Spoiling His Wife Inordinately

V2.Chapter 115

It's absolutely impossible for Tan simu to recover from this injury in a few days, so the wedding is destined to be delayed for some time, but the wedding invitation has been sent out, and the trade is rashly postponed. What do the guests think?

Fan Wenlin was quick to think of an explanation, "it's just a tourist wedding, and the wedding will be held, but the bride and groom are not in China for the time being?"

There are a lot of new people who get married in tourism, but they are all in ordinary families. The Wei and Tan families are not small families, so they managed to invite so many guests. As a result, the bridegroom and bride are not at the scene. Isn't it suspected of cheating?

Therefore, this one will definitely not work.

"Those methods are almost impossible. Three months later, there will be another auspicious day. Let's put it off until that day If someone asks, they say that the date is wrong, or there is a little accident in the middle, and the wedding can't be held as scheduled. " Wei Wentao coughed. Although it sounds wrong to postpone the wedding, there is no other way.

Tan's father and Tan's mother still keep it from them, but how can the tan family not pay attention to such a big delay in the wedding

After all, the tan family is not very satisfied with the Wei family. Although they are well matched, Wei Lin's reputation has spread all over the imperial capital. He is a typical romantic boy. Tan simu finally decides to get married, but he is a playboy.

This wedding is already accommodating.

But now it's delayed? In front of Tan Mu's eyes, this is what the Wei family must be doing and hiding? Could it be that Wei Lin raised an outer room outside and was found Maybe there's an illegitimate child, so the wedding is delayed?

And it's very possible!

Tan's mother is a typical eight o'clock stall. Tan's father is a male chauvinist, while Tan's mother is a sentimental and indecisive one. What's more, she will have a big brain when she meets something.

There are two young ladies in the tan family. One is Miss Tan simu, Miss Tan Da, and the other is Miss Tan Siqi, Miss Tan er. As soon as Tan simu graduated from high school, he went to study abroad. He has been abroad all these years and has little relationship with his parents. Tan Siqi has been raised by Tan's parents and has a deeper family relationship.

Having said that, but after all, it was the meat that fell from her body. Tan's mother still couldn't allow a heartless man to bully her daughter, so she led her husband to the Wei's door early in the morning.

"Wei Lin, let him come out to see me!" As soon as mother Tan opened her mouth, it was a typical Qiongyao tune. Seeing this, the old housekeeper had to move in and help the soldiers.

Fan Wenlin usually has nothing to do. She teases her grandson at home. When she hears that her in laws are coming fiercely, she guesses something.

"The in laws are looking for Wei Lin, but Wei Lin is really not at home now. Let me guess, Mr. and Mrs. Tan are asking about the delay of the wedding?" If you can avoid the first day of junior high school, but you can't avoid the 15th day, you have to know sooner or later.

Tan Mu snorted coldly, "not this. What else? Well, how can we delay time? Is Wei Lin going out again? "

Fan Wenlin thinks her daughter-in-law is very pitiful. That day, she went to the hospital and saw her daughter-in-law lying pitifully on the bed, with injuries all over her body. I'm afraid anyone would have to feel pity for her

At the beginning, she wondered, how could a good person get hurt at this juncture? She didn't say it, but she was still dissatisfied. When she got home, her husband told her a little bit, "simu is a good child. Although she keeps some things from you, it's definitely not a bad thing Most of the things she does are confidential. You and I know it in our hearts

Fan Wenlin is so surprised that she can't say a word. After all, she is a daughter of a family. She has always heard something about the imperial capital. What her husband says about secrecy is mostly what she thinks

When she thought about it, she was relieved. Fan Wenlin felt very ashamed, especially when she was still looking at her daughter-in-law today. No wonder her husband and son didn't say a word. That's how it turned out.

Having said that, it's one thing for fan Wenlin to love her daughter-in-law, but it's another thing for Tan's mother to make a fuss and put all the feces and urine on her son's head. "I can't understand Mrs. Tan's words. My Wei Lin is so absorbed in thinking about her that how can she say nonsense? Mrs. Tan didn't know the cause of the matter, so she made a random guess. Would it be bad? "

After a pause, Mrs. Tan's face was still like that Knowing that his wife thinks too much all day long, he just pulls people behind him and laughs, "my wife is also worried, and her daughter will not choose what to say. Does Mrs. Wei have something to say?"

In private, fan Wenlin can't get used to mother tan. She's all dressed up at an old age and looks like an 18-year-old girl But it didn't delay the business, so he told Tan simu about his injury.

Before that, she and her husband had already passed through the anger, which was also a long thought. Tan simu got mixed up when he was on a business trip, and then met with an accident

Even if Tan's father wants to confront each other, what he finds is the people from the secret service. Those people are always tactful. They can kill the tan family with any excuse.

Tan's mother was not very comfortable. She always felt that the Wei family was hiding something, but when she got to the hospital, she saw her daughter lying on the bed with injuries all over her body, and her tears fell down."Mumu, what's the matter with you?" If it's an internal injury, it doesn't look so bad. Tan simu's internal injury is more serious, especially the scar that winds from his chin to his chest. It's really shocking.

Even Tan's father moved his eyes unconsciously, and his eyes were red.

Tan simu is actually ready for her parents to come, but she is also sad to see her mother crying like this

In fact, I suffered a lot of injuries in my early years, but I didn't know it at home. There are still several wounds on my back

This time, it was a wedding, so ye attracted everyone's attention.

"Mom, it's just that the edge of the knife looks scary. In fact, it doesn't hurt much when it scabs This time it was an accident, but fortunately I survived. " Tan Si Mu pulled to pull corners of the mouth, this time is not she is holding one breath, I'm afraid really not to the operating table.

Mother Tan's tears were still drop by drop. Now when she heard her daughter say this, she was crying. She couldn't stop crying

"What kind of work is that? I'm not allowed to go again! Let's talk to our husband and teach our children at home. Don't worry about the rest! " Cried mother tan.

Tan simu nodded, after that, he was a civilian, and he didn't have to work.

As she finished, Mrs. Tan looked at her daughter's whiplash. She was really upset Who in my daughter's family doesn't want to be clean, but the scar is so deep that I don't know if it can be eliminated in the future As for men, there will always be some diaphragmatic response when they see this.

And Wei Lin is a playboy.

Mrs. Tan wants to whisper something to her daughter, so she drives everyone out. In fact, whispering is to comfort her daughter

"Even if you are healed, you may leave a mark. Don't be too sad. I will help you find the scar Just Wei Lin? "

As soon as Tan simu looked at her face, he knew what she was thinking. He couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, "Mom, where do you want to go He's not that shallow. I believe him

Believe it? How many good things do men have? Even Mrs. Tan didn't believe it. Her husband didn't steal food outside.

"As soon as you get well, get married If there's any trouble in Wei Lin's side, you can tell your mother, and she will help you deal with it. "

Tan simu was a little speechless. "Mom, I know how to do these things myself. If I want my family to intervene in the affairs between husband and wife, it will only become more and more troublesome."

Tan Mu deliberately glared at her, "good girl, not married, the heart has been toward the other side, this also got!"

Tan simu blinked and didn't say a word.

Tan's mother didn't say long before she went back with her husband, while Tan simu closed her eyes on the bed until she felt wet on her cheek.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the enlarged handsome face in front of me

She was startled and said angrily, "what are you doing?"

Wei Lin was not embarrassed to be caught at all. He continued the action just now. His hot and humid lips swam on her pink lips. He wanted to go deep, but he could only taste it with his teeth tightly closed.

"Xiaomu, the wedding has to be delayed so long You know, I've been waiting so long that I can't wait to eat you. "

Wei Lin was used to saying love words, and he just picked them up, but the listener intended to, and Tan simu blushed, "what are you talking about? Aunt is still outside the door. Be careful that she comes in later. "

"What are you afraid of? You are my daughter-in-law, even if there is intimate action is normal After a pause, he thought of Mrs. Tan's eyes just before she left, and felt a little puzzled, "did your mother say anything just now? There's something wrong with the way she looks at me? "

Tan simu also did not hide, poured out, "my mother is afraid that you will change, I do not know when this injury will be good, and may leave a mark, men do not like to see these."

This is it?

Wei Lin breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and pinned the broken hair on both sides of her cheek behind her ears, "if I really want to care about this, I'm afraid it's not worth your love."

Tan simu chuckled, "you are so confident."

"Isn't that right? Although I've been a little bit before, it's also the past. The past can't represent the past and the future. Since I want to marry you, no matter what you look like, I won't let go. "

"I know." That's why she didn't agree with her mother's words.

Nearly three months later, Tan simu's wound had already healed. With the special ointment that Mrs. Tan sent, the mark on his body could not be seen at this time. It was just that the injury was easy to treat, and the internal injury was healed, but he could not exercise too hard.

That's why poor David has to continue to be a vegetarian.

One day, Wei Er Shao couldn't help it. In the middle of the night, he sneaked into Tan simu's big bed from the closet