Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 864

The Ascending Realm warriors in the Cangyan Realm naturally don\'t know the dangers that their own plane world is about to face, and they have no time to take care of their own world now.

At this time, in Yanlin City, the number of Cangsheng Realm warriors whose cultivation base reached the Fifth Heavenly Layer and above has once again exceeded 30 people.

Originally, in the previous two wars, the number of fifth-level masters on the side of Cangsheng Realm had been reduced, and it had dropped to less than 30 people.

However, the result of these two battles was that the Cangsheng Realm had the upper hand because of the surprise. In addition, they copied the old lair of the Yanlin Clan, obtained the foundation accumulation of the Yanlin Clan for hundreds of years, and harvested a lot of heaven and earth elements. Gang and various high-level spiritual materials.

These gains, coupled with Shang Xia\'s original transformation of Yanlin City and Yanlin Fudi\'s secret realm, enabled all the masters who had lost their strength during the war to recover their cultivation and combat power in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, under the auspices of Kou Chongxue and several other strongest experts, several advanced medicines of the Fifth Heaven were also prepared, together with the complete Heaven and Earth Yuangang, to help several people who were standing outside the threshold of the Fifth Heaven Senior fourth-tier warriors attack the Martial Gang Realm.

This is of course a special move under special circumstances, but it is also an opportunity for those selected senior fourth-tier warriors.

Of course, Kou Chongxue and others will also follow certain principles when selecting these fourth-tier masters. Heavy days.

Despite the haste, every master of the Martial Gang Realm who has successfully advanced does not have much time to stabilize his cultivation and transform his combat power.

But no matter how weak the fifth-level heavenly warrior is, he is much stronger than the fourth-level warrior. Even if he cannot fight directly, even if he assists the formation master to maintain the operation of the defensive formation, it is enough to increase the defense strength of Yanlin City. steps.

In fact, just when Shang Xia had finished refining the essence of the seventh round of Yuangang, most of the fifth-level masters who had retreated around him at that time were those who had just successfully advanced.

In Yanlin Blessed Land, although Shang Xia knew that experts from all sides in Cangyan Realm had come to Nanyan Forest City, he started to besiege Yanlin City.

But his most important task at this time is still to control the original holy artifact, and absorb the origin of the world of Cangyan Realm from the sea of ​​origin.

Therefore, even though the battle outside Yanlin City has already shaken the ground, the void is shattered, and even the defensive formation of Yanlin City can no longer eliminate the spread of the turmoil in the void, he is still standing on the altar with a terrified expression. Sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The origin of heaven and earth absorbed by Shang Xia was not only stored by Xinggao Ding, but also part of it needed to be supplied

At this time, in Yanlin Blessed Land, apart from Shang Xia, there were only a few Tier 4 warriors who had been severely injured in the previous battle staying behind, including Liu Qinglan who was still in a coma.

In addition, there are a group of Yanlin tribesmen who have been imprisoned in a certain corner of the blessed land. Among them, a group of warriors including Yan Linju have been imprisoned.

The number of this part of the Yanlin tribe is close to 100,000, which is the fundamental reason why the warriors on the Cangsheng side did not choose to drive these people to extinction.

According to Yan Linju, the number of clansmen in Yanlin City was originally larger, but first they lost some in the process of resisting the invasion of Cangsheng warriors, and later fled after the city was broken, and the rest were imprisoned in In the blessed land.

Shang Xia didn\'t worry about what kind of tricks these people could make, not only because the warriors among these people had already been imprisoned in their own cultivation, but also besieged by the formation ban, and more importantly, the Yanlin blessed land was full of With the original qi transformed by the original sacred weapon, it can make the Yanlin people who are not used to the original aura of the Cangsheng Realm fall into a weak state.

But at this time, Shang Xia\'s full attention was on the bronze book in his hand that had broken the seal.

To be precise, Shang Xia did not break all the ban on the bronze book, but only broke the ban on the book cover and opened the first page of the bronze book!

On the page made of bronze, there is a small letterpress relief at the bottom, which looks very similar to the observatory in the cave ruins.

"Could it be that this relief is referring to the observatory at all?"

Shang Xia thoughtfully observed the first page of the bronze book after it was opened. Apart from the relief on the page, apart from the suspected "star observatory" at the bottom, there was also a starry sky and a few more dazzling stars in it. .

"Well, these stars seem to be used to determine the coordinates of a certain place, but where exactly are they?"

Shang Xia couldn\'t find any more information on the relief on the page, so he couldn\'t help thinking: Shouldn\'t he go back to the Ascension Realm and then go to the observatory for further confirmation? Or... If you open the pages behind the bronze book further, there will be further content hints on it?

Shang Xia reached out and stroked the relief on the page. It might not be possible to confirm it after returning to Cangsheng Realm. If the record in this bronze book is really a place in the starry sky, then maybe With the help of a stargazer.

But if he further opened the pages behind the bronze book, Shang Xia felt that after the first page was opened, the book still had the instinct to continue devouring the source of the five elements, and I am afraid that there will only be more demand for the source of the five elements. It will affect his absorption of the original sea of ​​Cangyan Realm.


But at this moment, Shang Xia felt something.

Just when he had just estimated the power of the bronze book to swallow the five elements with his divine perception, he suddenly and sharply noticed that the page opened by this page was actually actively attracting Shang Xia\'s divine perception.

This greatly increased his interest, but Shang Xia soon realized that it was not the pages of the book that attracted divine perception, but the bronze reliefs on the pages!

After repeatedly confirming that there were no traps on the page and the relief on it, Shang Xia absorbed a ray of spirit into the relief on the page.

Following the momentary confusion of this ray of perception, when the vision perception stabilized again, Shang Xia found himself still appearing on an observatory.


Shang Xia soon discovered that this observatory was very similar to the one in the Dongtian ruins.

"No, it\'s the same one at all, but the star observatory I\'m on now is more complete and... brand new, unlike the star observatory in the Dongtian ruins that looks like a pile of rocks now There\'s a huge difference!"

While looking around, Shang Xia compared the difference with the observatory he had seen before.

At this time, in his visual perception, the surroundings of the observatory were filled with gray fog, making it impossible for people to see clearly what was behind the fog.

Moreover, there is no star tree on the observatory at this time, and there is no accumulated star water on the ground.


When Shang Xia suddenly looked up, he saw that the stars all over the sky were extraordinarily bright, and as his thoughts moved slightly, the starry sky above his head was rapidly getting closer, and a few extraordinarily large and bright stars stood out on the star screen , as if to determine a certain location for his line of sight.

As Shang Xia\'s divine perception continued to extend, he took out the coordinates and kept closing the distance with Shang Xia until it completely appeared in his visual perception.

"The land of Xingyuan...the place of neutrality...the place where the worlds communicate..."

Shang Xia\'s ray of perception suddenly popped up from the page, reintegrated into his mind, and everything he experienced just now was clearly known to him.

"This provides the location of a place called \'Xingyuan Land\' in the starry sky, which can be regarded as a neutral place for communication between various plane worlds. "

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the open palm of his left hand.

Why does this so-called "Land of Xingyuan" look so similar to Huang Yu\'s original description of "Land of Transit"?

And the coordinates of the "transit place" are printed on Shang Xia\'s left hand, but if you want to go there, you need to use the stargazer to locate the "transit place" in the starry sky through the observatory The specific location, and the long-distance teleportation across the starry sky is not an easy task.

It\'s just that Shang Xia can vaguely confirm that the "land of Xingyuan" mentioned in the bronze book and the "transit place" left by Huang Yu should not be the same location.

That is to say, in the starry sky, there should be more than one neutral place like "Xingyuan Land" and "Transit Land" that is used for exchanges or transactions from all walks of life!

Moreover, Shang Xia looked at the bronze book that had only opened the first page in his hand, and thought: The first page of the bronze book gave the specific location of the "Land of Xingyuan". Does that mean that the rest of the unopened Pages, each page will record a special location coordinates?

Apart from the neutral place like "Xingyuan Land", are there coordinates of plane worlds like Cangyan Realm that are also recorded in the books? Not only the sky world, but also the spirit world, or even higher?

Shang Xia was a little emotional for a while, and even had the urge to put all his energy into unsealing the bronze book and discover all the secrets inside.

However, reason quickly made him close the bronze book again, and even temporarily abandoned the idea just now, and began to turn his attention back to the extraction of the origin of heaven and earth, as well as the battle outside Yanlin City.

The secret space of Yanlin Blessed Land could not prevent Shang Xia from perceiving the situation outside the Blessed Land. It was not until this time that he noticed that the situation Yanlin City is currently facing looks very bad!

Surprised, Shang Xia couldn\'t help extending his perception outwards, but suddenly found several huge floating boats surrounding Yanlin City and launching an attack.

Shang Xia knew that Sun Haiwei and others had seized a flying boat in the northern waters of Yanlin City, but he did not expect such a huge floating boat to exist in Cangyan Realm.

The flying boat captured by Sun Haiwei and others was nothing compared to these huge boats.

Doesn\'t the Yanlin clan have such a huge boat?

A thought flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind, as one of the three most powerful forces in the Cangyan world, how could the Yanlin clan not have such a huge floating boat?

It seems that Yan Lin Clan and Yan Lin Ju still have many secrets hidden!

It\'s just that now is obviously not the time to settle accounts with Yan Linju. As the masters of the Cangyan Realm marched towards Yanlin City from different directions with the help of several floating giant boats, the warriors on the Cangsheng side obviously had an irresistible force. sign.

If things go on like this, even if Kou Chongxue, Lu Wuzi and others try their best, they may not be able to delay the time for too long.

No one thought that the Cangyan Realm actually had such a hidden card!

Under such circumstances, we must find a way to break the situation, even if it is just to knock down a huge floating boat of the other party, it will definitely make everyone be wary and dare not approach Yanlin City unscrupulously!

Shang Xia was still thinking about the method secretly, but at this moment, Kou Chongxue and others were already taking action.