Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v4 Chapter 39: Marshmallow cubes

"Sweet! It\'s delicious!"

Perhaps it was because Dorne was stunned and did not move, Vivian leaned to his ear again and added softly, those lake-blue eyes flashed with strange light.


It seems that so far, the things that Miss Fairy has recalled in [Concerto Forest] are more or less related to what she eats.

It is no wonder that when I first met at the Wishing Restaurant, she was a chef who could make C-level dishes.

Dare to love that she has been a foodie since a long time ago?

I vomit in my heart, but since [Intuitive Ingredients] and Vivian have double-certified that the monster that is white mist is edible and delicious.

It is naturally impossible for Donne to let it go.

"A marked attack?" Dorn determined the skills he needed to use in his heart.

To talk about this marked attack, he really knows a little bit—

As early as the [Minotaur Labyrinth], Dorn acquired the ability of [Fire Elemental Affinity].

After that, he returned to Port Marlow to find the priests to gather.

And you must know that among the priests, there is a unique brother who can play with this ability of element affinity.

Utilizing his own characteristics of [Wind Element Affinity], Jixiu can summon the bright green wind elves to achieve a comprehensive combination of detection, marking, perception, and combat.

During the time in Port Marlow, there were ready-made teachers. Why not make good use of it?

After several days of consultation and study, and after studying at night, Dorn really learned a lot from Ji Xiu, thus greatly developing the use of "Elemental Affinity".

The road goes straight wide.

For now, Don can still be able to use the [Fire Element Affinity] and the newly mastered [Earth Element Affinity] to drive the elements to mark attacks.

"Don\'t do it too hard, just mark it." Seeing Dorn\'s appearance of preparing to do it, Vivienne couldn\'t hold back his feet and added something in his ear.

Based on the relationship between the two, and now they are still taking risks together. Miss Fairy had a general understanding of Donne\'s ability beforehand.

In addition, it seems that she is very concerned about this white misty monster.

Hmm... It\'s SS-grade ingredients, and it seems reasonable.

"Then use the earth element."

Dorn thought about it in his heart, flipping his hand to drive the earth elemental spirit contained in the earth\'s soil, and in an instant, a few earthy-yellow **** of light dug out silently from under his feet.

This is the spirit of the earth element.

The natural yellow light **** all have a sense of tenacity and calmness. If they are used well, they can provide good defensive assistance in battle.

Compared with the more aggressive and violent fire element light ball, it is relatively suitable for marking.

After all, Dorn didn\'t have many choices.

Wave your hand.

A few earth-yellow steady light **** leaped up and down silently, and then two chains made of sand and stone on the surface rose up into the sky!

Directly to the white mist who was licking sweet dew happily.

It may be that the joy of eating paralyzed the nerves of this strange monster that should have been sensitive, and it didn\'t realize the attack was coming until the two sand chains flew up.


The white mist didn\'t know where it was, or even the vocal organ that didn\'t exist, and it made a slightly ethereal cry.

At the same time, he shook his body like a cotton candy.

The thick white mist on it suddenly spread, causing the entire ancient tree to become a hazy patch.


Two chains of sand and stone penetrated the hazy fog and pierced into it, seeming to only knock down a few lush branches and leaves of ancient trees.

When the fog dissipated, there was nothing under the tree cover.

Only a large piece of dead matter, like a cotton ball, fell from the air swayingly.

"It seems to have run away? How did you do it?" Dorn stepped forward to check from where he was hiding.

The "cotton candy cubes" that fell in midair were not the monsters themselves in the white mist just now.

Donn knows this very well.

After all, the two sand chains he summoned through the earth element elves didn\'t possess too strong attacks, only the effects of restraining and touching the mark.

And the "cotton candy pieces" that fell should be formed by the hazy mist that had just diffused from the white mist.

It\'s like a gecko docking its tail.

"This stuff is edible... It is even possible that what Bai Wu can eat is originally this part."

Dorn picked up the "marshmallow cubes" produced on Bai Wu\'s body and made a simple judgment.

Because of getting started, he can grasp more of the relationship between the "cotton candy block" and the white mist monster through [Intuitiveness of the ingredients].

This soft, fluffy "cotton candy" is indeed the product of white mist.

And it is also a sustainable output material.

If the white mist is compared to a sheep, the "cotton candy block" is the wool it produces.

"A strange monster that can continuously produce SS-grade ingredients? Want to..." Don\'t immediately moved his mind.

Can\'t it be raised in a monster farm?

"Dorn, Dorn! Hey, this is the white mist candy! It\'s delicious." Vivian also dragged the ebony staff towards him, "Also, did you mark the white mist? If it fails. If it does, it may not be found."

"Well, it seems to be marked."

Dorn leaned over and briefly communicated with the steady and tough earth elemental spirits.

Unlike the way that Jixiu uses his nose to "sniff", he mainly communicates with the two elves he has summoned by his thoughts.

It is said that each element affinity person communicates with each element in a different way.

However, the efficiency of Donne\'s communication is not as good as that of Gishu\'s unique skill for the time being.

"Is the white mist crystal nucleus marked? Uh... in such a big cloud of mist, the crystal nucleus inside is only half a fist?"

"Then its current location...Wait a minute, why is it at the other end of the forest!?"

Through the information feedback of the earth element, Dorn roughly understood Bai Wu\'s body structure, which is a crystal nucleus wrapped in a cloud of "cotton candy" mist.

The crystal core is the source of magic power of the white mist, and the source of life is equivalent to its body.

Although this kind of body structure was peculiar, Donn wasn\'t surprised. After all, he had also seen monsters with strange structures like Slime and Elemental Heart.

However, the feedback of the earth element told Donn about the current location of the white mist that was marked just now, but it really surprised Don.

In this short time of less than a minute, the white mist has crossed directly from the current position to the other end of the [Concerto Forest]!

How did you do it?

Space curvature moves?

Dorn turned his head and told Vivienne the news with a look of disbelief.

However, Miss Fairy was very calm. She swayed her ebony staff calmly:

"I just remember that it runs very fast, so I have to mark it while it is eating and relax its vigilance. In my impression, it is a white mist that can cross space."
