Start Evolutionary Upgrade From Wild Monster

Chapter 173

The prophet is the least number of people in the nine professions, but because there are few people, there is no professional alliance in other professions, but they have made one in the forum.

Now a large number of players have poured into the prophet forum.

A post was posted at the top of the forum, which is the deduction matrix of Zhuge Tianwen, the prophet with the highest professional level, on this task.

This figure shows the deduction results of six tasks.

Five of them are hidden tasks that some players encounter unexpectedly, with different difficulties.

The five tasks are "one star auspicious person", "two star auspicious person", "one star dead evil person", "two star dead evil person" and "one star blood evil person".

For the two tasks predicted as "auspicious people", the player successfully completed the task and received quite attractive rewards.

Two deadly faces, player mission failed.

Bloody, not only the mission failed, the player lost a piece of equipment.

Zhuge Tianwen explained several celestial phenomena at present.

[many people should come to our prophet forum. I\'ll give a unified reply here. You can see this post.]

"The celestial phenomenon is that we prophets consume a lot of Reiki (you can\'t imagine. I deduced that this blood demon invasion consumed 8 bottles of julingdan in addition to the pure Reiki accumulated before, so I think some prophets are too cold to help you deduce, and the deduction cost is much higher than you think!) Use the algorithm provided by the system to deduce the array diagram, weigh the strength of all parties, and get the final probability! "

"In our deduction array, there are nine celestial phenomena, but at present, we can only infer three celestial phenomena: the" auspicious man "in the auspicious elephant, the" death and ferocity "and" blood evil spirit "in the vicious elephant."

"Among them, auspicious people are of great benefit to individuals. Death and evil are that players will hang up. Blood evil not only players will hang up, but also important items will fall."

"Each celestial phenomenon is divided into 10 stars according to the degree. The higher the level, the more significant the effect of the celestial phenomenon. For example, the benefits of the two-star auspicious human phase are far better than the one-star auspicious human phase, and the number of deaths of the two-star murderers is more than that of the one-star murderers. The friends of the two-star murderers lost a lot of experience and equipment on that mission."

"Before, the most powerful was the blood evil phase. Compared with the death evil phase, the blood evil phase was more terrible. It would be the best equipment on your body and in your backpack!"

"This time, the system added this full service task to our rehearsal matrix, but I looked at it. It\'s only temporary. After the full service task, we should still be unable to perform the destruction of the sky."

"But taking advantage of this opportunity, I specially found a foreign service that just found the secret place of youyue. I went to the foreign service to deduce the full service task of the secret place of youyue. As a result, I" couldn\'t get the corresponding results ". Maybe the foreign service has only opened the youyue Canyon until now. Everyone has a high level, so the full service task of youyue has become a" auspicious elephant "that I can\'t deduce."

"Destroy the celestial phenomena. The explanation given on the deduction matrix is" the group suffers a devastating blow ". The five-star destroy celestial phenomena means an extremely serious devastating blow."

"Someone asked whether the celestial phenomena predicted by our prophet must be accurate. I need to explain that it may be the relationship between professional level. Our prediction has a certain deviation, and the system will give the deviation percentage. At present, the deviation value of the five tasks predicted by myself is about 15%. Fortunately, the prediction is correct, which is good luck for me."

"However, perhaps with the help of the system, our prediction results are extremely accurate. I tested that the prediction deviation given by the system for this full service task is" less than 1% "

Now, a group of people are not calm at all.

It is 99% possible that the five stars will destroy the celestial phenomena, which has almost announced the result of the full service mission.

"It\'s over, I can\'t hold it this time!"


The Chinese guild alliance is holding an emergency meeting in the game. All presidents and managers are required to connect to this meeting.

"We have seen the full service mission this time. The results given by several prophets with the highest professional level are almost the same. At present, the most accurate prediction is that we will lose the main city of Xianshan in the future with a probability of more than 99%. The tone of the guild chairman is a little heavy.

The crowd fell into silence.

If the fairy mountain is gone, the guild territory will no longer exist, and their previous efforts will be wasted.

Zeus, the gods: "is there really no way? Isn\'t it still 1% possible?"

Prince of the royal family: "I don\'t believe it! Now the player level is up. Even some ordinary players have entered the main city of Xianshan. If the main city of Xianshan is merged, there will be more than 200 million players. So many people can\'t resist the invasion of blood demons?"

Thunder storm: "in fact, I don\'t believe it. Anyway, the prophet is only one of the nine professions. It\'s just some data. Where can I really take it seriously."

ESD xiaoyaofeng: "that said, but if the data is calculated by Tianxing company through algorithm, it shows that there is still a certain basis."

TT Li xunhuan: "I guess the secret place of blood pool is probably on the level 30 map. In this case, it is really difficult."

Tu Xianxuan yuan: "Xianshan is at least a main city and has its own defense power. With so many players, I don\'t think we can\'t stop it!"

The voice of the guild chairman sounded, "at least many people didn\'t give up hope, which is a good thing, but we can\'t take it lightly. We should also be familiar with the style of Tianxing. Their data analysis ability is absolutely top-level, so we can\'t completely take the prediction given by the prophet seriously."

"This full service mission just overlaps with the celebration on the 50th. I just got the news that Tianxing will not cancel the celebration because of this full service mission."

"They will announce the activity content at 0:00. If the activity is attractive, some players may not be interested in the full service task."

"Also, we must always pay attention to the dynamics of the foreign service. We don\'t rule out that some foreign service teams want to take advantage of the chaos and rob."

"In short, tomorrow\'s Chinese clothes must make a scene!"

"Whether it\'s for Chinese clothes or your own guild, our guild must take this responsibility. Last time, we were blocked by a multinational team. This time, we can\'t do nothing."

"I hope you will seriously deploy this mission, even if you do your best, be sure to stop the blood demon invasion!"

When the chairman had finished, he suddenly called the roll alone and said, "is the president of crazy red high heels here?"

Lengnuo was stunned and replied, "I\'m here."

The chairman said, "I don\'t know if you can contact the God of war nameless? If nameless can make a move in this full service mission, maybe we will have a better chance of winning."

Lengnuo thought for a moment and said, "we are not a professional team. We are also invited to attend the meeting. I\'m not sure if I can contact the head, but I\'ll convey it."

"OK, thank you. In addition, for the top 50 professional associations of national service, let\'s have another small meeting..."


Lu Chen looked at the door on the island in the lake and frowned.

The blood devil is going to attack the city?

Wait, isn\'t that what he\'s going to do!

"When attacking the city, will the fairy mountain beast come out?" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

In other words, his opportunity came in advance?!