Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 876

Cangsheng Realm, the sky beyond the sky.

Following a huge turmoil in space, waves of void ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the void thousands of miles away from the dome outside the sky, and then an abyss-like void passageway began to slowly take shape.

At this time, almost one of the warriors in the Cangsheng Realm whose cultivation base was above the Martial Shade Realm had already stood on the dome outside the sky, looking at the starry sky phenomenon caused by the formation of the void tunnel thousands of miles away.

Unlike a few years ago when the Lingyu Realm invaded, the warriors of the Cangsheng Realm joined forces to defend against the enemy from 30,000 miles away. This time, the sixth-rank patriarchs of the four major Dongtian sects in the Cangsheng Realm seemed to have given up their resistance. Opened by the Lingyu Realm in the void not far from the outer sky, it seems that there is no stop or resistance on the surface.

At this time, outside the ten thousand li void, three large void passages have been opened successively.

However, none of the Lingyu warriors descended on these three void channels, but the channels themselves are still expanding.

The fourth-tier fighters above the dome felt the waves of great turmoil coming from the void, and after a long time, each of them felt the heavy pressure.

"Why, why didn\'t any of the masters in our world take action to stop the opening of the void channel in Lingyu Realm?"

Quite a few Tier 4 warriors were discussing privately, or asking the elders around them for their doubts.

"You guys know that no one has ever stopped you?"

Some ancestors of the fifth rank taught in a deep voice: "If no one stops it, how can you know that there are only three space passages beyond the void at this time? How can you expect the battles and confrontations between the ancestors of the sixth heaven?" understandable?"

"Ask the ancestors, how did the ancestors of the sixth-level existence fight in the sky?"

"Hey, that\'s not what you guys can understand. It\'s useless to talk too much. You should focus on improving your cultivation and try to cultivate your natal Yuangang as soon as possible."

Another Wusha Realm warrior asked the fifth-level master: "This time we can no longer meet the enemy in the void outside the vault. Doesn\'t it mean that Cangsheng Realm will suffer a catastrophe this time?"

The ancestor of Wuchongtian explained: "I don\'t know, but the vault outside the sky is the strongest barrier for us to stop the invasion of foreign warriors. Only here can our geographical advantages be maximized. At the same time, foreign warriors also It will be repelled and suppressed by the original will of this world."

"Then why was the previous battle placed outside the 30,000-mile void?"

Another fourth-order martial artist asked his ancestors for advice.

"The fusion of the two worlds has not yet been completely unified. If the battlefield is placed in the outer sky, it may not be able to maximize the advantage of the location, but the more important thing is to worry about destroying the process of the two worlds. The foreign forces in the world are only part of the Lingyu world."

The reasons for these things are now being talked about in the mouths of the fifth-order patriarchs of various forces, but in fact most of them were recollected by everyone after the war.

"Actually, there is another reason." When the fifth-order ancestors of many forces in the Cangsheng Realm said this, they couldn\'t help looking at the sky above Youzhou, and said indifferently: "Now nearly half of the Cangsheng Realm Er\'s fifth-order ancestors are missing, and they are all the most powerful people in this world, so it is even more impossible to defend against the enemy outside the void."

On the dome corresponding to the sky above Youzhou, there used to be only one gazebo, but now under the management of Tongyou College, a complex of buildings with external defense properties has been built here.

At this time, almost all the combat forces above the fourth level of Tongyou College, including the three deputy mountain chiefs Ji Wenlong, Shang Bo, and Yun Jing, have gathered here.

"Since this period of time, all major forces in the Cangsheng Realm have harbored great hostility towards us, and now on the Qionglu, this hostility has turned into undisguised malice. This disciple is worried that once the war starts, all The forces of the other side are afraid that they will be disadvantageous to us in the dark!"

Mu Jianyin, who had already advanced to the Martial Shade Realm, reported to Yunjing worriedly.

Yun Jing heard the words but didn\'t take it seriously and said: "If your parents and elders were sent to the outer world without knowing it, wouldn\'t you be hostile or even malicious?"

Mu Jianyin continued: "It just seems that those who suspect maliciousness towards us are probably going to put the hat on the academy that caused the invasion of the Lingyu world. A group of warriors..."

Yun Jing turned her head and glanced at her, but Mu Jianyin couldn\'t continue speaking.

I just heard Yun Jing continue: "It\'s not your turn to worry about these things, besides, there are still people who understand the high-level forces of all parties in the Cangsheng Realm."

Mu Jianyin was speechless.

Ji Wenlong, who was next to him, opened his mouth at this time to explain to Mu Jianyin on the surface, but in fact he said to other academy warriors: "What the mountain chief did was to give it a go instead of sitting and waiting for death. Now that the Lingyu world is attacking, it\'s nothing more than that." Is it because they realized that what the mountain chief did would hinder their invasion of this world, so why not act hastily for them?"

Many martial artists from Tongyou Academy suddenly realized that their flustered moods calmed down a lot.

The warriors who entered the Dongtian Ruins from various forces were sent to the outer world, and the entire Dongtian Ruins collapsed and disappeared. After the news that the culprit of all this was Kou Chongxue from the Tongyou Academy, all the warriors in the Tongyou Academy were burdened with Great pressure.

At this time, Shang Jian, who was following Shang Bo, asked a little strangely: "It has been a long time since the void channel has been opened, why is it still not less than the arrival of masters from the Lingyu world?"

Shang Bo didn\'t answer right away, but his expression became more dignified than ever before, and he replied uncertainly after a while: "Although there are no Lingyu warriors coming, the spatial turmoil caused by the three void channels is constantly going on. The increase of..."

Speaking of this, Shang Bo couldn\'t help sighing, and said: "I\'m afraid... this time it\'s not just the fifth heaven!"

The fifth-level masters of other holy land sects can think of things that the five heavens of Tongyou Academy can naturally think of, not to mention the warriors of the four great Dongtian sects who can determine some things earlier than them.

As a result, an unprecedented oppressive atmosphere began to spread on the outer vault of the sky.

With this invasion of the Lingyu world, it is very likely that the ancestors of the sixth heaven will come!


And just when the Cangsheng Realm was about to usher in the invasion of the Lingyu Realm, after Kou Chongxue joined top experts such as Lu Wuzi, Yifeng, Jiudu, Huang Jinghan and other top experts in the Yanlin City of Nanyan Linzhou in the Cangyan Realm, he began to help his warriors get rid of Being entangled with the Cangyan warriors and the beast horde, they retreated to Yanlin City, and even directly let the beast horde destroy the Yanlin city wall.

At this time, the warriors on the Cangsheng side suffered heavy losses. The number of fourth-tier warriors was almost half, and the number of fifth-tier masters also died, including Lu Wuzi, Yifeng, Jiudu, and Huang Jinghan. The loss of Gang Avatar reduced their cultivation, not to mention other fifth-order warriors, and some even retreated from the Wugang realm all the way back to the fourth-rank Wusha realm.

However, these Cangsheng warriors who retreated to Yanlin City looked extremely embarrassed, but almost every one of them carried a tragic aura, and this aura originated from the martial arts will of each of them. Tempering in a big melee.

It is conceivable that even though most of these people have experienced a decline in their cultivation bases, as long as they are given a certain amount of time and conditions, they will soon be able to recover their combat power, and even go further.

At least at this time, Lu Wuzi, Huang Jinghan, Yifeng, and Jiudu, the four top Martial Venerables who have been trapped in the fifth and fourth levels for many years, can already feel that the stability of the original source in the body has been further strengthened, and they can be at any time. After refining the fifth natal Yuangang, the cultivation base will be promoted to the fifth level of the fifth level!

After the Cangsheng warriors took the initiative to get rid of the entanglement, under the double blow of the beast tide and the foreign warriors, the warriors of the major forces in the Cangyan Realm who suffered the same heavy losses broke out from the beast tide one after another, leaving the battlefield to the beast tide and the outside world. Those foreign warriors.

Although they knew that this might be in the arms of those foreign warriors and buy them a longer time, but many warriors from all sides died, and a large number of fourth-tier warriors died in battle. With the two floating giant boats already scarred, they really didn\'t dare to take the risk again.

Besides, the tide of beasts has already begun to pour into Yanlin City!


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