Start Evolutionary Upgrade From Wild Monster

Chapter 149

Since Lu Yi was out of danger, there was a significant deviation in the prediction of Warhawk\'s ten thousand sword formula.

Taking advantage of the War Eagle\'s actual combat formula of ten thousand swords, Lu Yi quickly approached, and the head was a sword.


The damage is not high, but what Longteng zhantian said is good. For a professional player, one damage is obviously not enough. You must pull the damage.

"Random force suppression!" Lu Yi quickly launched martial Taoist skills.

Random weapon is a damage plus control skill. First disarm the other party\'s weapons so that the other party can\'t attack with weapons, and then increase the attack speed in a short time at the expense of partial hit, and force the enemy to face the enemy.

This skill is very useful in the copy. It not only has a mocking effect, but also can quickly accumulate hatred for the damage caused in a short time. In case someone\'s hatred is out of control, martial Taoists can use this skill to quickly pull back hatred.

Lu Yi quickly waved the black iron Youjin sword and launched attacks again and again, while the War Eagle only waited to be beaten passively.

-134, miss, - 122, - 117, miss... Although there was a miss, he still played a lot of damage after the attack speed bonus.

The battle Eagle failed in its layout. As a result, it made a mistake and plunged itself into an extremely passive situation.

Lu Yi well demonstrated a professional player\'s ability to seize opportunities.

In the live studio, people argued and talked about this wave of operation.

"Sure enough, you can\'t let Taoist Wu get close. Once you get close, it\'s hard to get rid of it."

"My little sister plays very strongly, but I still don\'t understand how the masked man operated the wave just now. Is there a professional God to analyze it?"

At this time, the big V fans in the live studio came to the guild and looked at the moon and gave the answer.

After a wave of professional explanations, people finally know why the masked man can change his clothes after the start of PK.

"In fact, it\'s not difficult to change clothes. The horror of the masked man lies in his early layout." the words of climbing the moon suddenly aroused the resonance of many big men.

Hot blooded years: the moon landing was right. Before the game began, he knew the God of death. They wanted to set fire. The martial Taoist also rehearsed how to kill in his mind, so he could freeze the God of death at the critical moment.

Douluo Qianshou: the God of death is not an ordinary person. If you wear a dark frost cloak in advance, the God of death will have special effects on defensive equipment, but you can hit the God of death by changing clothes and winning by surprise in battle.

TT Aifeng: have you noticed that he hit the God of death with the edge of the ice roar. The time and distance are just right. Start earlier and you can\'t hit the God of death. Later, the second section of the God of death has been used.

Thunder noise: this guy\'s level is very strong even in his career. He always wears a mask. Is he a professional player?

The discussion in the live studio is in full swing, and the battle on the battlefield is becoming more and more intense.

After being entangled by Lu Yi, it will be difficult for the War Eagle to get away. He must kill.

The key now is death.

Death deserves to be an expert. Before Lu Chen gets close, he has broken free from the ice.

He glared at Lu Chen fiercely. According to his temper, it is absolutely impossible to get used to each other, but looking at his companions, he is now being chased and beaten.

After all, it\'s 2v2. You must save your companions first!

"Boy, wait, I\'ll kill you later! Wind!" the God of death said fiercely and retreated quickly.

The boy doesn\'t have a shadow gale coat. He shouldn\'t be able to catch up with himself in speed. Wait until he gets away and help the eagle get rid of his opponent first.

Under the moving speed bonus, the God of death slowly opened the distance and gradually found the angle of his hand.

Just as he was about to do it, something strange happened.

In order to avoid the close proximity of the masked man, he was moving to the east of the martial arts arena. The masked man was gradually pulled away, but on the other side, long Tengyi didn\'t know when she had come to the other side of the fighting eagle and forced the fighting eagle to the West.

In this way, death, masked man, War Eagle and Yiyi become a straight line.

Death\'s sight was perfectly blocked by the masked man.

"That woman..." the God of death suddenly felt a burst of panic. Not only was the man in front of him unusual, but even the little girl could observe the situation here in the fight. While suppressing the eagle and avoiding the Tianyan column, she firmly controlled her walking position.

The cooperation of these two people is... Heart to heart!

The big guys in the live studio can see why death has not made a move. These three points form a perfect line in the martial arts arena.

"Shit, that girl is also very strong. She uses the forced displacement to the extreme."

"Well, she noticed death\'s move and quickly came up with countermeasures... She was young and controlled the overall situation and details very well."

The masked man said in front of death, "don\'t underestimate her."

When the God of death moves, the masked man also moves. The God of death wants to use the Tianyan column. Even if the masked man avoids the Tianyan column and changes his route, he can always perfectly block the sight of the God of death in the end.

At this time, unless you directly use the second section of the fairy sword to guide the way and bypass the masked man, but once you use the second section of the fairy sword, the moves are old and have not changed, so it is too difficult to attack the martial Taoist.

Handsome nodded, "the advantage of double distance has been dissolved, but the advantage of two melee has been reflected. Xiaomei, your friend is very strong."

The fighting eagle is a little overwhelmed, but the God of death can\'t support it for a long time.

A moment later, Lu Yi launched the second wave of random force suppression!

The eagle could not stop the second wave of chaos, but he could not get rid of his opponent.

At this time, the eagle found that there was a circle of Tianyan column marks three or four meters from the sides of both sides. One second later, there will be Tianyan column ejection!

Now only relying on Tianyan column to block the opponent.

It is very urgent to cross the marking point before the eruption of Tianyan column, but up to now, we can only take risks.

"Bitch, wait for me to pull away and kill you!" the Dragon eagle and the eagle dropped a word and rushed to the position where the Tianyan column was about to erupt.

With a bang, the Tianyan column burst into the sky.

Unfortunately, the eagle finally failed to cross the Tianyan column in time and was directly killed by the second

The protagonist of the PK game is the dragon. Once the eagle is defeated, it makes no sense whether the God of death is alive or dead.

Lu Yi was successfully promoted in this competition!

The game is over, but death has not stepped down. His eyes have been staring at the masked man.

"Boy, you can!" death\'s tone was obviously angry.

"Just have fun." after that, Lu Chen planned to find Lu Yi.

Looking at the frivolous appearance of the masked man, death became more angry.

"Wait!" the God of death suddenly shouted Lu Chen, "the fighting eagle\'s strength is still too poor. He doesn\'t know how to fight when he is close. It\'s really a waste."

"I ask you, do you dare to fight again?"

Lu Chen didn\'t return, "I\'m not interested."

For Lu Chen, killing a person is nothing to be happy about.

"One head is 100000!" death shouted a number.

"You can pick alone, 2v2, 5v5 or in groups!"