Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 854

The various forces in the Cangyan Realm originally thought that Yanlin City, as the foundation of the Yanlin Clan for hundreds of years, could hold out for at least a few days even in the face of a siege by many foreign warriors with its defensive formation.

But who would have thought that the day when the warriors from the outer domain came to the city would be the day when Yanlin City was broken?

Above the sky, there were experts sent from the other three major continents to secretly monitor the situation in Nanyan Linzhou.

These Wu Zong or Wu Zun originally looked at the Yanlin Clan with a gloating mentality, but the moment Yanlin City was broken, many masters had already realized that something was wrong.

Except for Wu Zong who returned to the various forces to report the news, at least five or six Wu Zong broke through the sky above Nanyan Linzhou and rushed towards Yanlin City for help.

Because there is a spatial error between the sky curtain and the actual geographical location of the Cangyan Realm, it is often difficult for the Cangyan Realm warriors to use the sky curtain to travel across all continents to accurately locate them.

Although these martial masters appeared in Nanyan Linzhou, although they were scattered in various places, they kept the distance from Yanlin City within a thousand miles.

However, these people were quickly found and entangled by the warriors in charge of fighting in the Cangsheng Realm, and they couldn\'t get close to Yanlin City at all.

And the other fighters who rushed back to the major continents to report the news, after sending back the news of the destruction of Yanlin City, they really shocked many masters of various forces.

Although there are still some people who are still afraid of the power of foreign warriors, there are still many insightful people in Cangyan Realm, and they immediately decided to help Nanyan Linzhou first, and this includes the patriarch of Yuancang Clan in Dongnuan Yuanzhou, who also It is Yuan Cangming, who has been cultivated by a supreme martial artist.

However, even with Yuan Cangming\'s martial arts cultivation base, when he came directly from Dongnuan Yuanzhou to the sky, he rushed to the sky above Nanyan Linzhou, and then broke through the sky to reach Nanyan Linzhou. For a moment in Lin Cheng, he happened to see a mirror light illuminating Yan Lin vertically and horizontally, and then there were two sword lights with completely different sword stances crisscrossing around him...

And at this moment, another swordsman whose aura was a bit obscure, but still able to make him feel a little bit of threat, held an epee and stopped in front of him expressionlessly.

Yuanchen faction, Huang Jinghan, a master of the fifth and fourth ranks!


Yanlin City was surrounded by the sea more than a thousand miles away. The turbulent waves and broken floating objects covered the sea surface all proved that this place had just experienced a big battle.

Dozens of Tier 4 warriors from the Ascension Realm are collecting the spoils obtained during this battle.

On the surface of the sea not far from here, the four fourth-level masters Sun Haiwei, Tian Mengzi, Yan Ming, and Dou Zhong of Tongyou College stood on a ship that looked a little tattered, but barely sank , is confronting several fourth-tier masters from other sects.

"This battle was won by all the major sects working together, so the spoils of war should naturally be distributed in a centralized manner. It seems unreasonable for the four of you to act like this?"

In the middle of the air, a middle-aged warrior with thinning hair looked at the four warriors from the Tongyou Academy standing on the deck of the sea ship. His slightly frowning brows looked a little apprehensive, but his words revealed a sense of indifference. Do not allow meaning.

Although the few fourth-tier masters around did not speak, they seemed to respect him obviously.


A long cry came from above the heads of the crowd, accompanied by thunder billowing in the dark clouds, a bird with a wingspan of countless

The bird that was as tall as a foot suddenly swooped down from the clouds, but finally landed lightly on the mast of the sea ship.

When Sun Haiwei saw the Thunderbird landed on the mast and the things the Thunderbird was holding in its claws, a smile appeared on her face.

But the other fourth-rank fighters looked at the big bird looking forward to the mighty bird, but their faces showed fear.

At this time, Sun Haiwei said with a smile on her face: "Everyone, I only need this flying boat in Tongyou Academy in this battle, and I won\'t lose any other gains!"

Several fourth-tier masters glanced at each other after hearing the words, and finally the martial artist with thin hair said: "Okay, then it\'s settled!"

After all, the people surrounding the ship retreated one after another, looking at the speed at which the figure flickered and even seemed a little panicked.

Sun Haiwei smiled wryly and said to the other three people: "I hope this sea-going ship that can fly for a short time can be of use to Chu Jiaoxi."

Tian Mengzi replied: "It should be useful, besides, this ship is not empty, so we have some extra gains."

Dou Zhong said: "I don\'t know what\'s going on in Yanlin City."

Compared to the other three, Yan Ming asked curiously: "Such a large sea ship, even if it returns to the Cangsheng Realm in the future, can we still teleport the entire ship back?"


The large mirror void above Yanlin City suddenly became fragmented, and Lu Wuzi, who walked out of it first, opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Kou Chongxue, the old man has only one thing to do next: concentrate on recuperating!"

The last light wheel on the surface of the round light mirror was shattered. Although Lu Wuzi did not lose his Yuangang incarnation, every one of his natal Yuangangs was severely injured at this time, and the injuries were not serious.

Kou Chongxue appeared from the mirror space with some palpitations, and replied after hearing the words: "It is also thanks to fellow Taoist Lu Wuzi that this battle did not affect the entire Yanlin City."

Yifeng jumped out with a thoughtful expression on his face, and said, "Hey, tell me, is that Yanlin patriarch a little abnormal?"

Heh, you say that as if you are so normal...

"He could have escaped originally, but he didn\'t!"

Elder Xiong Yuanfeng of the Hengling Sect also participated in the siege of Yanlin Zongheng. At this time, he didn\'t pay attention to the injury on his shoulder that almost split his body in two, but continued: "Even if Lu Wuzi later Senior set up a mirror void, with that person\'s strength, he could have broken it, even destroyed half of Yanlin City, but this person just blindly fought to the death with us from the beginning to the end, neither running away nor saving us. People, as the patriarch of a large tribe, this person\'s behavior is indeed a bit unbelievable."

Ancestor Hao Yun of the Guan Yu Sect came out last, but he looked at Kou Chongxue and asked, "I don\'t know what advice Master Kou Shan has?"

Kou Chongxue smiled "hehe" and said, "Without him, the blind cultivation has ruined the brain."

Kou Chongxue spoke in a frivolous tone, but no one present thought he was joking.

Yun Lingzi sighed softly, and said, "Is the origin unbalanced? Can it actually affect the judgment of the warrior\'s sanity?"

Both Yifeng and Lu Wuzi showed contemplative expressions on their faces, especially Yifeng\'s rare expression of solemnity.

Kou Chongxue glanced at everyone, and said meaningfully: "Cultivation in the Wugang Realm is not only a problem of the original source being out of balance!"


People wanted to ask for more advice. After all, among the many senior five-level masters present, Kou Chongxue was the only one who had completed the smelting of the five natal Yuangangs, and was even one step away from the fifth-level Great Consummation.

Even the situation faced by the senior fifth-level masters present is not a lack of resources or a lack of heaven and earth Yuangang. With their current cultivation base and status in their respective forces, if they really want to go further, they will naturally be able to mobilize the entire army. The power of the sect will help them find suitable heaven and earth Yuangang or other cultivation resources.

However, the reality is that they still dare not go any further with their respective cultivation bases, including Lu Wuzi, Yifeng, Jiudu and other top fifth-level and fourth-tier top five heavenly masters.


The most direct reason is the inability to overcome the source of imbalance and the danger of going crazy!

However, now Kou Chongxue said that the cultivation process of the Wugang Realm is not just a matter of the original imbalance.

what does this mean?

This shows that Kou Chongxue has not only discovered more problems, but he may have even solved them to a certain extent!

And the most intuitive evidence is that he has now reached the fifth level of great accomplishment, and even stepped into the gate of the fifth level of great perfection with one foot.

Cangyu, Cangling, and the current Cangsheng Realm, martial arts have been passed down for more than a thousand years, and their cultivation has reached the fifth level and fifth level, especially the four major schools of Shendu, Weiyang, Beihai, and Yuanchen. Wait for the existence of a martial artist.

However, judging from the writings left by these predecessors and ancestors, the narration of their experience of advancing to the fourth and fifth levels of the fifth level is either conjecture, or simply clouded, or bluntly speaking, it is a fluke. There are almost no effective methods or ways to travel.

Therefore, when everyone heard something from Kou Chongxue\'s tone, one could imagine their mood at the moment.

However, they also knew that it was impossible for Kou Chongxue to reveal more things after he could talk so much.

Therefore, although everyone was eager to find out more secrets about smelting natal Yuangang from him, none of them opened their mouths.


A loud noise came from the direction of the center of the city, and suddenly attracted the attention of several five-layered masters present.

"It\'s... the direction of the inner city, it\'s not good..."

Yun Lingzi exclaimed, but before his voice fell, he was blocked back by a sudden burst of multicolored aura.

"Shang Xia, what are you going to do?"

A sharp roar came from the direction of the inner city, followed by two or three distressed figures staggering out of the blooming colorful aura.

Yun Lingzi\'s eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "It\'s Qingpingzi and the others, uncle..."

Lu Wuzi stretched out his hand to stop Yun Lingzi\'s words, and at the same time turned his gaze to Kou Chongxue.

Kou Chongxue\'s eyes were slightly concentrated, but his expression looked very relaxed.

At this time, a clear voice came from the inner city: "Hehe, the Beihai faction wants to pick peaches, but they still don\'t forget to send a substitute for the dead ghost! If Shang did not take action, how could this person survive? Why, Er Waiting for this to avenge kindness and revenge, can\'t you bite back?"


In the sky above Yanlin City, Kou Chongxue smiled lightly, and said, "It\'s not proper for children to fight and fight, everyone, let\'s go with Kou to see what happened."