Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v2 Chapter 9: 42 silver coins

Dorn’s hot pot restaurant should be ready to open.

Of course, it is necessary to expand the manpower before opening.

Therefore, a very eye-catching notice named [Recruitment Notice] has been posted at the entrance of the Wishing Restaurant for the past two days.

Due to the business needs of our store, we are now looking for employees in the following positions:

Kitchen helper, five, basic monthly salary of 5 silver nar.

It is required to understand kitchen work matters. Apprenticeship experience is preferred.

Basic knife skills are required to help the kitchen. At that time, the restaurant chef Donne will uniformly assess the candidates for knife skills and select the best.

Restaurant waiter, several, basic monthly salary of 3 silver nar.

is required to be between 15 and 24, with good facial features and affinity.

Must have a sense of responsibility, team awareness and service awareness.

Note: The restaurant will provide food and lodging for employees, and additional subsidies will be provided for those who do not need food and lodging.

This recruitment notice was naturally written by Donne. Some of the words in it seem a bit jerky, but it is not difficult to understand, it is the unique style of this small town chef.

Don’t look at Donne’s salary of only 3 to 5 silver nars.

But he did preliminary research in a small town.

In the relatively wealthy Donna Empire, the average monthly income of residents was roughly 5 silver nar, but since it is an average line, there must be a large number of people whose income is below average.

In fact, a monthly income of 5 silver nars is enough for people to lead a decent life.

Those who live outside the towns, a family with a monthly income of less than 2 silver nars, cannot make ends meet, and there are many poor families who are struggling to support them.

In the current era when the mainstream social form is still feudal, the gap between the rich and the poor is such an insurmountable gap.

Therefore, Donne’s job posting naturally caused a sensation in Eaton Town and surrounding villages.

"Have you heard? In Eton Town, the Chef Donne of the Wishing Restaurant is hiring! He can get 3 to 5 silver miles a month! What else, provide... for food and lodging!"

"I knew it, my little Meyer had signed up for the waiter early. If he could work with Chef Donne, he would definitely be able to stand out."


On the first day when the recruitment notice was posted, many people came to consult and apply for employment, and the situation was very good.

Dorn looked at the endless stream of applicants, feeling happy: "I can be regarded as expanding the employment position in Eaton Town, and benefiting the folks and fathers, right?"


A few kilometers away from Eaton Town, an inconspicuous small village.

Hana finished her work day and walked home.

All day today, she has been shipping the autumn crops for the nearby farmer Mr. Ke Lin, and checking the storage.

Hana\'s daily income from work is 2 bronzes.

Yes, there are only two.

If she is a boy, even with the same workload, she can still earn one more coin.

Because that\'s what Mr. Colin stipulated.

But even with such a meager income, even if she doesn\'t do it, there will still be people in the village rushing to do it.

There is thick snow on the road, the moonlight is very bright on it, and the foot is rustling on the snow.

Winter nights are always very cold.

"It\'s been winter for a few days." Hannah wrapped herself in some thin, white-washed old cotton and linen, and let out a breath of white air.

The two copper coins were held tightly by Hana, but her hand was very cold, and she couldn\'t hold the two copper coins warmly.

Hana doesn\'t like winter.

The winter in my memory is always accompanied by cold and hunger.

Especially this winter this year, she especially disliked it, and even feared.

"Today is the last batch of autumn crops into the warehouse." Hana thought.

This means that starting tomorrow, she will not have a job to earn two coins a day.

At night in the village, there is never any light. With the moonlight, Hana returned to the door of her house.

A dilapidated, ten-square-meter hut, this is Hana’s home.

stood by the door for a long time, and Hana walked into the house after taking a few deep breaths.

Mother came back earlier than her today, sitting on the simple wooden table waiting for her.

Father was still lying on the bed, motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.

The room was very dim, because my mother was reluctant to light the oil lamp. There was not much light in the small space, which made people feel very depressing.

Hana\'s family of three, all live by helping the farmer Mr. Colin.

But more than a month ago, at the last moment of the autumn harvest, my father was trampled on by a frightened horse when he was carrying crops on the carriage.

stepped on and broke his left leg.

As a result, my father can no longer go out to work, lying at home to recuperate, until today.

Later, Mr. Colin paid 20 silver nars as compensation for his father’s injury.

But this money, during this period of time when my father needed treatment, needed a dressing change, and needed care, it would have been spent almost to the bottom.

Even so, my father\'s condition still doesn\'t improve.

Hana was very anxious, but she had no choice but to work harder every day.

"I\'m back? Let\'s eat." Mother said so, her voice filled with fatigue and aging.

Hana sat down at the wooden table without saying a Today’s dinner is a bowl of porridge with few grains of wheat.

Maybe it’s been on the table for a long time, the oatmeal is very cold and there is no temperature at all.

"Hana, there is something..." Mother said again, in a difficult tone, "You also know that your father\'s injury...may cost a lot of money. This winter...our family may no longer be able to do anything. Make more money."

Hana didn\'t speak, just nodded.

"Mr. Colin, he found me today... Tell me, tell me, I want to buy you to him and be a maid..." The mother\'s voice was getting lower and lower, and more and more dumb.

Hana drank the oatmeal in the bowl silently, then looked up, her eyes blank: "How much can he give us?"

"42 silver coins."

Hana was silent, and the image of Colin began to emerge in her mind-a greasy man in his 50s, with a rich body, a bald head, a mouthful of yellow teeth, and the small inverted triangular eyes that would always stare at her wretfully.

Hana knows exactly what to do as a maid.

If    is bought, it is sold for life.

You have to take care of Colin\'s diet and daily life during the day, and at night, you have to serve the master Colin with all your heart and meet any of his needs.

Hana knew that the young girls who were bought by Colin would not end well.

"The price of 42 silver coins is not bad. I will talk to Mr. Colin tomorrow. I think I should be worth a few more silver coins." Hannah said so, showing a very reluctant smile.

Just 45 silver coins.

If you can get so many, it will definitely heal your father\'s injury and help your parents through this difficult winter.

like that... it seems acceptable.