Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 12: The gentleman also defends?

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System reminder: 【Predator】The effect is triggered, and the attributes of attack, physique, and mental power are enhanced.

System reminder: [Synchronized Stomach Pouch] is triggered and the skill [Transform lv0] is obtained.

[Transformation]: After the skill is cast, you can change the body structure at will to obtain the appearance characteristics of any biological individual. The larger the difference between the changed creature and your original size, the more difficult it is to maintain the deformation effect.

After sharing a pot of fragrant deformed fish tofu soup with everyone who stayed up late and worked overtime, Dorn successfully obtained the income of eating magic dishes.

Because a pot of soup uses the flesh of several deformed fish, the increase in attribute points obtained by [Predator] is the amount of stacking.

In the end, the attack power increased by 8 points, the physical power increased by 5 points, and the mental power increased by 6 points.

Can be considered lackluster.

But correspondingly, Dorn got what he wanted to get the [Transformation] ability of the Transforming Fish.

With this skill, if you want to transform in the future, you will not be restricted by the transformation potion.

Change directly with the size of the place.

When Greg Lu knew about it, he probably had to cry.

System reminder: [Synchronized Stomach Bag] effect is triggered, skill [Transform lv0] experience is increased, and skill level is increased.

At the same time, since the deformed fish has eaten a certain amount, the [Transformation] skill directly rises to level lv1.

Dorn can already use this skill to perform more detailed micro-manipulations on his changed appearance, and the experience of pinching his face is directly full.

When transforming into a unit that is too large or too small, the effect will be slightly stable, and the amount of blue to maintain the state will be reduced accordingly.

"It feels like if this skill level is stretched to the full. I might be able to get rid of the template, instead of copying and pasting the appearance of other life entities, but freely to become whatever I want to change."

Dorn wondered like this in his heart.

For now, it is still very promising to brush the skill of [Transform] to lv5.

Just now in the process of drinking fish soup, Dorn received a thought communication from Dragon Mother in the story world.

"It\'s not good, it\'s not good, Don! Two fish monsters are not ashamed or embarrassed in the lagoon!"

This is Alice\'s opening remarks.

There is a little shyness in the tone, but also a little excitement and curiosity.

According to Alice\'s report, two of the six deformed fishes that she drove to the saltwater lake began to make indescribable movements at the bottom of the lake almost without any warning.

Perhaps the reason why the deformed fish school tonight is attracted by Uncle Luther’s singing is that he really used it as a signal for courtship...

So that I still nodded when I was captured, and I hurriedly handled it as soon as I got down...

Alice observed for a while at the two deformed fish who were busy breeding offspring, and soon discovered another amazing secret!

Such deformable monsters are actually hermaphrodite!

There is no difference between males and females at all.

By observing their reproductive activities, it can be found that two deformed fish who have seen the right eyes will start a hand-to-hand battle. The winner will get the initiative, and whoever loses will get pregnant.

Very fair.

Maybe, a little bit similar to a snail?


After being forcibly supplemented with such a knowledge of monsters, Donne was speechless for a while, but then he became happy again.

As long as the six deformed fish in the story world are given to Crick, with this peculiar way of reproducing monsters, the six can be reproduced as twelve through the appropriate arrangement and combination!

[Transformation] Fully full of skills feels just around the corner.

After the supper, it\'s not too early.

"Work can\'t be finished. Just sleep well when you need to sleep. When the new day comes, you can start moving bricks."

Under Don\'s persuasion, everyone in the intelligence room exited here and returned to their room to rest.

And Don himself didn\'t go to bed so quickly.

He still has things to do.

Golden Oak City.

The residence of the alchemist Fafna.

It was late at night, and the young lady alchemist was lying on the bed in the bedroom, sleeping soundly.

In a daze, she heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" The alchemist lady sat up from the bed wrapped in a thin blanket, and was dazed for about five seconds, feeling a little bit of getting up.

Looking out the window again, it was pitch black without a trace of light.

"Miss Favna, it\'s me, Dorn." The person outside the door responded.

Miss Alchemist, because she had traded several alchemy potions with Donne, and also because of the relationship with Greg Lu, she had already become acquainted.

Listening to the voice outside the door, it is indeed true for Donne.

"Why are you like this? What\'s the matter, I can\'t wait until tomorrow, I have to knock on the door of my bedroom so late..."

Favna complained anxiously, and fumbled out of the bed, planning to put on another coat over her flimsy pajamas before opening the door.

However, the coat was only halfway through, and her forced-on brain finally realized an important thing:

"Are you Don? Wait a minute, why are you at my house at this point!?"

Across the door, you can hear the panic noise of Ding Ling screaming from the bedroom of the alchemist lady.

Dorn, standing outside the door, just shrugged calmly: "Because you didn\'t respond when I knocked on the door downstairs."

For Donne now, any space obstacles such as doors, walls, etc., can actually be regarded as non-existent.

He who owns [Yueqiang Baiwu], he can go where he wants to go!

However, when visiting Miss Favna tonight, Donn still maintained a basic polite bottom line.

At the very least, he didn\'t directly break into Miss Alchemist\'s boudoir in the middle of the night, but jumped to the corridor at the door of her bedroom, and then knocked on the door properly.

After a while.

The door opened.

Favna, who had already taken off her pajamas with suspenders and put on her everyday women\'s clothing, poked her head out.

Her eyes are still a little wistful, and her yellow-brown hair is a little messy.

"It\'s really you? How did you come in? I obviously locked the door?" Favna looked confused when she saw Donne.

"I have a little bit of driving skills that don\'t need to go." Dorn spread his hands and answered truthfully.

"What kind of idiot\'s ability do you master? Fortunately, I changed your view before, thinking that you may be a good person. But as expected, you will not be a serious person if you have a good relationship with people like Gregru."

Favna\'s face, which always looked high and cold, showed a look of contempt. But because she was a little confused just after waking up, her expression looked unconvincing overall.

After voicing, she looked at the corridor a few more times: "Wait a minute, didn\'t Vivian come with you?"

"It\'s too late, she fell asleep." Dorn shrugged.

"Do you know it\'s too late?" Favna rolled her eyes, UU Reading "Although we are very familiar now, it is still inappropriate for you to break into my house alone at night? It\'s better for you. Can come up with a reasonable explanation, otherwise... I will definitely hit Vivian with your short report."

Because she used to be a love mentor for Vivian, Miss Alchemist is subconsciously biased towards her "apprentice".

After she finished speaking, she tightened her clothes tightly, and took a half step back away from Xiao Xiao.


Is it okay to tell me to make a small report in front of me?

Also, are you serious about taking a half step back?

If you guard against a villain like Gregru, forget it.

The gentleman also defends?
