Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 787

Although Shang Xia had already noticed something was wrong in advance, the self-destruct power of a divine weapon was far beyond his expectation.

But what is even more curious in his heart at this time is that the magic weapon can also be used to self-explode?

Of course, Shang Xia still secretly felt a little pity when he thought about the chance that they had taken that divine weapon.

The powerful impact brought by the self-detonation of the divine weapon directly pushed Shang Xia hundreds of miles away. As for the accompanying void squeeze and space tearing, under the protection of the Five Elements Ring, it did not cause much trouble to him .

However, at this time, Shang Xia was not in a hurry to find other lost companions to join him. Instead, he stretched out his palm to sense something, then turned around and changed direction. The escape light that covered itself flew away quickly.

He had to hurry up and do one thing.

With the movement that spread to more than 2,000 miles caused by the self-detonation of the divine soldier just now, coupled with the previous battle, the forces in the Cangsheng Realm who are qualified to pay attention to the outer starry sky may have already noticed this place. The other two patrol teams of five will probably also come to check what happened in the shortest possible time.

Shang Xia followed his weak induction, and while restraining his energy to the extreme, traversed thousands of miles of the empty area formed by the self-detonation of the magic weapon, and then flashed into an area densely packed with fragmented meteorites.

"Hey, this guy escapes pretty fast!"

Shang Xia secretly complained in his heart, but even though he had made an agreement in advance, he still didn\'t dare to take it lightly. When he entered this complicated meteorite belt, he had already slowed down his escape speed, and at the same time spread his divine will, and sensed it carefully. Potential dangers around.

After another half a cup of tea, Shang Xia traveled more than a thousand miles in this meteorite belt piled up with rubble, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

Although the self-detonation of the divine weapon caused him to be separated from his companions, the distance between them was only a few thousand miles, and it was not difficult to reunite with the means of a fifth-level heavenly warrior.

If I dragged on for too long because of this matter, I\'m afraid it would arouse the suspicion of others.

It was at this moment that Shang Xia\'s spirit caught a fleeting ray of energy in the distant meteorite pile.

Shang Xia was immediately refreshed. Instead of flying away there, he slowed down his escape speed further. While restraining his energy to the extreme, he also completely covered his figure, and then began to approach slowly. .

After he avoided the floating meteorites and slowly approached for tens of miles, he finally caught the flashing aura before, and at the same time, he also noticed the existence of another strange aura.

Moreover, as the distance got closer, Shang Xia could already clearly sense that the fluctuations of these two air mechanisms seemed a little chaotic, which indicated that the condition of the masters of these two air mechanisms was not very good, and the injuries were too serious to be concealed The level of its own aura.

Of course, it may also be a trap, deliberately seducing other people into the trap...

However, Shang Xia didn\'t seem to be affected, or had sufficient self-confidence, and he was still unswervingly approaching the direction where the fluctuation of energy appeared...

At the same time, Shang Xia\'s palm was slowly becoming hot, and faint lines began to emerge on his palm, gradually forming a picture.

And not far away, there are vague whispers in the empty space that are slowly becoming clear.



"...I actually sent you here!"

"How is Brother Lu\'s injury?"

"I ran into a lunatic, that female aborigine with a golden knife, who actually risked being strangled by the space after the magic soldier blew herself up, and wanted to die with me."

"Ah? But judging by brother Lu\'s appearance, the other party obviously failed."

"Hmph, hey, but my only remaining Yuan Gang incarnation was also severely injured. Although it has not been defeated, it may not be able to be stripped out in a short time."

"Oh really? That would be great!"

"What do you mean... Uh, Huang Yu, how dare you do that?"


With a muffled sound, the meteorites floating around suddenly fell downward.

An eager voice suddenly came: "If you don\'t do it now, when will you wait?"

The meteorites that were originally densely stacked suddenly separated a path towards the two sides, and Shang Xia\'s figure appeared on this path, and at the other end of the path was "Huang Yu" who was blown away by a palm , and the Lingyu warrior with a short spear stuck in his abdomen.

Shang Xia, with a silent expression, quickly approached the Lingyu warrior, and pressed down with his hands in the air, and a golden-red thunderbolt fell silently towards the top of this person\'s head.

"Huang Yu, you actually colluded with the natives of the lower realm!"

The Lingyu warrior let out a loud shout, and even though he was seriously injured, he could still turn his figure into an afterimage, trying to avoid Shang Xia\'s "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand".

However, the short spear inserted into his abdomen was like a stable beacon, directing half of the lightning out of thin air to land on his already severely injured body.

Under the flickering and jumping electric light, the body of Lingyu warrior trembled violently, but it still didn\'t prevent him from continuing to dodge in mid-air.

The tyrannical physique of the fifth-order warrior was fully revealed at this moment.

However, due to Shang Xia\'s half palm, the agility of Lingyu warrior was still affected, and he couldn\'t get rid of Shang Xia\'s pursuit at all.

"Collusion? Why did Huang want to collude?"

Huang Yu, who had spurted blood countless times, struggled to stand still, and looked at the other party with a playful look, and then said to Shang Xia in a deep voice: "You can\'t let him run away, or I will His identity must be exposed!"

"You... you are actually a person from the lower realm?"

The Lingyu warrior suddenly understood, and even his body shape was affected under the shock.

Shang Xia\'s divine intent took the opportunity to break away the opponent\'s restraint on his own energy, and completely locked on his body.

I saw Shang Xia tentatively grasping his palm and then pressing it hard, the short spear that was originally inserted into the abdomen of the Lingyu warrior came out from his back all of a sudden.


The violent gun intent tried to smash the inner organs of Lingyu warrior, making it more difficult for him to maintain his figure in the void.

This person was originally extremely difficult to deal with, but in the process of the two previous fights, his various methods were continuously consumed, even the incarnation of Yuangang was cut off in one fell swoop, and another one was seriously injured.

At this time, the real body of the deity was severely injured by "Huang Yu" unexpectedly, and then repeatedly attacked by Shang Xia, it was already at the end of its strength

However, the more it got to this point, the more Shang Xia didn\'t dare to be careless, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

The Lingyu warrior tried to use the secret technique several times to struggle and escape, but was blocked by Shang Xia\'s five-element ring to forcibly confine the void. Afterwards, he knew that he would not be spared this time, and wanted to drag Shang Xia to die together, but in " "Huang Yu"\'s reminder fell short, and even the last bit of origin of the Yuan Gang accumulated in the dantian was completely disrupted by Shang Xia\'s Five Elements Yuan Gang.

In the end, Shang Xia slashed down with the "Time Knife" condensed by the Five Elements Yuangang, completely annihilating this person\'s vitality. Under the overflow of strong vitality, his corpse also slowly melted until it was completely annihilated.

When a martial artist has reached the fifth heaven, when his body dies, if he hadn\'t deliberately preserved it in advance, his entire body would turn into nothingness with the dispersal of kung fu.

"Heh, he\'s finally dead!"

Huang Yu struggled to maintain his figure and slowly came to Shang Xia\'s side, casually glanced at the things left on the Lingyu warrior, and said: "What is the name of your previous knife, it can actually replenish vitality, Otherwise, it would not be easy for Huang to attack him with that shot just now."

Before the magic soldier self-destructed, Shang Xia used the principle of mutual generation of the five elements to drive the five elements to transform and stack layers, and finally condensed the pure Yimu Gangqi into the "Time Knife". He was severely injured, but in fact, the Yimu essence in the knife gang was nourishing and restoring his originally damaged internal organs.

Shang Xia swept away the things left by the Lingyu warrior after his death, then threw back a light yellow crystal the size of a fist to him, and asked, "What exactly is in those two destroyed strongholds?"