Starting from Zero

Chapter 160

At the moment when I was about to be struck by lightning, a huge dark shadow suddenly appeared in my sky. The plague actually rushed to my top and helped me block an attack. Thunder and lightning hit the back of the plague. Fortunately, the plague was a black dragon, and the magic attack effect was very weak. It was only a slight tremor, and the plague resumed its action.

The plague flying above me suddenly lowered its head and bit the wings of the Raptor. The wolf chasing the plague followed closely the hind legs of the plague. Luck suddenly rushed up and bit half of the wolf's body, but the Raptor who had bitten its wings stretched out its neck and bit on its back. The four demons were biting one by one into a circle, and no one was willing to let go of it. However, this strange posture made it impossible for anyone but pestilence to flap its wings. Although the plague dragon could barely bear the weight of the four demons, he was bitten by others, and his flying ability was limited. One of the three guys hanging from his body was a giant dragon like him, Because of this series of reasons, the plague can no longer fly up, the four demons fell to the ground together.

Of course I won't fall together. I still have wings! Quickly call out the crystal and Phoenix rescue, dive down Xiaofeng a head into the flying wolf, hit it from this link to fly out. Crystal's super magic was almost instantaneous, and a huge yellow light curtain suddenly appeared under the team of two dragons and a raptor. The platform made by magic dragged three magic pets, and the flying wolf died before landing because of the heavy injury. Fortunately on the platform, I turned back to the bird's neck and took a bite. I heard a click so far above. The fragile neck of the bird was easily broken. Lucky with a bird's head in his mouth, plague flies to both sides with a piece of body in his mouth. The poor Raptor died and didn't fall into the whole body, which was torn by two headed dragons!

After killing these two demons, I searched for a long time and didn't find their owners. Soon I understood. These two demons are not of high grade, so they can't fly with their masters. This is why they arrive with infantry, because their masters can't ride, so they have to follow the infantry! It seems that the Griffin knights in the main city of the system are arrogant! I don't think I'm riding with a mage!

After killing two air forces, there is no air force below. The magic can't reach my height. The bow and arrow can shoot it without any power. If you fall down, you will work for yourself! Just as I was about to launch an attack on the bottom, suddenly the system prompt rang. "Qin League officially declared war on Feihua City, which belongs to Baihua valley. You are now in the war zone. Please choose to join the siege side or the defensive side. If you don't want to participate, please choose neutral. If you do not choose within 30 seconds, you will be regarded as a disruptor and attacked by both sides. "

This prompt means that the battle has officially begun, and the reason for the beginning is probably because of me. In order to make the game more realistic, zero has recently made some adjustments. The setting of siege is that the attacker can fight without declaration, or declare war first and then attack, while the defensive side has no right to refuse the other party's declaration of war. There will be some differences between declaring war and not declaring war. If no war is declared, as long as the siege party applies to the system for siege, the system will not rule the attacked party. The judging method is equivalent to a large area of collective PK, killing people still accumulate evil value, and the way of victory is to kill all the non self players in the square city. In this PK mode of no declaration of war, killing people, like ordinary PK, only gets 0.1% of the opponent's current level experience value. The declaration of war needs to be declared 20 minutes before the attack, and the system will inform the attacked party to be ready. That 20 minutes is to let the defense force of the other side quickly return to defense. Anyway, there are transmission scrolls in the game. It doesn't take much time to go back to the city and then run up the wall. As for those who are not online, they may not be able to come up three hours in advance, so 20 minutes is enough. The attack under the state of declaration of war requires the attacking party to break the wall and enter the city council Hall of the other side, and destroy the guardian animal statues in the other party's Council hall. In this mode, killing the opponent is not a red name, and will get 15% of the opponent's current level experience value when killing the other party. Don't underestimate this 10%, because the player needs more experience than the monster of the same level, so the 10% experience is much more than the monster! If you kill 10 people of the same level as yourself, you can be promoted one level. So siege is actually a good way to upgrade. Unfortunately, the national war has not yet officially started. Killing foreigners only takes the average of the experience value of monsters of the same level. Otherwise, I will issue it when I went to Japan last time. However, after a period of time, I believe that the experience value will be adjusted to the present situation as soon as the national war starts. We are encouraged to kill each other.

If you don't want to take part in the siege and want to watch the fun, you can apply for neutrality. At this point, attacking anyone will not work until you leave the battle area or the battle is over. As for the disruptor, it's the worst. Both attacks work against you, and everyone will see you as the enemy. Because there are a lot of people in siege, there will be green highlights on the defending side and red highlights on the attacking side. Under the mode of no declaration of war, only the attacking side has red spots, while the defending side has nothing. If you are a disruptor, the defense side will see your point is red and the attacker's point is green. You will be regarded as the enemy anyway!

In the declaration of war mode, as soon as the application starts, the city teleport point will be automatically set to only open to players who have selected the defensive side and neutral side, and other personnel will be forced to transfer out of the city. Of course, without a declaration of war, there would be no such situation.

Because of the above settings, in order to gain a lot of experience, the siege side will generally choose to attack after declaring war. However, in order not to give the opponent too much preparation time, they usually start to apply after they arrive at the opponent's city. Moreover, if the attacking party fails to complete the task within 48 hours after the city war is declared, the whole guild will lose one level in a collective way. This is a terrible punishment! As for the successful defense, the city prosperity will be increased by 1 point. This index will directly affect the experience value of the monsters around the city and the probability of items exploding. The monsters around the city with high prosperity will explode things very frequently. As for the city without prosperity, the monsters around it will hardly explode.The reason why Qin League chose to declare war at this time is that their large troops are in place, and now I have begun to attack them. They hope to gain more experience by killing me. After all, they all think that I have a high level and a lot of experience!

Of course, I will not give up the great opportunity to upgrade, although players are more difficult than monsters, but think, 10 people a level! It's faster than killing monsters! Besides, my level is so low, they are all higher than me. Maybe four or five people will be enough for me to upgrade one level!

After I chose to help defend the city, I immediately had a green light bulb on my head, and a light bulb also appeared on my pet and servants! As for the following group of people is a red light!

I flew back first, and my experience was only 20 minutes after the declaration of war. It's no good killing them now. Red cloud saw me here, I destroyed the bridge, saw me back immediately ran up. "Are you all right?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm flying so high. Bows and arrows and magic are useless to me. By the way, after the war, I hope you can command your magic crystal cannon. I belong to the close combat profession, standing on the city wall also has no defensive function, after the meeting attack begins, I go down to fight with them

"What? Are you alone? "

"It's OK!" I flapped my wings behind my back. "I can't hold up. I'll come back. I've joined the guard now. You don't need to worry about me when you attack. Anyway, you don't hurt my blood if you hit me. Only the magic crystal cannon should be noted. It's always people who block the killing Buddha! You mustn't do it to me

"Well, I'll take charge of the cannons myself, and be careful yourself! On behalf of baihuagu, I thank you for your help

"Don't mention it. I'm just angry, but they lied to me. It's fake to help you. It's true to be angry for yourself."

"Ha ha! You are so humorous


Standing on the top of the wall, I adjusted various states and quickly summoned all the demon servants and demons. Of course, one of the four crystal summoning beasts was indispensable. I'm now 322. I can summon 644 silver bees, 31 snow demons, 322 demon butterflies and 3220 war skeletons. The huge lineup made the girls around them startled, and the fools who were preparing to attack the city were even more depressed. Although they didn't know much about the other demons, they were surprised by the more than 3000 skeletons. In fact, the most important thing to worry about is skeletons. They are just a lot of them. They look frightening, but their attack power is not very good. What kind of damage can you expect a level 200 skull to do to 500 level players? But the other side didn't understand the strength of my summoners. In their view, the three thousand black skeletons were the most dangerous.

The short and long 20 minutes are not fast and slow, 20 minutes is not long, but both sides are waiting for seconds like years. As the system prompts, the siege begins. "Attention to all players, the last three minutes of Siege

The cavalry of the other side summoned the mounts that had already recovered their endurance. Because they had not moved after dismounting, the battle array was quickly reorganized and completed, and the standard impact formation was revealed. This is a temporary change of formation. At first, the main attack force of the enemy should be infantry behind. However, after the bridge was demolished, their speed of crossing the river was obviously slowed down. By letting the people who meet the water to cross the river with ropes, they have already pulled up two ropes. The infantry swam across the river by pulling the ropes, but the speed is too slow. So far, about one third of the players are still on the other side of the river. This situation forced them to temporarily decide to change cavalry as the main force. Another reason for choosing cavalry is the square array composed of more than 3000 skeletons under the flying flower city. Such a large number of ground forces make the enemy have to choose high impact cavalry to strangle the skeleton army first. Otherwise, it will be more difficult for them to fight in a melee. If the troops are dispersed, they will not be able to play their combat effectiveness.

Of course, I can't sit in the last three minutes. The opponent has prepared an impact formation. Of course, I want to counter impact. I can't let the other party smash my 3000 skeletons into pieces as soon as they come up! The task of demon butterflies is very important. I will start to let them arrange poisonous fog now. Although each demon butterfly can only cover a circular area with a radius of more than 10 meters, more than 300 demon butterflies can cover a large area. The whole section in front of the city is covered by my fog. The defense team was equivalent to forming a team with me, so the fog didn't affect their sight. The other side only saw a large amount of black smoke, and the rest could not see anything.

I'm all Summoning creatures. I'm interlinked with my soul. I'm faster than them. More than 3000 skeletons quickly formed 20 columns, and the ghost Knight rode the Jialong to stand in front of the team. One armored dragon can just cover the two columns behind, and 10 demon knights can protect the front of 20 columns. Now the normal player level is generally concentrated in 470 to 510, and those above 510 belong to senior players. I don't believe that these four or five hundred level cavalry can hit a level 850 spirit knight. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, the monster famous for its impact force must be much more powerful than those one or two hundred level horses!After the armored dragon was in place, the silver bee troops quickly took their positions above the skeleton. They were not afraid of cavalry anyway. Snow demons are arranged on both sides of the team. They have no entity. Physical attack doesn't work on them. Cavalry is restrained by them. Putting them on the flank can effectively ensure that skeletons and cavalry are not allowed to contact before the scuffle.

With the protection of the fog, the other side did not know what was going on with us, but they decided to use the original plan - cavalry attack.

I've got a minute left. The demon butterfly began to add auxiliary magic to all people - the plague song. This is a low-level magic, the main function is to make all physical attacks with poison effect. We've got ice and ice mantra. The main function of Ice Armor is to form a thin layer of ice outside the body, which can absorb certain magic damage and physical attack. Polar freeze gas is a semi offensive magic. After using it, it can create a low temperature area around the subject. All enemies entering this area will slow down because of the freezing gas. Of course, the reduction is very weak. ADINA also began to use magic blessing, but she only added an energy gathering skill to summoned creatures. This large-scale magic can help the subject to increase the speed of blood and magic recovery. ADINA had only one person, so she couldn't add those high-level auxiliary magic to so many skeletons, so she had to add a large range to them. However, she added some high-level magic to me and the demons and servants. We have been added a blessing of water to greatly improve our defense, and a high-level warm spell that can greatly increase the speed of returning blood and magic.

Finally, Ling, the goddess of darkness, has added a dark threshold to more than 4000 living creatures. But she used up all her mana because of this magic! This super dark auxiliary magic actually makes all creatures take on the dark gas, which is a kind of magic that can continuously absorb the dead souls around and strengthen itself. My direct understanding is that this magic can absorb soul into experience value, that is to say, killing people can gain some extra experience. It's really a goddess, magic city with experience! It's a pity that I don't know how much additional experience value can be obtained! The attribute of this magic also says that it can greatly enhance the attack power and make it have the erosion effect. It is really a powerful magic. It is strange that the goddess like the magic pot can also exhaust the magic power!

After Ling's magic blessing, I immediately changed into a werewolf form and prepared to fight. Although the crystal is a fairy dragon, the blessing still can't be expected. Because the dragon's own magic resistance is too strong, the effect of blessing the dragon will be very poor. Therefore, almost no dragon language magic is auxiliary! Although the high-level fairy dragon also has a few rare enchantments, the crystal is only at 322 level limited by my level. At this level, she can't use most of her magic, so the blessing still can't be considered for the time being!

Everything's ready. We're ready to fight. The last countdown of the system finally began. "All players, count down the last 10 seconds! 9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1! Siege mode begins. Now starts timing. If the attacker fails to occupy the city in 48 hours, the attacker will lose one level! Have a good fight

"Kill!" The cavalry on the opposite side cried out in order to improve their morale. In the roar of the horses, the cavalry of ten thousand people began to attack, and the horses gradually moved from standing still to walking. As the distance approached, the pace became faster and faster, and gradually changed from walking to trotting, and the trot speed was also gradually accelerated. When we reached the distance of 300 meters in front of us, we had entered the final sprint stage.

The black fog of the demon butterfly spread to 200 meters in front of us, and the cavalry of the other side soon rushed into the range of the black fog. At the same time the other party enters, the Demon Knight also starts quickly. The megalosaurus has a very good explosive power. It doesn't need the horse to accelerate in advance to reach the impact speed. After the goblin Knight rushed out, the skeletons and other creatures followed.

The black line of defense formed by the goblin Knights collided with the flood formed by cavalry, like a wall. The megalosaurus dashed forward with its head lowered. On its head, it had a hard crown. Now, the head crown like a bulldozer pushed the cavalry in front of it in the opposite direction. Some of the quick witted cavalry dodged the bulldozer like head, but were trampled into the soil by the giant hind legs of the hyacinth. A few lucky people had just passed through the gap between the goblin knight and were beaten to death by the skeletons and silver bees behind. Of course, most of the cavalry on the attack route of the goblin Knight failed to avoid the big head of the armored dragon. These brave knights ran into the armored dragon with their rifles. As a result, the lances in their hands were like reeds, and then they even flew with people and horses.

The revival Hall of Qin League Headquarters, many people inexplicably appeared in the hall. Most people didn't know how to hang up suddenly until they appeared in the resurrection hall!

Due to the black fog that could not reach out to five fingers, after the middle impact formation was attacked, the two wing forces failed to encircle. The dark cavalry brigade was cut off like a piece of paper by the goblin knights. My creatures and I went through the impact formation of each other through this gap and came back to each other. Just as the last person in the other team entered the black fog, the Demon Knight rushed out of the black fog on the armored dragon, and then the skeleton army and I rushed out.All the cavalry in the black fog are poisoned. Now I can see that there is a green blood loss sign floating upward. The poisonous fog of the demon butterfly is very serious. Basically, the speed of bleeding is 7:00 per second. More than 10000 cavalry is equivalent to killing more than 70000 blood of them per second. When they die, I will definitely be very happy! So much experience can't be wasted, I took the team into the black fog again.

Under my instructions, the summoned creatures began to play freely. The skeletons rush through from a narrow range. These skeletons are not of high rank and can only play a quantitative advantage if they want to take advantage. Silver wasps, too, chose to attack one flank with the skeleton. Snow demons have jointly released a large area of frost land, this magic specifically attacks the ground. The ground at the foot of the cavalry froze instantly, and the horses slipped on the mirror like ice. For a moment, the whole cavalry regiment was overturned, and the skeletons took advantage of this opportunity to kill dozens of people.

Lucky and pestilence use the dragon's best large-scale killing skill - Longyan. Lucky flies over the enemy like plowing from the crowd all the way to the head, followed by the plague again, but they are too low level, two times no one died of Longyan. However, all the cavalry were turned into infantry, and the horses of level one or two hundred could not stand the burning of Longyan. Fortunately, the first time Long Yan cleaned up the horses, and the second time the plague came down, even the bloody camels were finished!

Without horses, the cavalry struggled to get up from the ice and poured red. Although the two headed dragons failed to burn a player, they almost burned everyone to less than a third of their blood. Just when they were drinking red, my third dragon, crystal, arrived. The fairy dragon who is not good at direct attack usually doesn't need dragon flame. This time, she doesn't use it. A magic vortex suddenly appears in front of her, and the magic vortex flashes , the fastest update of the webnovel!