Starting from Zero

Chapter 199

"Walls?" Bing Er doesn't know what I mean. She looks at the wall and knocks. "It doesn't sound very thick, about a foot!"

Dark pill also touched his hand against the wall. Along the way, he and I lifted the faucet on my left arm, which revealed a small space, folded up the map and pushed it into it. "This is what I have asked for from my second brother. At that time, I spent two months in the underground labyrinth, and I had to rely on this thing to leave!" The mouth said that the action on the hand was over. After putting the map, he pressed the tap back. With the left hand raised to the front, two eyes of the dragon head on the magic dragon's arm guard suddenly lit up, and the two magic lights came out, forming a holographic map about a meter in front of me. Unlike the map on paper, my map is three-dimensional and can be rotated and enlarged at will. There is a yellow bright spot and four green dots together in the map, and there are many red dots running around these dots.

I explained it to them: "the yellow dot is me, the green one is the team member with me, which is the four of you. These red dots are the monsters that attack us. If there are other players, they will be displayed in blue. But in addition to my own, other things can only show a certain range! You only see these red dots because only these monsters are close to us, and those beyond the distance are not shown! "

Big pot rice curiously hugged my arm guard and said, "boss, you still have this thing! How advanced! Why didn't you use it before? "

"It's a dedicated system for crypts and buildings, and if there's no map, only the path you're going through."

"That's not true."

Bing Er suddenly pointed to a high-speed moving red dot in the hologram and said, "what is this?"

"It's a monster. It seems to be coming towards us! What is this! How fast! Be careful, everyone. We're here for guests

Before the voice fell, I heard the roaring sound from the tunnel in the distance. I felt that something was coming! Everyone is holding on to their weapons and looking at the corner of the tunnel ahead. Suddenly, the head of a monster approaches the horn of a bull. It's very big. It looks like it's not much smaller than a bull. It's got claws on all its limbs, and its muscles are bulging and it looks very strong. The strangest thing is that it has a team of wings on its back! It flew out of the curve, kicked its feet on the wall, immediately defused the impact, and then quickly rushed towards us. Tens of meters away, in a twinkling of an eye to reach the front!

Rose vine suddenly came out from under the ground, but it's a pity that the monster's speed is too fast, and the tentacles of the rose vine are empty! Seeing the monster rush in, bing'er suddenly stands in front of us, hands extend forward, and a crystal wall with bright light appears in front of us. With a dull thump, the monster bumped into the crystal wall and was bounced back. At the same time, the crystal wall was smashed into stars. Bing'er was injured and shaken open for a long time. It's very powerful!

"Rose, rescue!" Immediately ran to ice. Daguofan and I quickly stood in the middle of the road to block the intersection. The monster got up from the ground and shook his head. Obviously, it was also knocked out! However, the monster's physical fitness is obviously much better than bing'er, and it soon recovered. After giving us a throat, it rushed up again. I turned into a werewolf, ready to resist its power, but it didn't choose me! Maybe his intuition told him that I was not easy to bully, so he went straight to the pot.

A flash monster rolled out from our side and hugged big pot rice. Rose Eye quickly pulled ice to the wall, and big pot rice and the monster rolled past them. The two guys quickly scuffled into a ball and rolled to the corner on the other side. Our sight was blocked. We could only hear the shouting of the rice pot and the voice of the monster. About ten seconds later, the sound suddenly stopped. He stood up on the wall and walked out with his thumb. A big pot of rice waved. "That's a small thing! Watch the back

I saw panic in his eyes, but when I looked back, I saw a huge monster head rushing towards me. Oh! A scream, the monster with an unknown sharp weapon, askew back to one side, dark pill from my side to walk out. "When you speak, you'd better pay attention to your back!"

I raised my hand and fired a crossbow at the monster and sent it back to the West. "Thank you for your help!"

"I was a member of the team. I should have done it! We'd better hurry up! "

I opened the map again. Bing Er pointed to a room and said, "this is the destination."

"Well, we are still far away."

"Let's go Rose holding some virtual ice first walked out.

With the guidance of holographic map, the road is much easier to go, and the most important thing is that we can predict the general location of the monster 500 meters in advance, so that we will not be caught by the monster! But to tell the truth, there are few monsters in the tunnel, and the density is very low. Basically, you can meet a group of 351 monsters when you go far away, and the level is not very high! Are the more troublesome monsters concentrated in the maze?

We thought this situation would last until we got to our destination, but good luck is not always with us! A red dot suddenly appeared on my map, and it came from behind us. The speed of this thing is not very fast, and it seems that it is following us, because almost every fork in the road will stop for a while before running in our direction.We discussed to find a place to stop and ambush. Since this thing can chase us all the way, it shows that it is not an ordinary monster. Only advanced monsters will run out of their range of activities because of tracking prey.

Soon we found a small stone chamber, where a lot of things were piled up, most of them were rags, but it was very suitable for us to hide. And most importantly, there were many pillars in the room, which were the best place to avoid.

Big pot rice and I hid behind two stone pillars on both sides of the entrance. Rose and ice hid behind a stone platform in the deep of the room, ready to use magic to support us at any time. Dark pill responsibility was hung on the top of the door frame of the entrance and hid with concealment.


I watched the red dot on the map quickly approaching and prompted them the distance of the monster in the team channel. Soon it represented that the red dot of the monster entered the middle of me and the big pot rice. At my command, five people jumped out of the hiding place together. But we were all in a daze, the empty room had nothing! I immediately realized that this is the kind of labyrinth beast encountered by the Shennv league players. It is invisible! Quickly activated the star pupil anti stealth function, but there is still nothing in front of you. Take a look at the map. The red dot has moved out of our circle. It is now very close to the two green dots!

I immediately looked up at the rose side, a snow-white canine appeared in my eyes, it is toward the ice. "Be careful!" I quickly pulled my rifle from behind and threw it.

In the eyes of daguofan and rose, what they see is that the magic dragon spear flies straight out, and then suddenly stops in the air when it is about to reach Bing er's side. With a strange cry, the gun began to float in the air. The spear suddenly moved backward for a while, then flew to the wall quickly. With a clatter, the gun hit the wall and fell to the ground. With the sound of a few drops of water on the ground, the ground next to ice suddenly a few more drops, and then the water turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

What I saw was totally different from them. What I saw was that the spear was inserted into the monster's hind legs, and the monster screamed and fell to the ground. Then it struggled for a while and didn't get rid of it. Later, it bit the gun with its mouth and pulled it out and threw it into the wall. The monster's legs drip a few drops of blood, but the blood will automatically disappear as soon as it lands. What a monster this is! Even blood and water are invisible!

Because no one else could see me, I had to rush up myself. The monster also immediately rushed at me, we two immediately bumped into each other in the air, as a result, we a canine monster and a werewolf fell to the ground together. We both stood up and shook our heads, thinking that each other's heads were really hard!

The monster and I began to stare at each other's eyes in circles, as seen in the company's technical manual. Because the game is nearly perfect in simulation, the monster's eyes are the same as the real ones. No matter what animal (premise is eyes), there will be subtle changes in the eyes before the attack. So staring at the other person's eyes is much safer than looking at his action, at least can buy you a few minutes of reaction time!

I'm looking at the monster with big eyes and small eyes, while the red moon is watching me, staring at the air alone! Although we all know that there is an invisible monster among us, they can't see it! In order not to interfere with me, the four of them quickly concentrated in a corner of the room, and ice made a crystal defense wall to protect their safety. I was left with the anti stealth work!

It's a good thing for me to have no worries. When I left my hand, the Dragon tendons flew out and rolled up the long spear on the ground. Around my arm, the magic dragon spear returned to my hand. The monster seemed to see my intention. I had just caught the magic dragon gun and he jumped over again. I lay down on the ground and kicked the monster's stomach with my feet. A carp stood up again, turned back and threw the magic dragon gun out. This time, I learned to be good, and my flying rope was still on the tail of the spear!

After being kicked over by me, the monster bumped into the debris pile beside the wall. The pottery and other disordered stone furniture fell down and buried the monster. As a result, it was saved and the spear was stuck in a stone tool! I took a flying rope with me, but the spear flew back with the pierced stone bench, and then I flew out!

Bang, the opposite pile of debris scattered, the monster from the inside, but at the same time, I knocked down the wall of things, debris buried! The monster who jumped out looked around and didn't find my trace, so he began to carefully turn it over in the "garbage dump" here. I saw the monster approaching from the gap between the things on my body. When he got close enough, I jumped out and took him by the neck of the monster and overturned him to the ground.

The other hand also mountain to its neck a card, force tight, as long as maintain this posture will soon strangle it! The monster is supposed to be because of the lack of oxygen. He jumped up and rushed out of the door. I was carried around his neck and flew all the way out. It bounced back and forth on the wall, far from comfort and night shadow! Until now, I found that the monster's speed was slow at the beginning of chasing us, because there was no target to rely on the smell to find, and now I found that he was faster than the monster I met just now!I didn't know how far it ran against the wall, but I didn't know how far it had run against the wall, because I didn't know how far it had run against the wall. But the anticipated pain didn't show up. The wall was an illusion. We went straight through the wall and rushed into the back room. Although it didn't hit the wall, the thing under me was no longer working. I took off the glove with my mouth and used it to capture it several times. With a flash of white light, the monster under him has turned into a devil's favorite egg. Yes, it can be invisible. Gold coins for assassins must be appropriate. However, it should be handed over to Ah Wei. One thing can earn two favors!

After flattening the labyrinth beast, I stood up. It was terrible to run, and my head was dizzy! Open the map to realize that bad, just through the wall is not only illusion so simple, it is also the gap between two areas. The map I see now is totally different from the map I started with! Although I can call the map at the beginning and know the place where we ambushed at the beginning, I don't know where I stand now and the connection point of the original map, that is, the phantom wall!

It's impossible to read a map on the back of the labyrinth beast, but now you can't find the entrance! I'm lost again!

I had to turn on the team channel and shout, "rose, where are you?"

"We're still in that room! Where have you been? "

"I don't know! That thing took me to the scope of another map. I don't know where the interface between the two maps is! You tell me your coordinates, and I'll send them directly through the ring! "

Rose reported the coordinates, I input the data and then turned the ring, but I heard the system prompt: "basement, except death, prohibit any transmission including the return to the city scroll!"

Quickly told rose on the team channel: "no, transmission is forbidden in the tunnel, you go first! I'll find it myself! By the way, the scroll of returning to the city can't be used now. Unless you go out, you should hang it back. Be careful! Do you remember the map? "

"Remember!" Bing er's voice. "I can draw all the pictures by memory!"

"That's good. Be careful!"

After the end of the call, I have to start looking for the way. Although I can't remember the route when the monster brought me in, I still know the general direction. You can always find it along the way! By the way, my beetle can still be used to explore the way! Call rose vine, want to call back beetles, the result is only rose vine, beetles are not in! I thought there was something wrong with it. I asked the customer service to know that all underground buildings are protected from transmission. Rose vine is a magic pet. You can take him back to the pet space and then summon it out. But when I first summoned rose vine, he didn't bring the beetles with him, so he came back and the beetles didn't come back!

Since we can't summon, we have to find a way!

Push forward along the road. After walking for a distance, I feel wrong. I remember not passing this room when I came in! It's a problem. It's a fork in the road! I don't know where I will go if I continue to move forward. I don't even know which branch road turned in. I may go worse and worse when I turn back! Finally, I thought about whether to move forward. According to the map, there is also a room with a special mark in the middle of the map. Although it is different from the original map, it should also contain something good. Even if you can't go out and need to hang back, you should let me pick up some things to go back without losing money!

Go ahead and you'll be in trouble soon! A stone gate without mark on the map appeared in the passage. I still used the dragon's tooth to pierce it. However, the door was much thicker than I thought. The blade was not loose at all. It shows that the thickness of the door exceeds the length of the blade! Vent like on the stone door with countless skills have no effect, really tired can not, to the side of the wall against up to want to rest!

The wall that I should have leaned against didn't exist. I fell backward, and it was an illusion! Fortunately, the reaction is fast, if not, then the brain still does not fall out of a big bag! As soon as I fell in, I heard a roar. A thick stone gate fell from the position of the illusion just now. This time, it is not an illusion. The stone gate is so thick that it is impossible to break through it by force!

I got up from the ground and looked around the environment. This is a hall, not a general hall. It has a large area and a high roof, but there are many columns in the room. Obviously, these pillars are not used to support the roof only. There are not so many pillars in a hall. I want to call luck to them because of the dense pillars! If you can summon the dragon out, this stone gate can be easily broken open!

Suddenly, I felt the wind passing through the forest above me. Looking up, I only saw a vague virtual image flash by! Immediately realized that there were monsters in the room, and they were related to the labyrinth beast!

Whoa! A wind, I quickly turned back with the shield on my shoulder, when, after the crisp sound, the attacker disappeared, so far I still did not see what was attacking me! But to be sure, this is by no means a labyrinth beast. The anti invisibility of the star pupil has been turned on, but I still don't see anything. Attack report says shadow beast, level 800. It's 300 levels higher than me. No wonder it's so powerful. This thing is playing with me. I can't see his shadow from the beginning to the end! , the fastest update of the webnovel!