Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 60: 25 Cthulhu

Latest URL: "My Lord God Envoy? My Lord God Envoy?"

Back up to the hall of the gods, Don\'s thoughts were a little wandering, and it was a long time before he heard the old ascetic monk calling him.

"Huh?" He turned his attention back to reality.

"After seeing my lord, you seem to be troubled." Mohani said in an enlightening tone.

"I..." Donton had a last meal, and his eyes changed slightly when he looked at the Pope ascetic, as if thinking of something, "Old Mr. Mohani, I have a question to ask you."

"It is my honor to answer your doubts."

"I want to know information about the Apocalypse Cthulhu, especially [Plague]."

Shicai had been thinking about Dorn on his own, and then suddenly he reacted. Instead of thinking about things between the righteous gods and the evil gods, he might as well gather information from the people around him.

As the top of the Holy See, Mohani must have a lot of secrets.

"As you wish." The old pope caress his chest sincerely and humbly, with an expression of knowing nothing. "Among the four apocalypses, the [Plague] you are asking about is the most special, and he is our Lord\'s ally. ."


The first words the old pope came up with, he could not give Donne to him.

Is it okay for Cthulhu to be an ally of Righteous God?

"In other words, all my guesses were wrong?" Dorn touched his chin.

If what Mohani said is true, then the whole set of logic chain of "the original **** wants himself to attack [the plague]" just inferred by Donne will not hold.

It has to be overturned.

Although surprised in his heart, Dorn did not interrupt Mohani.

The latter is still continuing to tell what he knows and tell:

"Actually, I know very little about the Apocalypse and the Divine War. I can tell the Lord Divine Envoy exactly what you are—"

"In the divine battle that broke out between our lord and the apocalypse tens of thousands of years ago, [the plague], who originally belonged to the apocalypse camp, turned to the enemy. Together with my lord, he severely injured the evil gods [war] and [death], and brought [famine] ] Sealed in the star realm..."

This sentence of the old pope is extremely informative.

It took a while for Dorne to remember.

He now understands how the alliance of righteous and evil spirits between the original **** and [Plague] was formed.

Dare to love [Plague] is the twenty-five of the Cthulhu, who turned back on the battlefield and helped the original God to beat his teammates!

In addition, Donn paid special attention to the fact that [Famine] was sealed in the star realm:

"No wonder I am in the black mist of [Famine], and I can see stars and nebulae in the sky. So, the end of the black mist is probably linked to the current location of [Famine]?"

After roughly listening to what Mohani told about the last magical battle, Dorn used the newly acquired information to correct his previous conjecture.

The guess I just made was correct at the beginning.

Between the righteous gods and the evil gods, indeed a long time ago, the battle of gods that brought the world to an end was fought.

After that battle, both sides were really injured.

However, Dorn guessed the beginning of the story, but did not guess the end.

Who would have thought that there are traitors in the Cthulhu!

The main content of the new email sent by the original God was to guide oneself to meet that Cthulhu Twenty-Five.

"So, the original God didn\'t mean to let me surprise [Plague] at all. It was to guide me to meet his allies? Maybe from [Plague], what other help can I get?"

Donne changed his mind and became less resistant to seeing [Plague].

As long as you don\'t let yourself go desperately, in fact, everything is easy to say.

With this thought in mind, Donne opened the email just now and checked the map inside.

Just because his thoughts were messed up, he never looked at the specific location of the map marker in detail.

It\'s okay not to look at it, but Don\'s mood becomes very subtle.

The location of [Plague] marked on the map suddenly points to a familiar area—

Bangguo Shelley!

"I obviously just escaped from there..." Dorn touched his chin.

Dorn did not stay in the holy city for too long.

He planned to return to Shelley to meet [Plague] according to the original intention.

Anyway, with 【Yiqiangbaiwu】 in hand, the journey between Jebbs and Shelley was not an obstacle at all.

But Mohani and Meyer, the sister of the nun who returned to the hall of the gods, learned that the envoy of the gods and dustmen had come, and they planned to leave in a hurry without any hindrance.

In their view, the divine envoy representing the original will is right in everything.

"The Lord God can return to Jebus at any time. We look forward to your arrival and are willing to do everything we can to provide you with any help." These two pious top officials of the Holy See said this.

In this regard, Dorn is very satisfied.

In the entire land of miracles, Eaton represents his home, which means warmth and various emotions.

After becoming an envoy inexplicably, Jebus became Don\'s safe house, which meant safety and even had combat power that could be mobilized.

"If I knew that the Holy See\'s headquarters would be my second home, I should have come here sooner. A long time ago, when teaming up with Adele and the others to fight the bullfrogs, Kloss invited me half-jokingly. Here comes the chef of the Holy See."

Such a thought popped into Dorn\'s mind.

If at that time I promised the pastor’s sister, she would come to the Holy See and get a job again.

Perhaps my own life experience in another world will embark on a different path...

Before leaving, because he thought of Adele and others, Donn also asked the nun\'s sister Mayer about their current situation.

This gentle-looking cardinal, after learning that the envoy of the Lord and his direct subordinate team had made friends, and had fought together, naturally, he did not have any dissatisfaction or dissent.

In addition, she truthfully provided information about the current situation of Adele and others:

"Adele and the others are still dealing with the Cthulhu statue in Marlowe. UU reading, as you said just now, you have also participated in and understood Marlowe\'s affairs, so I won\'t go into more details."

"In short, please rest assured that they are not abnormal at the moment. It is estimated that they will follow a few bishops back to Jebus soon."

"That\'s good." Dorn nodded, "In addition, I am a matter of the Holy See\'s Divine Envoy. If possible, please keep the four of them a secret for the time being."

After all, Donne got along with Adele and others as ordinary people, and he didn\'t get estranged.

A showdown is not necessarily required.

"As you wish, Lord God Envoy." Mohani and Meyer stroked their **** again.

In the hall of the gods, a hazy white mist filled the back of Don, and the end of the mist seemed to be connected to the infinite distance.

A simple goodbye to the two senior officials of the Holy See, he turned his head and stepped into the white mist.

After the fog dissipated, the newly promoted **** envoy of the Holy See was nowhere to be seen.