Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 4: wedding day 1

There are three rooms in the Shao family, and Shao Yunyun is in the long room.

Shao Yunyun\'s grandparents have long since passed away, so the three brothers of Shao\'s father have long separated.

Shao Yunyun\'s father, Shao Dakun, and mother, Mrs Fang.

The eldest brother, Shao Yunlian, is also the eldest of the three rooms. The eldest sister-in-law, Mrs. Xu, has a pair of children. The nephew Shao Junyan is six years old, and the niece Shao Qing is only three years old.

The names of the nephews and nieces were all given by Shao Yunyun. The eldest brother and sister-in-law were very happy and thought they sounded better than the names of other children in the village.

Moreover, the name given by the scholar is also auspicious, which is a good sign. Maybe it will add a little more luck!

The second brother, Shao Yunguang, is ranked third and has not married yet.

Ahem, the reason why Shao Yunyun, who ranked fifth, was robbed first, was mainly because of the diving rescue incident, which could not be delayed.

The fourth brother, Shao Yunhuai (seventh in the ranking), and the younger sister, Shao Taotao, are twins who are just thirteen years old this year.

As for the second room, the second uncle Shao Dalou and the second aunt Niu.

The second wife, two sons and one daughter, Shao Yunshan (ranked second) and Shao Yunqiao (ranked fourth). Shao Yunshan married his wife Zhang, and also had a pair of children, Shao Juan and Shao Xianwen. Shao Yunqiao is not married yet. Getting ready to meet people.

My daughter Shao Meiling is fifteen this year.

The third house is the third uncle Shao Dashi and the third aunt Ma.

The eldest daughter Shao Meizhi is married, and the youngest daughter Shao Xiaozhi is three months younger than Shao Taotao.

My son Shao Yunjiang (rank 6) is fifteen this year. He has not married yet and is studying in the county town.

At this moment, Qiao Xuan only saw the people from the long room. The second room and the third room would come over to have a reunion dinner together in the evening, and then they would all see each other.

Fortunately, there were not too many people, so Qiao Xuan remembered everything.

The Shao family were curious and nervous about this new daughter-in-law, who was born in Jingui, and they were a little ashamed.

When Qiao Xuan bowed to them in a proper manner, and changed her words to "Father!" and "Mother!" with a smile, everyone was relieved!

fine! fine! The new daughter-in-law is kind.

Shao Yunyun, who knew about Qiao Xuan\'s criminal record, was the most relieved - this woman didn\'t make a fool of yourself, and she even acted much better than he thought. After thinking about it, she really figured it out...

There are not so many cumbersome rules in the farmhouse, so after the tea is changed, and the family members meet one by one, it is enough.

The mother-in-law Fang Shi smiled and said some auspicious, auspicious, complimenting and encouraging words, and soon the crowd dispersed, what to do.

Qiao Xuan thought about it for a while, and then resolutely followed up with her mother-in-law Fang.

In this era, it is very important to gain the favor of my mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law\'s support is the only way to truly gain a firm foothold in this family. Otherwise, you will inevitably face endless troubles and troubles.

When the tea was being served just now, the Shao family was watching her secretly. Isn\'t she the same?

Of course, the mother-in-law is the most important person who needs to be observed.

According to Qiao Xuan\'s acquaintance\'s eyes, her mother-in-law is generally a good person. This is just right, the space for her to play has suddenly become larger.

"Mother..." Qiao Xuan caught up with Mrs. Fang in a few steps, with a smile all over her face, she was well-behaved and decent: "What do I need to do, please ask my mother to teach me, I don\'t know anything, and I will worry about it in the future. ."

"Ouch—" Fang shi suddenly smiled, looked at Qiao Xuan kindly and said, "No, no, you, just take good care of your husband in the future, and let him concentrate on his studies. This family\'s affairs, I don\'t need you!"

After all, this is the daughter of the county magistrate. It\'s normal for someone who doesn\'t know how to work. Besides, there are people doing the housework, so she doesn\'t need her.

She is so sensible, and she won\'t be chaotic at home. Fang is so happy, where would she be allowed to work?

Qiao Xuan was a little surprised and laughed in her heart. How many cards have been drawn in this card? It\'s not bad!

She insisted on a few words, and she had an excellent attitude of being diligent and willing to learn, which made Mrs. Fang happier and decided to let her rest!

Qiao Xuan pushed again and again but couldn\'t, and then gave up.