Starting from Zero

Chapter 210

The excited crowd didn't care about the wrestling. Everyone got up and said, "I ok How much is it? " Although I have a lot of younger brothers, it's not a good idea to fight against the NPC of city defense!

"20 crystal coins!" Fortunately, the system city is not as black as the player city!

After paying the fine, we left the Shencheng area with our staff, but we did not leave far away, but stopped outside the activity scope of NPC outside the city. "Pioneers!" There was a big hole in the ground, and the pioneers came out of the ground, followed by a large number of crystal demon beetles.

My meaning is very clear, Du Ling must be under the holy city anyway. Since I can't find the entrance, I'll just dig one myself! Let the pioneers make a big hole in the nearby forest and let us go down, and then dig all the way to the underground of Shencheng. Because the underground cave is too large to take time, so I didn't let everyone in. Several giant dragons were left outside and blocked the exit. The trailblazer was about the size of a large bus, so his road was just right for cavalry.

It turned out that I was right, and soon we came across a brick wall, which was made entirely of bluestone, hard and solid. Scott took the Demon Knight with his spear to pry a stone slab out of the wall. I don't know if digging the foot of the wall means our work now!

"Do you know who the skeleton is?"

Ling said: "I don't know! The seal sword is a reward given by the dark temple to the outstanding necromancer or black mage. Although the conditions are very strict, we have issued more than 300 pieces before and after, so we don't know who this is! But I'm sure that this is a very powerful mage. Ordinary mages can't get this sword! "

"Do you know this thing?" I found a pendant on the chest of the skeleton, which is quite unique in shape.

"This is...!" Lingkan was stunned!

Amenis took it and looked at it. "Isn't this a valiant Knight Pendant of the dark temple? Is he

"I'm afraid so!" Ling's voice was very low: "this should be the most famous genius of the dark temple, Prince Ogan!"

I watched her waiting for further explanation. Ling took the pendant back to the skeleton and then saluted her. Then she took the arm back and said to me, "he is the genius of the dark temple, Prince Ogan. He should have inherited the dark temple to become the dark god, but he suddenly disappeared and made the temple confused. Later, he had no choice but to take over the temple instead of me! He is the most dazzling star of the dark forces. In addition to being a swordsman, he is also a super mage master of the dark arts. In the history of the dark temple, he was only given a knight pendant and a black mage seal sword at the same time! I didn't expect to meet him here! "

"No! Aren't you surprised that Du Ling hasn't heard from him for so long? "

"Du Ling is originally a forbidden area. It's normal that there is no contact. Who always runs to the forbidden area without any problems?"

"Look this way!" ADINA suddenly called for us. I quickly ran over, it turned out to be another body! Wait, body! It's been dusty for thousands of years, and the dead have turned into skeletons, but there's a corpse here!

This is a mage. He's hunched up and holding something. I was about to turn him over when I was caught. Scott looked at me and shook his head. "This man has been applied with the technique of exploding corpse and eternal imprisonment. This is a trap commonly used in the dark temple. My previous team often did it. Sacrificing the corpse of a dead companion can pull more than a dozen enemies on the back. It's a very practical technique!"

"It's not his position Ling used to be the goddess of darkness. She knew all these things.

Scott was not sure: "maybe it was to make the enemy turn over the corpse to make him look like this."

I asked everyone to go back to a far away place, and then threw the Dragon tendon rope to hang the corpse and pull it aside. Bang! Sure enough, it blew up, but not the body, but what was under the body. A cloud of red fog flew out and then disappeared.

"Soul lock array?" Ling couldn't believe to clean up the ground under his feet. Sure enough, there was a strange symbol there.

Before I could react, I could see the deep eyes of the skeletons on the roadside. Two bright red lights appeared in the middle of them. Then all the skeletons began to react. There was a clatter of bones around, and skeletons buried in the dust stood up one after another, including the prince!

In addition to the skeletons around us, there was a huge sound in the distance indicating that a troop of skeletons was approaching us, and my cavalry immediately retreated with me. The forces of the two sides quickly separated from the camp, and the hostile skeletons lined up in front of us. Each skull's eye socket was flashing with a terrible red light. The guy called the prince is standing opposite me. He seems to be the leader of the skull army, because all the other skeletons are arrayed behind him, only he is standing outside.

"Prepare for defense!" Scott called out, and the cavalry behind drew out their epee.

One of the skeletons in the opposite side turned around and yelled something. Then the skeletons also raised their weapons and made ready to rush up at any time!Seeing the atmosphere getting tense, I quickly raised a hand. "Wait, wait! Misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding I turned around and said, "take off your helmets The cavalry and goblin cavalry in the back immediately took off their helmets. The goblin knights were nothing, but the appearance of those cavalry immediately let the skeleton army lay down their weapons. "We are all undead. Do we value harmony?"

Ling also came up. "Prince Ogan? Do you remember me? "

"Are you the little princess of the borriel family?"

Ling followed a standard lady etiquette and nodded. "I changed my name. Now my name is Ling!"


The prince's seniority is obviously older than Ling. He accepted the salute but didn't return it! "The girl in the back is amenis, isn't it? You were so tall when I left! " The prince was about one meter two high.

Emmenez came out and saluted, "Hello, your highness!"

"Yes! It's so big! Things are different from people! " Prince Ogan looked at me and said, "make your helmet smaller too!"

I don't want to offend this old monster. Anyone who is awed by the Dark Goddess must be on the super monster! Quickly put the helmet off, and then slightly bow salute. "Hello!"

"It's good to grow up. What family are you from? Why don't I remember you? "

Ling hastened to explain: "he is a new aristocrat, just joined the dark forces, because of his superior strength, so the dark forces are generally optimistic."

"Yes! The future generations are formidable The old monster turned back and waved: "go back to your post and clean up the city!" The skeletons in the back immediately scattered and went to their own business. "You come with me!"

I quickly ordered the cavalry to help with the cleaning, and only the goblin knights and demons came along. The prince took us to a huge building that looked like a medieval castle. After entering the castle, I found that it was very clean. Different from the city, there was no dust here! Perhaps seeing my doubts, the prince explained, "there is a constant automatic cleaning magic here!"

A heavy door was easily pushed open by the prince. There was a huge library inside. No, it was a study. The difference is that there are a little more books here! The whole room is the size of two basketball courts, and a circle of bookshelves is placed along the wall in the seven or eight meter high room. These bookshelves with the ceiling are so huge, but this is not the most surprising to me. The strangest thing is the books on them. A room full of books are actually black magic skills books! Those books wrapped in black cover have a gilded six pointed star surrounded by a ring on the cover, which can be regarded as a luxury package, which makes people think that this is a work of art rather than a book!

The Prince did not say anything to me when I read his book. He went around the red hardwood desk and sat down in the back seat. "Well, now let's talk about it."

I quickly put the book back in place and walked over. Ling and emmenez have found their own seats to sit down. The goblin knight and other non-human demons are outside the gate. Goblin Knight also very clever to bring the door! "Your Highness! In fact... "

The prince didn't let me go on. "I know what you're doing here! We have only one job here for so long, and that is to guard the blood pool. Each time the dark temple sends people to come, there is only one job, that is to use the blood pool to prompt strength! But I'm afraid you'll be disappointed this time! "

"Why?" Ling is more responsive than I am!

"It's not that I don't listen to the orders of the dark temple, it's just...!"

"What is the reason?"

"It's just that the blood pool is dry!"

"What? Is the blood pool dry? " Ling and I were scared. "What do you mean by doing it?"

"Dry is dry, not a drop of blood!"

"But how can the blood pool dry?" Ling didn't seem to believe it. "Isn't there a magic array in the blood pool? Why did it dry up? "

"Didn't you see us all lying on the ground when you first came in?"


"That was it! The army of the temple of light found the entrance to the governor, and they rushed in. The blood pool was poured into barrels of holy water by more than a dozen holy angels. As a result, the holy water and blood water immediately began to volatilize, and there was no drop left in the whole blood pool in a few minutes! "

"Isn't it?" I'm totally dizzy!

"Although the warden's guard resisted to the end, we were not as numerous as the temple of light. Finally, we were all defeated. The blood pool was not saved, and we almost lost all our troops! Later, we had no choice but to use a rather dangerous black magic - space silence! The temple of light has destroyed the blood pool and doesn't want to die with us, so we didn't fight to the end, but retreated directly. So we suppressed it when the magic was about to be completed and didn't let it take effect! That's why all our troops fell into the city when you came here! "Ling sighed: "your body?"

"It's too long. It's rotten! But it's nothing! We are all undead. It's not a big problem if we don't have a physical body! "

"Can you take us to the blood pool?" Ling asked questions.

"Good!" The prince immediately led us to the blood pool.

The blood pool is in the basement under the castle, which is not hidden. Open the basement gate in the middle of the yard and go directly through a long step to the basement. Down the steps is a huge stone gate, there are two piles of broken stones beside the stone gate, it looks very discordant!

The prince said: "these two piles are Demon Stone ghosts guarding the blood pool, but they have been purified by light magic!" Then he pushed the door, but it seemed that the door was too heavy to open. "It used to be the work of gargoyles. The door is too thick!"

I quickly let the goblin knight to help, the result plus me, 12 people did not make the stone gate move a cent! In the end, I asked Scott to call in dozens of guards to come in, and then I pushed the stone door through a small crack that could barely pass!

Inside the door is a huge How to put it? bathhouse? fountain? That's what it looks like anyway. A huge circular pool, with a radius of more than 20 meters and a depth of more than one meter, has a horrible statue in the center. It was a 5-meter-tall devil with a weak female angel in his hand. The angel is carried upside down. The devil holds her feet in one hand and her headless body in the other hand. In the other hand, she holds her hair and her head which has been separated from her body. Although the pool is very large, there is not even a drop of liquid in it now

the king said: "originally, the blood in the blood pool can just submerge the base of the statue of the great devil. The blood will be absorbed by the magic sealing array painted at the bottom of the pool, and then sent into the statue. After being demonized by the evil devil statue, it spurts out from the angel's neck and flows into the pool! Now that the blood is dry, we don't know what to do! "

"What kind of blood is there?" As long as you are not mentally retarded, you should know what I want to do!

The prince is no exception: "do you want to re inject blood?"

"Yes I nodded for sure. "Tell me what I need. I'm a rag collector!"

The prince shook his head and said, "you can't collect so much! This blood pool needs blood and water, not just killing one or two animals! "

"Then I'll go and pull back the whole herd of bison on on the grassland. Is it not a small idea to fill this pool?"

"But cow blood is useless!"

"What kind of blood would be useful?"

"See that statue?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Do you know what that means?"

I shook my head. Lingbang Prince replied: "angels represent purity and holiness, demons represent filth and evil! The blood and water in the blood pool is such a complex mixture. The pool is filled with pure human virgin blood or female Angel blood. At the same time, we also need the blood of the devil to demonize these pure blood. Because the blood of angels and virgins is very pure, it is very troublesome to demonize these blood. The only way is to add the same amount of devil's blood. According to the volume of the pool, we need about 20000 pure blood and at least 1000 demon blood! "

"You mean I'm going to get 20000 female players to come and bleed?"

"Not only that!" Ling added: "it's not good to look bad! It's not a virgin, no! You can't have a bad character! It's not for Terrans and angels

"How about a few less and more water?"

"The concentration of blood and water determines the effectiveness of the blood pool. If you dilute the blood and water, the effect will decrease in equal proportion."

Shit! The female players who meet the above criteria are basically rare women. Such people must be numerous pursuers. If I really catch 20000 people, their pro Wei Group will surely break through the 100000 mark. I'm afraid my life will not be saved by then!

"Is there any other way?"

"Yes! But it's even more impossible! " The prince gave a very strange answer.

I went to the doctor in a hurry. "Tell me?"

"You'd better not listen. It's in vain anyway!"

"Well, you told me! Maybe you think I can do something about it? "

"If you have a way, I'll change my name to idiot."

"Say it

"Another way is to inject a lot of water first, and then pour the purest goddess of light's blood into the pool. At the same time, we need to demonize the blood of our great dark goddess. For the big devil, the blood of the goddess is too strong, so we must use the blood of the Dark Goddess to demonize it!"

I nodded. "It's just like saying it or not! If I have the ability to draw the goddess of light to bleed, I don't need to upgrade with blood pool! "

Finally, I still left the blood pool with everyone depressed, there is no use value here! The requirement of injecting blood into the blood pool is too high, and there is no possibility of completion at all!When he was ready to leave, the prince suddenly said, "in fact, there is a way to improve the strength of your troops, but this method needs you to suffer a little bit! What's more, this method can only improve the strength of those skeleton cavalry, which is useless for your 10 subordinates

"Can you upgrade cavalry? How much can it be strengthened? "

"Grade 50!"

"Grade 50? that's enough! Tell me what to do? "

"It's easy! You can come with me, but you have to bear the pain The prince still seems to be worried about my condition, but in order to upgrade, what is the pain.

"Good! I see! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!