Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

v3 Chapter 254: South American Union headquartered in Suriname

Britain\'s participation in the German summit has angered Italy, France and Spain, the three major countries in the Mediterranean Sea.

Because of the balanced diplomacy that Britain paid attention to in the past, with the establishment of the Germanic national institution, the United Kingdom has fallen into a dilemma.

The identity recognition and the actual offshore countermeasures of the European continent have become a contradiction.

The three countries of France, Italy and Spain in the Mediterranean will definitely be wary of the United Kingdom, and the Ottoman Empire will no longer surrender and cooperate with the United Kingdom as before.

Many people in London could not help but sigh that this meeting has brought British diplomacy into a dead end with two forks, making the first difficult decision in over a hundred years.

By this time, the war in the Balkans seems to have no meaning to go on any longer, and London has appeared overwhelming, requiring the British government and army to quickly make preparations to withdraw from this war and reduce British casualties.


On June 10, 1866, four days after the German Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, the Netherlands, in South America, "leaked" a piece of information, which instantly attracted the attention of South America, and even Europe and America. Set your sights on Suriname.

It turned out that under the auspices of Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck, President Mitre of Argentina, the second most powerful country in South America, President Moreno of Ecuador, President Herrera of Venezuela, and President Moscela of Colombia officially established the South American Union in Suriname.

The five countries established a South American Union Commission.

The alliance charter was established, mainly for political consultation, the 5 countries reached free trade, energy and transportation integration, formulated a common defense mutual assistance policy, and provided technology and technology from the Netherlands, created a South American education center in Suriname, established a number of Suriname universities, to The other three countries teach advanced technology and industry, and defend each other\'s interests of alliance members in South America.

The charter pointed out that the four countries will strengthen political dialogue among member countries, focusing on economic, financial, social development, South American culture, South American food production and marketing, and energy development, etc., and the five countries will carry out integrated trade construction. The three South American economies will provide a variety of help written into the charter.

The establishment of this alliance has attracted the attention of various countries, because this is the first time that a major power has formed an alliance team in South America, and it was also opposed to the Spanish colonial pioneer countries Colombia and Venezuela.

If Brazil is the largest country in South America and Argentina is the second largest, then Colombia and Venezuela are the third largest power in South America.

And when these two countries are united, even Brazil has scruples.

What\'s more, the other party is still in the alliance with Argentina, and there is also the Netherlands and Ecuador from which they are matched.

This force covers the entire northern part of South America, with Argentina in the south and the north, posing a threat to Brazil and other countries.

So Peru, Bolivia, Chile and even Paraguay, after Brazil, have all expressed concern about the alliance.

In western Suriname, there are British colonies of British Guiana and eastern French Guiana. Therefore, the British and French foreign ministries both expressed their dissatisfaction with the development of Dutch forces in South America, and demanded that the Netherlands must make the relationship between the five countries more transparent.

Seemingly isolated, the Davis government of the Confederate States of Michigan expressed dissatisfaction with the Dutch infiltration of South America.

"As always, we support Monroe\'s diplomacy, ask the Netherlands to withdraw from South America, and give South America more free air."

The Confederate countries of the South have all launched, and the attitude of the North has attracted a lot of attention.

Many people in the UK speculate that the Lincoln government should be strongly opposed, even more strongly than the South. After all, the North and the South are now fighting for the legitimacy of Millikin. The Monroe Doctrine can be said to be the essence of Millikin\'s diplomacy, which has lasted for more than 40 years. It is a firm diplomacy, so there is no reason why the North should not continue to implement it.

There are many people in France who think the same way.

After all, the infiltration of France in Mexico at the beginning almost ushered in the dispatch of troops from Milician. In the end, if it wasn\'t for the outbreak of the Civil War, France did not have to face Milician\'s anger.

Therefore, the Paris political circle also vicious Ron guessed that Milliken will definitely issue a severe warning to the Netherlands, and even send a battleship to Suriname to demonstrate his dissatisfaction with the expansion of Dutch influence in South America.

Even when they originally wanted to send troops to conduct exercises in Brazil, on the southern border of Suriname, to vent their dissatisfaction, they were suppressed because of Portugal\'s appeasement and did not want to be the first bird.

Even in the Netherlands and the Far East, many people do not understand that the Dutch government has taken so much trouble to South America, and it is very confusing to openly form an alliance in South America.

After all, the Netherlands now has a territory as large as Australia. Although the fertile land in the eastern states is lacking, it does not have the same grain harvest as in mainland Europe, but it is not a problem for the owners to feed the more than 10 million people of the Netherlands in the Far East. The native lowlands are among the most fertile in Western Europe.

Therefore, there is no shortage of food in the Netherlands. If this is the case, why does the Dutch government want to provoke right and wrong?

I don\'t understand, it\'s so confusing, so many people have to complain to the government

On the 13th of 1866, the much-anticipated Lincoln government seemed to be long overdue.

Secretary of State Seward unexpectedly stated the reason for cooperating with the Netherlands and increasing relations with Colombia, Argentina and Ecuador.

When these expressions came out, the whole scene almost went crazy.

When you were about to eat, you realized that there was no cooking today, but only a bowl of vegetable soup. And it\'s still tasteless.

"Before I appeared at this venue, UU Reading Mr. President has sent a special envoy to the South American Union headquarters in Suriname, the Netherlands, with our country\'s finance minister Washburn as the president, and formally submitted the application Book, we in the Commonwealth of America prepare to join the Union of South America as the sixth member state."

"Will this run counter to the previous policy of the country\'s President Monroe?"

"Although there are some discrepancies, everyone, don\'t forget that our President Monroe and President Lincoln\'s ideas are not very different. They are only expressing their views in their respective periods for the development of South America. The development of the international situation around forty or fifty years ago is absolutely not Same.

The original intention of the two presidents is to hope that the people of South America will live better and more free, and we have read the alliance agreements between the Netherlands and Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, and are not afraid of threats. It coincides with President Lincoln\'s desire to help South America, so the United States of America in the North made the decision that everyone sees now, and we decided to support the Five-Power Covenant and become the sixth country in the alliance. "