Starting from Zero

Chapter 213

Let's talk to you first. As the author, I set up the whole world in the book. For example, the author is the creator of the world in the book. Everything in the book should be operated according to the author's will. I said that if there is no inertia in the world in the book, then there will be no inertia in the world. I say that the light of the world in the book spreads along the curve, so it dare not walk in a straight line.

The above is to let you know that the world in the book is virtual, it comes from my settings. Those mythical figures and things like that are in a mess and contradict each other! Can you say which is right, Buddhism or Christianity? Who can tell us whether to report to Yama or Lucifer after death? Are the Eight Suns shot by Hou Yi the eight brothers of Apollo with chariots? These myths are contradictory to each other. Why should I write them in their own way? These myths and religions are originally made up by human beings and can be viewed as a novel or a collection of stories. Are you going to force me to copy other people's things? If I write them all according to the stories in the Bible, is it a tort against the biblical author? In order to avoid the possibility of plagiarizing the Bible from scratch with the Vatican in the future, I decided to scribble on my own!

Vena and I finally came to the end of the tunnel. The prince brought me down from here by the strange mechanism bed, but now there are some troublesome problems, that is, I don't know how the mechanism is started! Vena certainly didn't know. She was imprisoned for too long. Even this castle was built after she was locked up!

I contact Ling directly with my soul. This new function due to the change of PET system is very similar to private chat system, but this system is only used to communicate with my own demons and demon servants, and it doesn't work for summoning creatures like skeleton cavalry!

"Where are you, Ling?"

"On the Castle Square!"

"Can you feel my position?" The magic pet and the master have a very strong one-sided induction, the demon pet can sense the master's general position anytime and anywhere, so Ling should also know my position!

"I can feel it, it's close, it's strong!"

"Then bring up the goblin knight and come to my room."


Weina and I waited in the tunnel for a while and then heard Ling's voice. "We are at the door!"

"Come in now!"

"The door is locked!"

"Smash it!"

"Smash the door down!" Ling stepped back and ordered to smash the door. The goblin Knight easily turned the rotten door into pieces of wood! "Master, we are coming in!"

"Did you see a bed?"

"Yes, the position is very conspicuous! But where are you? I feel like you're nearby

"I'm under the bed!"

"Under the bed?" Ling lifted the hem of the sheet, but there was nothing under the bed. "I can't see it!"

"I'm under the bed, under the floor! You and the goblin Knight go to the bedside and look for it. There should be mechanisms and things like that. "

"I see!" Ling took the Demon Knight a turn, and found nothing. They moved almost everything, but there was no response!

I couldn't find Ling again

"So! Move the bed first

The goblin Knight immediately wanted to move the bed, but they found that the legs of the bed were fixed to the floor! Finally, they simply broke the legs of the bed and moved the bed to the side.

"Move away!"

"Well, now it's going to hit the floor. The area where the bed is located should not be very thick! "


It began to smash the floor. Verna and I moved to the side. I didn't want to smash me when the whole ceiling of the passage fell down together! With a bang, a small hole appeared on the top of the passage. A knight's spear was inserted from the top, and then more spears penetrated the rock on the top and entered the tunnel. Once a hole is broken, the next thing is much easier to do. Ten goblin Knights quickly pierced the top movable board, and Verna and I climbed up the hole.

After seeing the two of us, the expression of the Demon Knight was very strange. I pulled down the face guard of a Demon Knight. "What are you doing with that look? Haven't you seen the wounded? "

Ling quickly came to hold my severely deformed face: "what's wrong with your face? What did the prince take you to? Why is it as if someone had been beaten? "

"Don't mention that bastard, you're experimenting with me!" Originally, he wanted to take revenge, but it was a pity that his ashes were all gone! "You go out and gather the troops, and we'll go back to Eisinger! By the way, Scott, you help me with my armor. I'm swollen all over. I'm afraid it's not convenient to wear armor! "

"Shall I help you with the treatment first?" Ling looked at me all over was injured, did not know how to help me, the body was afraid to touch the wound.I wanted to nod my head and ask Ling to help me relieve the pain, but unfortunately, Weina walked ahead of me and said, "my physical attack is cursed! Now, I'm afraid the treatment will make the wound worse! "

"What? You're a disaster I couldn't help but give vena a a fist. I didn't expect that she would not fight back or shout, so she could bear it!

Ignore her, look at the time is almost noon! Leave with the troops! I'm all injured now. I must have difficulty riding a horse. I can only ride a dragon instead! Before we left, we also brought a mattress out of the duling by the way. We put this thing on our lucky back, and we felt much more comfortable lying on it!

Ling kept winking at me all the way, meaning to ask who Weina was, but I just didn't answer her. Weina's identity is a little troublesome now, so don't let them know! Although Ling, as my demon pet, will not betray me, the Dark Goddess, one of Weina's main enemies, is Ling's sister. This relationship is somewhat complicated!

Because it was still some time before we left the war and it was not convenient to bring large troops into the city, we decided to go back on foot. Of course, the cavalry should run faster! More than 5000 cavalry lined up in 10 columns and ran at a uniform pace. The momentum was absolutely amazing. The dragons spread their huge wings in the sky and glided leisurely. On the ground, my cavalry brigade was marching in a hurry, and the dust behind them could be seen far away.

It's normal for me to march in such a hurry, but others will envy me if they see it. The greatest advantage of undead is that they don't have endurance. Even a lucky dragon has the ability to reach the bottom of its endurance, but skeletons don't have this kind of setting. Have you ever heard of a tired skeleton? The straight distance between duling and Eisinger is not short. Under normal circumstances, cavalry can't run all at once, but my cavalry are all skeletons, and other demons and servants don't care about the distance because of their high level!

I'm so lucky to sleep in the sunshine. If it is not for the body injury can not be treated, it must be more perfect! Suddenly I think that we should let the eagle send people to intercept the Dark Goddess team. In case they arrive just in time to attack the city, the trouble will be great! Quickly connect the video private chat, the result Hawk is not in, had to change to contact rose.

"Husband, what's wrong with your face?" Rose asked as soon as she saw my face in the video communication.

"It's OK!"

"Nothing? They're all pigs, and they say it's OK! " My eyes are purple now. My nose is red like a clown. There are several long claw marks on my face. My right face is swollen like steamed bread. It is not like nothing to say!

"Nothing really! Now listen, there's something important for you to do! "

"Say it

"Then send someone to contact Arni's team immediately. If they can arrive before the siege, let them as soon as possible. If they can't arrive before the siege, let them stop first and let them come after the siege is over! Don't force the system to take control of all nearby monsters, and then they will join the Siege

"If you don't say it, we really didn't think of it!" Rose remembered this terrible thing.

"By the way, you'd better let purple moon go! If it's really too late, let ziyue bring me some cannons first, and then we'll talk about it again! "

"Why don't you come back soon?"

"What's the use of going back?"

"You have so many demons. You can bring more guns back!"

"Just let them go on their own, I don't have to. You let ziyue wait, I will let those who can carry things go back first! "


Hurry to order lucky landing, although not very comfortable, but for the sake of singer's safety, I quickly changed to night shadow's body. Three giant dragons plus tanks, little dragon women and Xiaofeng were pulled out by me, and then ADINA was discharged as coordinator. "You can go to isinger as soon as possible, follow purple moon's command, and help me to carry some guns back!"

"Don't worry, boss." ADINA jumped on the crystal's head. "Let's go

A few large magic pets quickly disappeared in the sky, although the cavalry have been running very fast, but under normal circumstances, the leg is not always as fast as with wings, isn't it (night shadow is a special case)!

Flying in the sky, I didn't feel that until I got to the ground, I knew that the sound of 5000 heavy riding was like thunder. Because the pace was too neat, every time the horse's hooves landed like an earthquake. It's normal for troops to be neat, but it's unusual for 5000 cavalry to run at one pace. After all, horses are not so obedient!

Ling and amenis were placed on the empty mount of the Demon Knight. Weina and I rode together. I asked her about something. "Vena, you just said your attack has a curse effect. Can't you remove it yourself?"


"Of course I can lift it!" Her answer surprised me.

"You can get rid of it. Why didn't you say it earlier and let me ache till now?""I did it on purpose!" Almost fell off the horse!

"Why don't you treat yourself? It's not a conscience upset. You want to suffer with me? "

"When you hit me, you were one of our blood sucking aristocrats, so your attack also has a curse. I don't want you to know that the curse can be lifted, so I didn't ask you to remove the curse!"

Sure enough, you can use it! "Shall we cancel each other now?"

"Not good!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Originally prepared to wait for her to say after the words were hard to hold back to go back, but choked themselves! "Why?"

"Angry to see you! I just want you to be hurt

Well, you wicked woman, you are now sealed with magic power. When you come to my territory, some of you will suffer! I think so, but I can't say that. "Shall we make peace? I will repay you in the future, and I will never bully you again! "

"You are thinking that I am a vicious woman. I have no ability now that my magic power is sealed. You can bully me when you are in your territory, aren't you?"

"How do you know?" Regret to give their own slap, actually told the truth!

"You don't have to hide me. My blood is flowing in your body. No matter what you think, I can feel it at the same time! It's called blood contract, you know? So you don't want to cheat me in the future. Of course, if you can cheat yourself, I have no way to know! "

"It's not fair! Why do you know what I think, but I don't know what you think? "

"Because you are my servant, and my blood contract with you is a master-slave relationship. I have control over you, but you can't do anything to me

"What if I want to develop my own servants?"

"Just bite her!" Vena answered casually, then suddenly jumped up to run, but I still caught her.

I just heard the news after the first phase is to bite her, of course, she immediately felt, but slow reaction! I've long wanted to take a bite of that beautiful pink neck. I just got the chance! Accurate one hit, sharp fangs pierced her pink neck, the feeling of lip contact with the smooth skin made me extremely excited!

Maybe after becoming a vampire constitution, blood sucking has become a skill. I can finish it automatically as long as I start it. The wound on my body actually healed after blood sucking! Strange or vampires are so hard to beat, the original they have a quick way to recover the body! After the blood sucking, my fangs automatically sent some of my blood into her body to complete the anti control operation. Vina in her arms was already weak against me. "How do you feel?"

"I won't give in!" She had an air of resistance to the end.

"Ha ha ha ha! Don't make unnecessary struggle! This is your own blood contract

"So what, we have each other's blood contract, so the control is relative, you can't control my action!"

"I didn't want to use this to control you!" I laugh bad on purpose. "It's just putting us back on the starting line, and I'm going to solve the problem by force."

"You...!" Vena's suddenly relaxed body leans against me. "Well! I do! Fortunately, your chest is still very warm. It should be a good destination in the future

Under normal circumstances, I should be moved, but I hear another voice in my heart. "Please him first, and then try to do it later!" The girl is still thinking of resisting. I straightened her up. "Remember that I can hear your thoughts in the future."

"Hum!" Vena, who was found out by me, just snorted angrily.

"Your weakness is that you don't know how to do business with others. Although your strength is strong, you still don't seal it for 8000 years. You can see how failed you are! You have to learn to talk to people instead of ordering them. " I put my wrist up in front of her and she looked back at me in surprise. "Suck! Does the wound on you hurt

"Woo...!" Without omen, Weina suddenly let go and burst into tears. Fortunately, there were dead spirits nearby. There was no reaction at all, otherwise I would be embarrassed! She turned around and beat me hard on the chest, almost missing my internal injury. "You hate it! Ooh! What's so good for me! I have no relatives, no friends, no one to worry about, I even have no home! Wuwuwu...! " She said while sobbing, "I was invincible, even if I was sealed, in fact, I have no loss, the gods do not have the ability to do what to me! But you give me weakness! I can't leave you now. What should I do if you are not here one day? "

"Silly girl! Ah...! " I wanted to comfort her, but I was bitten on my arm! This girl can pick the time! When she had enough, I solemnly said: "in fact, a person who wants to be strong does not necessarily need how strong her own strength is, as long as she knows how to exchange. Just like me and the dark temple. The dark temple couldn't beat the light temple. It has been in a defensive state for many years, but the light temple and I are far from it. But we learned to exchange. I use my special combat events to gain time, and then use my time to exchange help with the dark temple. The dark temple helped me defend the city, and I helped them defeat the temple of light"What can I exchange? You have everything I have! If I had been able to push mountains and fill the sea and level the city with one finger, but now I'm only a little better than an ordinary mage. At most, hand to hand combat is OK. What can I exchange? "

"Your knowledge!" It's my specialty to give full play to the surplus value of others. "I believe in your theory of magic. Your own magic power is sealed, but what about that? Can you bring your apprentice? Isn't it nice to be a Mage at my Eisinger? Later you will teach all kinds of magic skills, or write skill books. By the way, if you write your skills into books, can others learn them? "


Ha ha! I didn't expect to pick up a living treasure that can create skills! "That's good. I'll hire you to be isenger's chief wizard! What's more, those magic weapons originated from the black magic in the dark temple are very powerful. I wonder if you can make them? "

"Not before! However, since they are all black magic, research should be possible! "

I hope she can! Then I don't have to find the dark temple to buy magic props, and then I can sell them to the public!

"By the way, I think of a way to help you!" Vena suddenly exclaimed with excitement.

"What method?"

"I have a way to raise your level of steeds

Is it the way the prince said! "Tell me about it!"

"These are ordinary skeleton warriors, but if we use the blood of our vampires to infiltrate them, we can add some aura to them and let them upgrade to 50 levels to become dark cavalry."

"Let's do it quickly, then?"

"Not now! Too weak for me! Wait until you get to your city! "

"No problem!" Now vena is a baby, and she must not be exhausted. In the future, her important task can be included in the plan of making money. Now I'm tired and can't do it!

From the moment I completely moved Wiener, the relationship between the two of us quickly warmed up, the two people chatted excitedly. Because Vina hasn't been out for a long time, I often stop to show her the flowers and plants nearby, and as a result, we fall back to the bottom of the team!

Just after showing her a small lake, she wanted to catch up with the large army, but found that the cavalry in front of her suddenly stopped. I don't have to look at it. I know something must have happened, so I stopped. But what can happen? Such a large group of cavalry will not be robbed? What's the difference between a fool standing in front of a 5000 heavy horse and saying that I drive this mountain?

I quickly let the night shadow quickly with us to run past, far away to see a demon knight ran to me. The goblin Knight lost his head in front of us, and when we ran past him, he made great efforts to catch up with us.

"What happened? Why stop? "

That spirit Knight respectfully way: "return to master, subordinate also don't know what situation! The speed was too fast just now. We only saw a dark shadow flash. Later, it seems that there is something else. But you know, the sound of horse hooves is so terrible that we don't hear anything clearly! Later, the cavalry stopped by themselves, and we turned back to see what had happened! Captain Scott has gone to deal with it

"I see. Let's go too." I ran to the side of the cavalry with the goblin knight. Let the cavalry separate and we entered the ranks. Although arrived at the scene, but the situation in front of me was a little confused. I didn't know what happened for a while! Scott was there, as if inquiring about what had happened, and I quickly dismounted and walked over.

I haven't left any questions for a long time. Guess why the cavalry stopped! Tip: that Demon Knight's words are of great research value! , the fastest update of the webnovel!