Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 8: Water monkey

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Luther remained standing on the small cliff of the island.

The waves in the distance were surging.

Because it is a full moon, the scale of the tide rise tonight is very large.

In the grotesque sea stories told by pirates and sailors, the high tide often means the beginning of the weirdness.


Luther swallowed.

In the moonlight, he could see clearly that the slippery sea bass in his hand had died before it came out of the water.

If you distinguish it more closely, you can see two rows of sharp teeth marks on the belly of the fish.

"It\'s the kind of fish that can deform! It hung the dead bass on its hook!"

After Luther wanted to understand, he didn\'t care about the fish he caught, so he just wanted to quickly turn his head and run away.

Before he turned around, I saw a wet long webbed hand protruding from the bottom of the small cliff!

"Transformed fish! It\'s the deformed fish here!" Luther threw the dead bass in his hand towards the cliff, and started howling.

At this time, a round head protruded from the cliff, with wet water under the moon.

This head is not much like a fish.

On the contrary, it is similar to a monkey, like some kind of primate with hair, the hair soaked in seawater sticks to its body.

Under the moonlight, how terrible it looks.

The "Water Monkey" continued to climb towards the shore.

When it was completely out of the water and flexibly climbed the small cliff, its physical characteristics began to change.

The dense appearance on his body began to fade, revealing skin that resembled a human. The webs on the hands and feet also disappeared, and the five fingers appear more flexible.

The face of this thing began to twist and change, and finally became like Uncle Luther.

A sea monster called a deformed fish can transform into the appearance of any living thing, provided it has seen it.

As for the appearance of the "water monkey" that this strange fish debuted tonight, it was probably copied from some kind of monster it had encountered before.

Luther, the angler, is not a fool.

The deformed fish have all appeared, and he naturally knows to run.

I could run away last time, so it should be the same this time.

But the development of things is different from Luther\'s vision.

This monster that only copied his appearance, no longer stood still on the spot like the previous two days.

Instead, it grinned and made a oozing roar. Its mouth grew bigger and bigger, the corners of the mouth cracked to the base of the ears, and the original flat human teeth were restored to the appearance of two layers of pointed slender teeth inside and outside.

It seems that in the deformed state, the deformed fish can still change the manifestation of the body\'s organs at will.


The murloc roared, and on the cliff behind it, there were several wet claws with webbed hairs, suddenly climbing out!

There are more of this weird deformed fish tonight!

"I\'m so stupid, really. I only knew that the deformed fish in the first two days were sluggish and would not be able to attack people. But I didn\'t know that this animal\'s temperament would change drastically during the full moon and high tide!"

Uncle Luther struggled to escape, crying in his heart.

In the land of miracles, the roundness of the moon will indeed affect the surge of magic power like the tides of the sea.

This effect is minimal to most humans and demihumans who can control magic.

But for some wild monsters with more sensitive perception, the situation is different.

Some monsters will go crazy at the full moon.

What\'s more, during this period of time, they will be dominated by a strong desire to reproduce, and they will roar and court at the full moon.

As for the type of deformed fish, it is temporarily unknown.

As an ordinary person, Luther didn\'t understand the moon\'s influence on the magic tide. But he knew that many anecdotes and anecdotes on the sea began with the full moon at night and the big tide as the background.

I have encountered a strange thing in strange things!

I have been fishing for most of my life, but I didn\'t expect to be bait tonight!

Although Luther hated Duoen for growing two legs to escape, the deformed fish monster suddenly violent behind him moved faster.

At this moment, the angler was about to be thrown down by the fish monster, and fell into despair.


An arrow condensed by pure magic, with a dazzling light, shot out quickly from the sparse forest of the island, and the center was in the abdomen of the pounced fish monster.

Red blood splashed out with a fishy smell, and the swooping deformed fish was severely knocked down. At the same time, the deformed state of this monster was also broken by this heavy blow.

From the wound as the center, white fish scales appeared around the body, and the limbs shrank, transforming from a human form back to a dying big fish.

Holding the cyan longbow in his hand [the last whisper], Greg Lu was shot into the soul.

But behind the fish monster shot down by him, several strangely shaped deformed fish landed.

Some of them look like "water monkeys", and some look like humans. Anyway, there are so many weird shapes and appearances suitable for action on land.

"So many? Obviously this kind of fish monster should be very rare."

Greg Lu was a little surprised, but he didn\'t panic, and continued to aim his bow steadily. And it quickly connected this monster\'s abnormal behavior with today\'s surprisingly round and bright big full moon.

On the cliff of a small island.

Although Luther was not thrown down by the first fish monster, the fish monsters crawling out of the sea still made his legs weak.

This senior angler felt that he would never like fishing again.

If there is a future.

Before Luther was surrounded by more and more fish monsters, there was movement in the small forest behind him.

I saw two slippery tentacles with suckers, which were thrown out like whips and wrapped around his waist flexibly.


The poor angler hadn\'t even shouted for help, so he was dragged into the grove by the huge power of his tentacles.

Wait until Luther was forcibly removed from the position of the frontal conflict on the beach.

Boom boom boom!

The [screamer] on the hyena\'s hand growled low, and the sound was like muffled thunder. Every roar of this magic spear is accompanied by a strong magical explosion!

The number of fish monsters grabbing the beach tonight was already large, and this large-scale magic bombardment had a significant effect.

Basically, there is no need to aim, no matter where you point it, you can at least injure two deformed fish.

Dorn and Vivian\'s group are here.

Miss Fairy originally charged and attacked directly while dragging the staff, UU reading www.uukanshu. The big staff of com smashed at the enemy\'s head!

But Dorn was held back: "Even if you want to rush, wait until the hyena has finished washing the ground before rushing..."

Vivian didn\'t know what "washing the ground" meant, but she nodded her head, her expression slightly regrettable and changed her fighting style.

I saw that she put the life-filled ebony staff toward the ground and chanted a few words quickly, and the surrounding plants changed instantly.

The weeds on the ground with a little withered yellow, at a speed that the naked eye can\'t catch, quickly grow wildly!

The already tough grass blades are big, thick, and long, like tripwires with self-awareness, and rolled over them according to the fish monsters who are still ignoring the login!

Having regained the abilities of the Fairy Queen, Vivian, who was only good at close combat, can already use various natural spells very skillfully.
