Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 896

Shang Xia couldn\'t figure out how Huang Yu got in touch with these two people in front of him, and how he brought them here after gaining their trust. What was even more puzzling was that, Since the identities of these two people are obviously different, how can it be possible that there are no other helpers around them?

But now it is clear that Shang Xia can let go of all these doubts for the time being. The important thing is that Huang Yu has led these two people to Jianxia!

The cultivation bases of these two people are actually not bad, because what Shang Xia has encountered along the way, and the Lingyu warriors he has seen from afar, the cultivation bases are not below the fifth and third levels, and these two people Among them, the young master Dugu in white who walked in the front had reached the fourth level of the fifth order, and the young master Cao who followed behind had also reached the third level of the fifth order.

However, the auras of these two people and their own cultivation bases were suppressed to varying degrees by the original will of the Cangsheng World. In this world, it was obviously impossible to display combat power that matched their own cultivation bases.

As for Huang Yu who followed Young Master Dugu like a dog\'s leg, in Shang Xia\'s vague perception, his cultivation had actually reached the third level of the fifth order, which surprised Shang Xia a little.

You know, before Shang Xia routinely patrolled the void outside the Qionglu, when he secretly connected with Huang Yu secretly, his cultivation base was only the second level of the fifth order, and he had just played with Shang Xia. A natal Yuangang was damaged by a bitter trick, and his cultivation base had just been reduced to the first level of the fifth level.

However, how long has it been? Not only has his cultivation been completely restored, but he has even gone a step further?

You must know that Huang Yu is an undercover agent in Lingyu Realm, but as a foreign warrior, his own cultivation will inevitably be rejected by the original will of the Lingyu Realm, and it should be extremely difficult to improve his cultivation.

However, the facts in front of him seem to prove that during the process of frequent trips to the outer domains, the undercover agent\'s self-cultivation has not been affected in the slightest, on the contrary, it seems that he has been continuously promoted by encountering various opportunities frequently.

Shang Xia was not only moved by this chance, but also thought that this person can reach such a level in the outer domain. If he really stays in the longevity world, how much will his cultivation base grow to?

Of course, this is also Shang Xia\'s emotion from the standpoint of an ordinary warrior, he did not include himself in the comparison.

Thinking about the orders Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo gave him and the items they gave him before returning to Tongyou City from above the dome, Shang Xia took out a three-inch wooden sword from willow wood from his cuff. , threw it in the air above his head, and then formed several sword marks in his hand and hit the wooden sword, shouting: "Quick!"

The wooden sword itself has not changed much, but the wooden sword itself is like a key, which instantly arouses the remaining power in the entire sword gorge that runs through the Chiba Mountains.

Shang Xia used the sword energy sealed in the Lingsha gourd by Kou Chongxue to cut out of Jianxia, ​​but in fact, he had just entered the fifth heaven at that time, and he was unable to control such a superb sword and sword intent at all, and it flowed out In the end, the sword power and sword intent remained in the sword gorge that was cut out.

After that, Kou Chongxue and Tongyou College didn\'t pay attention to the remaining power in this sword gorge, and this sword gorge gradually became the second channel between Youzhou and Jizhou. The soldiers and warriors don\'t know that they are actually hovering on the edge of the knife.

Those remnants of the sword energy remaining in the sword gorge were attracted and gathered, and with the guidance of the willow sword, they shot towards Young Master Dugu and Young Master Cao in the center of the sword gorge from two directions, one south and one north.

The strange thing is that although Huang Yu, who is also in the Jianxia, ​​looks panicked and embarrassed, if he looks from outside the Jianxia at this time, he can find that he has not been affected by anything. A substantial attack with a ray of sword energy.

After all the remaining sword energy in the sword gorge was fully aroused, it still had a full-strength blow equivalent to that of a warrior of the fifth and third ranks. It can also be seen from this that when Shang Xia aroused the sword energy of the Lingsha gourd, How much power of that sword was wasted.

Under the condition that Mr. Dugu and Mr. Cao were both suppressed in their own strength, this unexpected shot of sword energy directly broke Mr. Cao\'s protective qi and destroyed a protective treasure on his body, but his entire body However, there were many small wounds torn by the sword energy, and the dripping blood soon stained half of his clothes red.

The situation of Mr. Dugu seems to be much better, after all his cultivation base is one level higher than Mr. Cao, but because of this he also lost a fifth-level defensive martial talisman.

After the panic at the beginning, the two of them were experienced five-level heaven masters after all, so they quickly adjusted and chose to join forces in a tacit understanding at the first time. One of them drew his sword to block the scattered shots from south to north. Shattering sword energy, while the other waved a gun flag in his hand, sweeping away the sword energy shooting from north to south.

At this time, Huang Yu seemed to have not recovered from the fright of being attacked, and kept mumbling in his mouth: "What\'s going on, what\'s going on?"

Young Master Dugu couldn\'t help shouting: "Stop nagging, go, help Brother Cao, block those shooting sword qi, I suspect..."

"Okay, okay..."

Huang Yu hurriedly walked towards the back, he didn\'t even bother to listen to what Young Master Dugu said later.

But in fact, before Mr. Dugu finished speaking, a giant five-element palm appeared in the sky above Jianxia, ​​and pressed down on the head of Mr. Cao who was the most reared among the three.

"Young Master Cao, be careful!"

Huang Yu yelled, and he rushed towards Mr. Cao\'s position. At the same time, he already had a spear in his hand, intending to help him resist the sudden attack from above his head.

Young Master Dugu, who was at the forefront, just turned his head and took a glance, and then concentrated on dealing with the scattered sword qi that shot continuously from the depths of the sword gorge.

Judging from the aura he had just sensed, with Huang Yu and Cao Zixiu working together, the two of them were able to resist the sword aura shooting and the attack in mid-air.

However, at the moment when Huang Yu fitted himself up to face the five-color giant palm, a five-color halo suddenly fell from the palm of the giant palm, engulfing Huang Yu\'s figure in one fell swoop and imprisoning him in place, while the giant palm continued to move. After landing all at once, he covered Mr. Cao under his palm.

"God Soldier!"

Not far away, Young Master Dugu\'s eyelids twitched when he saw the five-element aura enveloping Huang Yu, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Even in Lingyu Realm, divine weapons are not Chinese cabbage for high-level warriors; but in this Cang Realm, warriors who can have a divine weapon in their hands are probably all extraordinary figures in this world .

But even though Mr. Dugu was a little apprehensive, he still chose to help at the first moment.

Firstly, it was not easy to see death without saving them, and secondly, it was also because of his confidence in his own strength, whether it was him or Cao Zixiu, there were more than one or two items used to save his life.

Besides, even if he is a magic soldier, he is not without it!

However, before Young Master Dugu could accumulate sword energy with the long sword in his hand, the giant five-element palm that had just fallen suddenly exploded.

Under the impact of the turbulent qi, the cliffs on both sides of the sword gorge collapsed immediately, large areas of rocks slid down, large strands of dust rose up, and the turbulent void directly interfered with the warrior\'s sense of spirit...

And in this blur, a figure staggered out of it, and weakly asked Mr. Dugu for help: "Young Master...Young Master, save me!"

"Huang Yu? How\'s Brother Cao?"

Young Master Dugu couldn\'t help stepping forward when he saw this, but he still didn\'t lose his vigilance: "How did you break free from that magic weapon?