Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 885

"Hey, it\'s actually a holy artifact?!"

Dugu Yuanshan\'s surprised and joyful voice came out of the cold brilliance.

To be able to block his blow, and to be able to remain unscathed under his nearly full-strength blow, even a magic weapon may not be able to do this, let alone a three-legged statue with extremely strong symbolic meaning. A huge bronze tripod with full feet.

Dugu Yuanshan had already recognized the rank of this huge tripod as a holy vessel almost as soon as he saw the body of the giant tripod.

A holy artifact, even for a master of the sixth heaven like him, is a treasure that is hard to resist its temptation.

That piece of cold light and mist that covered most of the sky in Jiaozhou, most of it converged and condensed in an instant, and the figure of Dugu Yuanshan flashed out of it, still wrapped in a cloud of cold light and mist, accelerating towards the ground of Jiaozhou The Xinggao Ding of the Xinggao Ding reached out and grabbed it!

Originally, in order to protect an observatory, he almost gave up the entire Jiaozhou sky, allowing the other party to smash most of the Jiaozhou sky into chaos. Liu Jingsheng, the real person of Yuanchen, saw a violent wave of light and mist in the clear light, and was immediately killed together. The blurred figure surrounded by clear light and mist condensed, and then intercepted towards Dugu Yuanshan horizontally.

At this time, if you look up from Jiaozhou, you will see that the originally chaotic sky is covered by a cold light for a while, and covered by a clear and brilliant light for a while. The sky above presents a scene of magnificent colors.

It\'s just that in the eyes of high-ranking warriors, such scenes will turn into panic without exception, as if a catastrophe will usher in the next moment.

But at this moment, a doomsday scene really appeared!

When the dark cold light and the clear light and mist competed with each other, a huge three-legged bronze giant tripod turned into a huge meteor-like fireball and fell from the two towards the ground of Jiaozhou.

The meteor fireball pulled out a tail flame of hundreds of miles in the sky over Jiaozhou. It was because the moment Xinggao Ding was hit by Dugu Yuanshan, the violent shock caused the source of heaven and earth in the tripod to leak out and was ignited again. Then formed such a spectacle that the whole Jiaozhou can see.

However, in the process of the three-legged giant tripod falling from the sky, the vitality of the world in Jiaozhou began to rise sharply in an instant.

Immediately after the giant tripod fell into the ground, half of Jiaozhou trembled, and then a mushroom cloud formed by the agglomeration of dust and the origin of heaven and earth soared into the sky as high as a thousand feet, and the huge ring-shaped shock wave swept through the thick and suffocating air. The origin of heaven and earth spread, bringing the concentration of heaven and earth vitality in the entire Jiaozhou to a new level.

At this moment, all kinds of creatures hiding in the high mountains of Jiaozhou were driven by an instinctive desire to rush from all directions towards the place where the three-legged giant tripod fell, even though there had just been a horrible incident there. To the danger of making all living beings feel palpitations.

However, what was far faster than these creatures were the two lightning-like escaping lights. They could even ignore the impact of vitality caused by the falling of the giant cauldron, and rushed directly to the place where the giant cauldron fell.

"Holy artifact, that is a sacred artifact! I never thought that you and I would have such good luck today!"

"Beware of fraud. I heard that at least a hundred high-level warriors in this world were sent to another world. How come there is only such a sacred artifact?"

"No matter what, we have to find out, if we can really get this holy artifact..."

"That\'s not something you and I can touch!"

"..., but credit is always indispensable. If you can get support, you and I may not have a glimpse of the Wuxu Realm in the future..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, there are two sixth heavens fighting above your head, you and I go quickly, we can\'t stay here for long!"

These two five-level masters of the Lingyu Realm who broke through the sky and broke into the Cangsheng Realm soon came to the place where the giant tripod fell. After looking up at the unpredictable chaotic sky above their heads, Soon, he fell into the huge cave that was smashed through after the giant tripod fell.

However, shortly after the two broke into the depths of the burrow, there was a muffled rumbling sound, and even the nearby ground trembled, followed by a large expanse of fiery lava rising from the sky!

The falling giant cauldron seemed to have smashed through the ground, directly triggering the eruption of the earth fire lava!

It\'s just that I don\'t know what happened to the two masters of the five heavens in the Lingyu world who ventured into the burrow.

However, shortly after the eruption of the earth fire lava, two more rays of light came towards the place where the giant tripod fell from different directions.

The phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by the falling of the three-legged giant tripod from beyond the sky is really huge. Although we know that there are two sixth-layer heavens fighting in the sky above Jiaozhou at this time, Wu Lingyu, who has already broken into the Cangsheng Realm, has already entered the Cangsheng Realm. The master of the sky, still unable to restrain the temptation to churn in his heart, wants to enter Jiaozhou to gamble his luck.

That is a holy artifact!

Rumor has it that it is extremely helpful for warriors to condense the true meaning of the hole and cross the threshold of the sixth heaven.

However, when the two of them also felt the place where the giant tripod fell, the burrow that had been smashed through here had already formed a large magma lake.

"What should I do? The sacred artifact must have sunk to the bottom of the magma lake!"

"Someone should have arrived before us, but no one came out."

"Is there danger down here?"

"I\'m not afraid of danger, I\'m even more afraid that there will be a trap down here!"

"Trap? You mean... those native fighters who went to another world? But those people don\'t seem to have returned, and in the case that Dugu Daoist personally intercepted them, those five heavens were able to survive from the hands of his old man. Disaster?"

"Wait first, wait first! I don\'t believe that the people who arrived before us will remain silent."

"But what if the sacred artifact is taken first?"

"You have lost your head because of the greed in your heart! Not to mention how difficult it is to refine a sacred artifact, even if the first comer refines the sacred artifact, can those real people from outside the sky bypass him?"

"Then why..."

"Be careful!"

Another huge earthquake came from the depths of the ground, and the underground lava also flooded upwards, and the lava lake in front of us began to expand rapidly.


"What\'s wrong?"

"Vitality... the richness of the vitality of the world is rising again... look, those plants and trees... they are right on the edge of the lava lake!"

"You mean..."


Dugu Yuanshan was desperately stopped by Liu Jingsheng on the broken sky of Jiaozhou Qionglu. He could only watch helplessly as the huge bronze cauldron appeared from the void and fell directly into the Cangsheng Realm.

This made Dugu Yuanshan extremely annoyed, the violent dark cold light suppressed Liu Jingsheng to the point that he was completely powerless to fight back, and could only barely hold on by huddling in a corner above the sky.

But even so, Dugu Yuanshan still didn\'t dare to enter the sky of Cangsheng Realm himself.

As a sixth-layer sky warrior from the outer domain, his existence has exceeded the limit that the Ascension Realm can bear.

In the absence of the local cave to shield his own aura, once he steps into the Ascension Realm, he will be counterattacked by the original will of the whole world. Beheaded by the native sixth heaven of the Cangsheng Realm; or the entire Cangsheng Realm was unable to bear his existence and disintegrated on its own.

However, no matter what kind of result, it is not what Dugu Yuanshan wants to see.

And Liu Jingsheng was obviously aware of this too. After Xinggao Ding fell to Jiaozhou, he simply let go of the protection of the Jiaozhou sky screen and tried his best to protect himself, even ignoring the star observatory that was fully protected before.

Liu Jingsheng entered the sixth heaven for the first time. Although he barely possessed the combat power of the second level of the sixth level under the blessing of the original will of the world and the power of the cave, in front of Dugu Yuanshan, who had already reached the third level of the sixth level, But they can only be beaten passively.

Under Dugu Yuanshan\'s anger, a large area of ​​dark and cold light boiled up, and he wanted to completely push the stargazing platform that had lost its protection.

But before he could make a move, suddenly the entire Cangsheng Realm\'s dome was filled with light, and the Cangsheng warriors who had relied on the sky to resist the invasion of the Lingyu warriors, at this moment, all the fatigue of their bodies was swept away. Even the depleted vitality in the body is recovering on its own, and even in every gesture, one finds that one\'s own strength seems to be growing out of thin air.

Not only that, at this moment, the vaulted sky of Cangsheng Realm seems to be slowly expanding, but the sky itself has not become weak because of this, but is becoming more and more tenacious.

In addition, Jiaozhou Tianmu, which had been battered to pieces due to the confrontation between the two sixth-layer heavens, unexpectedly showed signs of recovery at this time.

"Dugu Yuanshan, what are you doing? Cangsheng Realm is being promoted..."