Starting from Zero

Chapter 208

Xiaoyao Dao Dao said: "the progress is still fast, and urban defense is not a problem. However, because the city is too large, we have focused on the construction of defense facilities and military access. Now most of the unfinished projects are civil facilities, so there's no problem if we don't finish it! By the way, the eagle also asked us to deliberately not complete some of the buildings, thinking that the system has bugs, the unfinished buildings are invincible, there is no way to destroy them, as long as we do not complete, even if the enemy invades, we will have no loss! But the defense building must be completed, because if it is not completed, we will not be able to use it! "


At this time, the eagle came in, "Eagle! Have you heard from the army of the dark temple? "

"The people who went to contact have already met the troops of the dark temple. The vast and powerful team is still beside the Linchuan lake. It is still three days away from us! It's Thursday today. It's estimated that the monsters will not be able to catch up with them, but this is not a problem, as long as they can arrive before the temple of light washes the city. Anyway, the dragon clan has been wandering in the nearby mountains. When the monster attacks the city, we don't even need to fight. The dragon clan can help us solve the problem! "

"Wait!" Su Mei in my arms suddenly interrupted: "do you still have dragon protection?"

"Yes! What are you doing? "

Su Mei said, "is it your favorite?"

"No!" I shook my head: "we have reached an agreement, the dragon people help us to guard the city!"

Su Mei immediately shook her head and said, "let them go! You don't know what's going on with monsters? "

"Do you know?"

"Of course I know! Did you forget that I was in another guild before I joined your frost rose League? I'm all here, sisters

"Then why should we drive the dragon people away?"

"Because you don't drive them away, they will attack together when the monster attacks the city!"

"Why?" I asked with the eagle, Su Mei's words are undoubtedly a heavy bomb. If she really like what she said, it's OK. If we don't use the temple of light to attack, we will be wiped out!

Su Mei knew that it was impossible not to explain, so she said: "monster siege is not simply to refresh a batch of monsters to attack the player's city to test the player's defense ability. Except for the temporarily refreshed monsters, all non Player Owned NPC monsters passing through this area will participate in the attack after the siege begins! I heard that there were players guarding the city, and suddenly a passing dragon joined the siege team! "

I believe Sumei won't cheat me. She is a child prodigy. Her understanding is different from that of ordinary children. She should not make fun of such things. "Eagle, you send someone to rule the dragon. Stay away from here as soon as possible, and come back when the monster attack is over!" As soon as the eagle was about to run out, I stopped him. "Forget it, you'd better stay and command! It would be better if I went there myself

After leaving Sumei to continue to design the city's architectural drawings, I ran out of the hall of political affairs. Quickly contact with soul contact and luck, let him come back to pick me up. Originally busy, luck flew back immediately and jumped on his reserve commander. He flew to the mountain where the dragons are now stationed!

Finally, the Dragon King explained this matter with the Dragon King. The Dragon King immediately took a large number of giant dragons to the north. They said that they just happened to go to the Dragon Canyon to offer sacrifices to the dead dragons. Originally, I wanted to go there. Unfortunately, time is not allowed. It's more than 10 o'clock now. It's time to go offline. The report of B1 should be here!

After offline, I went to the canteen of the base for a meal. The new cook didn't even know me. When I eat on the table, he talks to me (the dining table in the base canteen is similar to the bar in a bar, and the chef stands behind the bar). "Young man, is he from the B1 army?" The chef looks like he's in his sixties and his hair is silver white.

I didn't admit it or deny it. "Where do you judge that I am B1?"

"You eat like!"

I looked up at him with a piece of chicken in my mouth. "Spit God Lu!"

"Ah? What? " The chef didn't hear me!

I tried to swallow my mouth. "I say you are too clever? Can you tell that? "

"Oh! What's the matter! I am the old group of Longyuan mercenary's cooking class. I have been cooking in the army for more than 20 years. Later, I was transferred to the Chongqing base experimental area of Longyuan as a cook for 20 years. This time, I was dropped here. I'm afraid I will go to Yama's place next time! "

"What does it have to do with knowing who I am?"

"It's a big deal!" The spirit of the old man came. "Every time I finish cooking, I like to watch people eat. When the boys are happy, I'm happy! If you look at it for more than 10 years, you can see what people eat and what they look like! "

I'm interested. "What's the difference between these people

"First of all, it depends on the dress. Clothes can roughly distinguish people. Your combat uniform is obviously for the army. Look at the time. It's 10 o'clock. Breakfast is early, and lunch is not yet there. The guards outside the base eat in the canteen outside the base, which only serves the personnel inside the base. Although the confidential security guards in the base are also troops, they have to eat according to the point. Every time they are in the whole team, you are alone. There are only two kinds of people in the base who don't eat according to the order. One is the researcher and the twenty secret service unit. Researchers usually come by themselves when they are hungry, and they eat very little. Your clothes also indicate that you are not a researcher. There are a lot of secret service troops in the base, but only B1 can eat so much of you. It is said that B1 are biochemical people, and their physical strength is hundreds of times that of normal people. Therefore, the consumption is amazing. You asked me for seven food at a time. If it's not B1, who can eat it"I admire you It seems that any kind of work can produce talents after a long time. The chef is not an ordinary person any more!

The old man said with a smile, "when I was a child, I saw many martial arts works. The great swordsmen in them are the masters who break the white blade with empty hands. How do you compare with them?"

I picked up a glass next to me with a smile. I grasped the strength and smashed it on the ground. The glass clattered and bounced again. I caught it with one hand. "Well, this is the toughened glass of the restaurant. It can't be broken."

"Yes The old man nodded.

I grabbed the edge of the cup and pulled it to both sides. Bang! The cup split in two. "The martial arts in martial arts novels are all fake. I'm real. In fact, I don't have any skills, that is, brute force. But don't try. It's not good to strain your muscles. My cells are fortified, not like normal people. "

The old man nodded at first, but immediately shook his head. "No, Chinese martial arts are not fake, there are really masters!"

"I know! There is no lack of research on Longyuan. Those Samurai are able to improve the lethality of human beings, which is basically equivalent to giving full play to human potential. But to be honest, martial arts are of little use besides being a body-building exercise! "


"Who said that!" The old chef seems to adore those great swordsmen, and his face is red with anger. "The man I know is very good! A dozen young men in the army can't get close to him! "

I turned and pointed to the expired notice on the wall opposite the restaurant. "Did you see that notice?"


The old man only felt a flower in front of him. I had a notice in my hand. There was nothing on the wall there. "I'm not a great Xia's. I ran to tear it off and came back. No skill, just fast. Do you think that man can beat me? I'm afraid he has a problem seeing me, right? Even if the master can fight with me, he has no way to take me. My muscles and bones are not the level of ordinary people. Even if a normal person has a martial arts worker, he is an individual after all. There is a limit to the strength of human muscles and bone hardness. The strength level that can hurt me is far beyond the limit of normal human body. That is to say, if the master can hit enough to hurt me, he will tear his muscles and smash his bones! By any means, you can't expect to crash a tank with a bicycle, can you? This is the limit problem. Martial arts can give full play to the ultimate ability of the human body. Unfortunately, the ultimate ability of a person is much lower than that of the B1 army! Most importantly, B1 can replicate without restriction. Now the technology of Longyuan is very mature. If we need it, we can make 100 Superman in a day. What about martial arts? Training a master in 50 years? Is it time? "

I interrupted what the old man wanted to say. "Isn't Longyuan in the process of popularizing Chinese martial arts? Taijiquan will soon become the standard morning exercise in Chinese schools, and basic self-defense will become the main item in physical education. However, when it comes to war, it's better to use artificial people! You can't hide from snipers, can't you? We people can't die with one shot or two! "

In the end, I still failed to convince the old man, and of course he failed to convince me. Finally, I want to leave, he gave me a contact address and a person's name, said what to find this person to compare a game to know whether Wushu is useful! I didn't take it seriously and put it up.

After waiting for a long time to report to the intelligence room, I finally turned the swivel chair and looked at the window with my back to the door. This is underground. The so-called floor to ceiling window is actually a display screen, which simulates the landscape in the wild, which makes people mistakenly think that they are in a house in the beautiful scenery area. Looking at this virtual beauty in a daze, I seem to have something in my mind, but I can't grasp it!

The door was suddenly opened and a strange man came in. The man was in a white suit and had a PDA in his hand. At first glance, he is a woman at first sight, but it's wrong to look at it carefully. He has a Adam's apple! Is it a man?

Perhaps seeing my doubts, the other side said, "I'm 0039 intelligence officer of Longyuan military intelligence office. Don't be surprised at my appearance. My situation is the same as that of you."

"Oh! Understand He is a man who looks like a woman too much, but I'm more and more like a man with the blessing of B13! "What's the matter? Is B1 finished? "

"Oh, no! In fact, they are a few civilians who clamour for the release of Feng Wei, Lin Fan and Ouyang ChuChu! "

"What do you mean? Why do you ask me about this? You can do it yourself! "

"But there is a spy among these people!" The agent put the PDA on my desk and pushed it to me. "Her name is Li Mingyu. She was born in China with Chinese parents. After our investigation, it has been confirmed that her parents are latent spies. She has received spy training since she was a child. She went to Japan to study for a period of time and just came back! "

I just looked at the pictures. "Where are the people now?""They are protesting outside the base! There are thousands of people, and there are reporters behind them! "

"How could there be so many people?"

"Ouyang ChuChu is a part-time lecturer of Feiyang college. Because he is beautiful, he is very popular with students! Most of the students coming this time are from Feiyang college! Because there are too many students, we can't decide! You are the chief officer of the base now, so I come to discuss with you! "

"They are prepared to come." I jumped out of my seat. "Let's go out and have a look!"

When I got to the gate of the base, I thought I was in another country! A large group of people stood outside the isolation net of the base. Although the number of protestors was only over 300, the number of reporters behind was more than 400! Fortunately, the base is in the outskirts of the city, and within a few kilometers around it has been turned into no man's land, so there are no onlookers!

I went to the gate, and the soldiers of the two teams of security forces quickly came over with their guns, afraid that something would happen to me! I look at the soldiers on both sides and the guns waving. "All quit and close the insurance. These are students. What are you going to do? The person who provokes the incident is to hope that we can kill a few students in conflict! You all close the insurance for me, and the muzzle of the gun is facing the sky Turning to the garage on both sides of the entrance to the base, he called out, "pull out two defenders!" Defender is a kind of quadruped electric tank, because it is fully computer-controlled, so there will be no problem such as misfire. No matter how elite the soldiers are, they will also have the problem of firing their guns, but the computer will not! At least less than people!

The barbed wire gate outside the base slowly opened to both sides, and the crowd who had been holding a sign immediately began to pour into the interior of the base. With a wave of my hand, the two defenders grabbed the barrier next to me and opened it, isolating people in front of them to keep the team from going deep.

I walked over and stood over the chest - high barrier, raised my hands to show silence, but it didn't seem to work! "Defender! Electromagnetic interference begins to cover all bands! " I don't know if the reporters' cameras have the function of live broadcast, and the video tape is easy to track, but if someone is broadcasting, it will be troublesome! After waiting for three seconds to confirm that the blocking signal had started, he pulled a long gun from the rear of the soldier, pulled the shield off, and then swept it into the sky until the bullet finished and the sound of kaka kaka was heard. What just came from the soldier's hand was long yuan's individual heavy fire gun. When there was no shelter, the sound was loud and frightening, and the people who demonstrated all held their heads and squatted down. This is the characteristics of the students, full of blood, but nothing experienced, a row of gunfire scared a piece. In contrast, the reporters behind are much more powerful, although most of them are scared to get down, but still have to hold up the camera to shoot, but the reporter does not want to die is famous, very normal!

I throw the gun back to the soldier in the back. "Load up!" Then he said to the humanitarians outside: "now you are all quiet and listen to me! I know what you mean

"Then you can let people go quickly!" A woman stood up, and I recognized at a glance that this was the spy. When she called, the people next to her cried out, and the scene tended to be chaotic again!

I raised my hand again to show silence, but it still had no effect. It seems that the face of machine gun is big! "Defender! Ready to shoot Next to the two defenders above the eight six barrel rotating machine guns began to start, the motor driven gun barrel quickly rotating, issued a whine sound. I raised a hand: "point and aim!" Eight machine guns immediately began to move with my arm, my fingers slowly fell forward, the machine gun also moved with me, as if it was connected with my arm! If it's right for the protestors to be quiet in front of them, I'd like to put the gun out of the front!

"Do you know who you are asking for release?"

"It's our teacher!" This time the voice was very neat, and it was over immediately.

"But do you know her spare time life?"

"Teacher Ouyang is a good man!" A boy of my age yelled out. It seems that he is inclined to love his teacher!

"I don't know if she's a good person, but she's a traitor!" The next suddenly burst the nest, but fortunately, a microphone was handed over from behind. This time, there was no need to shout at the top of my voice! Have the defender turn off the machine gun and take over the microphone. "You may not believe it, but she is a traitor. I don't know if she is a good person for you, but for the Japanese, she is a good person. You are all college students, I believe that there should be law students, right? Do you know more about the nature and sentencing of treason than I do? Is there any problem with the state detaining her? "

You were quiet for a few seconds: "what is it? So young? You look like a student, we don't want to talk to you! Call the person in charge here! "

"When college students are employed, don't they always complain that the enterprises consider age as the basis of qualification rather than ability? How can you judge me in the same way? In addition, I have come to meet you at a very high standard. If you were not a student, I would not have come to see you at all! "

"And what is your position?" This time is that female spy asked, cover up to is very good!

_________________________________________________________________"What's my position? I don't think it's necessary to tell you? As students, your security level is the civilian class. Go back and study hard. When you enter the Central Intelligence Department, you will know what my position is! "

"Well! Even if you're in charge! Even if it's treason, our teacher can't be arrested by long yuan. Our country has its own armed forces, so we don't need the illegal armed forces of capitalists to deal with things! "

This time I was really asked. Although the identity of Longyuan is a semi public secret, the state has never given us a notice to allow it to be made public! How can I explain that! When I was in trouble, a helicopter flew by. It was from the National Security Bureau! After the plane landed, some old men from the National Security Bureau and the general equipment department came out. "Uncle Wang! Uncle Zhao! How did you come to such a small matter? "

"What's the matter?" Uncle Zhao of the National Security Bureau asked in surprise. "Do you know what we're here for?"

"Ah? You're not here to help me out? "

"What's the solution?" It was Dr. Qian, the person in charge of the Commission of science, technology and industry for national defense! "We are here to discuss things with you! Yo! You are full of excitement here Several old people finally saw the riot outside.

I quickly explained the matter to them. Uncle Zhao of the National Security Bureau came to the front and picked up the microphone. "Students! Everybody be quiet! I'm Zhao Yongle from the National Security Bureau! " Now the following are quiet, news broadcast to see so many times do not know uncle Zhao is a problem! "I know everything just now. Although the Longyuan Group came forward to arrest the traitor, it was ordered by the state. You are all smart children, the hope of the motherland, and I believe that you all know the situation of Longyuan. If it is not convenient for you to know some things, you will not tell you, but you should remember that Longyuan is a capitalist enterprise. I would like to officially announce that Longyuan is a national industry supported by the state, and Longyuan bears the important task of national development and construction! What are you doing here in such a muddle headed way? The normal work that affects Longyuan is to attack the Chinese nation. What are you going to do? You are still college students! Do you know our country's regulations on demonstrations? Have you applied to the public security department? Do you know it's called an illegal assembly? "

It is worthy of the leadership, a few words below there is no voice! I suddenly saw a white dot flash in the crowd. The spy had a gun in his hand! I also don't care what, a flash in front of Uncle Zhao, almost at the same time my shoulder a blood bloom. At the same time I was shot, the female spy's body has been a group of blood, and so on the students and soldiers around her to react, she has fallen in the pool of blood. Fortunately, I arranged more than a dozen snipers, but I didn't find the sniper gun at the moment, and the precision was not very good, so they all hit the body, not the head, otherwise she would not be able to shoot!

I got up and took the guns of the soldiers in the back and jumped over the barrier. The students got out of the way. A bad look actually jumped out and asked me why I shot. As a result, he was pulled down by his classmate and pointed at the gun in the hands of the female spy. He was quiet. I went over to see the spy. She wasn't dead! I saw her hands moving towards her waist, kicking her hands off her stomach, and lifting her broad coat with the head of a gun. It's a bunch of thunder! He took off the belt of the grenade, picked her up and threw her into the wall. Several soldiers put her in.

When I came back to the wall, uncle Zhao took me to the other side and said, "do you see it? Do you know why he can speak for the country? Which one of you has the courage to stand up and block a bullet at a time like this? Would your spies be so arrogant? Don't want to be looked down upon by foreigners, we Chinese should be united first! You are young people, do not understand, this time will not investigate what, go back! Go back and think about what is good for the country

With these words, uncle Zhao helped me into the base. "Xiao Lin! How's your shoulder? Didn't you hurt a bone? "

I smile to wipe off the blood on the shoulder, there is only a red mark below. Uncle Zhao looked at me in surprise. Dr. Qian of the national defense science and Technology Commission was even more surprised. He couldn't even speak smoothly. "You and the body..."

"Ha ha! As you can see, I'm the most successful example of the reinforcement series so far! "

"Isn't plan B1 not stable yet?" Dr. Qian looked at my wound again in surprise. "Does your father dare to experiment with his own son?"

"I'm not B1, it's B13!"

"What? Is that still going on? "

"It stopped, but I don't know why my B13 suddenly works! Now plan B13 is back in action! By the way, what are you doing here? " We have entered the conference room and poured tea for some old men.

"That's it! The countdown to the war against Japan has entered! "

"Has it begun? When does it start? "

Although it is completely soundproof here, uncle Zhao still habitually whispered, "prepare to start three weeks after the start of the national war in the game you are playing!"

"Why is it linked to me?"

"Because your national war will greatly consume Japan's working capital. Even if you can't transfer the money back to China, it's not in Japan at least! You have to be tough. The little girl brought by your father surprised us when she explained the financial bomb to us. We will start to make frictions with Japan when you upset the economic market of Japan. Then we will deliberately make a few small-scale exchanges of fire. In diplomacy, we will be tough and will soon become a full-scale war! The enmity between Japan and us for thousands of years will soon be known! "Uncle Wang of the general assembly department also said: "because of the existence of the United States, our battle with Japan must be determined quickly. Although we are not afraid of the Americans, if they really intervene, we will lose a lot. Therefore, it is better to act quickly and solve Japan within a week. When the Americans are ready, we have finished fighting."


"It's better for you to have a jamming campaign against the United States in the game, disrupting their country's financial markets," said Dr. Qian. In this way, the speed of their troop deployment will be slower! "

"America?" I shook my head: "this is not easy to do! To be honest, it is not easy for Americans to interfere with their market because of their strong economic foundation. "

Dong Dong! When the door rang twice, it opened itself, and the Rose came in. "Good, Uncle Wang! Hello, uncle Zhao! Hello, Dr. Qian! " Rose came. "What are you talking about? Dad asked me to come over and say it's good for you

"Some uncles let us interfere with American finance in the game! I say it's very difficult. After all, Americans have a lot of money. Can the money in the game affect them? "

Rose gave me a moment and said, "don't listen to his nonsense. He is a financial idiot. Americans are not as rich as they think. You don't know the amount of American loans, do you? In fact, after 2000, the United States has become the world's transmission point from the lost city. After rushing out, I asked the Demon Knight to lead the team to the square to wait for me. I went straight to Clark, hoping that he would know the specific location of dulling. Lost City, Eisinger and dulling are the main cities of the dark temple. These three cities have protective zones, which are hard to find without specific instructions Before, I didn't worry to nothing. Now I need strength to defend the city. I don't have time to touch it by myself!

Clark is not here. What's more, when I rushed to the clothing store, I found that even my sister-in-law was not there! Grab the guy in the store. "Do you know where they went?"

The little guy thought for a long time and squeezed out a sentence that almost made me faint. "They went on holiday to the skeleton cave in the death mountains!"

"Then how to get to the mountain and the cave?"

"That place!" "I don't know," he thought

Left the boy, turned around and went to the camp of the lost lock troops, although he is not very familiar with the captain here, ask a way, he should be able to help! As a result, when I rushed to the headquarters of the fanlock army, I got the news that all of them had gone out for training and would not come back until the day after tomorrow. The guard also said that if there was an emergency, he could call the police to call them back! In order to ask a way to cheat them back, I guess even if they know, they will not tell me!

Finally, I hope to find the city Lord directly. Fortunately, I still remember the way!

"Are you going to the governor?" The city Lord asked me in surprise.

"What are you doing? What are you doing with that reaction? Isn't it a dark city like you lost

The city owner shook his head: "any dark city is not as simple as you think. Lost has the best lost lock troops on the mainland, Eisinger has the most powerful defense system in the whole continent, and duling is the most terrifying underground city in the whole continent!"


"Yes! There is no wall for the governor. The whole city is underground. There is only a small door at the entrance, which is still on the ground like the floor. Even if the door doesn't latch, it's not easy for you to lift it! "

"I will solve this problem myself. You just need to tell me the location!"

"All right, then." The city Lord took out a map from the back and gave it to me. "This is the contact map with the specific coordinates of the governor spirit on it!"

I quickly opened the map, almost did not faint! How can Du Ling be in this place! , the fastest update of the webnovel!