Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 61: Doctor Dolores

Latest website: After leaving Jebbs through the [Leaping White Mist], Dorn first stayed in the uninhabited outskirts of this holy city for a while.

As promised by the original god, the Green Crow man who was [the clone of death] did not show up to attack him.

"I don\'t know what restrictions the original God has imposed on [Death] and the Green Crow Man."

After confirming the safety, Dorn released Miss Fairy from "Alice\'s Bedtime Book".

After that, he activated the [White Mist Jumping] skill again, and took Vivian into the hazy, white mist that seemed to be connected to an infinite distance.

It would take about an hour to return from Jebus to State Shelley and walk through the white mist.

During this period of time, Dorn roughly told Vivian about what had just happened in the Holy City.

About the original god, about the evil god, and also about myself as a divine envoy.

Because the amount of information in these contents is too huge, Miss Fairy has not been able to relax after hearing it for a long time.

Between the righteous gods and the evil gods, a huge battle of gods is brewing?

Dorne, who gets along with him day and night, is actually the man whom the original **** looks after?

This information is full of explosive points, no matter who it is, it is estimated that it will be difficult to accept at first glance.

At the end of the talk, Vivian\'s reaction was left with holding the staff, blinking the lake blue eyes, and sighing in her mouth "It\'s incredible, it\'s incredible".

I don\'t know if I have fully accepted these complicated information.

Outside Shelley’s capital.

Thick white mist gathered out of thin air in an empty wheat field with white snow, and then Dorn took Vivian out of the mist.

There is still some distance from the destination of their trip.

"It seems that there are residential areas for residents further ahead. White fog in those places may cause unnecessary panic. Let\'s walk over the next journey?"

"By the way, when you meet someone near Shelley Capital, you can just test whether the curse of the ruins on you is completely eliminated."

After Dorne got out of the white fog, he first took a rough look at the surrounding situation, and then compared the map with [Plague] in his email.

"Hmm." Vivienne just kept nodding in response to Don\'s instructions.

A well-behaved look that listens to the organization\'s arrangements.

The two walked in the direction of Shelley\'s main city for a while, but in the end they didn\'t enter the city, but stopped in the outskirts of Shelley.

This is a densely populated area of ​​low-rise brick-wood structure houses.

Because it is just outside the main city, it is much more lively and vibrant than the fringe villages of Laika Village.

The black dirt road mixed with the melted snow water made it muddy. In the short yard of the roadside house, you can see chickens foraging and dogs barking at strangers.

When Dorn and Vivian came here, it was the evening meal. You can see the smoke rising from the chimneys of individual small roofs, and you can smell the smell of dry wood burning in the air.

Very pyrotechnic.

From this suburban residential area, one can directly see the towering walls of Shelley’s main city.

Because it was winter, the direction of the main city was a bit depressed in the past.

At the western end of the residential area, there is a large independent brick and wood house.

This house is much larger than the other buildings in this area, and the yard is also very large.

A considerable part of the area seems to have been cultivated for planting, but now it is covered with snow, and it is hard to see what has been planted in the field.

"From the map, [Plague] should be here." After checking the marked points on the mail map at last, Dorn turned off his system panel.

Then he turned his head and fixed his gaze on Vivian who was beside him.

"I\'ll go in with you." Miss Fairy realized the meaning of the question in this gaze.

When she was on her way, she at least knew that this trip to Shelley was to visit a nominal evil god.

Although the development of this thing is very strange and jumpy, Miss Fairy still wants to accompany Donne to act together.

"Good." Dorn nodded.

[Plague] Since it is an ally of the original god, there should be no danger in this visit to him.

The two walked into this large private courtyard, and before waiting for the wooden house close to it, the door of the house was opened from the inside to the outside.

A middle-aged man with white hair and ordinary clothes came out from the inside.

It looks like a complete ordinary person.

As soon as this person went out, he happened to have a face-to-face meeting with Dorn and Vivienne outside, and the two looked at each other.

In the end, the man opposite spoke first, with a more friendly tone: "New faces? I don\'t seem to have seen you two. Come to see Doctor Dolores?"

"Dolores?" Dorn did not immediately answer the old man\'s question, but silently repeated this familiar name in his heart.

After a brief memory, he found the source of this familiarity.

When I was drinking **** tea in the Laika Village at the foot of the Qima Snow Mountain, I heard her mention this name when she was drinking **** tea at the home of Elian\'s mother-in-law who lost the pot!

It seems to be a kind doctor lady who is active around Shelley.

Not long ago, I helped Laika Village deal with a disease and promoted hot **** tea, a cold-fighting drink there.

"Couldn\'t this Dolores be [Plague]? A Cthulhu named Plague, not only lives among ordinary people, or lives in the name of a doctor?" Dorn muttered in his heart.

Because Dorn didn\'t reply for a long time, Vivian on the side answered the man\'s question instead of him.

"Well, we are here to see Doctor Dolores." Miss Fairy chose to follow the other party\'s question to answer.

Hearing this answer, the middle-aged man seemed very happy:

"Then you two even come to the right place. Our Doctor Dolores is very powerful. You can see any disease. It\'s even more amazing than the doctors in the royal city!"

This boastful routine is simple and familiar.

Then he continued to ask: "By the way, what are you going to see?"

"Well—we want to see..."

Vivian didn\'t think about this question. She looked at Dorn, who was still thinking about things.

The man on the opposite side began to observe his words.

This beautiful young lady hesitated to say something but didn\'t want to say it, and frequently looked at the young men around her.

From this point of view, what kind of disease is not already obvious!

"Sorry, I shouldn\'t have asked." The middle-aged man appeared embarrassed, but then added:

"But even if it is that kind of disease, as long as you listen to Dr. Dolores and treat it well, it should be improved. So what-I\'ll go first, I wish you a happy husband and wife in the future."

After speaking, the UU reading man strayed awkwardly out of the yard.

Just before leaving, he took a more sneaky glance at Dorn.

Obviously looks very handsome, and the young wife around him is also very beautiful and charming, but it happens to be that kind of disease...

What a lucky and unfortunate young man.

At this time, Dorn had recovered from the speculation about [Plague]\'s identity, and just heard the middle-aged man\'s unfavorable remarks.

"Dorn, what is he talking about?"

The fairy lady, who is a small half-book of encyclopedia in the entire land of miracles, seems to have no understanding of similar things, tilting her head and looking confused.

"Nothing, ignore him..."

Dorne said so, approached the wooden house in the courtyard, and knocked on the door.
