Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 52: Wen Feng's Weeping Ring

Latest URL: "Vivian, do you really plan to touch her? I think we should discuss the feasibility of doing this again."

"It\'s okay, Dorn."

Before the huge blue flower, Vivian made a decision after telling Dorn all the memories that he had directly thought of and related to the ruins.

She is going to touch the other herself on the petals.

According to Vivienne, this can bring back her abilities when she was the king of fairies.

However, Donne has a little concern about this.

In case Vivienne merges with the other one on the petals, she becomes the cold, high-ranking queen, and forgets her experience in the real world...

How can this be reasonable?

"Vivienne, in case you become the queen of the fairies, then..." Dorn scratched his head and began to talk about his concerns.

But before he finished speaking, Miss Fairy chuckled.

"I know what you are worried about, Dorn. But—" Vivienne blinked the lake\'s blue eyes, "I am the queen. Well—I mean, I was the king of fairies, and I won’t run away from this. It\'s a little bit."

There is actually no problem with this statement.

Vivian, who had regained all the memories in the ruins, was basically equivalent to the fairy queen once.

However, there was no substantial change in her temperament and the memory of the real world.

Perhaps Vivienne is the "master" of the Fairy Queen.

"I know what happens when I touch another self, so don\'t worry. Also, no matter what happens. I will, um—"

Probably to make Dorne feel more at ease, Vivian spoke again, but paused a little bit in the middle of speaking, and then continued to speak as if he had plucked up the courage:

"I will always be your Vivienne."

Perhaps because of this sentence, coupled with Miss Fairy\'s slightly shy and coy expression, the combined lethality is too great, and Dorn is a little bit tranced.

After that, Miss Fairy stretched out her slender little finger of her right hand: "You can pull the hook and speak for words."

The little gesture of pulling a hook did not give any meaning to the natives in the land of miracles.

It\'s basically an exclusive gesture between the two.

After lightly hooking, Dorn no longer tried to stop Vivian from doing anything.

Since she said so, there should be no problem.

And according to the hint of the system, there is the key to breaking the curse of Vivian\'s presence in the ruins.

Now that the entire ruins have been explored, this key thought can only exist on the body of another Vivian in the flower.

Miss Fairy stretched out her hand and touched the other herself on the petals without any scruples.

After that, Vivian, who had transparent wings, quickly collapsed into bits of fragments and floating small **** of light.

These fragments and **** of light hovered and slowly rose, and then surrounded Miss Fairy\'s side.

One part outlines a pair of transparent and flexible wings behind her, while the other part is surging and submerged in the ebony staff.

The original thick ebony staff, after incorporating those small fragments and light balls, the overall feeling has become a lot more agile, and the magical surge has also increased a lot.

Even at the head of the stick, a few emerald green leaves were pulled out.

Dorn, who was watching from the side, had a feeling: "Maybe Vivian can really cast complex and diverse spells in the future and become an upright nature mage."

When the light **** and fragments were all silent, Vivian moved her shoulder blades slightly, and the transparent wings on her back disappeared.

"Your wings?" Dorn was surprised.

"During a fight, you can release it again." Vivienne explained, "Also, well, if you like Don, I can also release it to you."

In short, by fusing the "other self", after regaining the strength of the king who was once a fairy.

A knowledgeable person just glanced at it and knew that Vivian\'s combat hard power had been improved by the naked eye.

When Vivian finished the "self-recovery" process, Dorn also received a system email. After opening, the content is as follows-

The limited-time copy [Concerto Forest] has been revised!

Due to the special incompleteness of the dungeon, there are no dungeon raiders this time, and there is no exclusive reward.

As the reviser of this copy, you have the permission to take any items (including living creatures) in the copy once!

"Dare I not here to guide the transcript this time, but to repair the transcript?" After reading the e-mail, Dorn was in a slightly subtle mood.

However, if there is no reward this time, there will be no reward.

Anyway, he didn\'t even fight the boss.

Besides, the boss of this copy is also reluctant to fight...

"Since I have obtained the permission to leave the copy, including any living creatures, it is reasonable for me to take away the boss here, right?"

"And with the permission of the system and the dungeon, I will take it out, just like the previous relic monsters or tauren. If you leave the relic through a regular route, the so-called relic curse will naturally no longer exist."

Dorn thought about it this way, then glanced at the fairy lady next to him.

The latter was holding the ebony staff in both hands, blinking the lake-blue eyes, and responded.

It feels like even if he merges with another self and fills in everything that is the fairy queen, Vivienne does not seem to have changed...

Wait until Miss Fairy\'s affairs are finished.

Dorn returned to the place where the whole shamwood just burned, and took out the two rings that had cooled down from the ashes.

He also tried to use the [Old Steel Hammer Appraisal Gloves] to appraise the evil blood-colored ring of Earl Wen Feng.

It was planned to fail, but the final appraisal turned out to be successful.

Perhaps it was because Dorn himself freed Wen Feng\'s curse of immortality, and he also learned about Wen Feng\'s life through Ansham.

In a sense, he has a lot of connections with the former owner of the ring.

Therefore, the Scarlet Ring did not strongly resist him.

[Identification Gloves of the Old Steel Hammer] For the feedback information, UU reading www.uukanshu. com integration is roughly like this-

This scarlet ring, from raw materials to forging craftsmanship, is all otherworldly, and it is a very powerful prop in itself.

When used, you can force unreasonable blood draws on selected targets within 15 meters.

In addition, after this ring followed Wen Feng on the battlefield and fought the Civil War for 15 years, I don\'t know how many living and dead people\'s blood has been licked.

The ring full of blood has changed a little, and has a second peculiar ability—

The ring can project the phantom of dead souls who died tragically in the war, and make a mournful cry. This kind of voice can make people\'s consciousness confused, which is a large-scale mental attack.

The appraisal glove even changed the name of this scarlet ring for this reason—

[Wen Feng\'s crying ring].
