Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 47: The past of the skinner (part 2) four thousand words

Looking up, I saw a gap in the amber sky.

The old and luxuriant leaves are brewing jade dew, and the brilliant ball of dreamy color floats up and down.

The gentle forest wind blows over, and the forest plants and the light ball in the air sway gently, making a soothing "rusting" sound and a crisp "clang" sound like the collision of bells.

In the depths covered by the green branches and leaves, there is still a stream flowing, and the "dingdong" hitting the rock is lightly sounded.

The various sounds in the forest overlap, as if playing a bright concert symphony in ensemble.

Wen Feng, who first entered the [Concerto Forest], was deeply shocked and attracted by the fairy tale scene in front of him.

The Xuelang boy who had just been honing in the harsh wind and snow did not expect that he would come to such a paradise-like place after passing through the light array.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Feng in the picture began to explore the surroundings.

So, naturally, he saw all kinds of fruits in [Concerto Forest].

After a short turn, Wen Feng picked himself a fruit that looked like an apple.

He licked his chapped lips: "It looks like an apple, so it\'s edible, right?"

This way, he climbed the Qima Snow Mountain to look for the golden clan emblem. Wen Feng had already eaten up the frozen meat of the prey he had brought up from the foot of the mountain.

Now that I see fresh fruits that can satisfy my hunger, I naturally secrete saliva, and I want to have a good time.

However, before Wen Fengzhang opened his mouth to bite, there was a flashing sound of "huhuhu" wings from behind him.

Then there was a clear and nice young female voice: "This is Xie Ning. The one you chose is still green, immature, and poisonous."

Wen Feng put his hand on the hilt of the sword and quickly turned his head back.

He saw a beautiful girl the size of a palm.

The girl has transparent wings and a peculiar emerald green hair color. Only a few petals and green leaves are glued to her body to cover the key parts.

This "slap girl" was waving her wings, flying up and down, with her hands around her chest, a slender finger between her lips, looking at the "apple fruit tree", thinking and searching.

Searching the tree with her eyes for a while, the girl waved the transparent wings on her back and flew up to the canopy lightly.

Then he held out a red evil fruit, swayed, and flew back to Wen Feng with a little effort and clumsiness: "Hey, here you are, you can rest assured to eat this."

Wen Feng\'s expression was astonished, he did not put down the green fruit in his hand, nor did he pick up the red fruit that the girl was holding.

Only then did he realize that this girl with wings seemed to be a strange race-fairy that only existed in the legend.

The fairy of the forest.

"Quick, take it! It\'s very heavy!" The fairy girl said a little irritably, "What do you mean by this demented expression? Don\'t you believe me? The fruits I picked are always delicious. !"

Wen Feng still didn\'t speak, but he hesitated to take Hong Xieyu from the girl\'s hand.

"Huh-it\'s almost the same, you should thank me for saving your life." The winged girl\'s tone returned to light, and she turned slightly in the air, "Then...Hello, my name is Groseni. And you?"

[Concerto Forest] inside the temple.

The flames of the sabbath wood were pulsating.

Vivian, who was watching the image in the firelight, had a slightly unnatural expression. For some reason, she suddenly felt the same emotion she had when she stepped into the [Concerto Forest] on the first day.

It was an uncontrollable feeling of grief.

But this time, Miss Fairy didn\'t cry out in a gaffe.

"Vivienne, what\'s the matter?" Dorne on the side noticed something was wrong.

"I, I, um—I remember Grossani, I recognize her." Vivienne replied nerdly.

She seemed to vaguely remember something crucial.

"But, but... Where did Grossane go?" Vivian continued to speak a little stupidly, as if asking Dorne or herself.

Where did Gloucester go?

Where did all the fairies who originally lived in this forest go?

And the story in the flames of peace wood is still going on at this moment—

Wen Feng, a sturdy and handsome aristocratic teenager, has established a very good friendship with the outgoing fairy Grossani in the ruins.

Grossani also took Wen Feng to meet the other fairies in the forest.

These beautiful girls who are only palm-sized, seem to have never seen outsiders very much, and are full of curiosity about Wen Feng. However, the manners are very friendly.

The fairies in [Concerto Forest], like the tauren in [Minotaur Labyrinth], belong to the wise neutral race in the ruins.

Moreover, compared to the tauren, this race of fairies seems to be friendlier and less defensive against outsiders.

It was the third day when Wen Feng entered the ruins.

Grossani led the human teenager to the temple in the depths of the forest.

In the picture, the gate of the temple is tightly closed, and a large number of fairies waving transparent wings gather at the stone gate.

They seemed to want to work together to push the heavy stone gate open.

Wen Feng, who has already had a good relationship with the fairies, stood not far away, seemingly intending to step forward: "What are you doing? Do you need my help?"

And the green-haired fairy girl Grossani, sitting on top of his head, gently pulls Wen Feng\'s short chestnut hair with her slender hands: "No need to go, they can push it away. Also, you, an outsider, can\'t It\'s suitable for pushing the door."

"What\'s in Shimen?"

"Our king!" Grossani\'s voice was proud, with a little excitement, "Almost every three years, we have a chance to open the stone gate and welcome our king to come out!"

"The king of fairies?"

In the gap between the two of them, the fairies who gathered together finally worked together to open a small gap in the tightly closed Shimen.

As soon as this gap opened, the fairies stopped one after another.

Shimen automatically continued to open slowly.

"As long as we open a gap, our king can open this door by himself." Grossani explained on the top of Wen Feng\'s head, "The king is amazing!"

It sounds like this temple should have a strong imprisonment effect.

The door can only be opened once every three years.

And every time you open the door, you have to push a gap from the outside to the inside.

Otherwise, even if the fairy king has the ability to reach the sky, he would not be able to get out of the temple on his own.

Shimen opened a passage, and then a petite girl with a human figure walked out of the door.

The girl also has transparent wings on her back, her skin is fair, her features are delicate, she has long silver hair like a waterfall, and she holds a heavy-looking ebony staff in her hand.

The girl\'s nice lake-blue eyes scanned the periphery of the temple coolly, only stayed on the outsider Wen Feng for a while, and then moved away carelessly.

Very strong superior temperament.

She is the king of fairies.

"Fool! Say hello to the king, what are you doing in a daze! Do you want to be beaten?" Grossani knocked Wen Feng on the head angrily.

This aristocratic boy only reacted at this time, lowered his head quickly, and said with a slight squat, "Hello! My name is Wen Feng, it is Groxiani and his friends who came in from the outside world."

The courageous young Wen Feng, who hadn\'t flinched while climbing the snow-capped mountains alone, was somewhat shocked by the opponent\'s aura when he first saw the king of the fairies.

[Concert Forest] In the temple, apart from the sound in the fire, no other sounds can be heard.

Both Dorn and Vivian were extremely quiet.

The king of the fairies they saw from the flames was Vivian.

Donn wasn\'t particularly surprised by this, after all, he had always guessed like this.

However, when he saw Vivienne before, he still felt a little bit out of the play.

The fairy lady he knew was always timid, like a cowering plush rabbit, and occasionally showed a cute side.

Except for being a bit tough and vigorous when fighting, overall it feels harmless to humans and animals.

Compared with the cold, high-ranking fairy queen, she was nothing like two people.

Besides, Vivienne doesn’t have wings either...

Vivian herself didn\'t say anything at this time, just holding the ebony staff and biting her lower lip, the lake-blue eyes staring at the firelight screen.

Don didn\'t know if she remembered something important.

But at this time, it\'s not a good time to talk.

Otherwise, some important information in the firelight screen may be missed, and the gain will outweigh the loss. You have to wait until you have read all Wen Feng\'s memories before it is suitable to start a discussion on this topic.

The story in the flame continues—

The king of fairies simply received Wen Feng.

Moreover, in the process of talking with this foreign boy, the fairy queen also tapped the ground with the bottom end of the ebony staff, and then there was a strong magical surge that enveloped Wen Feng.

It seems that Vivienne’s ebony staff did not seem to be a blunt weapon that was simply used to smash the enemy’s head...

After the magic fades away.

Wen Feng felt that there was something imprisoned in his body, and it didn\'t seem to be, and he would be a little confused for a while.

"I modified your memory." The fairy queen said calmly, "After you leave here, you will forget most of your experiences here, and you will not be able to talk about it with other people in any way."

"I don\'t want too many outsiders to disturb life here."

After hearing the words of the Fairy Queen, both Wen Feng and Grossani looked a little lost.

They all wanted to say something, but they were unable to speak for the time being.

Vivienne once was like a parent of a big family in old times.

By beating the mandarin ducks hard, a piece of ignorant love across races that may still be in its budding state was dismantled.

Of course, the difference in size between humans and ordinary fairies is too large.

Even if this ignorance of emotions really results, the better is platonic love, and the worse is...deformed love?

Before Wenfeng or Grossani could speak, the fairy queen continued:

"But you will remember some fragments, some fragments related to Grossani. If you really care about her, and you really miss her, you will follow these fragments and find them back here in three years."

"When you come back here, you will remember the things you forgot before."

All right.

It\'s a stick-on mandarin duck, but it\'s not completely stick-on.

In this way, neither Wen Feng nor Groxian could say anything to refute, but his cheeks were a little hot.

After that, Wen Feng continued to move around the ruins and continued to get along with Grossani.

The Fairy Queen never called them again.

Until the ruins are closed to the outside, the king of the fairies will return to the temple. Wen Feng was also told that he would be forced to return to reality by the ruins.

Before parting, Wen Feng and Grossani were alone for a while.

The green-haired fairy dangled and awkwardly brought out a few magic materials from the ruins to the noble boy.

Among them are the seeds of plants; there are peculiar minerals; there is also a spring that is constantly pulsating in the leaves...

"Although I hope you can bring them all, Wang told me that you can only take out one. So, pick it." Groxiani said.

Wen Feng didn\'t say a word, and after quietly selecting for a while, he took away a strange **** ore.

"Tsk tusk, taking what seems to be the most dangerous thing, it really fits your style of being a fool without a head." The fairy girl commented on this.

Wen Feng put away the ore, thinking that he should leave something for Grossani.

After thinking for a while, he took off a two-layer gold ring from his left hand finger.

This ring itself has no special meaning. It is just an expensive but unimportant decoration on Wen Feng, a nobleman.

After it was sent out, it was given a special meaning.

Grossani put the ring next.

With the size of a human palm, she naturally couldn\'t wear the ring on her hand.

However, if it is worn on the top of the head, it is unexpectedly suitable. In this way, the gold wire ring is like a certain delicate crown.

"Does it look good?" Grossani flew around in front of Wen Feng.


Then, the two were silent for a while.

Until Grossani waved her transparent wings and sat on Wen Feng\'s head.

She gently tugged on the fluffy hair that Wen Feng had just washed: "...Don\'t forget me completely, come back to see me."


The faint blue light flashed.

Under the fairy-tale deciduous tree, the chestnut-colored teenager disappeared, as if he had never appeared here.

Only the green-haired fairy wearing a gold wire ring was left, slightly confused and disturbed, waving the transparent wings behind it.

And Wen Feng was forcibly sent back to reality.

Because of the changes made to his memory by the Fairy Queen, these five days of clear and happy memories were quickly fading in his mind.

After he fully recovered, he only found that he was standing blankly in the depths of the dark crypt.

"What\'s wrong with me?"

The strong feeling of memory fragmentation made Wen Feng stand in place, without reacting for a long time.

He only remembered that he climbed the Qima Snow Mountain in the family trial and found the golden clan emblem that symbolized honor and courage.

I didn\'t know afterwards.

Wen Feng checked his body, and the golden clan emblem was still there. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In addition, he didn\'t know why, and there was an extra piece of blood-colored ore that he had no impression of.

The magical power of this ore surged extremely strongly, looking a little dangerous.

"Where did this come from?" Wen Feng was surprised, and then tried harder to remember.

Slowly, he recalled some scattered memories.

It\'s about a girl.

In my memory, there was a vague figure of a girl, very slender and beautiful, but Wen Feng couldn\'t remember the specific appearance of the girl.

He only remembered that the girl seemed to say something like this to him in a very sad and reluctant tone-"Don\'t forget me completely, come back to see me."

However, that\'s it.

Wen Feng had no idea who that girl was.

