Starting from Zero

Chapter 165

"What are you doing?" I'm staring at this NPC that's holding me.

"What do you ask me for?" NPC actually asked me. "What else do you want me to do? I asked you what to do

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why did you come?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself. "Do I have an appointment?"

"Stop talking about it!" NPC sacrifice suddenly extended a hand to me. "Give it to me quickly?"

I looked at him strangely. "What's for you?"

"The ring of light!" It seems that NPC should be more bright than me. "Don't tell me you didn't bring it?" Look, I didn't respond. He pointed his finger at me with his mouth open. "You didn't bring it? no You're going to die? Please don't make fun of me, will you? Where is it? Take it out He actually found it on me.

"Wait!" I interrupted his impoliteness in a loud voice. "Would you please make it clear? This is my first time here! "

"I know!" The sacrifice was actually put into my body search.

I pulled him away. "Stop! Stop it! Now let's talk about it step by step, OK? First of all, tell me what you're looking for

It may be that if you don't answer my question, you can't get anything. The sacrifice immediately stops searching me. "What I'm looking for is a ring."

"What kind of ring?"

"A white one with a six pointed star on it. Its name is the ring of light. It was originally worn by the God of light all the time. "

"The ring of light? I've never seen it! Why do you want it from me? "

"Because you are a subordinate of the dark temple!"

Shit! Or was found, quickly kill people. Looking around, two 900 level guards are staring at me! "This..."! Now that you know I'm a member of the dark temple, you ask me for a ring? Isn't that ring that God of light has always carried? "

Offering sacrifices is a matter of course. "The ring of the light God was lost in the last war, and later it was said that it was turned to the dark temple. We discussed with the dark temple to exchange a purification quota for this ring. "

"Oh! Oh, I see! Because you have talked with the dark temple, the dark temple should send someone to send the ring back. So when you see me, you think I'm here to deliver the ring? "

"Isn't it?" NPC sacrifice looks puzzled. "Aren't you a member of the dark temple?"

"Of course I am!"

"Then why are you not the messenger of the ring?"

"Shit! Why do I have to be a ring messenger? There are more subordinates in the dark temple. Are they all messengers

"Damn it!" NPC actually scolded swearing and yelled with both hands akimbo. "You subordinates of the dark temple, not the guardian of the rings, why do you come to the temple of light? Our temple of light doesn't welcome the lackeys of the dark temple. Get out of here! Guard! Guard

"Oh, no! You don't recognize people! Wait a minute. What are you doing? " Two guards, one left and one right, were set up and I dragged out. "You two let go of me. What are you doing? Ah! No, No Ah Wow Ouch Mom I You Fuck He Ah Help Ah Oh, my God Oh I Decide No Put After you We My God In the eyes of a large group of players, I was pushed down the steps by two Angel family guards, so I personally staged a special action - roll stairs! Damn it, I'm black and blue with a thousand steps! "Ah! A lot of stars

Sumei runs down the top of the steps. "Are you all right?"

"Wow I stood up against the wall. "Try rolling a thousand steps! WOW! The bones are broken

"Who told you to quarrel with NPC? Do you know that you are subordinate to the dark temple, and you run to the temple of light

"I thought this is a system city. Should NPC not attack white name players?"

"Those are the previous games," zero "is more strange, many NPCs have strange performance

"That's right! But I'm not wrong. The guards didn't attack me, they just threw me out! If you could attack me, I would have died at their level! "

Talking about it, I suddenly heard frequent system prompts.

"You are attacked by the sunset. You have 30 minutes to fight back

"You are attacked by players. You have 30 minutes to fight back

"You are attacked by super chocolate. You have 30 minutes to fight back

"You are attacked by the player Tianyang Taoist. You have 30 minutes to fight back

"You are attacked by the player's ghosts. You have 30 minutes to fight back


"You are attacked by the northern wolf. You have 30 minutes to fight back

"You are attacked by the falling wind and shadow. You have 30 minutes to fight backOne after another, I was attacked by more than 100 people at the same time! But although the prompt rang, I did not lose blood! And the strangest thing about me is that in addition to Sumei, the nearest person to me is three meters away! Many people around me saw me rolling stairs, so they came to watch, but no one came near me! Is there something wrong with the system? Unexpectedly inexplicably prompted me to be attacked by others, clearly no one attacked me!

Su Mei asked me when she saw my strange performance. "What's the matter with you?"

"I can't tell you why I'm being attacked by the defense system. But no one is attacking me

"That's strange." Sumei remembers.

Suddenly, we both cried at the same time.

"My pet!"

"Your pet!"

I just brought Sumei to the city, but my demons, servants and summoned creatures are still outside to help me find the dragon sword! In terms of time, they should have found my 8 flying dragon swords. Now they must have come back to find me. Because it's my favorite, so no matter where I am, they can feel it. As long as they want to find me, they can find it at any time. At first, I gave them the order to retrieve my flying dragon sword. Now they have found all the flying dragon swords. They must have come to the city to seek my life!


At the same time, there was chaos around the gate.

When I first passed by, the two players selling equipment were staring at each other with hatred. Although the two players who had just finished the fight were pulled away by other players who set up stalls, they were still hostile to each other. Suddenly, two people felt something wrong with the ground at the same time. The equipment originally put on the ground for sale vibrates slightly on the ground, and small pieces of sand and stone on the ground next to it are constantly bouncing.

It's not just the two of them who feel this situation. The players around also feel the earthquake, as if they are stepping on a volcano that may erupt at any time. The initial shock was very slight, only a few players stopped to look around, and then it became more and more serious, gradually like a big earthquake, so that all players began to stop and concentrate on looking around for the source.

"Over there!" A sharp eyed player points to the other end of the road, only to see the distant dust gradually approaching.

When everyone was wondering, suddenly a mound appeared on the ground. The earth bag quickly rushed to the gate of the city from the ground. People on the road jumped off the middle of the road to dodge the earth bag. Because of its high speed, it moves underground almost like a wave formed by a high-speed torpedo under the water. When the earth bag moved to the middle of the crowd, it suddenly stopped, and the soil lump rose upward and was overturned by something. A black earthworm with big eyes like a crystal ball came out. The head sticks out of the ground, looks around, and suddenly retracts under the ground. The mound began to move forward.

Ask each other, but all eyes don't understand.

We have not recovered from the surprise just now. Suddenly a typhoon like Hurricane swept through the market, and the unprepared people were taken to the ground. Everyone saw a huge dark shadow flying over them at high speed, but they were even more surprised when they saw what it was. It was a huge black dragon with a body length of nearly 100 meters. His huge wings out of proportion to his body covered the sky of the whole market. Everyone could see his arrogant eyes and huge claws. The powerful wings carry the wind that oppresses the human heart every time it flutters. As like as two peas in the dark, the second identical black shadows were swept by the ground at a low altitude of less than 3 meters below the

, and several people standing still were brought down by the strong wind. The second shadow is not far away, and the third huge figure is also lightning gliding with a height of less than 3 meters from the ground. It can be said that the ground is full of flying sand and stones, and everyone's chin can hardly be closed again!

After the three dragons is a black Chinese dragon, with the same speed from a slightly higher place to fly quickly, that kind of noble momentum almost makes people think it is the king's travel! The dragon was followed by a huge Raptor burning blue and black hell fire, and a player was surprised to shout out. "Black phoenix!" The sound made a cool sound coming from around at the same time.

After the air force passed, a huge black beetle came running from the ground. It was like a armored fortress covered with spines. There are several long spines on the huge body. The dark carapace can be used as a mirror. The green eyes on the small head flash with frightening cold light. Although this thing is big, but the speed is amazing. In the roaring sound, the steel fortress climbed over the heads of the players on the ground. The mobile fortress did not pay attention to the people under him. After the black beetle moved past, it left a row of huge pits on the ground behind him. The tip of each foot of the black beetle was a spike surrounded by a carapace. With his huge body weight, each foot would leave a pit more than one meter deep on the soft soil ground!After the black beetle is a pair of Godzilla like monsters running over, their backs are also riding Black Knights. These monsters roared past without any pause.

After the monster Knight passed, a large group of beautiful snow demons floated past, followed by the Snow Demon's head is the black pressure of the silver bee, there are some long very terrible giant butterflies!

At the end of all this is a large group of skeletons running towards the city in a neat line. The neat pace and the terrible bone friction sound are just a powerful army of skeletons.

"Damn it, it's a monster attacking the city!" I don't know who called such a voice, the whole city gate suddenly boiling. "Keep the city to the end" and "no retreat from a dead battle" and other shouts were heard.

In fact, these are my pet team. Those in front of me are all my pets and servants, and those in the back are of course summoning creatures. In the battle of flying flower city, my summoned creatures are indeed severely damaged. However, the dark creatures have a common feature, that is regeneration. The skeletons all over the ground stood up automatically after I left, and many of them stood up. The demon butterflies on the wall also came back to life after I left. As for the silver bees, they were all right, but they were blown away by the blast wave at the beginning. As soon as I left, they all flew back. Those snow demons have nothing to lose. So these creatures staged this scene, a thousand miles to find the master!

An impulsive player took the lead to rush up to the skeleton, and the skeleton of level 200 was chopped to the ground. Although the skull level is not high, it is not so easy to be killed by seconds. The skeletons were held by the skeletons nearby, and the other skeletons attacked the player immediately.

Some people started first, then the scene suddenly chaos, a large number of players joined the scuffle. Because the system prompt often prompts something boring, most people prefer not to turn on the system message option when they are in the city. Therefore, most people who attack skeletons don't hear the prompt of attacking others. Although the attack report will still be displayed in the message bar, it is in combat now. Who will check the status report? In the crowd, some people didn't turn off the prompt information function, but they didn't pay attention to them in the scuffle. Some even thought that they hurt the players nearby by mistake. But some people did not open the PK mode, but cut to the skeleton, but it had no effect. As a result, they thought that the siege was a kind of PK with monsters. As a result, they opened the PK mode and entered the melee. In short, the melee broke out completely!

"There seems to be something wrong in the back!" ADINA reminds Ling. At this time, they are sitting on the back of the plague, Ling's arms are still holding darts. Because Ling used to be the goddess of darkness, she has become the leader of these dark demons when I'm away.

Hear ADINA remind Ling looked back, the results found that the last skeleton was attacked. Summoned creatures are the same as demon servants and demons. Players attacking these summoned creatures are equivalent to actively PK me, and if I am attacked, it means that the demons have to protect them. So now Ling's direct understanding is that these people attacked her master, that is me. If you are attacked, you have to fight back. This is my setting. What I set up in the pet's intelligent control is that when I'm attacked, the pet doesn't need a command, and when I attack someone, the pet will attack together. Now my people are not hesitant to be judged by PK system

Like a flying formation, the three dragons sideslip and turn in a neat way, and circle around the gate one after another. The ghost knight who had already rushed into the city pulled the reins and turned back to rush back. The scuffle at the gate of the city became lively.

The magic missiles are flying around like fireworks. It's hard to know who set them off! Crystal itself flies in the air, like a strategic bomber, carpet bombing players on the ground with dense magic missiles. The players here are different from the players in the Qin League at the beginning. All the players who can come to attack the city are the experts in the guild, but these are the players in the city. There is no level at all. Not to mention the overall strength is very poor, just cooperation is a mess! In the magic bombing of Crystal Fairy dragon, some lower level players immediately hang up!

The huge body of the tank is a killing machine in the crowd. It can kill a lot of people every time it moves forward and backward.

I don't know whether someone called his companions or informed them. In short, the players in the city also started to run to the periphery of the city. Almost half of the city's people joined the scuffle. Originally, my favorite can't resist so many players, but what makes them depressed is that the city guards have defected.

Although I am the dark side, city guards will not attack white name players. Although I have a high evil value, I have a shadowing wristband. For NPC, I am a white name. Although my summoned creatures, demon servants and demons are all dark creatures, now they are my summoners. They are not wild monsters any more. Of course, NPC guards will not attack players' pets, so those guards have no reaction to my creatures. But those players who attack my pet are attacking me. I did not hit them, they suddenly attacked me, were judged as malicious PK and all the red names. Do you know what city guards do?

The 800 level NPC guards immediately joined my favorite side. Of course, the low-level players were killed. Because there are too many players and there seems to be not enough guards, the city system automatically refreshed a large number of guards and began to suppress the collective PK incident.Back to my side, I suddenly found that a large number of players began to run out of the city, and the system refreshed guards also lined up in neat lines to run to the melee site at the gate of the city.

"Let's go and have a look." Su Mei Dao.

"Yes I'm running to the gate of the city with Sumei, and I'm saying, don't be my pet demons! But before I got to the gate of the city, I was in complete despair. I saw three giant dragons hovering in the sky above the city gate, spraying Longyan alternately. The huge figures of tanks also rose and fell from time to time over there. The conspicuous figures of Xiaofeng and XiaoLongNu also showed up in the area of scuffle!

"Brother! Call back all your charms! Let's run

"Do you think I don't want to? My equipment is in their hands, I call them back, the equipment must fall to the ground! That's my lifeblood. If I lose it, I can't cry to death

"Then let's get there quickly." Sumei pulled me quickly to the direction of the city gate, but we can't go far away. Too much concentration of personnel blocked the originally spacious road. The number of players in Yunxiao city is usually more than 50000, and half of the players are deposited at the gate of the city, that is, nearly 30000 players! In addition to the nearly 5000 NPC troops temporarily refreshed by the system, the whole city gate is blocked!

With the strength of NOC, 5000 troops can quickly suppress 30000 players, but now the roads are blocked and NPC itself is stuck in it. The original scuffle has completely turned into a traffic accident!

Anyway, I have a shadowing wrist wheel, and the red name is nothing. I directly summon the night shadow and rush over with the head in the eyes of all the people. Night shadow changed into the form of a heavy armored dragon, and it was bigger than the original one. Four meters in height passed over the crowd. There was no problem at all. It was the people who had been trampled on! Of course, those who are trampled on don't necessarily die. It depends on the level of the other party! I don't know. It's because of my behavior that the conflict has escalated.

Maybe I didn't notice. Anyway, I stepped on the NPC guard on the way to the gate. Because of my setting, the demons mistook me for attacking NPC guards, so they started attacking NPC guards according to the principle of coordinated attack. The original game between NPC and me has turned into a three-way melee!

Ling stood on a building and gave orders to my pet and servant. "Goblin knight to deal with guards, these players give us!"

"Be careful, goddess!" As soon as Scott pulled the reins, he rushed to the city guards with the demon knights. The level 850 demon knights could attack the 800 level guards with ease. Because my shield wristband works, the goblin Knights won't make me famous even if they attack NPC. Therefore, except that the attacked guards will fight back, most guards only attack the red name players nearby.

"ADINA, there's a need for blood!" Ling commands ADINA to help the demons who have lost too much blood and summon creatures to recover their lives.

Snow demons summoned a terrible snowstorm on the street. This magic is usually used in the battle of the regiment. Now it is very effective in this narrow street. The snow more than one meter deep makes the scuffle more chaotic.

I finally ran to the center of the scuffle, and I didn't know how many people were killed, but that's not my concern. I saw Ling and ADINA standing on the roof, directing the night shadow to run past. The height of night shadow is just on the roof.

"Ling, what about my equipment?"

"Master, I have your space bracelet and helmet." Ling said and handed over the equipment. As I pick up the gear, I ask other creatures with phantom telepathy. "Who is my equipment? Bring it to me!"

As soon as he finished shouting, he saw Scott riding the Ankylosaurus. "Boss, I have your armor." Scott took my whole suit of armor. I quickly took it and put it on my body. After that, I found that the weapon was not there!

Give xiaosumei to Ling bang for me to watch. I killed myself in the crowd. Finally, I got my weapons and the equipment that the God emissary stripped off from the other goblin knights. After I put everything away, I ran back to Ling, took xiaosumei's ring and sent us both out of the city. Then I took all the summoned creatures, demons and servants.

Even though my favorites have disappeared, the NPCs are still attacking the celebrities. Many players have been killed back to the revival point by NPC, and many more have been caught. Although these people don't know about it now, when they go back to see the system information, they know that it was because of me that they were pursued by NPC. This time, I am not equal to 30000 more enemies for no reason? Shit! In the future, I still don't want to be close to the city any more. Every time I enter the city, there will be an accident!

"You are so good!" Sumei is still hanging around my neck.

"I'm good?"

"Isn't it good to kill so many people by one person?"

"Forget it! I'm still thinking about what to do in the future! After that, I can't go into Yunxiao city again, or I will be cut to death! I... "

Sumei suddenly blocked my mouth with her left hand and pointed to her ear with her right hand. "Do you hear me?"

"What do you hear?" I tried to listen, but I didn't hear anything."Hooves of horses!"

I listened carefully again. Sure enough, I gradually heard the rumbling sound of horse hooves. From far to near, the sound gradually became louder. Who would it be? Can't the players in the city catch up? , the fastest update of the webnovel!