Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 14: News from the Black Chamber of Commerce

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In the Marlow Port Market, the vendors\' screams were overwhelmed, and it was very noisy.

The air here seems to have a fishy smell.

Although Marlowe, called [Stone Crown on the Waves], is a veritable pirate city, the scale of the market development here is huge.

Pirates also have to live.

The market is under the management of the most powerful black business force in the city. As long as a certain amount of money is paid to this black business organization, anyone can sell goods here.

Black traders will also protect the merchandise of small traders and even arbitrate sales disputes when necessary.

The result of the arbitration is not necessarily fair, but it must be refuted by no one.

The last person who was dissatisfied with the results of the arbitration of the Black Chamber of Commerce, is probably still calm somewhere in the bay.

The rules on the underworld have always been so barbaric.

Regardless of the rules behind this market, you can find almost anything you want to buy in this island market. Including drinks, food, weapons and props, and even living slaves with half of withered grass on their heads.

The informant of the Holy See, Argo, walked in this black market with a capable man, looking like he was about to place an order for his tavern’s daily purchases.

It\'s normal.

After strolling around the market, the fat boss with bluish hair and a little shark descent seemed to be tired from walking. He casually took a bench in front of a vendor and sat down.

Argo, who runs a tavern and raises a group of thugs, is also considered a big man in Marlow, and he is also recognized by small merchants and hawkers. Therefore, the stall owner who was taken off the bench by him was not at all annoyed, but instead kept making a smile at him.

"Do your own thing, I will rest with you, don\'t bother me."

"Good, good."

Argo easily dismissed the vendors around him.

After humming and resting for a while, he turned his gaze to a fruit stand not far away.

"Go, bring a coconut to Cowan\'s stall for Lao Tzu, and ask for more water." Argo spit on the ground and instructed his men like this.

The boss has spoken, and the subordinates are naturally going to do things.

So these five big and three thick thugs took a stride to the fruit stand and stretched out their hands: "Master Argo wants to eat you a coconut, and get a juicy one."

The fruit vendor is also a person who will come, nodding his head again and again, and after careful selection at the stall, he will come up with the best-looking one.

The thug picked it up, turned his head and left.

As for the money to buy coconuts, boss Argo will pay you for eating a rotten coconut?

On the top of the coconut shell, at the point of the tip, there are three naturally formed holes, one of which can be easily pierced to pour out the coconut juice.

The fruit vendor has just pierced the hole intimately.

Argo took the coconut, held his head up and drank two sips, the juice was really cool and thirst quenching.

Then he sat there and rested for a while, confirming that today\'s purchase has been completed, then moved his fat body and left the black market holding the coconut.

After leaving this bazaar and walking out a few streets, Argo stopped in the deserted back alley of the [Storm and Sea Wave] tavern.

He took off a portable dagger from his waist, and then drew it up against the green coconut under his hand.

The sharp blade pried a gap in the coconut shell, and you could see the white-flowered coconut meat and half of the coconut milk that was not finished.

In the white pulp water, there is a small impervious parchment roll, which is shaking up and down.

Argo took the parchment roll up quietly, then threw the half of the coconut to his men, and went straight into the back door of his tavern.

"Sir, and miss, I have received a piece of information that you will definitely be interested in." Argo walked into the intelligence room, like a lynx returning from hunting.

Looking at the intelligence on the other side of the table, Donne, who was dizzy, raised his head lazily: "Oh? Is it related to the Storm Order?"

The attention of other people in the room was also attracted by the hotel owner.

"Yes, sir. I just received important news from an informant in the Black Chamber of Commerce." Argo took out the parchment still dipped in coconut juice. The collection of news about the cult has been strengthened a lot."

The Black Chamber of Commerce, the source of this information, is Marlowe\'s one of the most powerful forces.

Argo\'s ability to develop and install informants and get important news is enough to show his ability in intelligence work.

If it were in the past, this tavern owner who only raised a group of thugs would never dare to do such a thing.

But since the connection with the Holy See, everything has changed.

Using the resources and help provided by the Holy See far away on land, Argo had already woven a large intelligence network in Port Marlow and reached out to the entire island city.

His secret forces have grown and expanded many times after several years of operation!

Argo enjoyed this kind of secret manipulation.

On the part of the Holy See, as long as there is no illegal agreement and agreement with the Holy See, it will not interfere too much with this informant\'s behavior in cultivating power.

After all, the whole Port of Marlow was originally a place outside the law.

"Is there a connection between the Storm Cult and the Black Merchant Guild?" Dorne said as he took the parchment.

In response, Argo just nodded:

"I also just learned that. Every year, the children of the storm entrust well-informed black merchants to find a large ship with relatively weak defense force for them."

In this area of ​​the Storm Islands, the intricate connections between various forces, large and small, are quite normal.

And it sounds like the children of the storm are looking for ships every year, and they should be preparing for the sea sacrifice.

After circulating the parchment, Dorn and others received several important new news.

The son of the storm has passed the black merchants this year, UU reading found a suitable ship, named the Golden Meri.

In addition, the information of the representatives of the Storm Cult, who had been in contact with the black business for a long time, was also disclosed—

He is a man in his thirties, with the identity of an elder among the children of the storm, and his name is Cowan.

This person often travels in Port Marlow, and the places he frequents are also told by the people in the black business.

"Elder of the children of the storm, this is really important news." Dorn read the content on the parchment several times, and finally smiled on his tired face.

A few days later, Miss Favna had already prepared a batch of deformation potions and completed the delivery.

These potions are expected to come in handy soon.

Because the first candidate to break into the high-level of the son of the storm, I found it.
