Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 67: Wild demigod

Latest URL: Dorn is thinking about the feasibility of turning the little pets raised by [War] and [Famine] into food.

As he was thinking, his thoughts suddenly changed, and he thought of the green crow man, [the clone of death], who seemed to always bring a green crow on the stage.

"Wait a minute, do all Apocalypses have pets?" Donn asked the question he thought of.

Cthulhu Big Sister still looks like knowing everything:

"Yes. However, the number of crows raised by [Death] is not in quality. For you, it is far inferior to the two demigods I mentioned earlier. As for me, what? Have you eaten the silk?"

"Ah, I have always regarded Alice as a family member." Dorn coughed.

Dragon Mother is the "pet" raised by [Plague].

Donn really wanted to understand this point just now.

But having said that, when he first saw Alice, he did look at the two young dragons in the treasure chest with the eyes of food.

After starting "Alice\'s Bedtime Reading", Long Niang probably changed from food to reserve food?

Later, after getting along day and night, Alice\'s identity changed from a grain reserve to a "daughter".

"I want to say that I will challenge the demigod raised by the deity as soon as I come up. Isn\'t this a bit too difficult? Is there any transition option?" Dorn weighed and asked again.

Killing a demigod pet under the eyelids of a **** is hard to do no matter how you think about it.

To be on the safe side, if there are any transition options, it is best to transition first.

"You have a lot of requests." Dolores smiled but didn\'t smile, "However, there are not no hunting targets for you to transition."


Have you said so soon!

But given the bad personality of this Cthulhu Big Sister, he probably didn\'t say anything deliberately at the beginning, probably because he wanted to see how annoyed and depraved.

Gee, this guy is nasty and naive!

"In the stormy waters south of the mainland, a wild demigod appeared a few hundred years ago. It is a big octopus with many smooth tentacles. Although it is a demigod, it is essentially a beast without much wisdom. It should be edible."

"Because it is wild, there is no protection from gods, and its strength is almost at the bottom of the semi-god rank. This big octopus is much easier to hunt than the little red fish and the little black snake. You can start with it first."

Dolores finally got the point.

Although his concept of size judgment is inexplicable, the information provided is very valuable.

Wild demigods are not protected by any apocalyptic evil gods. It is indeed an excellent transition target before the official hunting of red fish and black snakes.

Donn\'s current strength is not weak, and he has just obtained a few items that he originally consecrated himself. Coupled with the title of Divine Envoy, it is enough for him to dispatch some powerful thugs from the Holy See to assist.

Face the demigod at the bottom, the advantage is me!

No matter how bad it is, the guarantee can be a 50-50.

"So, where can I find it?" Dorn moved his mind.

"There is a primitive and barbaric small-scale belief in the storm sea. Those believers claim to be the sons of the storm and believe in the **** of the storm. The so-called **** of the storm is actually the big octopus. Find the sons of the storm, follow the vines, and you should be able to Find it."

Dolores calmly sipped a sip of tea, and then pointed out a clear way.

After everything was explained, the tea in the castle hall had been drunk for several rounds.

Dolores stood up from the main seat: "If there are no more questions to ask me, then I will invite the lovely and beautiful little fairy girl outside into the book. You didn\'t mean to give it here. Shall we make dinner? I am looking forward to it."

"Besides, don\'t blame me for not reminding you. If you want to tell her about the information and intelligence related to the evil **** of the apocalypse, just say vaguely about it."

"You yourself are now at the threshold of being clearly perceived by the evil god. If you make the little fairy girl like you again. If you two are still tired of being together every day, I don\'t need to say how much you die. ?"

The Cthulhu Big Sister\'s advice was also the reason why he chose to pull Dorn into the story world to talk alone.

In response, Dorn just nodded sincerely, indicating that he would pay attention to proportion.

As soon as his promise was made, the energy floating in the castle in the middle of the lake instantly outlined three figures.

They were the anxious fairy lady, and the black and white dragon lady who couldn\'t figure out the situation.

As soon as Vivian appeared, she saw the Cthulhu Sister and Dorn standing opposite, and it was a light and agile leap, and the ebony staff stopped in front of Dorn.

Like a cat that protects food with fried hair.

"Bad...bad woman!"

Miss Fairy was aggrieved for a long time, staring at the Cthulhu Big Sister, who was dressed in white and had a perfect figure, and finally only mumbled such a vocabulary that she didn\'t use frequently.

The tone was a bit anxious, a bit angry, and a sour taste.

This looks very tall, big, and the bad woman who made Vivian a little inferior in body contrast, forcibly took Dorn away and forced him to be alone with Dorn, which made Vivian very unhappy.

"Isn\'t the fairy little sister\'s personality much tougher than she looks. So cute~ let the sister hug?" Dolores still maintained a state of disapproval.

"No, don\'t lean over..." Miss Fairy\'s tone was slightly weaker, and the last two words were as small as mosquitoes.

Her character is not tough.

On the other side, Alice, who appeared together in the hall, both bodies looked confused in the face of this jealous change.

How come Don and Vivian suddenly confronted their mother.

After thinking about it, Alice couldn\'t even notice which side she should go to help.

You can only make the distance between your two bodies as close as possible to the two sides as equal as possible, showing an equal position without pulling a side frame.

Of course, it was Dorn himself who ended this little farce.

Under his brief comfort, Miss Fairy was instantly smoothed, changing from a cat with teeth and food to a timid rabbit.

In response, the neutral Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

After everything settled down, Donne began to think about an eternal proposition—what should I have for dinner tonight?

Because of the big sister of Cthulhu, UU read www.uukanshu. com is a matter of harvesting a large wave of [cooking power], and this meal is definitely not sloppy at the moment.

"Let me think about what food I can eat now."

In the current story world, the highest quality ingredients are the Cretan bull beef of SS grade.

It’s normal to eat the meat the size of Roshan without eating it.

However, because of the relatively long time, all Cretan beef meat is either turned into frozen meat for storage, or dried or salted to make jerky meat.

"So, is it better to have beef for the main course?"

As Dorn was about to finalize the recipe for tonight, Dolores, the guest who was entertained tonight, spoke:

"Can I bring my own ingredients? There is something that I have always wanted to taste, but no one in this world can cook it."