Starting from Zero

Chapter 197

After the problem of building materials was solved, I began to be busy at both ends of the city. Although it was just a game, it was not so simple to build a city.

Until noon, I was pulled to the bottom of the Ju Ling pagoda by the eagle. "What are you doing?" I hold the financial statement in my left hand, and I am busy with the design sketch of the gate in my hand. I wish I could work with the technique of separation!

Hawk turned on the system time to show me. I look at him doubtfully, don't understand what he means! The eagle has the omen to be angry, I quickly pacify him: "I am really busy now, a person would like to pull two half make, you don't want to play riddle with me, quickly tell me what happened?"

The eagle may have been really defeated by me, shook his head and said, "don't you build a city?"

"I'm not building it?"

"You don't want system authentication?"

"Oh I just remembered that the city function should be officially opened at noon. In this way, next Saturday is just in time for the monster to attack the city. After 14 days, it will be the attack time of the temple of light. This can't be careless!

I put the document on my hand and ran with the eagle to the pagoda. The central hall in the Juling pagoda is now our temporary headquarters. Rose and a group of girls are all directing their work here. A huge desk from nowhere has piled up a hill of drawings and reports! When I came in, everyone stopped their work immediately.

Bailing came to see the Eagle: "time is up?"

"Yes! Almost

"Then, purple sun, you must start quickly!"

"I see!" I opened the bracelet and tried to take the city Scepter out of it. However, I accidentally failed to grasp it firmly. The seeds of the strange tree and the scepter from Mei Mingzhi fell out together. The scepter fell straight to the ground. When the scepter contacts the ground, the golden light flashes, and the scepter disappears!

In the place where the scepter disappeared, a golden spot appeared. After only one second, the bright spot suddenly spread like a water ripple and spread out in all directions at a very high speed. If you look down from the city now, you can see that the halo is sweeping the whole city at a very amazing speed.

In the process of the halo that the bright spot turns into, it ignores anything at all to stop the storm from moving forward. The moment Guanghua passed through the base of Juling pagoda, there was a loud click on the side of the base of Juling pagoda. A crack in the door appeared on the wall of the base of Juling pagoda. Then the crack opened slowly, and a tunnel extending downward appeared on the base.

The same stone gates have appeared in various parts of the city. There are many underground city entrances on the ground of Eisinger. Because there is no city authorization, these entrances have been closed. But now aisinger is resurrected, and these gates in the city have opened automatically.

After the halo diffused to the city wall, great changes have taken place in the wall. A row of blue magic lights were lit on the top of the originally bare wall. There are many huge runes on the rocks outside the wall, and these runes are also shining with blood red light, which looks very strange! At the top of the city wall, the base of 280 magic crystal cannons also rose from the wall. Although there were no guns above, the infrastructure was still activated. The inner direction of the wall also suddenly opened a gate, the hollow wall inside was originally a huge network of tunnels, and these hidden exits are now all opened.

On the other side of the city, the wall that blocked the waterway suddenly began to sink. Soon, the sluice gate of the whole river channel completely sank to the bottom of the water, and the two shiplocks on the river channel opened automatically.

When we all ran out after the golden halo, the front of the halo was almost to the outer wall. We can imagine how fast the halo diffused.

The halo under the city wall did not stop. They continued to rush to a place several kilometers away from the wall before stopping. When the outer ring of the ring reached the maximum range, it suddenly flashed suddenly. We all heard a strange sound, which felt like the prompt sound when the seal array was completed.

After the aura disappeared, strange patterns suddenly appeared on the ground under our feet, but these patterns were only black marks, which did not shine like the runes on the wall.

Rose suddenly pointed to a corner of the wall and said, "what is that?"

We follow the past, but we see a huge red column of light, like a searchlight, straight into the sky, which can be seen in all four corners of the city. Bailing suddenly exclaimed, "there are also behind us!"

When we looked back, we found that the magic circle in the Ju Ling pagoda also sent out a red light column with a diameter of more than 10 meters. Although the light column shone on the top of the pagoda, it was not covered by it, but went through the top of the tower directly into the sky.

At this time, the red light in the four corners of the city suddenly began to tilt, and they were leaning towards the center of the city at the same time. The four light pillars and the light column emitted by the Juling tower crossed over the JURING tower. What's strange is that the intersection is not brighter because of the light column gathering, but a huge black hole appears. A flame like extension gradually appeared around the hole, which was beating and deforming, and soon it became an olive shaped thing.A crack suddenly appeared in the center of this super large olive. Just when we didn't know what was going on, the crack suddenly opened. At the same time, the light column suddenly disappeared, and only this strange thing was left above the stupa. I recognized this huge, maroon flame burning thing in a flash. "Eyes of hell! I can't imagine that Mordor really has this thing! "

Just after I finished, the crack was finally completely opened. Now everyone has confirmed my statement. The huge eye with the horrible pupil like cat's eye is definitely the eye of hell. Isenger is indeed the devil's capital. This symbol of pure dark power actually appears here!

Outside the city, a large number of cavalry suddenly appeared on the edge of the forest. Seeing their shining armor and the cross flag behind them, we immediately understood their identity, which was the army of the temple of light.

The eagle came running anxiously. "Purple sun! What's going on? Isn't that the holy crusader of the temple of light? Why did you come so fast? "

"I don't know! Now we can't manage so much. Summon the people quickly. We're ready to fight! " What a damned misfortune! The attack of the temple should have come so early! Arni is still in the dark temple, and her army can't come so soon. The dragon people heard that I need a lot of gems to strengthen the city defense, so they went back to help me transport the gems. Now they may have just arrived at Longdao! Although most of the female players in our guild are here, can they only defend them? Our future suddenly becomes dim!

"Look over there!" The gold coin points to the outermost wall. I saw that on the top of the ordinary city wall, there were many turrets, different from the magic crystal cannon turret with only the base. These turrets are stacked with intact giant catapults. I'm afraid there will be more than 10000 catapults on the front wall of aisinger!

Just when we were completely at a loss, the eye of hell on top of our head suddenly shot a dazzling red light, and at the same time, the Holy Cross also began to attack. Helleye's thick light beam sweeps across the ground, and the Knights of the Holy Cross are immediately dead, and even those who are rubbed by the edge of the light beam will immediately turn to ashes. The light beam swept across the ground, leaving a huge black track. The burning ground was full of green smoke, and there was no grass left where the light column passed. Knights, horses, armor, flags, all the things that have been touched can not be left, not even a little damage!

Although the column of light is powerful, but the number of cavalry is also very large, some cavalry rushed to the city wall, and at this time those unmanned catapults started. So far away we all heard the hum of the bowstring. The penetration of the three meter long angry arrows launched by catapults is unimaginable. Many of them have passed through two or three people in a row, and then the last unlucky ghost is directly nailed to the ground. Such a terrible attack power is really unimaginable!


We don't know what to do now. A large number of craftsmen are still working in the city. They can't see the city under the city wall. They don't know anything except the sound of bowstring and the light of the eye of hell. But we can see all this clearly when we stand on the base of the pagoda!

Although we didn't do anything because it happened so suddenly, we were really doing it on our own. Aisinger's urban defense system is really speechless. The powerful attack force actually directly destroyed that large number of cavalry under the wall, and we did not move during this period! This is the defense system's own defense behavior!

Only a dozen minutes to attack the cavalry completely dead, no one left! All of us who saw this were stupid. We didn't understand what was going on! The siege of the temple of light, which was supposed to take place two weeks later, started a few minutes after the establishment of the city. What makes us even more surprised is that our well prepared defense plan has not been used, and the whole attack force of the temple of light is destroyed because of Eisinger's automatic defense system! What the hell is going on here!

"What are you doing?" Yang Kun came up from under the steps and saw that we were all looking in the same direction. He also looked back. "Oh! Are you watching animation? "

"What? Animation? " I didn't respond for a moment!

"Isn't it?"

"You said we were watching animation?" I can't believe it! "I just saw the attacking forces of the temple of light!"

"I know you saw it, but it wasn't a real siege. Several of my clients have this. As soon as the city is established, there will be an invasion of the enemy. This plot is a real-time calculation animation. In the whole process, no matter whether the players in the guild participate or not, the city will win in the end. Of course, it is the same result if you participate in the battle yourself! Many people were cheated when they first built the city. They thought it was a real attack. They were scared to death at that time. Later they won for no reason. Many people didn't know that this was animation. The design of game company is very interesting! I never tell my clients about this in advance to make them enjoy themselves! It's really fun

After listening to Yang Kun's words, the gold coins and their girls all collapsed on the ground. "I was scared to death. I thought it would be over this time." A lot of sweat has appeared on the head of the gold coin. It seems that I was really scared just now!To tell you the truth, I was scared to death just now. In the best condition of the city, we fought together with the dragon clan and the dark temple. The battle that was not sure to win was actually advanced to the beginning of the city. Can we not be afraid!

The system information suddenly appeared in our guild channel: "Eisinger, the city of frost rose League, was officially established, guild points increased by 20, and the city entered the construction stage. After 7 days, all monsters will not be forced to leave the city for 7 days. Because aisinger belongs to a special address, after 14 days, the temple of light will clean aisinger. Please prepare yourself! "

The message is similar to our plan, 7 days after the monster siege, 14 days after the temple of light siege, it seems that we have to seize the time!

Now that the city certification is over, everyone is back to their own work. I'm going to fight with that pile of drawings in the Juling pagoda. It's a hard life!

"What is this?" I heard someone talking before I got into the pagoda.

I ran two quick steps to the tower. "What's the matter?"

"You see what happened?" Xiuluo Ziyi stood in the middle of the hall, pointing to the ground.

Before I got to her, I saw what she wanted me to see - a plant! This is a plant only one meter high. It seems that it has just grown out and has not yet matured. Now the tree is basically the same. But how can trees grow in the Ju Ling pagoda?

It suddenly occurred to me that I had brought something out when I took the city scepter. I quickly opened the bracelet to confirm. Sure enough, the seed of the big tree was missing! It seems that the seeds of this tree just fell out with the scepter, but this thing should not germinate on the hard hall floor!

The small tree has no difference from the big tree except that it has no fruit. Its shape is a miniature version of the big tree. I put my hand on the branch curiously, hoping to pull it out before it grows up. Rose vine said that the root of this thing can cover an area of several kilometers. If it grows up, I will not be able to pull it out!

Just as my hand touched the branch, a strange sound came out of my head. "Are you the Lord of the city?"

I was scared to put my hand back, but the voice was gone. Is it an illusion? I put my hand on it again and the sound came back. "Shall I speak to you?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Xiuluo purple clothes! Ziri, are you ok Standing next to me, Xiuluo Ziyi thought I was talking to her.

"Not to you. It's the tree. He seems to be able to talk."

"Oh? Really? Why can't I hear you? "

"It seems that you have to put your hand on the branch to hear it!"

After listening to my words, Xiuluo purple also put her hand on it, and she immediately showed the same expression as me. It seems that it is indeed a plant that can communicate as long as it contacts!

"Are you the Lord of the city?" The tree asked me the same thing.


"Hello, Lord. I am the tree of the city."

"The tree of the city?" New words! Never heard of it!

"It's a plant that can manage part of the city. My roots can cover the whole city. I can control most of the functions you need."

Xiuluo purple also heard these words, whispered to me: "it seems like a city central control system!"

The tree continued: "I have shown my ability in the intruder attack just now! What do you think of my ability? "

"You control the eye of hell?" I was shocked!

"No! The eye of hell is automatic. I control the catapults on the wall

"Dizzy! The original is the advanced city network system! So the image of this tree here is your central control system? "

"Almost! In the future, if you have any instructions, you can tell me directly here. As long as you touch me with your hand, you can communicate with me. I am still young and can only control a part of things. When I grow up, I can control the city gate, sewer, defense system and traffic conversion at will! "

"How are you going to grow up? Do you need water? You can't see the sun when you grow up here Xiuluo purple clothes take good care of the trees.

"I don't need sunshine. My life is the life of the city. I don't need watering. Although my root will not appear in your sight, it has actually spread all over the city. I can get what I need by myself, so you don't have to worry about it!"

We talked with the little tree for a while, and then we went to our own business. I now know why there is no way to identify this kind of tree in Mei Mingzhi, because only when he is in the city council hall can he become a real city tree, or it will be an empty shell!

In the next two days, I helped stonemasons mine hundreds of millions of tons of building materials and piled them into several material mountains. The next construction work depends on these things!Although there are a lot of basic materials such as stone and wood near aisinger, it is very troublesome to want some special materials. I was forced to come to the city of dedication again. After all, shennv League is the second largest guild. Although there is not much material in store, they should be able to buy it!


Last time I visited the headquarters of shennu League, but I still couldn't find it because of my poor memory and Lu Chi. Fortunately, the shennu League is famous. I still found it all the way. Unlike when I came last time, there was a row of guards at the gate of the shennv League.

"Who is it?" I was stopped as soon as I passed.

"I'm looking for your president!"

"The chairman of the red moon is not here now!" I'm very polite to stop girls.

"No? Do you know where she is now? I have an emergency

"I'm sorry, the president's whereabouts can't be disclosed to you for the time being." The guard girl is very dedicated!

At this time, a group of people came out of the guild. The leader I knew was the MM named bing'er when I came last time. She clearly recognized me, after all, my equipment is too special, people rarely like me to wear so exaggerated!

"Are you the last one?" Bing Er still looks like her name!

"Yes, I'm here for your president. Do you know where she is?"

"Just contact her with a private chat!"

"I got in touch. She turned off the private chat!"

"Then I can't help!" Bing Er answered coldly.

At this time, the rice pot suddenly came from behind. "Boss, I finally found you!"

"It's you!" Binger saw the big pot rice, the original calm eyes suddenly turned into a sea of waves!

Big pot rice is startled by the sound that you shout. When you look up and see ice still standing on the steps, the boy turns around and runs without saying anything. "Hello! Don't run Hear Bing er's cry, big pot rice runs faster! Bing Er also caught up with the skirt hem, but the long skirt used by the female mage was obviously not suitable for sports!

After a few girls do not know where to lead two unicorns, a soldier dressed girl mounted the unicorn, and then led another empty unicorn to chase up. Bing Er saw the unicorn led by his companion and quickly jumped up to catch up with the rice pot on time. "They are in a group!" Bing'er, after they ran far away, one of the girls standing at the door suddenly pointed at me and called out. As you can imagine, a large group of small mm swarmed on!

It's a fool not to run at this time! I've got to the roof of the building opposite. "Don't get me wrong. I don't know that man!"

"Who are you lying to! He called your big brother just now! Sisters, get him This is a complete mess. Many small mm rushed into the building under my feet to catch me, and there were lines of soldiers and mages in the nearby buildings. It seems that someone called the guild to help!

I really can't help it. One fell on the ground and wanted to explain to the MM who took the lead. But as soon as she saw me close, she waved her wand and began to prepare magic! "Attack preparation!" Next to the sudden sound of orders, a turn to see a very familiar picture - the execution ground! I felt as if I was about to be shot. There were three neat rows of crossbow men facing me. The first row was lying down, the second row was half kneeling, and the third group was standing. Of course, the arrow pointed at me! Behind them were lots of archers ready to hurl their shots. If they hit them all, they would have done it!

"Let go The other party's starting officer called out, and a large amount of arrow rain flew over. It's too late to hide. There should be no problem in defense. Ordinary arrows will not lose me in seconds! With one hand, he opened the mercury shield in the direction of the arrow rain. A hemispherical shield appeared in front of me and blocked my whole body inside. After a burst of crackling noise, the arrow rain passed, and the ground around me became hedgehogs. Only the place covered by the shield here was not covered by the arrow rain!

The archers on the other side obviously didn't think that my defense ability was so good. I didn't have time to wait for them to attack again. The defense strength of mercury is based on my magic value. If they fight like this, my magic value will be gone!

The current situation is really troublesome. Only a few people in the shennv League know me. The red moon people are not here. Bing Er has run after the big pot rice. Now the rest of the people think I am a villain. What a trouble! What I hate most is that I still ask for help from others for a while, and it's not good for me to lay a heavy hand on it! What a trouble!

"Stop! Stop it Suddenly, a girl came out of the headquarters of shennv League, and she was shouting to stop!

I don't know what her position in the Shinto League is, but anyway, it seems that the level is not low, and the people around her immediately stop attacking. I'm still standing in the middle of the road waiting to see what she's going to do. Although she stops, it doesn't mean she's helping me. Maybe she just thinks that the current attack method is wrong and wants to adjust it!

The girl who just appeared ran all the way to me. "Are you the purple sun of frost rose League?" You know me!"Yes! It's me. Are you I really don't remember! "I seem to have some impression, but I just can't remember it!"

"You don't know me. We haven't met formally!" The other side's words almost let me fall a big head! It's a trick to be polite!

I had to smile awkwardly: "so how do you know me?"

"I'm just saying we haven't met formally, not that we haven't met. We actually met each other! Maybe you don't remember, I was the sacrificial commander-in-chief of the shennv League during the offensive and defensive war of dedicating city. When you spoke to the president, I stood at the left rear of the president! "

She said so, I know, but I really don't remember. How could I have the heart to see the people brought by the red moon at that time! "Do you know where your president has gone? I have something to do with her! "

"President She thought for a moment and said, "the president went to the Shennv City branch in the morning for a meeting. I don't know if it's still there now." She looked at the system time and said, "it's almost noon. It should be back soon."

"Purple sun?" The red moon came from behind! "Why do you have time to come to my poor place?"

Hongyue's words are filled with anger, but think I haven't contacted her for a long time! There is something wrong indeed! "I'm sorry I've been busy lately."

"Come in and talk about it." Red moon took me into the courtyard of Guild Headquarters. As like as two peas as like as two peas, the statue of the girl in the goddess city is almost the same as that of the girl in the middle of the square.

"Where did you buy this sculpture? Why are two as like as two peas? "

Red moon looked at the sculpture and said, "this is the original goddess city that we moved it here!"

I said! I thought the shennv League had its own sculptors! If you have it, you can borrow it!

Red moon took me into the reception hall, and after a few simple explanations with his subordinates, she turned to me and said, "say it! What's the matter? "

"I'm looking for your help!"

"Can I help you? You don't like which city you want to find me to help you occupy it? " Hongyue's character seems to have changed a lot recently. She didn't look like this before!

"I don't want you to fight. I just borrow your contacts. I hope you can help me buy something!"

"Buy something?"

I handed over the list, and the red moon took it and looked at it. "Do you have a city?"


"You...!" She seems to want to get angry, but I don't know why she didn't! "Well, I have most of them. I'll sell them to you at my purchase price."

Thank you very much I didn't expect that the red moon has everything, which is to help me save things!

"Don't thank me first!" The red moon interrupted my thanks. "I don't give it for nothing, I have a request! If you can help me complete my request, I can sell it to you at the purchase price. If you can't complete it... " After a pause, she went on, "I'll still give it to you, but double the price!"

"What are you asking for?"

Instead of saying so, she handed me a roll of paper. I opened it and it looked like a map. And this is not a map of an area, but a map of the internal structure of a building. What kind of building has such a large area? , the fastest update of the webnovel!