Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

v3 Chapter 248: Swedish royal banquet

"Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom was the first to enter, and it is said that this time she was accompanied by the British Foreign Secretary Russell; the second to enter the Swedish Royal Palace was King Christian IX of Denmark, who was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is His Majesty William IV of the Netherlands, accompanied by Foreign Minister Hesbert Feng.

I noticed that this time, why are you bringing the Minister of Foreign Affairs? "

"Hmph, that\'s not easy? This time it is called a Germanic leader-sleeve summit. Naturally, the meeting will not be over after getting together. This requires coordination from various countries. What coordination is naturally not military, after all, the military of various countries is all over the place. It is a heavy weapon, it will not be activated easily, but diplomacy, which can be launched first, so this meeting, diplomacy will be the theme.”

"This gentleman has such a clear idea. Where can I get a job?"

"Haha, well, I\'m in the European Times in Luxembourg. I\'m here to prepare for an interview this time. How about you, sir?"

"I\'m from the British Empire Financial Times"

"I\'m from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, "Echo"

"I\'m from the French Empire Le Figaro"

"I\'m from the Spanish Herald newspaper"

"I\'m from the Tsarist Empire "Voice of Tsarist Russia"

"I\'m from the United States of America, The New York Post"

"I\'m from the Italian Kingdom "Milan"

"I\'m from the Austrian Newspaper"

"I\'m from the Kingdom of Prussia, "Berlin Zeitung"

"I\'m from Sweden\'s Domestic Post"

Everyone looked around at these "peers" in the European and American press circles, and they were full of tension and hostility at the first time.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Look, that\'s William I of Prussia and Prime Minister Bismarck"

"Why did Chancellor Bismarck come with them, their foreign minister?"

"Then you don\'t know? Prussia\'s prime minister and foreign minister are now Bismarck, so it\'s not wrong for the king and the prime minister to come together this time."


The architect of the Swedish Royal Palace came from Milan. After Karl XIV. John succeeded to the Swedish throne, he invited the Milanese to participate in the reconstruction, and finally made the grand marshal of Napoleon I, the king of Sweden who had no children in 1809. Charles XIII invited him to Sweden from France and adopted him as his adopted son to become the crown prince of Sweden.

In one fell swoop, the Bernadotte dynasty in Sweden was established, and it has continued since then.

Therefore, to be precise, the royal family of this country does not belong to the Germans, but to the French. But since Bernardo became the crown prince of Sweden, he has been doing things from a Swedish position, including when he led Sweden across the Baltic Sea, and Europe as a vanguard, let Prussia more actively fight against Napoleon I, which made Sweden extremely satisfied and agreed. his identity. Later, after defeating the northern French army, he returned to attack the Kingdom of Denmark, which supported Napoleon I, so that Denmark finally agreed to transfer Norway to Sweden, which completely established Bernardo\'s consolidated position in Sweden.

In 1818, he succeeded the king of Sweden and officially ruled Sweden as a French.

However, the heart can be changed, but the customs are never changed at will. All expenses are the same as the French royal family. Even the Queen of the only son Oscar I is also the granddaughter of Queen Eugene of Napoleon I and his ex-husband, Prince Eugene. \'s daughter.

As for this Charles XIV, his wife was the fiancée of Napoleon I.

So he and Napoleon I really had a lifetime of "bad relationship".

Thinking of this, William IV walked into the banquet hall that Karl XV had already arranged with ambiguous thoughts.

Carl XV had seen William IV long ago, and the two of them smiled at each other\'s gentleman ten meters away.

Next to Karl XV, in addition to Sweden\'s Foreign Prime Minister Radwig, there are also Queen Victoria and Foreign Minister Russell, Christian IX, and Danish Foreign Minister Mek.

Joseph I of the Kingdom of Austria and Emperor of Austria-Hungary and his Foreign Minister Reichberg, among them,

Karl XV, as the host, came over after seeing it, smiled and said to William IV: "How have you been playing these two days? Stockholm is more interesting than Amsterdam, isn\'t it?"

William IV: "It\'s really interesting, but Amsterdam is more sleepy for me at night"

"I think you\'re not used to it because Alexandra isn\'t around."

After finishing speaking, King Carl XV made a fuss to Christian IX next to him, teasing: "His Majesty Christian, look, how good is this son-in-law, Alexandra is so happy."


Several people laughed softly.

Christian IX was embarrassed.

There was a hint of complexity in Queen Victoria\'s eyes, thinking of Alice.

So she smiled and said: "His Majesty William IV is too late to wait. Wait and prepare to ease our waiting. Say it yourself, should you be punished?"

William IV smiled helplessly: "It\'s true that I should be punished"

Queen Victoria smiled and asked, "Then how do you say the punishment?"

William IV rolled his eyes, pretended to look around for a week, and said dissatisfiedly: "Someone is even later than me, I have to ask the person behind me how to punish it later, Her Majesty and everyone, please give it to me later. Testify, I\'m not the last one."

Everyone rolled their eyes and secretly thought that the Dutch king was too slick.

William IV said: "When you wait for how you punish him, I will confess half of my guilt."

"It\'s about the same," Queen Victoria just finished speaking and walked in William I. At this moment, Charles XV walked over quickly, obviously more active than when William IV came.

William IV and his father-in-law, Christian IX, glanced at each other secretly, and both saw the bitterness in each other\'s eyes. Obviously, Queen Victoria\'s treatment was no worse than William I.

William IV walked beside Christian IX and said softly: "Alexandra asked me to say hello to you, she and Albert are in great shape"

Christian IX nodded his His expression lightened, his face continued to have a gentleman\'s expression, he looked at the gate, but said softly: "Today\'s conference banquet is not a good banquet, all countries There are many positions, beware”

William IV also looked at Carl XV and William I who were chatting at the gate, and also looked at Queen Victoria and Joseph I more than ten meters away, nodded to them, and said softly to Christian IX next to him: "No matter what kind of wind and rain he has, he can only manage his wisdom and firmness. Father-in-law, don\'t forget, now that the three major countries correspond to our three countries, it is a balance."

With William I of Prussia in place, Karl XV led the crowd directly into the meeting table that had been prepared, a long oval table.

The short side is the host Sweden, then the long side is close to Carl XV, the British Queen Victoria, and next to her is the Foreign Secretary Russell.

On the opposite side are William I of Prussia and Prime Minister Bismarck.