Starting from Zero

Chapter 123

Watching the South Korean warship drive past from our flank, the watchman called out before he got out of the two ships. "A group of warships has been found in front of us. The number is over 40. It is facing our ship and approaching at high speed."

I quickly picked up the telescope to see, it was a fleet, and I saw more than the lookout. "Japanese warships!"

"What?" As soon as I said, those who were still looking at the South Korean warships picked up their telescopes and began to look at the sea.

The eagle took aim at half a day and said, "I can only see a little fuzzy shadow. How can you see the flag?"

"My ring!" I lit up my star pupil. "This is it. It can provide super vision, and with a telescope, you can see far away!"

"Captain!" The flagman called. "The Korean warship told us that it was the Japanese black dragon fleet, which was very powerful. The South Korean warships also said that the Japanese were chasing them. They had a fight with the sub fleet of the black dragon fleet in the morning. Now the black dragon fleet is probably coming to revenge! "

According to Rona's statistics, they brought 107 pirate ships. They lost a lot when they exchanged fire with the Indians, so that's all they had left. Now these 107 ships plus my biling are 108, and the difference between pirate ships and players' warships is that the speed of pirates' warships is obviously higher than that of ordinary ships. Think about it. How can you rob when you are slow? Others will run away! Now I have a fleet of 108 warships, which can be easily eaten by more than 40 warships. I am confident that half of the enemy ships will be killed in the first round of shelling. With this idea, I don't have to worry about anything anymore. "Flagman, tell the South Korean warships to go back to rest. We are responsible for cleaning up the Japanese garbage and protecting the marine environment! We can't just let other countries get busy. We have to do it ourselves occasionally! "

After a while, the Korean warship replied with a message: "kick him in their butt for me!" Sure enough, I'm really right about the style of the captain who didn't meet. If you have a chance, you must know this lovely man!

"Distance?" I called to the lookout.

The watchman immediately looked at the enemy ship group: "33 kilometers away, approaching at high speed!"

"All right." I turned to everyone and said: "everyone on their respective posts, magic crystal cannon should be ready, we are fast into range!"

Rona and moustache said together, "so we'll go back to the ship first?"

"All right, you go."

In the telescope, I watched more than 40 warships of little Japan rushing up against the sea waves. However, I was not nervous at all, because now I have the strength in my hand. The small Japan in front of me is just a dish. Of course, a dish will not make people nervous. At most, it is exciting!

"31 kilometers away!" The lookout hand begins to report the distance continuously.

Because we were face-to-face, and the biling itself was amazing, our distance was shortened very quickly. Now I'm familiar with something on the enemy's surface, but I can see something clearly without binoculars.

"Distance?" I looked up and asked my hand.

"30 kilometers!"

"Purple clothes, quick fire, the other side also has magic crystal cannon!"

There was a huge bang and the magic crystal cannon fired, but almost at the same time that our bow magic crystal gun fired, there was a warship in the opposite fleet also flashed purple flame, I can see that it was the magic crystal gun fire.

"Left full rudder!"

At the front, the biling made a beautiful turn to the left and nearly hit the pirate warship nearby, but we quickly avoided the original channel. Almost at the same time, two magic crystal shells landed. The warship on the opposite side with magic crystal cannon obviously turned awkwardly. Our shells hit the rear of each other's warship. A huge fire regiment and half of the ship's bow took off at a height of more than ten meters, and the falling bow once again aroused the surging waves, and the warships beside the torches were all over the place. Our side of the magic crystal cannon shells also fell down, but the biling with a magical speed to dodge the shelling, that magic crystal shell sloshed into the sea, but even so, the waves caused by the shells still poured us through.

At the same time, I started to scan every enemy ship with telescope and star pupil. I can't guarantee that the Japanese have only one magic crystal cannon. Sure enough, I found another warship with magic crystal cannons in the fleet. "Magic crystal cannon! There is still a door on the left top corner of the other fleet

"We're still cooling here. What about the back?" Xiuluo purple in the guild channel called nervously.

"Yes The sound of purple moon, who was in charge of the second gun, rang out at the same time with the cannon. The shell was about halfway up the road, and the place was also fired.

Chuang Wang intended to command the warship to turn the corner, but I stopped him. "Don't move. They missed it. It may be to avoid our shells!" I've just said that our shells have hit the front deck of the warship. It's a small mushroom cloud with chips all over the sky. There's no record of survival for the warships in the magic crystal shelling, so we should avoid being hit!

The other side's shells also fell after our shells hit the target. As I expected, the shells fell directly into the water. From the water column, it seems that this gun is smaller than the one just now! Maybe it's because of the price of magic crystal cannon that scares people to death! It's not that the Japanese don't have much money!Once again, I began to look for the warships with magic crystal cannons in the enemy ships. With the experience of the first two ships, I have found some rules. Because the recoil force of magic crystal cannons is very large, and their volume is much larger than ordinary cannons. Let alone the giant magic crystal guns we installed, even the smallest ones, have four or five meters long barrel. Therefore, all warships carrying magic crystal guns have a common feature - big! Only a large enough ship can counteract the vibration of the magic crystal gun fire and ensure the shooting accuracy, and only a large enough warship can pull such a big guy. Now with the help of this feature, I can count out seven magic crystal cannons with one glance, because only these seven warships are big enough!

I quickly told you how to find the magic crystal cannon. This time, I don't need to say that several guns fired one after another, and the shells all over the sky were flying around. The Japanese warships fled in fear, but we still hit most of our targets. Four more warships with magic crystal guns turned into splinters, but the three remaining warships began to take power. As soon as the three shells took off, the cunning little Japan took the sandwich fire. One shot was aimed at our left side to prevent us from turning left and the other was to block our right turn. The last shot was in front of us. The sailboats were sailing with the help of wind. It was almost impossible to turn around and reverse. Now little Japan is aiming at us left and right and in front of us, leaving only the gap behind. Unless we back out, we are sure to be hit. But they can't reverse the sailboat. Unfortunately, they don't know that the biling is not a sailboat!

"Anti pulp! Reverse the thruster. Back off I don't need to say that King Chuang is commanding the warship to retreat.

The giant biling stopped like an iceberg and began to retreat at high speed. In front of the biling, a huge wave was pushed up, and numerous eddies, large and small, were formed by numerous turbulent currents. Now I really admire Chuang Wang. He told me at the beginning that the biling was too large and needed a lot of maneuvering space, so other warships in the whole fleet were far away from us. That's why we swayed there until now we haven't hit any of our own warships.

Just a few seconds after we stepped back, the magic crystal cannon's shell exploded three huge waves in front of us, but it had no effect on us. Chuang Wang skillfully ordered: "reverse to normal, propeller full speed ahead!"

My head was shaken dizzy just now, but it's our chance to get revenge. The first gun fired was the stern gun. Wu Yu is really active! Then four other guns fired one after another. Five shells accurately hit the three warships, three fire regiments, three warships and Japanese magic crystal fleet together become history!

Strange or else, the Koreans say that the Japanese fleet is very powerful. A fleet with nine magic crystal cannons is really very powerful for an ordinary fleet. Just now that South Korean fleet can wipe out a sub fleet and come back, we can say that their technology is very good, so we should learn it!

"Be careful! Artillery attack King Chuang suddenly threw me to the ground. A shell flew over my head. The sound of the shell breaking the wind made my ears numb.

"Lookout! Distance? "

"23 kilometers away!"

"Does the enemy have a gun that can fire so far?" I was surprised to see the shell that had just passed over our heads and hit a warship behind us.

"There it is!" The watchman suddenly pointed to the sea and cried.

When Chuang Wang and I ran past, we only saw a mast slowly sinking into the sea.

"Submarines?" I cried with Chuang Wang at the same time. "How else?"

"Maybe the Japanese have drawings of such warships!" Chuang Wang looked at the mast road which completely disappeared in the sea.

"It's very possible. Unfortunately, I don't know which city it is, or we can snatch it!"

"Hey, boss, I know what to do!" Because we have been using the guild channel, we can all hear that the gold coin suddenly calls.

"You know how?"

"Of course! As long as we hurt the submarine, it will return to repair. I guess this kind of ship should only be repaired by the manufacturer, so we just need to follow it back and we can know where the drawings are

"It's a good way, but it's difficult to implement it. It's hard to master how to track on the open sea, just to hurt without destroying it!" Chuang Wang analyzed.

"Tracking allows ADINA to go." I summoned ADINA to stand by, and it should not be a problem for mermaids to follow a ship. "It's a bit of a problem to get hurt!"

ADINA said, "what ship are you going to hurt?"

I point down. "Submarine!"

"There seems to be some trouble, but there is no way out." ADINA said with confidence: "as long as you make a few holes in the boat, the boat in the water will not be able to dive, so they will certainly return to sea!"

"It's easy for you to say. How to make a hole? We don't even know where it is! "

"Never mind, I can go down and look for it! I can hear anything moving within 20 kilometers of the water. And I can locate them with my own songs"Shit! It's not fair! " Cried the king. "No wonder your boat is so powerful, so you have an artificial sonar?"

"Hey, I didn't know she had this function!"

"I'll go down and look for it now!" ADINA ran straight to the side of the boat and jumped down. It was really a hurry!

"Captain! The target distance is 20km. The enemy ship has entered the fire range of our ship! "

I said to the flagman, "signal, turn the whole fleet, ready to enter the artillery formation!" The pirates' warships are equipped with original pirate guns, which have a range of 20 kilometers. The long-range gunships of the three Indian soldiers were probably imitated by the cannons on the captured pirate ships, so the artillery power and range of the pirates are much higher than those of the long-range guns we met at the beginning, and the power of our ramjet guns is basically equal!

Our warships began to turn one after another and turned their sides against the enemy's ships. Because our warship guns were mounted on both sides, the frontal firepower was very limited, and the firepower was the strongest when facing the enemy side by side. With the biling as the center, all the warships began to maneuver to both sides, and we gradually formed a fan-shaped strike surface. All warships connected head to tail formed an artillery array.

"Report to the captain! The artillery formation is in place The flagman answered.

"Inform all ships to fire at will and give priority to those elite warships with faster speed!"

As soon as the flagman had informed him of the continuous gunfire around him, there were 22050 guns on one side of 108 warships. In addition, the five giant magic crystal cannons on the biling were extremely powerful. As rain fell on the Japanese head, countless small fireballs flew in the distant fleet. More than 40 enemy ships equally distributed more than 20000 shells. In addition to those that fell into the sea, each warship was hit by more than 300 bullets on average. On the spot, more than a dozen warships sank, and the remaining warships were all with thousands of windows and holes.

I was looking at the cool, but suddenly came the voice of rough situation. "What a spectacle! I didn't expect our pirates to be so arrogant! "

When I looked back, it turned out to be a Russian beard. "Why don't you command the battle on your own ship and run to my flagship for what?"

Mustache giggled: "the warships have entered the attack position. There is nothing to command. It's no big deal if I stay or not! I think the boss is really good. We just followed the boss, and then we can walk horizontally when we go back! "

"What? Do you have a long face in fighting Japanese? "

"Not at all! The main reason is that these players' fleets are stationed in the port and belong to the official fleet. We pirates dare not attack these large official fleets. So if I go back and tell them that I have destroyed an official fleet, I will not envy those boys to death! "

"Isn't it? There were a lot of people when you came! Can't a pirate fleet of 80 or 90 warships defeat those with more than a dozen broken ships? "

"No way! Boss, you don't know! I brought the whole Black Sea fleet! We have never been concentrated at ordinary times. Before, we were all alone by two or three pirate ships. Most of the people even robbed the sea with only one ship! It's not easy for us either

"What about Rona?"

"She?" Bearded carefully looked at Rona and said, "she is the head of the whole European pirates. This time, more than half of the pirates in Europe have come."

"Is she so good?"

"Of course! But in fact, the most powerful of us is the Tang who ran away. He has everything in his fleet. Have you ever heard of a Blizzard? "

"What is it?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's a square box. There are many holes in it. In each hole, there is an arrow, and then the arrow will fly out. It's a little like the thing that you Chinese put on New Year's day. That thing can fly so far, and its firepower is so fierce that we never dare to offend him! "

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds like a rocket launcher!" In ancient China, rockets were used in the army on a large scale for a long time (the rocket propelled by gunpowder is not the kind of rocket fired with an arrow), but it was gradually abandoned because of the corruption of the government. Judging from the fact that they are equipped with such exaggerated rockets, it seems that the Asian pirate is probably Chinese. Foreign fleets will not be equipped with rockets.

Just thinking of suddenly seeing something in front of me, I flew out again. How many times have I been hit by a shell in this period of time! Da Hu Zi was talking to me and said it well. Suddenly he found that I was lost. When he realized that I had been hit by a shell, I had climbed up the other side of the ship. "Asshole! Which ship hit me? "

ADINA was floating on the water and pointing at me. I knew it was the submarine that did it. "King Chuang, command for me!" With the next word, I ran down the cabin, found a speedboat and drove out. Because my Dragon King suit can breathe underwater, I don't have to drive it on the water like sailors do. I drive straight under the water.

Soon I found ADINA, who took me to the submarine. This harmful submarine, see how I deal with you! With ADINA's direction, we soon found the submarine, which was driving towards the position of the biling. I can see the whole picture of the submarine underwater. In a word, this submarine is a warship. Its shape is different from that of submarines we have seen. It is quite like a sailboat, but it is advancing under the water. The propulsion system of the submarine is more than 40 long oars. The ship's slurry rotates horizontally and moves to the front. Then it becomes vertical and then paddles backward. It can advance slowly according to the different resistance.I specially ran to the front of the boat and carefully studied the connection between the slurry and the hull. It turns out that the submarine has a multi-layer shell, and there are some complicated gear transmission systems between the outermost two layers. 40 pieces of slurry are divided into left and right sides, and 20 pieces of slurry on each side are connected into the ship body by a transmission shaft. It is estimated that the sealing is not good, so only by reducing the connection port can the water leakage be reduced. However, I am basically sure that the ship has serious water leakage, so the submarine often needs to float out and discharge the accumulated water in a row.

It's easy to do if you know the structure. It's not easy to imitate it. It's not a small idea to destroy it. ADINA and I were alone, with the feather arrow I took out and inserted into the transmission gear. Hey, don't blame me! The fragile wood finger tail is easily broken, but the hard metal arrow is the gear completely stuck. Both sides of the ship's slurry suddenly unable to move, the Japanese do not know what to do, pavilion hull I can clearly hear a large group of small Japanese inside the panic cry.

Although they lost their power, they did not dare to float. They knew that they were near us. Now they would be blown to pieces by artillery. I saw a stick sticking out from the top of Japan's boat, still turning left and right. It seems that this is a periscope! I swam to the periscope, and sure enough, the end of the stick turned to my side and it didn't rotate any more. It seemed that I had seen me.

I swam to the lens and raised my middle finger. Hey, you are so angry! I pointed to their submarines, then pointed down below, and made the gesture of pinching their necks for lack of oxygen, telling them that they were going to be suffocated in the cabin. Oh, little Japanese can! I don't know if the fish in the sea like canned food!

Japanese may be stimulated by my actions. Suffocating is not a happy way to die. In fact, hypoxia is very hard, and suffocation is even more conceivable. Little Japan is not afraid of death, but doesn't like the feeling of madness. She only hears two muffled noises, and a lot of bubbles appear from the bottom of the ship, and then the submarine begins to float. It seems that they are fighting for the final battle.

But will I let you do it? I directly summoned little dragon girl to entangle the boat and sink. The submarine was immediately controlled and could not rise again. Hey hey, if you don't suffocate you, you don't know what the Chinese people who were buried alive in those years felt!

I was happy, and suddenly there were two sounds coming from the submarine again. Four pieces of diamonds that I didn't know were dropped. But the submarine that suddenly began to float again let me know that it was ballast! XiaoLongNu obviously can't pull the submarine. Although the action is very slow, the submarine still slowly floats to the surface.

However, I summoned luck out. Although I didn't let luck go under the water, the dragon in Europe should also be able to swim! Sure enough, lucky came out after a little hesitation to return to normal, I can vaguely see his neck and chest have a part of the scale ups and downs, I swam close to see that luck is actually have gills!

Under my command, luck landed directly on the submarine, and then flapped its wings up a few times. The submarine immediately sank like it was hit by something. The result of the cooperation between the two dragons is that the submarine is firmly controlled in the water, and can not go up or down.

I used the telepathy of phantom to ADINA and said: "you are here and lucky, little dragon girl, take good care of this ship for me, just stay here, block the exit to me, don't let them out."

"OK, I see." ADINA can speak freely in the water. How envious!

When I was ready to swim to the water, the sound of smashing the boat was heard from the submarine below. It seems that they may want to penetrate the submarine. It is better to drown than to suffocate. Anyway, drowning is faster and more comfortable!

I said to ADINA, "can you assist magic?"


"Add strength to the ship, bless the people inside, and intensify their fighting, so that they can live a little longer." After that, I swam directly to the surface of the water, but it was already finished. None of the more than 40 ships broke into pieces when it was within range.

"Are you too fast?" I said to King Chuang and eagle.

"We have so many guns with a long range. Each ship of the other side has been hit by thousands of shells. If we don't sink, I can't think of any way to make them sink!" The eagle looked at the still smoking muzzle with pride. The shelling must have been fierce.

Chuang Wang looks at the sea behind me. "What about the submarine?"

"It's still below. I've got its thruster jammed. Now my two dragons are pressing it to keep it from moving. After a while, it will suffocate all the people in it. We will drag the boat away. There are no drawings, ships can be copied! Now let's get rid of the booty first I look at the golden sea floating all over the equipment, saliva is coming down, this is all money!

"Brothers, take the money!" Mustache called out to the other side, and the little pirates rowed their boats at a speed I couldn't understand. They retrieved all the things and piled them on the deck of the biling.

"Wow! Good thing The gold coin held a golden breastplate in his hand. "Good attributes! The best! This one is good, and that one is also good! There are so many good things. They are so dazzling

"Pile them all up in the warehouse." I said to the eagle, "when we go back to the port, we will leave what we use, and sell the useless. Then we will leave 50% as the development fund and divide the rest.""Really?" Gold coin both eyes are ¥ symbol! She suddenly remembered what way: "Ah Wei, give me that share too! I'll keep it for him, so he won't spend money on it

I looked at Ah Wei, who was afraid to speak, and laughed. I didn't see when the boy got the job! When Ah Wei saw me, he leaned against the gold coin to declare his ownership. When the gold coin saw Ah Wei die, he pushed his head towards her and looked at Ah Wei. Then he followed Ah Wei's eyes and saw me. From my eyes, she could see what ah Wei meant. "Don't be proud! If you want to marry me, that's not enough! " As expected, she is a gold digger!

As soon as we put everything into the cabin, a string of bubbles appeared on the sea, a mast slowly protruding out of the water, and then the lucky big head. The Japanese submarine slowly surfaced, but only the upper mast came out, and the hull was still submerged in the water. ADINA rapped on the strings and said to me. "No sound!"

I looked at the time and said in a loud voice to ADINA, "don't worry, I'll do it again!" The familiar shouts and curses were heard immediately in the submarine. Play dead with me. I'm not fooled. I won't let you come up unless you're all dead.

Finally, we waited for half an hour to pull the submarine up and pry open the cabin. There were a lot of Japanese lying at the door. From the clothing can be very simple to distinguish NPC sailors players. As soon as I got to the cabin door, I heard the first to go to the Shura purple clothes and merciless way: "what strange taste?"

The rest of us followed, and there was a bad smell that almost hit me. The Japanese submarine should be regarded as a French submarine. The air exchange system is almost nonexistent. It's strange that the taste can be good after being stuffy under the water for so long. Wu Yu was smoked and vomited a mouthful of sour water.

The war song went to help Wu Yu shoot: "are you ok?"

It's not easy for you to get rid of the dead. It's not easy for you to go down with the dead

I had no choice but to go down with the hawk, the big pot rice and the battle song. The others didn't have air filter helmets. When we got into the cabin, we went down the narrow escalator to the second floor under the deck.

The cabin below looks clean, but the surrounding walls are obviously damp, but this is a submarine, and some tides are normal. There are a lot of cabins along the way. It looks like a rest area. After seeing several rooms, I have to admire the design ability of Japanese. Maybe it is the relationship between living in a narrow and crowded island for a long time. Japanese people are very good at creating space in small places. It seems that the Japanese ship is very crowded, which shows that the Japanese ship has more space than the Japanese.

But as I walked past these rooms that seemed to be for sailors, I didn't know what to say. Opening the special sliding door, you can see a huge bedroom. It's hard to imagine such a luxurious and spacious lounge in such a small cabin! War song pulled a sign from the door and put it in front of me. I was dumbfounded. "Recreation room? It's really creative! "

The eagle shook his head and said, "this ship is better than not. I won't get on this ship anyway." He lifted his feet and pulled out a thick white line. "It's disgusting!" With that, the eagle lost interest and ran straight to the deck.

Although I think it's very annoying here, I can't help it. Even if I don't want this one, at least we should make clear the structure and copy it! Hard headed to continue to move forward, the front is actually the central control room. This is where the periscope goes. There are a lot of white mold on the ground here. It's as slippery as moss. It's disgusting. Even the walls are covered with mildew. Japan's endurance is really strong. This environment is just a gas chamber. This is the control room, the design is certainly more complicated than the general warship. Kick away the little Japanese who is still lying on the periscope. I went up to have a look. Yes, the function of the telescope. I can also see what ah Wei is saying with gold coins on the deck.

After a brief look at it, I still rushed onto the deck with the battle song and rice pot. Seeing that we came out, we had to rely on each other, so I stopped everyone. "Wait a minute!" I took the rice pot and the war song and jumped down into the sea for a while before climbing up. I felt that my whole body was moldy. If I didn't wash it clean, I really couldn't stand it!

I climbed onto the deck and lifted my face. "How do you feel?"

"Almost smoked to death!" War song is the first answer.

"I didn't ask you that! I mean, how is the boat? "

Warsong thought for a moment: "the design is good, although there are many defects, but it can be regarded as a very good harassment tactics!"

"Can it only be used for harassment?" Asked the red moon.

"I'm afraid so!" Of course, I don't need a high mast for the scuba, that is to say, it doesn't need a high mast. And we have seen that its underwater propulsion system only has 40 pieces of slurry, and because of the manufacturing process, the friction is very big, and the underwater speed is extremely slow! At the same time, it is obvious that there are several gas storage chambers on the ship, which take up a lot of space, so they can't load too many things. Even they have only 12 guns equipped. This kind of firepower is of no use except harassing! ""Originally, we were going to build a few more, but let's hear what you say!"

"No!" King Chuang interrupted: "in fact, it's OK to build several ships. It's not necessary to fight directly. It's useful to attack the other party's flagship."

"What about the ship now?" Asked the gold coin.

"First find a boat to tow. When we go back, we'll dig a hole in the bottom of the boat and fill it with water from the top. If it's cleaned up, it's OK." That's a good idea.

"That's what we can do first! The biling is going to take part in the war directly. It's inconvenient to tow a boat. Let other ships tow it! " I finally decided. "Well, we should continue to move forward. More than 40 ships are just the beginning, and the sunk warships in our Hongliu harbor need them to return ten times more."

King Chuang asked, "what about those bodies?"

"Will it refresh later?"

"The corpses of naval battles will not refresh when players are nearby!" Chuang Wang simply said: "the corpse will float like the equipment until there is no player nearby. It is said that this is the game company in order to improve the atmosphere of the naval battle

"I'm dizzy! Then tie these corpses with ropes to the outside of the biling. By the way, all the heads are cut off. I'm useful! "

The eagle looked at me with a pair of abnormal eyes: "what do you want to do?"

"I'll be at the port of little Japan later. I want to put these heads in the cannons and shoot them all into the city. It's called heart attack! By the way, put the word "I am a Japanese pig" on the forehead of these heads

"I can't speak Japanese!" The eagle cried.

"Stupid! Most of them use Chinese characters. They all know Chinese characters! " As I climbed up the biling, I muttered, "these little Japanese are all written by us, and they say that they want greater East Asia to prosper together. They have become China's affiliated countries for N years. I don't know the sky and the earth! Oh! How can this wolf not be raised! It's better to exterminate it completely. If we can't tame it, we can only destroy it! "

"Captain, another fleet is coming from behind us!" The lookout quickly reported to me.

"Back? Isn't South Korea behind us? " When I lifted my telescope, I saw a huge fleet approaching us, and they had the South Korean flag on their masts. "Wow, more than 200! What a big pen I did a rough count, and the numbers startled me.

"So much?" The eagle also quickly came up and looked through the telescope. "I can't see clearly, but there should be a lot of black shadows like this!"

"Report to the captain! We have a fleet of warships ahead I turned again and looked at the bow. "The Japanese fleet seems to be the black dragon fleet! The flags are the same! "

"Can you see the numbers?" The eagle also fell over and looked at it for a long time.

"No, we'd better avoid it first!"

"Why?" Listen to me say this despondent words, we all look at the distance strangely.

"If the number of enemy ships is over 1000, do you think we should avoid it?"

"Why so much?" The eagle was startled.

While carefully distinguishing the enemy's equipment level, I said: "turn around the whole fleet, let's go. It's not worth fighting against this fleet! We are not defending our territory now. Our goal is to destroy the enemy as much as possible. We have no need to fight to the end! "

The eagle pointed to the Korean fleet not far away and said, "what do they do?"

I raised my head and said to the opposite flagman. Tell them that we are Chinese. There are more than 1000 Japanese warships behind us, and many of them are equipped with magic crystal cannons. "

The flagman quickly sent the flag to the South Korean warship behind us. At this time, we had turned the bow and headed for the Korean fleet. The commander of the other side didn't look stupid. The huge fleet suddenly stopped and began to turn around. In order not to collide with the turning Korean fleet, we were forced to slow down the speed of the ship. As we slowly approached the Korean warship, the Japanese warships behind us also drew closer to us. Our fleet moved slowly through the middle of the Korean fleet. The bealing slowly approached the other party's flagship.

We soon moved forward side by side with the flagship of the Korean fleet, and we all ran to the side of the ship and looked at the people on the opposite warship. I took the flag bearer to act as a translator for the time being. Anyway, the semaphore is universal. I jumped off the biling and went directly to the other side's warship. In order not to cause misunderstanding, I only took hawk and Chuang Wang.

The other side's warships are relatively large, with a total length of more than 190 meters, but they are still under a lot compared with the biling. We were met by more than a dozen people. To my surprise, the leader was actually a woman!

"Hello, this is ziri, captain of the biling. This is my deputy captain eagle, and this is my special advisor, King Chuang I'll start with an introduction.

"Hello, this is Piao silver, captain of the Hannah." The leading female captain reached out and shook me. It seems that she is only fifteen or sixteen years old. I can't accept her age. The appearance aspect has the characteristic, that is specially lovable, looks like the cartoon character! Behind her stood a circle of people, mostly in their thirties, and almost all of them were men.

"Are you..." I pointed to more than 200 warships around."Fight the Japanese!" She smiles and brings out two lovely dimples. "Don't you want to rob all the Japanese? How can you run after them? "

The little girl's words almost didn't make me choke to death. "How do you know?"

"I just passed by you. Didn't you stop the pursuers for me?"

"Was that your boat just now?" Sweat all came down, just that speech way whole a small hooligan! It's a little girl! "Are you too fast to repair a ship?"

Park Yin rolled her eyes. "It wasn't this one just now."

"Do you have many boats?"

Park Yin thought for a moment. "Not counting the previous sinking, there are still some that haven't been built yet. Maybe..."! Seventy or eighty! "

I almost didn't freak out. I'm really rich! It's not sinking. It's not bad! Even if they are ordinary warships, the cost will not be less than the biling!

"Captain!" The first mate called to me from the side of the biling. "The Japanese warships are close to a distance of 31 kilometers!"

"These bastards are coming fast!" I turned to park Yin and said, "sorry, I have to go back and deal with the problem of escape."

"Won't you let me go up and have a look?" Park Yin actually said he wanted to visit, and it was such a time!

"This..."! All right I was embarrassed to refuse her, so I took her on board. She didn't ask me after she got on the ship. She just waited for me to introduce my crew to her, and then they started to run around by themselves. It was really exciting to feel and see! But she didn't want me to accompany her on the tour, so I quickly arranged work. "Wu Yu?"

"Here it is Wu Yu suddenly jumped out.

"You get on the tail turret, this distance should be able to hit them." We are ahead of the race, Japan in the back, this situation is more favorable for us. Although the range of the magic crystal cannon is 30 kilometers, because we are in motion, the magic crystal cannon of the biling can actually cover Japanese warships 30 kilometers away. The Japanese warships are different. If we are 30 kilometers apart, we are still in range when the Japanese magic crystal cannon is firing, and we are out of range when the shell lands! So the situation is that we can attack Japanese warships and they can't reach us.

But the girl next to me is very difficult! Because she is still on our ship, we can't leave. We can only line up with South Korean warships. However, Korean warships are obviously not as fast as Japanese ships. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, but we can't run! My pirate ships are faster than Japanese ships, so it's easy to escape. But now that our flagship is caught, those pirate ships have to work there in a hurry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!