Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

v3 Chapter 154: Austria takes advantage

The situation in the world is changing every day.

Italy had just suffered a defeat in Ethiopia. With Giuseppe Garibaldi on the eastern front taking the last boat of soldiers out of Djibouti on June 10, Italy was left with only Crown Prince Umberto on the western front, still standing guard. Merkele in northwestern Ethiopia.

However, with the gradual increase in the strength of the Ethiopian Crown Prince Menelik, Crown Prince Umberto eventually withdrew from the place and poured the 50,000 people back and forth to Eritrea.

The Italian invasion war ended in failure.

But will Italy be reconciled?

Many people have speculated that Italy, whose ambitions have not changed, will never give up, because Italy has not signed any agreement with Ethiopia since it announced its withdrawal.

From this, many people speculated that this is an excuse for the next invasion.

At present, the priority is mainly to suppress the rebellion in Libya.

However, after leaving Italy, the world will not turn?

Naturally not.

Because now in London, the answer is there.

On Queen Victoria\'s desk is the conundrum of the answer.

Opposite her, the Prime Minister, Viscount Palmerston, as well as Foreign Secretary Russell and Chancellor of the Exchequer Clayston.

"That guy Franz Joseph I of the Austrian Empire was so excited about it?"

Queen Victoria looked at the letter she had just read on the table with both amusing and anger, and asked the Viscount Palmerston.

Viscount Palmerston nodded and said, "Yes, this distinguished Austrian Emperor wants to take the opportunity to enter."

Queen Victoria said angrily: "He will choose the day, and he chose after the failure of Italy"

"Your Majesty, Austria has no choice. Who is Emmanuel II who has taken the lead?"

Hearing Clayston\'s sarcastic interjection, it made everyone present smile.

Originally, Austria was preparing to use force against Ethiopia as early as the beginning of the year. For this reason, it also issued a conscription of 50,000 troops, but before more than half of the conscription, Italy, with the approval of the United Kingdom, took advantage of the British-controlled Suez Canal and quickly launched the war. attack.

This is good. Italy originally broke away from Austria to become an independent country, and then started a war with Austria because of Venice a few years ago. With the support of France, it successfully defeated Austria, which made Austria lose face again and again.

Now Italy is forcibly grabbing the colonies that Austria fancy, which makes the whole Austria very angry.

As a result, the original recruitment of 50,000 troops for the Ethiopian team was slow, but it was claimed by people with a heart to deal with the Italian recruitment, and the recruitment was instantly full in just one month.

The person who came up with the idea is now the Prime Minister of the Austrian Empire, Archduke Renner Ferdinand.

Under the enthusiasm of many Austrians, many people saw Italy\'s defeat again and again. No Austrian would think that Italy is a weak country. This is known from the previous wars between Italy and Austria, that Italy is no weaker than Austrian soldiers.

Even Italy has ended in failure, can Austria do it?

This made the Austrians hesitate.

European countries even envied Austria\'s good fortune.

But it is under such circumstances that the United Kingdom, in order to fight against the alliance of Britain, Italy and Austria formed by France, Prussia and the Netherlands, has now welcomed another ally after agreeing to invade Ethiopia for Italy some time ago. Also want to use the Suez Canal request.

"Austria wants to invade Ethiopia behind Italy. Let\'s talk about it, what should Britain do?" Queen Victoria threw the question to several people present.

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Russell, the foreign minister who had been silent, said at this time: "Your Majesty, Austria has been losing in turns, facing the encroachment of Prussia and Italy, and its strength has been greatly weakened. This is already a bit precarious for our balance policy in Europe. , if Austria is more and more suppressed by other countries, then its role in putting pressure and balancing the surrounding powers will be reduced, other countries will shift their attention from the mainland to overseas, and the British overseas policy will face more challenges. many challenges.

Just like the recent swarms of nations to devour African colonies.

Therefore, I think that one more British overseas colony in Ethiopia is not much, and one less will not lose too much. We might as well let Austria play its prestige, so that Austria\'s position will be more consolidated, which will play a more important role for Britain significant. "

Queen Victoria heard the words and looked at the others.

Viscount Palmerston nodded to Queen Victoria in recognition of Russell\'s analysis.

"Austria is indeed weakened and needs a big battle to heal the latest wounds."

Creston also said: "Franz Joseph I recently learned to take advantage, but I also think his position has begun to align with the UK. Compared with Prussia, I agree that Austria can bring more diplomacy to the UK. Benefit"

After listening to the words of several people, Queen Victoria picked up the pen on the table and signed her signature.

She said: "Hopefully Austria will not perform too badly"

Several other people showed strange expressions.

Will Austria follow in Italy\'s footsteps?

On June 20, 1863, the eyes of the world were on Vienna.

Because on this day, Italy has just announced that it has completely withdrawn from Ethiopia for ten days, and Vienna, the capital of Austria, staged a press conference. The press conference was conducted by Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, Prime Minister of Austria.

"We started recruiting to enter Ethiopia a few months ago, but there was an accident in the middle, although this accident has now disappeared, so this does not affect our preparations for this."

"Did Archduke Ferdinand say that Austria will move forward with sending troops to Ethiopia?"

"Naturally, we will do everything as planned"

"Will this embarrass Italy?"

"Does it have anything to do with Austria?"

"I\'m afraid the Austrian Empire will not fall into the same situation as the Kingdom of Italy?"

"What did you add after the name Austria?"


"That\'s right, Austria is an upright empire, will we be as good as other countries?"

As Archduke Rainer Ferdinand announced in Vienna, the Austrian Empire would send 50,000 troops to march into Djibouti. At the same time, he shouted to King Tewodros II, expressing his hope that he would recognize the situation and submit to Joseph I to Austria.

The world was in an uproar again.

Austria chose to invade Ethiopia at this time?

Austria really knows how to choose the time, this is to make a profit.

When William IV saw the news, he was stunned for a moment. It had never happened in his previous life. Italy invaded Ethiopia several times and failed many times. This was a humiliation of European white people and shamed European white people. But Austria never appeared in Africa, not even in colonies.

But William IV also turned to a joy.

"It\'s no wonder that Austria, which originally had no colonies, now has Nigeria, and it\'s also on the verge of Prussia. Nigeria and Cameroon are quarreling with each other for three days.

This has become something that is not surprising in Europe, but I don\'t know if Prussia, next to Somalia, will become the target of Austria\'s attack if Ethiopia is successfully captured by Austria. "

When William IV thought about it, he felt a little anticipation.

At the same time, William IV also felt that Africa seems to be getting more and more lively, so lively that almost everywhere has the potential to become a powder keg.

In southern Africa, Britain, Prussia, the Netherlands, and Portugal have faced each other for several months because of the struggle for Southern Rhodesia, and the stalemate continues.

Depends on who blinks first.

Although Spain and France have close ties, their interests in Mali and other West African colonies are unequivocal.

In the Gulf of Guinea in the western part of Central Africa, it is even hotter and people sweat.

The two giants of the German Confederation, Prussia and Austria, came to Africa from Europe and continued in Nigeria and Cameroon.

Next to Ghana\'s Denmark, Togo\'s Sweden, and Tsarist Russia\'s Côte d\'Ivoire are also taking turns to be disturbed by border points.

Anyone with a discerning eye on the situation in Libya understands that someone is operating, but Italy can only deal with it in a low-key manner.

Ethiopia has just gone through the war with Italy and is preparing to start economic development in order to recover its strength. I didn\'t expect that Austria is now trying to take advantage of it?

William IV finally realized that he, the butterfly that stirred the changes in the world, was still flapping his wings. brought about a change in the world.

"The situation in the world has already begun to change, but I don\'t know that Britain will become weaker and weaker, and then more European heroes will compete overseas. Will the UU read share the hegemony of Britain and France, or will Britain and France become more and more Centralization of power, faster annihilation of other countries”

Tewodros II of Ethiopia looked at the intelligence sent back from Europe, his face full of anger.

His son, Crown Prince Menelik, was urgently recalled to Addis Abel.

"Father, Austria is prepared to see that we have just finished a battle. They think this is the time when we need to cultivate the most and are the weakest. They really pick the time."

Looking at Crown Prince Menelik, Tewodros II smiled and said, "Then do you think we are weak?"

Crown Prince Menelik was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "Not only have we not become weaker, but we have become stronger."

Trevordros II: "Where is the strength"

Crown Prince Menelik said confidently: "By borrowing foreign troops, it has now helped us to level the major local forces in the country, which is more beneficial for your father\'s rule."

Seeing Twodros II nodding in approval, he added: "And more importantly, let everyone in our country realize the greatness of our father, and that only under the leadership of our royal family can we resist the invasion of European countries, This is a huge medal of honor, and it will make my father recognized by the people, almost god."

Trevordros II said: "Your analysis is good, but there is one more point, we have opened up contacts with Prussia and the Netherlands for this, and their two countries are also the most important factor in whether we can defeat Austria again in the future. "

Menelik said in surprise: "Dad wants to use barbarians to control barbarians?"

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