Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 856

"You want to protect him, why?"

As soon as Shang Xia opened his mouth, Kou Chongxue understood what he meant. In front of the fifth-level masters representing various forces, Kou Chongxue needed him to give a reasonable explanation.

Shang Xia roughly told everyone about his deal with Yan Linju just now, and said: "We captured Yanlin City, but there are at least four fifth-level masters of the Yanlin clan outside the city, and we can\'t kill them." Losing everyone, but if they are willing to cooperate, it will be of great benefit to us in the future."

"Why not expel everyone from Yanlin City?"

The elders of the Sanhan Palace and Hu Dexun obviously did not agree with Shang Xia\'s approach: "Even if we don\'t kill people indiscriminately, keeping these people in the city is a hidden danger after all. What we do cannot be done overnight. The masters of other forces in the Cangyan world I will definitely not sit still, there will definitely be a battle outside Yanlin City at that time, who dares to say that these people from other worlds will not hate us to the bone?"

Shang Xia said in a deep voice: "Although there are many warriors in the city, there are more ordinary people. How should they be resettled after they are all expelled from the city? Will they be left to fend for themselves? The horde of beasts outside the city is raging, and under the current situation, Yanlin The whole family will definitely have no time to take care of the beast tide, and it is even more impossible for us to divide up the regional beast tide, and if these people go out of the city, they will still die under the beast tide, what is the difference between this and us letting go and slaughtering?"

There was a sneer, and Yifeng said in a strange manner: "Boy, this is a competition between two worlds, and it\'s not your turn to play tricks on women at this time."

Faced with Yifeng\'s ridicule, Shang Xia didn\'t have any fear at all, and said in a deep voice: "If a large number of Yanlin clan members died under the beast tide because of us, then Elder Yifeng feels that the original will of the world in this world How will they react? How will the various forces in the Cangyan Realm react?"

Yifeng turned his gaze and pretended to laugh suddenly: "Haha, it\'s still you, Ziyin, what do you mean to leave the members of the Yanlin clan as hostages in the city, and let all the forces in the Cangyan world besiege us? Hmm, your boy\'s method is very good, and he has the demeanor of the old Kou Yin, so it\'s settled!"

After all, regardless of Shang Xia\'s stunned expression, Yifeng just looked at Kou Chongxue and said, "Old Kou, this method is good, let\'s do it like this!"

Kou Chongxue smiled, looked at Shang Xia and said: "Forget it, you can use this person to persuade the Yanlin people in the city to surrender, and after explaining their interests, they can choose to stay or stay outside the city or go to sea. Gather in the city, but let them all enter the Yanlin blessed land, because once there is a war with all parties in the Cangyan Realm, even the city cannot guarantee their safety."

As soon as Kou Chongxue said this, not to mention Shang Xia, even the others were too shocked to speak.


Yifeng pointed his thumb straight at Kou Chongxue in a daze.

Kou Chongxue smiled, and said: "Everyone, let me go ahead and \'clean\' this Yanlin blessed land before we talk about it!"

Smiles appeared on the faces of everyone when they heard the words, and now is the time for real harvest.

Compared with the hundreds of years of accumulation of a racial power, the things that Shang Xia collected in the inner city before are probably just a drop in the bucket.


The secret space of Yanlin Blessed Land looks wider than that of Tongyou Blessed Land.

You must know that when Tongyou Academy built Tongyou Blessed Land, it not only had Kou Chongxue and Tongyou Academy’s decades of foundation accumulation, but also under the circumstances that the two worlds of Cangyu and Cangling were unified, and the origin of heaven and earth was fed back in large quantities, making Tongyou After the Blessed Land took shape, its starting point was higher than many of the holy sect\'s blessed land secrets.

However, the secret space of Yanlin Paradise is so vast, but it has benefited from the development and construction of the Yanlin family bit by bit over hundreds of years.

The origin of heaven and earth in the blessed land space is very rich, at least much richer than the newly formed Tongyou blessed land.

It\'s just that the origin of the heaven and earth here comes from the Cangyan Realm, so the higher the degree of richness, the more the Cangsheng warriors will feel the obscurity of the movement of their own natal qi.

In the same way, the Blessed Land space is directly connected to the origin of the world of Cangyan Realm, and the ascendant warriors who enter here are more suppressed by the original will of this world, and it is more direct!

However, not only did the group of Ascendant Warriors not feel disgusted at all, on the contrary, each of them was very happy.

The stronger the origin of the world here, the greater the interference with their own vitality and the stronger the suppression of their combat power, the more it proves the correctness of their choice, which means the closer they are to the sea of ​​origin of this world!

Although many fifth-level masters have sensed the breath of heaven and earth Yuangang, sensed the breath of heaven and earth spirits, and sensed the breath of various spiritual materials, spiritual objects and other resources the moment they entered this blessed land secret realm, but at this time No one will be in a hurry to collect the scrape.

At this time, everyone\'s attention was on the Xinggao Ding, the original holy artifact under Kou Chongxue\'s feet.

At the same time, Lu Wuzi has been using the circular light mirror to search for something in the blessed land, and Yin Jingxu is also doing calculations with all his strength.

After a while, the two seemed to have reached an agreement, and nodded to Kou Chongxue.

Then, under the guidance of the two, Kou Chongxue soon came to a place in the secret realm of the blessed land.

It looks like an altar made of earth.

"It seems right, this should be the original core of this blessed land space."

Yifeng squatted under the altar without knowing when, and reached out and picked a piece of yellow soil from the altar, but the irregular fractured surface was shining with crystal light.

"This altar has been infiltrated by the origin of heaven and earth for a long time, and it looks almost the same as the top-grade source crystal."

Xuanlu looked at the soil crystal block in Yifeng\'s hand, then looked at Kou Chongxue and asked, "I heard that Youzhou is collecting some source crystals with different characteristics, do you think it is similar to this?"

Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "If the White Deer School intends to trade, Tongyou Academy will definitely buy it at a premium."

Xuanlu shook his head with a smile, and said: "Jizhou is not as rich as Youzhou now, and the White Deer Sect is not what it used to be."

"Brother Xuanlu is humbled."

Kou Chongxue said something casually, then stepped onto the altar under the gaze of everyone, and then dropped Xinggao Cauldron on the altar.


The moment the huge tripod body fell, not only did all the Ascending Warriors feel the vibration under their feet, but even the entire secret realm of the blessed land trembled!

Immediately after the perception of these five heavenly masters, they can clearly perceive that a certain mysterious place in this world is connected, and a sea of ​​origin like a vast ocean emerges in their perception, and the sound of the waves one after another seems to Every martial artist has a fatal attraction, attracting them to blend into the sea, blend with this world, and blend with this original sea.

Most of the Wuzhongtian masters present have had such experiences. After sensing the existence of the sea of ​​origin, they became vigilant and awakened, and a few warriors who had never faced the sea of ​​origin directly Remind me to wake up.

At this time, Kou Chongxue was already floating above the mouth of Xinggao Ding.

Xinggao Ding, the original holy artifact, seemed to have turned into a giant gluttonous beast, and began to devour the origin of the heaven and earth of the Cangyan Realm drawn from the sea of ​​origin.

What\'s even more subtle is that when the source of heaven and earth from the Cangyan Realm was incorporated into Xinggao Ding\'s cauldron, and then overflowed from the cauldron\'s mouth, it became a source of energy that can be absorbed, refined, and practiced by Cangsheng warriors. The origin of heaven and earth.

In this short moment, all Cangsheng warriors within tens of meters around the altar have sensed that the obscure aura that interfered with the circulation of vitality in their bodies has been swept away, replaced by a fresh and rich as if Originated from the heaven and earth origin of the Cangsheng Realm.

And this transformation of the origin of heaven and earth in different worlds is one of the functions of the original sacred artifact.