Star Chef Starts From the Food Stall

Chapter 38

At noon, Zhang Shen personally cooked a meal for Amway Jill. He was not ready to put the new dishes in the menu, and made an advertisement by the way.

Angelil looked at the food brought by 04 and couldn\'t close his mouth. He ordered twelve dishes and a juice. His lunch began.

At dinner, amritchie ate hot pot and put whatever he wanted. Amway gill won\'t choose delicious food. In the heat, Amway gill began his dinner.

Fill the hot pot, Amway gill lights a music and plays it slowly. Her body can\'t help twisting with the music. Amway gill listens to the song and waits slowly. She always feels that a song is so long.

Open the lid again and again to see the hot pot ingredients put into the pot. These vegetables are not cooked yet. Amril also ate some half cooked ones.

After a while, the vegetables were ripe. Amway gill could fill the pot with ingredients while eating. When the soup was gone, he added some. If he couldn\'t stand the spicy food, he would eat three delicacies.

Amway Jill ate as many as four portions of normal people for a dinner. Zhang Shen was so frightened that he subconsciously went to see Amway Jill\'s stomach and wondered whether the sky was full of food today.

Amway Gill\'s videos are released every time the day after the recording is completed. In the evening, we have to start cutting off unnecessary or unimportant videos.

The result of the final cut is that it takes 2.5 hours, which is much longer than Amway Gill\'s usual. These are not enough. Amway Gill wants to make another video and put it on the holographic network, so that the fans who watch his video on the holographic network can know what the food he eats is and smell it on the holographic network when he is greedy.

I\'m still thinking about it here. Amway Jill immediately sent a message to his studio. The studio quickly replied to Amway Jill, saying that this was very good.

Amrijill immediately sent a message to Zhang Shen,

Amway gill: boss Zhang, boss Zhang, I need to take a video tomorrow. I want to put it on the holographic Internet. Please leave me another day in the private room.

Zhang Shen had already pulled Amway Jill out of the blacklist, but he didn\'t give him his name. As soon as he saw that the tail number was 52135, he remembered that it was Amway Jill\'s video number.

It\'s not a big problem to leave a private room for him. For example, Amway Jill didn\'t know any guests in the private room today and agreed without thinking much. In fact, business is getting better and better. In addition to being tired and seeing the figures in his head, I have to say that he is in a good mood.

After receiving Zhang Shen\'s reply, Amway gill happily went to the holographic network and sorted out the previous videos.

The video to be placed in the holographic network is different from the traditional video. The former one only needs to be recorded with an optical brain or other things that can be recorded. This one can\'t smell the smell. Viewing on the optical brain can convert the 3D mode. The latter kind of recording needs to be connected with a machine that can sense the taste. When it is sent to the holographic network, it is also necessary to sort out the collected taste and what kind of taste is matched with what kind of taste. In short, it is a big project.

Amway Gill has not specifically announced the time of releasing the video, so Amway gill plans to put the video online in a few days. The time for this video shooting was set at noon. The next morning, ligil went into the [delicious chicken] private room, had a beautiful breakfast with his staff, and began to prepare the machine for collecting the taste.

At noon, Amway gill couldn\'t wait. They were all in place. Amway gill sat at the table and the dishes came up one by one. In the middle, let the taste collector receive the taste into the machine and sort it out.

Amway Jill ordered cold jellyfish, fried clams, stewed mutton, clear soup Yuanbao, white gourd ribs soup... These were all things Amway Jill didn\'t eat yesterday. When it was hot, the taste collector took some food to collect the taste. After that, Amway Jill ate them beautifully under the flight camera.

After the taste collection, it took three days to sort out the outline of taste collection Normal University, put on the video just taken by Amway Jill, and then send it to holographic online.

There is no fixed time for Amway Gill\'s video to be posted online, but every time it is posted, it is 13 days after it is revealed where to shoot the latest issue, The figure of amritchie in [delicious chicken] has not been revealed yet. The netizens are anxious, and the fans are very anxious. The fans squatting at the door of [delicious chicken] waiting for amritchie to come are also anxious.

At first, 12 days after Amway gill burst out to shoot delicious chicken, netizens were eager to wait. The topic was full of food in delicious chicken, and even photos of God when he set up a stall. It was full of praise. 12 days later, some negative comments gradually emerged

At this time, many people retort that it may be because amrijill has a long way to go from UFA star to Dragon Star, but it only takes up to 7 days from UFA star to Dragon Star. In the middle, do you go to amrijill to play? Delayed? I didn\'t hear any news. It should be that Amway gill had rested for a few days, thinking that many people were comforted. However, in the 13th day, the comment area finally exploded. When Amway gill hadn\'t responded, there were three negative topics hanging on the size of stars.

#Amway gill video delay#

#The taste of delicious chicken is suspected to be hyped#

#What the hell is Amway gill doing? Give me a word#

Netizen A: hehe, it must be because the food in [delicious chicken] is too junk. Amway Jill dare not put it up. What\'s the ghost name of [delicious chicken], which makes people lose their appetite.

Netizen B: the same as above. Although I have seen a lot of [delicious chicken] food, I just watch it, not eat it.

Netizen C: visually, it will take more than ten days to have the baby\'s video this time. If that\'s the case [see you manually], I wanted to see the site of Longmin\'s life. This holiday will cancel the trip to Longxing.

Netizen D: don\'t participate in the comments, wait for the baby to release the news.

Angelina told Amway gill about this news. Amway Gill\'s studio has been busy with video recently. No one has noticed that these topics have been on the list just overnight.

After receiving Angelina\'s message, Amway Jill quickly checked the Internet and sent a message, saying that the video was not delayed, but was still being produced. There were surprises waiting for everyone. Amway Jill also added a cute face.

After Amway gill sent this, those topics were brushed more happily. The highest topic had more than 3 billion views, 2.1 billion forwarding and 2.5 billion comments.

The two videos of Amway gill were sent to the Internet at the same time the next day. On the holographic Internet, the star size thing exploded in an instant. The previous guesses and some bad comments disappeared in an instant and turned into positive comments.

Amway gill smiled happily at the more views, forwarding, comments and increased number of fans than ever before. To his delight, there was a group of powder falling into the pit under the video he sent to the holographic network.

"I really love and hate Amway gill. You said, you said, you said, you said, how can I go, how can I go, how can I go, if I have money, I can\'t find time to go. I\'m really drunk."

"The Dragon Star trip is more determined."

"Upstairs + 1, I didn\'t want to go. I\'d better go and have a look for delicious food. In fact, the Dragon Star is quite beautiful."

"Do you have black Venus together? Click my avatar to celebrate the 30 day holiday on this planet"


Amway gill sent a video to Zhang Shen, and also sent screenshots of many netizens\' comments.

After Zhang Shen received it, click to open it. Fast forward after watching the video, and then look at the warm comments. Amway gill cut all praise Zhang Shen. There are many new and old fans of Zhang Shen.


"Boss, we are about to arrive at the Dragon Star." Yi said expressionless, without a trace of superfluous emotion in his words. If it weren\'t for a trace of popularity in his eyes, he would think he was a robot. Zhao doesn\'t like Yi very much. Every time he sees Yi like this, he has a kind of anger, but Yi didn\'t do anything wrong, and it\'s inexplicable to lose his temper with him.

Zhao turns on the optical brain and clicks a few times. An encrypted data appears on the optical brain.

"Well, I see. The last time I saw Amway gill go to Longxing to shoot a video, how was it? Was it posted online?"

Yi lowered his eyes slightly, "yes, the response is very good."

Zhao: "well, I\'ll go there for dinner in the evening."

After getting off the starship, Showa Yi went to the Dragon Star Hotel, opened the light brain, slipped into the money, lived in the most ordinary two room suite, took a bath and slept. Zhao got up, and Yi was waiting for him outside the door.

Zhaoheyi and others went [delicious chicken] then he found a problem. The car couldn\'t find a place to stop, and the line was too long. Zhao closed his eyes and breathed out. Zhang Shen\'s shop was too small. He took out a special identity and didn\'t use it. Moreover, he came quietly. How could he take out a special identity and let people find it? He didn\'t want to line up. When did he line up? What did he want? A lot of people hold it up Come on, he needs to line up.

Yi saw what he was thinking. There was still no emotion on his face. His eyes turned slightly. He didn\'t know what he was thinking. "Let me line up. What do you want to eat?"

"No, let\'s go back and come back when there are fewer people to change the sky." Zhao thought that in a few days, the heat has passed, and the people are fresh. At that time, there will be fewer people. Anyway, this time he has been in Longxing for a long time.

Compared with Zhao\'s idea, Yi didn\'t think so, but he didn\'t say it. They returned to Longxing hotel. The food in Longxing hotel really didn\'t taste good. Zhao took only one bite and left with chopsticks. Yi didn\'t speak. He ate some and didn\'t go back to the suite. Instead, he stopped a car and sat at the door of delicious chicken.

At the end of the line, Yi turned on his light brain while waiting to watch amritchie\'s video. Many people in line now are Amway Jill\'s fans. Fans generally have a good impression of the same person\'s fans. A blue haired beauty in front of Amway Jill turns around and follows Yi.

"You\'re also a little baby\'s fan. You don\'t look like a dragon star. Is it because of the little baby\'s video? I\'ve met a lot of people for the little baby these days."

Yi often watches Amway Jill\'s videos and his comments. Naturally, he knows the origin of Amway Jill\'s baby name. He watches Amway Jill\'s videos not because he likes Amway Jill, but because Zhao likes it, so he went to see it.

He doesn\'t quite understand why his sister has so much enthusiasm for him, because amritchie? Is Amway gill really so attractive.

His cold face made the sister\'s enthusiasm like a basin of water on the fire. The sister turned awkwardly and didn\'t turn around again.

Yi danced to watch Amway Jill\'s video. After reading it, he specially wrote down Amway Jill\'s food and thought about ordering it and packing it back.

After waiting for more than two hours, Yiyi finally arrived. After Yiyi ordered, he pressed the package and sat on the table waiting for the robot to deliver it to him. People on the table were talking about Amway Jill one by one. Yiyi was a little bored. He was everywhere.

After the packed dishes came up, Yi left the noise and stopped a car to return to the Dragon Star Hotel.

When he returned to the suite, he took out all the dishes and arranged them. He knocked on Zhao\'s room door. Zhao was disturbed by the knock, and his eyebrows couldn\'t help jumping, "open it yourself."

Yi opened the door and said, "I bought you [delicious chicken]. Would you like to eat some?"

Zhao wanted to say no, but stopped after hearing [delicious chicken], didn\'t say two words in his mouth, hung his head slightly, "so you just went to line up for me." Zhao had a little joy in his heart that he didn\'t even notice, but he still didn\'t show it on his face, even blackened his face, "stupid, how long does it take for such a long line?"

Yi is obviously used to it. "I\'ll pour it if you don\'t eat it."

Turning off the data of guangnao, Zhao got up, "just say it. You don\'t think it\'s hard for you to queue up."

As soon as Zhao went out, he saw that several dishes had been put on the table. They were bright in color, glowing and steaming. There was a large bowl of red granules in front of the table. Is this the staple food? But it\'s not in Amway Gill\'s video.

Zhao first ate a piece of red meat with chopsticks sauce. The meat tasted very good, tender and indescribable. At least he ate it for the first time. The taste exceeded Zhao\'s expectation. In this way, the previous prediction was wrong. The food of [delicious chicken] is delicious.

Zhao didn\'t forget that this was the dish that Yi had brought back. He took another bite, put down his chopsticks, turned and took a pair of chopsticks, divided half of the staple food in that bowl, "sit down and eat with me."

Yi gulps down his throat, sits next to Zhao and takes a small bite. Zhao sees that he doesn\'t eat much. He puts a small sparerib in Yi\'s bowl with his own chopsticks. Yi suddenly looks up and collides with Zhao\'s eyes.

"Eat, see if I can be full?"

Yi nodded subconsciously. His face was much softer than usual. Zhao looked a little stunned. How long has it been, how long hasn\'t he had such a warm meal with people.

Yi picked up the small spare ribs and always felt very cute. He was not willing to eat them.
