Spoiling His Wife Inordinately

V1.Chapter 184

After Ji Xiaoli left, President Wang opened the red envelope and looked at it. Generally, there are not a few volunteers visiting the orphanage. Some of them buy gifts and some donate money. Although they are all meat foam, it's better than nothing

He sighed and opened the red envelope. At first, he looked at the thin red envelope and thought that it was only a hundred or two hundred banknotes, but he didn't care. At this time, he found that it was a check. The amount on the check was only a string of zeros

Surprised, he thought he was wrong, so he took a magnifying glass from the desk drawer and put it in front of the check. He looked at it again and again, a million? So much

President Wang also met many rich people. When the rich people came to adopt their children, they all drove luxury cars, wore famous clothes, and gave a good donation, but it would not exceed 50000 yuan. The few were only a few hundred, and the most was about 50000 yuan.

I'm afraid those people will have more than 50000 meals at the banquet table, but they won't spend any more money to help these orphans So president Wang's face has been light. I didn't expect that the one who donated a million just now

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Lu is here..." The guy who directly pushed the door in was Li Zi, the security guard of Chongguang orphanage. Li Zi was used to being no big or small with President Wang when he was young, so he came to inform him as soon as he saw the black Bentley.

"What are you worried about?" said Wang? Mr. Lu will come here as soon as he comes. Is there any gold mountain or silver mountain on my side? I'm afraid he will come and rob me? "

Little Li Zi scratched her head. "Don't I think it's strange? He always comes here at the end of every month. Sometimes every few months, it's just the beginning of the month, and he doesn't know what to do... "

"Go to make a cup of Longjing. I still have some good tea here. There's no need to be stingy Mr. Lu likes that tea. Go to the bar. "

When Lu Mingze came in, he smelled the fragrance of Longjing. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I haven't arrived yet. Mr. Wang has already set up his posture Last time I came to Longjing, I don't have many. This time I can drink it again. Mr. Wang, you really think about me everywhere. "

Mr. Wang leaned back on his chair like a Maitreya Buddha and looked at the people in front of him with a smile. "How can he not want to? Mr. Lu, you are the God of wealth of Chongguang orphanage. One day with you, our orphanage life here will be full of flavor and less crying I think about it every day, and I look forward to your great God of wealth. "

Lu Mingze blew a mouthful of tea and waved his hand casually, "Mr. Wang, please compliment me. I try my best to make these orphans live a better life. I think I came out from here at the beginning. I really can't do that kind of ungrateful thing."

"Hey, where's the compliment Nowadays, people are only willing to spend their money on themselves. If they really want to donate some money, it's just like cutting meat. Let's not mention it.... " President Wang has seen through too much of the world. Although he is numb, sometimes he still wants to mention it.

Lu Mingze took out a check from his pocket, signed it and handed it to him, "Mr. Wang, this is a million. Keep it!"

Lu Mingze basically comes here once a month. Sometimes when he is away on business and has no time, he can only count. He has donated about 10 million a year.

If you want to say that he came out of Chongguang orphanage, in fact, most of the people outside don't know. Only a few old people who follow Lu Qidong know Lu Mingze's identity. Lu Qidong has a daughter. His wife gave birth to her daughter, and she said goodbye to him a few years later Later, he went to the idea of getting a wife. In those years, his wife was not pregnant with a child, so he was wondering if it was fate Later, I made a bread outside, but I was also a daughter under B-mode ultrasound. In the end, the child was not born.

Lu family can't be the last one. Lu Qidong came to Chongguang orphanage with a try attitude. At that time, Lu Mingze was seven or eight years old. He was very sensible. He was a good person in the orphanage. When he saw an old woman, he called her sister. When he saw a grandmother, he called her aunt. In the group of children, he seemed to be the king of children. Lu Qidong thought this little thing was very interesting. How old was it? He was very smart. Maybe it was the one-sided relationship that established the bond between father and son ……

Later, Lu Mingze and Lu Qidong left for the Lu family. However, because Lu Qidong's original wife had passed away, it was announced that Lu Mingze was his surrogate son with another woman.

Some people doubt it, but because Lu Qidong has wiped these things clean, the investigators can't find a clue Lu Mingze became Lu Qidong's kind.

It's just that Lu Mingze has been in Chongguang orphanage for seven or eight years, and he has a deep memory of the people and things here. Even though he is now a noble member of the Lu family, he will try to come here once a month As for donation, it seems to be the only way he can think of to remember this place.

President Wang collected the check and saw the red envelope on the table. He said with a smile, "today is really a coincidence. You usually come at the end of the month, rarely at the beginning of the month And a girl who came here just now, very similar to your experience, went out from here and donated a check for one million yuan. "

"Oh?" Lu Mingze raised his lips with great interest.President Wang knew that this guy wanted to listen to gossip again, so he simply said, "it doesn't matter if you talk about it. That girl is very real. She didn't talk like those people who came here. In the end, the money actually donated was less than four figures She also came out from here, but there were too many orphans going out from here, and I didn't remember. Finally, she gave a red envelope, which is a check with the amount of one million I just said

Along with Lu Mingze came his assistant Li Ru. Li Ru was standing behind Lu Mingze, but there was a phone call on the way out. When he came back, he whispered in Lu Mingze's ear, "young master, it was the detective agency who called just now. Just ten minutes before you came, miss Ji also came here. Look at this..." It seems a little mysterious.

Lu Mingze's face became more and more delicate. He shook the celadon cup in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Mr. Wang, is the girl who just sent the check twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a tall woman, surnamed Ji?"

"This..." President Wang does not want to disclose the personal data of these people.

Lu Mingze shook his head and said with a smile, "this girl is my friend, but she and I haven't got to know each other so deeply. I suspect that she, like me, was raised in Chongguang orphanage since childhood. That's why we asked about this."

"So..." President Wang didn't doubt that. Lu Mingze has been subsidizing Chongguang orphanage for several years. As long as the goods don't violate some rules, it's OK for him to compromise.

President Wang looked down at the check and looked at it with the old-fashioned magnifying glass for a while. Then he said, "that girl is Ji. I don't know if she is a friend of Mr. Lu?"

President Wang is still murmuring in his heart. It's a coincidence. Mr. Lu is already the God of wealth. Unexpectedly, his friend is also the God of wealth. He has two in a day President Wang is very happy today.

Lu Mingze's face changed slightly, but the look at the bottom of his eyes turned into relief. He nodded, "yes, it's her I didn't expect such a coincidence. "

Lu Mingze thought about many things. He was about eight years old when he followed his father. He also knew something about the orphanage. At that time, besides being the king of children here, he liked to tease a round, fat girl.

The girl was only a little big when she was sent here. It was the aunt who fed her milk powder and made her fat. Although the girl had a big temper, she would cry and cry when she looked at strangers, but in front of acquaintances, she would laugh and laugh and have two dimples. Every time Lu Mingze would tease the fat girl while her aunt went to take other babies .

The fat girl stayed in the orphanage for less than a year, then someone led her away. Lu Mingze happened to be in school that day, so he didn't know about it. But when he came back, he was told by his aunt that he was taken back by a university professor in Beijing.

At that time, he was sad for a long time, but now think about it, is Ji Xiaoli the fat girl? He seems to remember reading the materials of Ji's family. Ji Xiaoli's foster father is a chemistry professor, and he is still famous in Beijing

If she is really a fat girl Lu Mingze suddenly thought of the little short legged girl who was covered with meat. When he thought of her now, she couldn't be connected The only one is the white skin.

He now has 80% possibility to be sure that Ji Xiaoli is the fat girl It seems that people have to check the information of the Ji family when they go back, but the previous information is not detailed enough.


But Ji Xiaoli didn't know that she was missed. At that time, she was a child who couldn't even speak. How could she remember the "strange big brother" who had changed her diaper? If she knew, would she collapse

After a visit to Chongguang orphanage, she was relieved, but her idea of making money became stronger and stronger. She wanted to make more money, not only to the orphanage, but also to those mountain children who couldn't eat enough There are so many poor people in the world that they can only help one.

After two days of painting at home, she won't go out, let alone watch Lu Dashao And she will not know that Lu Mingze has known all the information about her growing up, including the fact that she beat a fat boy out of his front teeth when she went to kindergarten.

Although Ji Xiaoli is relatively low-key, he was very rude when he was a child, especially in the rebellious period. As a young girl, he ran away from home once, and Ji Chunlin called the police to find someone

But after being beaten by Fang Youlan, she didn't have the guts.

"This girl is really interesting. Looking at Wen Wen quietly, I didn't expect that there was violence in her bones..." Lu Mingze pondered over the materials in his hands, but his eyes were more and more interesting.

Li tezhu, standing behind him, was dazed. "Young master, Miss Ji is married. Do you want to..."

Break up the couple, and then take advantage of the situation

Young master, is it a bit out of the ordinary? Li Ru thought so, but he didn't dare to say so.Lu Mingze gave him a funny look, "what do I think? You know that again? I don't want to let go. It's true, but competition? Now Qin San is not in T city. Why should I miss such a good opportunity! How to say again, I once held this wench, also saw light her, rush this predestination, I want to take over the person! "

"Although you've held Miss Ji, you've seen it all But at that time, Miss Ji was just a little old, just a little child. How can you care about that? You think too much... "

If you hold Miss Ji now, it's OK. Can you hold a little kid? The young master must be stunned.

"Yawn!" Ji Xiaoli sneezes and rubs his nose. It's so late in the dark. Who is thinking about himself? Is it the third eldest brother?

I just got on the phone. What's wrong with this guy?