetration ability and the huge forces of the dark temple!

It seems that when I first chose to rebuild eisenegger, I thought it was too simple! At that time, I just wanted to find a city where the young ladies of the cherry blossom club would not be sent back to China after their death. But now it seems that the vast area of aisinger and its superior geographical environment make it a place for military strategists! As long as a guild has enough troops to occupy Eisinger, it can develop steadily. With such a city, it is almost impossible to be defeated as long as the difference in strength is not too great!

"Lord, it seems that our troops are not enough to defend such a city!" Vader is also a famous general. The elder of the three dynasties in the dark temple must have some skills! "To tell you the truth, before the demons were captured, the fog army was not only for us! If we had not gone to the dark temple to help train new soldiers, we would not have lived to this day. "

"I know that isinger is too big. You 50000 people are very rare. It's useless to put them in the city. But Arni wanted me to look good and make me dependent on her, so I can't do anything without enough troops!" The defense forces of player cities are calculated according to the urban area. According to the normal standard, aisinger's garrison forces are definitely more than that!

"Your Highness has gone too far in this regard." Vader is worthy of being the elder of the three dynasties, and dare to speak ill of the goddess! "Why don't we fight this time first, and then I'll try to make up for the goddess's original strength? Even if we can't get the fog army back to its former size, at least we should be able to ensure the order of the city! Now the troops are no longer in the city. If one person is responsible for the area as large as a small city, he can't be busy at all! ""Do you have a way to restore your forces?"

"It's not that I have a way, but I'm going to ask her Highness for mercy, hoping that she can reorganize the misty army and resume the establishment with the overall situation as the priority. I still remember the scene of millions of irons sweeping across the mainland. It's no better than this person now! "

"Good! Let's make it through this time first, and then we'll ask the goddess for help Really can't let Ling to help me blackmail, pull relations to find the right person!

After everything has been arranged, it will be more than 5 o'clock. My order is that no one is allowed to go online before 10 o'clock this morning. Although the girls of Sakura club are in Japan with different time difference, I still ask that they are not allowed to go online before 10:00 Beijing time. The city war won't start until 12 o'clock!

It rained all night last night, and now the open space outside the city has turned into mud! It used to be a forest, mainly because a lot of trees have been cut down in the construction of the city recently. Half of the forest has been moved into the city by us. Now there is only open space outside! It's strange that people's urbanization is the biggest enemy of nature. If we build an Eisinger, we will cut down half of the forest, and then! I can't believe it!

"Purple sun!" I look back to see wiena, she just went to meet with Vida, and now she has tears on her face. This girl is not so cold-blooded as she said!

"Come here!" I pulled her aside and sat down. Looking at the other side of the sea from the Juling pagoda, although the sun has not yet come out, the sky has begun to turn red. Eisinger is a level 10 curse on the earth. There are dark clouds covering the sun all day. The only time to see the sun is half an hour after the sun rises. After that, the sun rises and is blocked by clouds. "Have you ever seen the sunrise?"


Vina didn't say anything, just shook her head and leaned on my shoulder and looked at the sea.

At about five fifty, the sun finally appeared on the horizon. Where the sea and the sky meet, a red sun rises slowly, which is really exciting! Although the sunrise was beautiful, half an hour soon disappeared.

Vader appeared behind us. "Lord of the city, all the cannons have been installed. Do we want to test fire for a basic calibration, so that we can aim quickly when shooting?"

"Well, you can arrange it! I'll be there soon


To the city wall to know that the test fire is not only magic crystal cannon, but also that super invincible rocket launcher. Forget to say, this thing is not much smaller than the magic crystal cannon. Inside the rocket calibre are more than 500 mm, length also reached more than two meters, feel like anti-ship missile rather than rocket! I don't know why it's so big! Anyway, I only work, how to make it has nothing to do with me! The rocket launcher has a total of 35 launch ports of 5x7, seven in horizontal direction and five in vertical direction. The launcher is a metal structure with a rotating support. The main part of the launcher is a rectangular box.

The first test shot was the magic crystal cannon, which tested all the cannons in different parts of the city. Most of them can hit the target at one time. A few of them need to be adjusted and completed soon. Next was the rocket test firing, which was placed on the front wall of the outer city, because Vader said that the designer of the dark temple told that this thing must be at the front of the army before firing, and there must be no people in front of it when it fires!

According to Vader, the value of each rocket is 50 crystal coins, and it is still the cost price. Therefore, we only allow a few rocket launchers in special positions to test fire a few. Do we try to save as much as possible! After the rocket bracket is fixed, let the tree of the city connect to the launcher. These things can be unmanned management, there is no need to waste my few guards!

Inform ADINA next to the city tree that she can fire. After a few seconds, a rocket in the launcher next to us suddenly ignited. Several heavy infantry standing behind it were almost pushed under the wall by the thrust of Yao. Thanks to the wide wall! I really doubt that the people in the dark temple remember wrong. When launching, it was obviously dangerous behind!

When I was in doubt, I suddenly saw a flash of white light in front of me, and a rocket of two meters long rushed out. But different from the real rocket, there is a long rope behind it! The rocket flew out, and the rope in the back was constantly pulled out from the back of the rocket, and the other end of the rope was still tied to the launch pad!

Just when I thought something was going to happen, the rope end on the launch pad suddenly broke, and the rocket was about to land. The rocket flew out about 20 kilometers in one breath. It's already a dense forest there! The rocket plunges into the woods, but it doesn't explode as expected! The rope behind the rocket fell because there was no traction, but the vision appeared. As soon as the dragged rope landed, it began to explode. With the grounding of the rope, the explosion continued to more than ten meters under the wall. The rocket was almost bombed all the way through! Now I know why the dark temple must be put in the front! This is a giant version of a rocket Minesweeper!

The weapon test effect is very good, at least the power of that rocket is definitely beyond my imagination. I didn't expect to build such a powerful thing. Unfortunately, the rocket is a little more expensive!After everything is finished, we can only wait for time. According to the agreement, at 9:00 a.m., Ah Wei came up to take over from me and looked at the city. I went offline to have dinner and activities. At 10 o'clock, I was on line as everyone else. Because everyone is very excited, so they are anxious to go online, but because of my order, they all bear to wait for time. As soon as 10:00 arrives, the whole city blossoms like a fireworks display, and the flash of players' online appears in the city. Only 15 minutes, all the players involved in the city, except for those who can't come to the city! Our frost rose League is basically a very standard guild. Players, city residences and guild system have been established. After reading the information of the down conference, there are more than 2200 people in our guild, including me. Among them, more than 1000 are girls from the cherry blossom club. There are more than 1000 girls who have the same idea from Japan. Some of the remaining 100 people are collected by me, and some are collected by eagle and rose. In this way, the number of our guild can only be counted It is a small and medium-sized guild, and the ratio of men and women is seriously imbalanced. There are more than 2200 people in a guild, and more than 2100 are female players! Usually looking at is strange eye-catching, the city is beautiful MM, but the war is a headache! Although there is no lack of female players such as purple moon and bailing, but the overall combat effectiveness is not high is a serious problem!

When they go online, they are immediately grouped into groups and assigned to the wall to deal with the monsters' attack. We don't plan to send someone to manage the city tree. Anyway, his intelligence level is not low. We just told him that it will be the first time that the monster attacks the city. We want him to control the weapons in the city to fight back. As a result, his answer was: "I have a plan specially prepared for the siege. Just call this plan directly. What's more, I can contact you directly as long as you don't leave 10 kilometers away from the city! "

"Shit! If you don't tell me if you have a mobile phone, I will stay and watch it every day! " I sent a leaf to several main leaders of the guild. It will work as long as I put it on my body. It's really convenient!

Although more than 2000 people are not many, it is not easy to arrange them all on the wall. It's already 10:40 when the assembly is over! I called Vader over and let the misty army climb the wall. In order not to cause panic, I announced on the guild channel that this was the city guard team of Eisinger. I would fight with you in the future. It turned out that the girls were "so handsome! How cool The voice of! Dizzy! Almost all the players in the city are female, but the NPC in the city is male. It will become a social problem if it goes on like this!


After the misty army was in place, I let my seventh army arrive outside the city in advance to hide. As for the commander, I am in charge of it. Anyway, as my demon servant, Scott can have direct spiritual contact with me! Cavalry troops are of little use in the city. If you leave them outside the city, you can fight back at a critical moment! Although my cavalry level is not very high, but last night vena helped me upgrade them to 350 level dark irons. There are some problems for 350 level troops to deal with those with average level of 800 in the temple of light, but this time it's just monsters attacking the city. The level of those monsters will not be too high. As long as my cavalry assault at the right time, they can still get some benefits. Besides, if there are demon knights to open the way, it is still possible to sweep out a road!

After all the personnel are in place, the weapon system is running. The magic crystal cannons, which were put into the gun position last night, have been raised from the lift turret, and the long running pipes have also been erected. The Rockets in the front row have been reloaded with rockets, and the gate of the launching port has been opened and ready to be launched. The thunder light gun of the dragon clan is in my hand. Although it is too early to start now, it should be prepared first. Because the operation of the thunder cannon can not be distracted, so the task of commanding is entrusted to the eagle. I stand on the top of the Juling pagoda and wait for the battle to begin.

Everything was in place. Even my warships were called in. Although the range of artillery could not reach the opposite side of the city, they had enough range to protect the walls on both sides of me. Of course, these ships were anchored in advance. I only sent a small number of crew on the biling to control the guns. If I don't want to join the pirates in the dungeon, I can't keep them out of the barracks! However, with so many ships stopping in the coastal waters for fire support, the side walls should be better guarded!

At 11 o'clock sharp, the system prompts. "The last hour countdown of Eisinger's city defense war, please all frost rose league players to return to the city to prepare. Now let's begin to explain the content of the battle and the detailed regulations! " The voice stopped for a moment and continued: "the battle will start on time at 12 o'clock in Chinese today. The fighting rules are as follows:

1. After the siege war begins, all external transmission arrays in the city will lose their function. All players can only be transferred in, but not transferred out. Please withdraw from Eisinger immediately if you do not participate. For players who are online in Eisinger after the war, the system will force them to send them to a city designated by him. If they want to help defend the city, they can send them back by themselves. Note that all participants must be limited to guild members, and the rest will be sent out directly.2、 In offensive and defensive warfare, the drugs in the city will be refreshed by the system, and the number of drugs will be determined according to the number of monsters. All drugs in the city, except for the drugs that are refreshed by the system, will lose their effect after the battle. The purpose of this article is to prevent some guilds from spending money to buy a large number of high-grade drugs, and limit the supply of drugs, so as to ensure the fairness of the guilds when guarding the city!

3、 In the battle, the attacks between the guild players are also effective, so please pay attention not to hurt by mistake. Similarly, the attacks between monsters are still effective.

4、 If you kill monsters in a city war, you will get 1.5 times of the monster level. At the same time, the city points and guild points will be accumulated. The guild leader will get 0.05% of the experience value from all players participating in the battle as a reward.

5、 The monsters will be refreshed once the battle begins, but they will attack in different times and will not rush in. In battle, if there are wild monsters passing through the battle area, they will be automatically turned into siege party. To ensure fairness, non guild players are not allowed to enter the combat area during this period of time!

6、 The rules of victory. If the defender wants to defend the city for three days, and if the monster level of the conference hall is less than 5000 within 72 hours, the defense is considered successful. Within 72 hours, if the guild members can eliminate all the monsters outside the city, it is also considered successful defense. If within three days, the sum of monsters entering the Council hall is greater than 5000, then the defense is considered to have failed. If the damage rate of the city reaches more than 75% within a limited period of time, it is also considered as defensive failure, or the collective death of players.

7、 After the beginning of the war, all communication between the city and the outside world will be interrupted. During this period, some players will be offline. They need to wait for 6 hours before they can go online again. Players who died in war are treated as offline. They need to wait 6 hours to recover. If all players in the city are dead and no one has reached the 6-hour penalty time to be online, the city defense will be automatically declared as failure!

8、 After winning the defense, all players in the guild will be promoted to two levels, and the president will be promoted to another level. If the accumulated city points in the city war exceed 1000 points, the city will get a challenge opportunity. The system will refresh 20 giant dragons to attack the city again. If the city can be defended for 6 hours without being captured, it will automatically add a special building for the city - the Mechanical Industry Research Institute, which will allow the guild to design its own small machinery and fire Yao weapons. If you can kill 20 dragons in six hours, you can upgrade the Institute of mechanical industry to the Institute of magic instruments, which allows guild to build their own super weapons of magic crystal cannon level. The damage calculation in the challenge will refer to the exercise state settings, and will not cause additional damage to guild or players!

9、 The punishment for defense failure will be determined according to the evaluation after the failure. The highest punishment is to force the guild to disband. All guild players will be demoted by 10 levels in a row, and the city will not be returned to the system! The minimum penalty is to demote all guild members to one level and start urban defense again a week later!

These are the rules of city war. Players who don't understand can contact customer service for inquiry or use the help system to check. I wish you all success in guarding the city

Dizzy, what a terrible city defense setting. This kind of battle is only allowed to win and not to be defeated, because no one can afford to lose! The price is too high! Originally, I wanted to leave the Juling tower to fight on the wall in front of me when the two sides were close to each other after the battle started, but I still thought it was better not to go there after listening to the regulations! Aisinger's defense is basically maintained by NPC. We players are just auxiliary. What we need to worry about is that all players are killed and no one is online. However, as long as I stand here, there should be no problem. The Juling pagoda itself is on the top of the Council hall, and it has a protective cover. If I am killed here, the city will be lost. So in order to avoid the embarrassing failure, I still don't have to leave here and concentrate on the operation of thunder light cannon!

The time has reached 11:20, everyone is nervous to grasp the weapons in their hands, our first challenge is coming! I stand on the top of the spirit gathering tower, and my hands are sweating! When the time reaches 11:40, the system prompts to explain the details of the rules again. Until 11:50, the system starts to count down, and the time will be reported every 30 seconds. With five minutes to go, there was a breath like sound over my head. I looked up, and isinger's evil eye opened. It seemed that he felt the threat and was ready to defend.

As soon as the devil's eye opened, I heard the system prompt: "isinger's devil's eye is opened, all guild members' attack power is increased by 10%, and their life recovery speed is increased by 15%." I didn't expect that the devil's eye has many functions, but it also adds attributes!

The voice of the system sounded like a life-threatening voice: "the last 30 seconds count down! 29、 28 3、 Two, one, siege war begins, monster in place, player in place, ready for the first contact

All of a sudden, colorful clouds appeared in the open space, forest and sky outside the city. The size of these things almost surrounded the whole Eisinger. To our surprise, there are also clouds on the sea, that is to say, some monsters will come over the sea! Fortunately, I made the pirates' warships on the sea as a fort, as long as the sea is not the focus of monster attack, there is no problem!The clouds appear and disappear quickly, leaving behind monsters. It's absolutely right to describe them all over the mountains and fields. The whole Eisinger is surrounded by black monsters, even on the sea. It seems that this time is really a dead battle, just like that of the seventh army! , the fastest update of the webnovel!