Start Evolutionary Upgrade From Wild Monster

Chapter 155

According to the introduction of force measuring stone gate, open copies of different benefits according to the player\'s strength test results.

"The test is power" finally appeared a copy. Lu Chen patiently solved the mystery, "no wonder it\'s useless to attack with weapons. It tests not the attack power, but the power in three dimensions."

"It depends on the power to obtain my character attributes. Is it over? How to test this..." Lu Chen tried to touch the stone wall and found that after the force measuring stone gate was activated, the rock surface became less rigid.

In the process of squeezing with your fingers, a line of small characters was displayed on the force measuring stone door.

[only the power you can control is your real power!]

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

[for a more realistic game experience, please turn on the pain system, with a proportion of no less than 10%. After turning on, you can detect the power.]

"Shit, do you want to turn on the pain system?"

Nine days adopts the technology of brain nerve access to quantum copy the body. There is a pain system in the game. When entering the game, it is closed by default.

Most players don\'t turn on the pain system and hurt themselves to death? This is not looking for sin.

But there are also a group of people.

Lu Chen saw an organization on the official website called "fearless adventurers".

This group of people think that Tianxing provides a game comparable to the real world. For people who can only live on the earth all their life, the nine day world is like a new world.

Since there is a chance to take risks in the new world, people should not be afraid of this or that. They should open their arms and carefully experience everything in the new world... Including pain and even death!

Lu Chen always thought it was a stupid decision. The game is a game. Is it really like it?

However, what he is facing now is the dynamometer stone gate!

"The power that can be controlled is the real power..." Lu Chen realized this sentence. "I have more than 1000 forces, but the effects of forces are mutual. If I can play more than 1000 forces, it does not necessarily mean that I can bear more than 1000 forces..."

The intention of Shimen seems to test not a simple power value, but the power that the player can bear!

Lu Chen is a little afraid of pain... But if he can\'t find this copy, he doesn\'t think of a way to cross the moon worship blood pool now!

"It must be a break." Lu Chen stared at the stone gate.

"The surface of the stone gate has become a material similar to rubber. If you only turn on the 10% pain system, it won\'t hurt too much."

"Besides, it\'s just opening a door. Just close it after you go in."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen put the tiger cry back and stepped back two steps.

"Turn on the pain system, adjust the proportion, and bear the pain...... 10%!"

Take a deep breath, look at his fist, Lu Chen shook his head, "well, I\'m from abuse!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lu Chen took a step forward and blew his fist on the stone wall.

When the fist touched the stone wall, Lu Chen obviously felt the impact brought by the collision feeling from the fist and the huge anti shock force felt on his arm!


"Hey, it doesn\'t hurt too much." Lu Chen touched his fist and fought in society for so many years. This little pain is still tolerable.

Soon, a row of data is displayed on the stone gate.

[strength test result: 91% of strength cast, 1011 points]

[congratulations, open the level 5 reward copy of "Shacheng ancient site (level 30)]

[retest: Yes / no]

Only played 91% of the strength, but most people\'s boxing strength will be high and low every time, which can be regarded as a better play.

"If it\'s a thousand, it\'s an accident. Go first."

After choosing "no retest", the hidden stone door finally opened slowly.

Lu Chen stepped into it as soon as he slept.

In the dynamometer stone gate, the light is dim, and you can vaguely see that the surrounding channels are paved with stones, which is very regular.

The air around was filled with the smell of damp and moldy.

There is a stream at the foot of Lu Chen. To be exact, it is more like a sewer, and the water extends deep.

"The sound came from this sewer." Lu Chen took a look at the water flow direction. "This may be the drainage system of Shacheng before, so I\'ll just follow the water flow direction."

Before going deep into the copy, Lu Chen remembered one thing, "turn off the pain system."

[pain system cannot be turned off until this copy is completed]

"Oh, I\'ll go. Do you want such a pit!" Lu Chen complained. "Forget it, 10% is not much. Just drive it. I can experience a more realistic trip to the different world this time."

Along the water flow direction, Lu Chen began to go deep into the replica.

Not far away, there were four or five wild monsters dressed as macaques walking back and forth by the sewer.

"3 * * Lingsha macaque? It\'s different from the one outside!"

Lu Chen didn\'t waste time. He directly sacrificed the tiger roar and launched the Tu Xing sweeping.

Miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso, miso.

Immunity, immunity, immunity

"WTF!" Lu Chen almost collapsed, and even physical immunity. Can anyone else be immune to psychic attack?

It may be related to the nature of this replica. After all, the replica tested strength at the beginning, which means that the replica tested more physical strength. In terms of attack power, it is physical attack.

"No group attack, Ma egg, fight slowly!" Lu Chen was about to attack, and the monkeys had rushed over.

Haw haw! A group of monkeys used rapid migration at the same time and jumped at Lu Chen with strange cries.

"You can? I\'m also strange. I can if you can!" Lu Chen snorted coldly and started to move rapidly at the same time.

A figure flashed into the middle of four or five Lingsha macaques, "ice roaring!"

At the same time, open a circle of ice rings and seal all the monkeys.

"The wind blows, the tiger goes down the mountain!" Lu Chen continued to launch his skills.

-2536 (critical hit), - 674 (poisoning), - 674 (poisoning)... A series of damage shoots out from the top of the target. Lu Chen instantly hits 15000 + damage and kills one in a second.

"The blood volume is quite thick. It\'s more than 10000."

[kill Lingsha macaque (3 * * elite), capture 50000 points of heaven and earth aura, obtain 10 pieces of level 4 talent, 10 four-star quality points and extract 10 pure aura.]

"Shit, a 50000 experience?" Lu Chen was stunned. The monkey\'s experience killed boss silabis?

All the materials are 10 pieces!

"This is the level 5 reward? Awesome!"

[Ding, get the item macaque leather * 10, the item macaque teeth * 15, and the item "Monkey King belt (lv30 blue)" * 5]

Lu Chen almost gushed out his old blood.

Even if a pile of leather and sharp teeth are lost, when are five equipment lost?

And the quality is higher than the monkey essence belt outside. Level 30 blue belt, a pile of it!

"NIMA, do you want such a trench for level 5 reward!"

The benefits brought by this macaque far exceeded Lu Chen\'s expectations. He began to be more and more interested in this copy.

"There are so many little monsters. Isn\'t the boss going to burst a pile? NIMA, brush it up!"

While talking, Lu Chen was not slow at all. He attacked several times and killed another one.

At this time, the first Lingsha macaque broke free from the frozen state and rushed towards Lu Chen with a strange cry.


"I\'ll go, it hurts..." Lu Chen stared at the hawing monkey in front of him.