Star Lord

Chapter 182

At this time, all the frost in the floating board, which was covered by the fire, retreated and turned into drops of water, falling on the inside of the floating board.

Looking at the floating board, Yao Yan felt like he was dreaming. At that moment, Yao Yan really thought he couldn't hold on.

The negative influence brought by chilongyan is hard for yaoyan to control. Originally, yaoyan thought that now with his strength, he can control chilongyan, but he didn't expect that the power of chilongyan will be greatly increased when his strength is enhanced!

When the power is increased, it means that the risk you take will be greatly increased! The power of chilongyan is certainly strong, but when you use it, you can't forget that the danger it brings is also increased correspondingly!

Chilongyan was discovered by chance when yaoyan was young and his understanding of Xingyao was gradually deepened. According to the old man, chilongyan is actually another way to use Xingyao.

Yaoyan's Xingyao, the old man was very sure that he could control the flame freely. This free control of the flame means that the flame in his hands can almost change into a variety of forms. With the increase of your understanding of the flame, or the more familiar with the use of Xingyao, you can do almost anything with the flame!

They often have great potential, waiting for you to explore! Bad old man once said a word about the understanding of Xingyao.

"Xingyao is the best favor the world has given you. They are the best tools to help you. There are no useless stars, only people who can't use them

So Yao Yan believes that his star Yao, there are a lot of abilities that have not been discovered, red dragon Yan, just the tip of the iceberg!

The falling curtain supports Yao Yan and makes him sit down slowly. The side effects also have a certain impact on his body. Now Yao Yan's legs are shaking. If it wasn't for the falling curtain, he would have fallen to the ground.

"It's OK. Can you hold on?" Fall the curtain concern of ask a way, the dark Gang on the hand, still is not reserve of deliver to Yao Yan's body, let Yao Yan can recover as soon as possible.

Yao Yan cast a thank you look: "thank you, I may need ten minutes to recover, before that, please don't stop."

After listening to the falling curtain, he clapped yaoyan's arm with laughter and encouraged: "what do you say? We don't have to be so polite. You can recover as soon as possible. Now it's not optimistic! "

At last, the falling curtain looked out of the floating board anxiously. At this time, due to the flame of yaoyan, the energy shield could not be used any more, and all the igniters were used up. Now they have run out of ammunition and food. If Yao Yan falls here now, they will be dead.

Yao Yan, of course, is also aware of his responsibility. At this time, he simply meditates on the spot and begins to rest in place, striving for recovery as soon as possible.

But now, the floating board is still moving forward. How can we spend these few minutes? Yao Yan, who is trapped in recovery, can't move for the time being. Now Xiao Jiu can still avoid the meteorite in front of him, but what should he do if he encounters that kind of situation again!

At this time, Luomu was very worried. He raised his head directly and yelled to Xiaojiu: "sister, tell me what I can do. I also want to contribute to this team. You can think of a way to do what I can do!"

Falling curtain has now broken down. He has been rowing all the time. Finally, he can't stand such a situation. Now in his heart, he just wants to contribute to the team!

After hearing the cry of falling screen, Xiao Jiu's serious face finally showed a helpless smile. Her figure suddenly appeared inside the floating board, floating beside falling screen.

Eyes in this moment is full of gentle look, she gently rubbed the head of the knead falling curtain, the face showed a lovely smile: "well, you have something to do, but this thing is very dangerous, now it's time to regret it!" Xiao Jiu said mysteriously.

Falling screen heard that he had done something, and almost didn't jump up happily. If his feet were not fixed by the floating board, falling screen would have jumped out now!

Falling curtain confidence patted chest, firmly said: "how can I regret, besides, we have now reached this point, if now give up, it is not a failure?"

After hearing the answer, Xiao Jiu covered his mouth and began to laugh. He laughed like a silver bell and said, "well, since you are so serious, now, go out!"

"Out, where?" Falling curtain asked doubtfully.

"Outside, of course!" The little dove pointed to the world outside the floating board and laughed.

"Come and take this." Xiao Jiu stood aside, pointing and helping, and controlling the floating board.

Falling curtain bitter face put the strong rope on his waist, after repeatedly determined that it had been fixed, he nodded to the little dove.

"Then open up!"

As soon as Xiao Jiu's words were finished, he let Yao Yan cover the flame and show a big hole for falling out.

At this time, Yao Yan's eyes, as if to see a warrior in general, the tragic feeling, fell the curtain, felt that his client was going to cry.

When he thought of what he would do next, his face was about to wrinkle. "Is there really no other way?"

Little Hatoya said with a sad expression: "it's really gone. Originally, it was meant to be made by yaoyan, but now, it's up to you to do it... You must be strong!"

Little Hatoya's face was full of reluctant feelings. Yao Yan nodded at one side. Meanwhile, the solemn and stirring feelings in his eyes were more intense, as if he might cry the next second.

Looking at these two people's tragic appearance, falling curtain suddenly felt warm in my heart, which made me feel a sense of being a pioneer at this moment, and a heroic momentum suddenly appeared.

Falling curtain nodded heavily, just like going to the meeting alone, directly jumped out of here and into space!

Suddenly fall screen, only feel cold, and he was dragged away by floating board!

"Oh, help!"

The howling sound of falling curtain suddenly resounded through the sky! The heating effect of the spacesuit is immediately on. The high-quality spacesuit temporarily resists the chilling temperature and pressure outside the space, so that the falling curtain can temporarily get out of the warehouse and maintain normal physical condition!

After hearing the cry of falling curtain, yaoyan and Xiaojiu can't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that my brother would cry out in fear one day. I was so surprised!"

"Is this safe? How can I feel so dangerous! " Yao Yan still some linger to ask a way.

In fact, this plan was planned by them from the beginning. The task of falling behind is to wait for yaoyan. If not, they will replace it to carry out plan B. However, because the plan is a bit weird, they did not tell Yao Yan in advance. Fear of falling will refuse.

Originally, Yao Yan thought that they could not use the falling screen. He didn't expect that the sudden situation caught them by surprise. But at the same time, falling screen felt guilty because he couldn't help. Xiao Jiu just said this plan at this time. It's a customized plan for falling screen!

"I can't relax now that my brother has done so much Xiao Jiu's mood seems to have been mobilized at this time. He patted his face hard to make himself more sober. Then his good-looking eyes lit up a blue light.

Yao Yan knew that it was the appearance of Xiao Jiu when he entered the crazy calculation!

Yao Yan began to speed up the recovery of his body, because he knew that it was because of him, so he had to let go. Although Xiao Jiu said it was safe, Yao Yan knew that just going out of the space capsule would not be 100% safe!

"Control your body and try to keep your body steady!"

Xiao Jiu's voice suddenly appeared in the falling screen of the communication device, so that the original chaos of his hands and feet suddenly calm down, as if eating a reassuring pill, feel at ease.

At this time, with his strong physical fitness, he quickly made his body stable. Instead of flying around like before, he was stable and had the same frequency as the floating board.

"It's done!" Falling curtain immediately reported.

"Good, next step, grab what I'm going to throw out now, remember, we only have this one!"

Little Hatoya's voice just dropped, and he couldn't bear to drop the curtain to ask. He saw a mechanical arm pop up on the side of the floating board. At the same time, a big net was thrown out by the mechanical arm!

This big net accurately rushed to the position of the falling curtain. The falling curtain was quick and quick, and grasped this big net firmly. Caught the big net after the falling curtain, a face of doubt looking at this thing.

"Sticky net? Why do you give me this? " The curtain fell down with a face full of confusion.

It has strong viscosity and toughness like spider web, super elasticity and the quality that can't break away from damage once it is wrapped.

"See those meteorites passing by the pontoon?" Instead, Hatoya asked other questions.

Falling curtain curiously looked at the side, nearby, there are small and medium-sized meteorite blocks with different sizes. Some of these meteorites are floating slowly, and some of them are not static in space. They are so densely distributed here. If no one comes, these meteorites may never change their own state.

"See?" Falling curtain still didn't understand Xiao Jiu's meaning.

"Brother, have you ever seen catching fish?" Little Hatoya, unconventional, asked.

"Catch fish mysteriously, Xiao Jiu, what are you going to do?" Falling curtain, feeling broken.

"Now you take those meteorites as big fat fish, and catch them all for me!"

"Catching meteorites"?? What are you doing with them? " Fall the curtain full face of don't understand.

"Catch as much as you can! There's no time. I'll tell you later! " On the contrary, Xiao Jiu smiles mysteriously and urges him to go down the curtain.

After hearing Xiao Jiu's urging, falling curtain could only harden its head, spread the net, and began to grasp away these "fat and tender" meteorites.