Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 859

After Kou Chongxue refined Xinggao Cauldron, this original sacred artifact already belonged to him in terms of ownership.

But in fact, from the moment Shang Xia saw Xinggao Ding, Kou Chongxue already knew that Shang Xia was actually more suitable than him to control this original holy artifact.

It\'s just that the ownership of Xinggao Ding has been determined at that time, and it is related to the foundation of Tongyou Academy and the subsequent series of plans. It is impossible for Kou Chongxue to give up the control of Xinggao Ding at this time.

It\'s just that under the current situation, the warriors of the Cangsheng Realm need to absorb and store a large amount of the origin of the world of the Cangyan Realm as quickly as possible, and at the same time take into account the transformation of the secret realm of the blessed land. In the massive siege, Cangsheng Realm also needs to liberate Kou Chongxue, a top combat force, so at this time, Shang Xia must replace Kou Chongxue.

Because he had the experience of controlling the Xinggao Ding before, with Kou Chongxue letting go of his authority again this time, Shang Xia regained control of this original holy artifact.

After taking over from Kou Chongxue, the head of the Tongyou Academy casually threw Shang Xia with several strands of Yuangang essence belonging to the five elements, saying: "These are all obtained in the Yanlin blessed land, and the masters of all parties will distribute them uniformly." After that, these are yours."

After finishing speaking, Kou Chongxue stroked his cuffs again, and said, "Of course, there are also complete heaven and earth yuan gangs, but you have to leave them to your grandfather and Wenlong, and that palace girl also got a rare fifth-order battle." Don\'t waste your energy in vain."

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

Gong Xinlan was originally at the second level of the fifth level, but now Tongyou Academy has saved her life and restored her strength, Kou Chongxue obviously wanted to take it for her own use .

In the process of absorbing the origin of the world, Kou Chongxue took the opportunity to make up for his loss in the war, and now his combat power has reached its peak, which is one of the reasons why he summoned Shang Xia to replace him.

Of course, there is another point that Kou Chongxue could clearly perceive in the previous battle that his own cultivation is far from comprehending the supernatural powers of swordsmanship, and he may have been promoted to a level of window paper when he reached the realm of five heavens and great perfection. It may be the key to piercing this layer of window paper.

The moment Shang Xia regained control of Xinggao Ding, he had already sensed a sea of ​​origin like a vast ocean in the dark.

When Shang Xia was promoted in Tongyou Blessed Land, he also had a clear perception of the original sea of ​​Cangsheng Realm, but at this time the original sea of ​​Cangyan Realm gave him a different feeling.

When Shang Xia perceived the original sea of ​​Cangsheng Realm, the two realms were reunited, and part of the original source from Manyu Continent was injected. At that time, the original sea gave Shang Xia a feeling of vastness but chaos, giving People have an unusually deep feeling, even when the martial artist wants to further perceive the sea of ​​origin, there will be a faint feeling of depression, even suffocation.

At this time, the origin of the heaven and earth in the Cangyan Realm is different. In the perception of Shang Xia with the help of the original sacred weapon, the origin of the heaven and earth here is vast and calm, clear but not deep. Although the warrior does not feel fear and oppression in the process of perception , but there is a feeling that I can\'t help but want to blend in.

The origin of heaven and earth in Cangsheng Realm is deeper and deeper; while the origin of heaven and earth in Cangyan Realm is more stable, and even the original will is more gentle.

My mountain chief really chose a good place!

Well, maybe this is not his choice, but it should be no choice!

Shang Xia\'s Five Elements Cultivation Technique has now almost reached perfection, and when it operates on its own in the body, it has a natural control over the origin of heaven and earth.

As he took the source of the five elements as the foundation, and with the help of the original holy weapon to fully drive the source of heaven and earth in the Cangyan Realm, the entire Xinggao Ding even made a trembling sound of "buzzing" at this moment, which was far more majestic than before Kou Chongxue The source of heaven and earth was absorbed, and then transformed through the holy artifact of the source, and turned into the source of heaven and earth suitable for the absorption and refinement of warriors in the Cangsheng Realm. Half of it was stored by Xinggao Ding, and the other half spread out to the entire secret realm of blessed land centered on the altar. .

Within a few hundred feet away from the altar, you can even clearly see the void ripples caused by the diffusion of the origin of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the nearly ten fifth-level masters who were surrounding the altar and practicing meditation were all awakened, and looked at the altar with surprised and shocked eyes. A young figure.

"This son\'s control over the origin of heaven and earth has surpassed that of Kou Chongxue!"

"What\'s so strange? Don\'t forget that I was teleported to this world in the ruins of the cave, and it was this son who performed it!"


A group of warriors only spoke a few words through sound transmission, and soon fell into silence again.

Although Shang Xia\'s control over the origin of heaven and earth is beyond everyone\'s expectations, under the current circumstances, the more efficient he can absorb and transform the origin of heaven and earth, the more beneficial it will be for the warriors on the ascendant side. For the warriors around, this is also a good time for them to speed up their recovery.

Shang Xia\'s Shenyi perception is extremely keen, and he has also noticed several warriors through sound transmission, but at this time, he has no intention of probing other people\'s words, but puts all his attention in the depths of his mind.

Just as he was absorbing the origin of the heaven and earth in the Cangyan Realm, the Square Monument in his mind, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly reacted!

Although this reaction was not strong, like a sleeping person opened his eyes and glanced unconsciously, the whole person was still in a state of half-dream and half-awake, but it was already an excellent feedback for Shang Xia.

Shang Xia has been able to go all the way to the present. Although there are his own efforts and several experiences of going through life and death tests, but every time his cultivation reaches a bottleneck, Sifangbei will always point him to the right way forward.

However, since Shang Xia advanced to the fifth heaven, the restoration of the Sifangbei seems to have reached a certain bottleneck, and then fell into silence, and rarely responded to Shang Xia\'s call. Not interested.

Although Shang Xia\'s cultivation in the Five Elements Realm has been improving, in fact, his heart has become more and more uncertain.

Although Shang Xia has already found a way forward for the next cultivation of supernatural powers in the Five Elements Realm, and he has also deduced the promotion of the sixth heaven in the future, but without the evidence of the Sifangbei, he cannot prove the correctness of his own martial arts deduction .

Because the Sifangbei is almost one of Shang Xia\'s greatest secrets, no one except himself knows about the Sifangbei, and Shang Xia has been secretly looking for a way to reactivate the Sifangbei.

In fact, Shang Xia had made various speculations about the sudden silence of Sifangbei before, one of which was that the origin of heaven and earth could no longer meet the needs of Sifangbei to further repair itself.

Shang Xia has been secretly looking for a way to further repair the Sifangbei and reactivate the Sifangbei, but it has never been successful before.

Now the sudden "awakening" of Sifangbei immediately lifted Shang Xia\'s spirits, and most of the attention has been shifted to Sifangbei.

Then Shang Xia really discovered that Sifangbei was absorbing the origin of heaven and earth. Although the speed was very slow and the efficiency of the absorption was very low, it was indeed absorbing the origin of heaven and earth. Uncheckable signs of repair.

Although everything was slight, it was enough to make Shang Xia feel excited.

This shows that Sifangbei is not completely no longer interested in the origin of heaven and earth, and it is still the instinct of Sifangbei to repair itself.

It\'s just that compared to the Sifangbei\'s almost unscrupulous devouring of the origin of the world, today\'s Sifangbei is like an extremely picky eater in the process of absorbing the origin of the world, only eating a small amount That\'s all.

Shang Xia soon noticed that the source of heaven and earth devoured by the Sifangbei was not transformed by Xinggao Ding, but the original source of heaven and earth of Cangyan Realm directly drawn from the sea of ​​origin.

Shang Xia soon realized that Sifangbei might not have no "appetite" for the origin of heaven and earth, but just no "appetite" for the origin of heaven and earth in Ascend Realm.

However, judging from the current "pickyness" of Sifangbei, although the origin of the world of Cangyan Realm has aroused its interest, it is more like an attitude of "trying something new" rather than a state of "hunger and don\'t choose what to eat".

This is interesting. You must know that there is still a lot of damage inside the Sifangbei that has not yet been repaired. How could the Sifangbei give up the opportunity to repair itself?

Unless, the origin of heaven and earth in the Cangyan Realm has an extremely limited effect on the restoration of the Sifangbei!

Shang Xia quickly made a second guess, could it be because the quality of the origin of heaven and earth is limited by the level of the plane world?

In other words, the Cangsheng Realm itself has already stood at the highest point of the Cang Realm, and it is only one step away from being promoted to the Spiritual Realm. Naturally, there is little interest.

But what if the Cangsheng Realm succeeds in being promoted to the Spirit Realm?

At that time, there will inevitably be a qualitative change in the origin sea of ​​Cangsheng Realm, which is promoted to the spiritual world. Will Sifangbei still "disdain" the origin of the heaven and earth in the spiritual world?

Although these are only Shang Xia\'s conjectures at present, he always feels that his conjectures are very likely to be correct.

So, we still have to go back to the plan of fully promoting the promotion of Cangsheng Realm!

Shang Xia, who wanted to understand all this, couldn\'t help but increase the efficiency of absorbing and transforming the original sea of ​​Cangyan Realm by three points.

The original sacred artifact itself is the transformation and carrying of the origin of the heaven and earth in the secret realm of the cave, and under Shang Xia\'s control, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the entire Yanlin blessed land began to change accordingly.

Not only that, as the vitality of heaven and earth in Yanlin Fudi gradually changed successfully, wave after wave of vitality began to pour out from the entrance of the secret realm towards the entire Yanlin City.

In this way, not only the entire Yanlin Blessed Land, but also the Cangsheng Realm warriors in the entire Yanlin City, the feeling of being rejected by the heaven and earth of the Cangyan Realm has been greatly alleviated.

The original defensive formation transformed by many formation masters in the Cangsheng Realm already has many formation styles of the Cangsheng Realm, but now after the transformation of the vitality of the world, its own defense strength has also been greatly improved.

However, what the warriors in the Cangsheng Realm in Yanlin City didn\'t know was that when Shang Xia succeeded Kou Chongxue and began to absorb the origin of the world from the Sea of ​​Origin, the high-level warriors in the entire Cangyan Realm once again felt the power from the whole world. Shocked, and this time it brought them not only sadness, but even a hint of "fear"!