Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 766

Mu Haizong is a peculiar sect that knows how to control sea beasts.

According to Mrs. Fish, although Mu Haizong does not have fifth-level warriors, he has the ability to control fifth-level sea beasts!

Although Shang Xia was not so arrogant as to think that no one could avoid his divine perception, he absolutely did not believe that a martial artist whose cultivation base was less than fifth level heaven had the ability to avoid his perception at the bottom of the sea.

Even if this person has some kind of secret treasure that can cover himself, under the sweeping of the five elements, this secret treasure will most likely become invalid.

Therefore, when all the possibilities were rejected by Shang Xia, the remaining possibility, no matter how unbelievable, could only be the truth.

When Shang Xia looked at the direction in which the fifth-order sea beast was fleeing, Mrs. Yu also immediately realized a certain possibility.

The eyes of the two just met, and they each used their means of escaping under the sea, and chased after the fifth-order sea beast.

But before that, Shang Xia fished it out of the sky, imprisoned the Hidden Scale Snake that sank to the bottom of the sea, and put it away.

The speed of the sea beast escaping in the sea water is extremely fast. As an overseas martial artist, Madam Yu also has an extremely extraordinary underwater escaping skill, but Shang Xia mobilized the Rengui Yuangang to induce the undercurrent in the sea, although the speed was not as fast The two were not left too far behind, which surprised Madam Yu greatly.

However, the longer the two of them chased the sea beast, the more certain they were of their previous guess.

If it was really just a sea beast, how could it be possible to be pursued by the two of them when it was the first to escape?

Even ferocious beasts, after instinctively fleeing, will break through the void and escape under the threat of death, even in the sea.

Madam Yu\'s two silk sleeves parted in the sea water, and she directly broke through the void and plunged into it. Following the fluctuations in the void, when she reappeared, she was already in front of the sea beast.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the sea beast immediately turned around and turned to other directions.

But Shang Xia, who was chasing behind him, threw the five-element ring in his hand at this time, and appeared directly in the sea water above the sea beast\'s head.

The rotation of the five-element ring directly drives the water to rotate rapidly, forming a conical water wall that expands downward in the sea water, trapping the sea beast in the water wall.

The sea beast wanted to break through the water wall and continue to escape, but unexpectedly, it was swept away by the current and turned around.

But in the end it was a fifth-order sea beast. Although it was played by the Five Elements Ring, it quickly broke through the barrier of the water wall.

But because of this delay, it would be very difficult for the sea beast to escape from the hands of the two of them.

The sea beast also seemed to be aware of the critical moment, and turned around and rushed towards Mrs. Fish who was blocking its back.

Shang Xia, who had already blocked the sea beast\'s path, smiled and said, "This is not like the choice of a ferocious beast!"

On the other hand, Mrs. Fish showed a sneer, her two silk sleeves stirred the water flow, turning into flowing ropes, wrapping around the sea beast.

Shang Xia would never let Mrs. Yu fight the enemy alone, the five-element ring hung above his head, aroused the five-element qi to volley into the air and hit a Yuangang thunderbolt with his palm, which was obviously the supernatural power "Hunyuan thunderbolt" he had practiced in the one-yuan realm. hand"!

Although the Five Elements Ring is a natural fit for Shang Xia, in order to truly display the power of this magical weapon in his hands, Shang Xia still needs to be familiar with and discover it a little bit.

In the process, Shang Xia discovered that he could use the source of the five elements to reproduce

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All the martial arts supernatural powers he has practiced, and every supernatural power can be sublimated perfectly with his own cultivation.

The sea beast was originally entangled with Madam Yu, how could it escape Shang Xia\'s blow?

The golden-red thunder shuttled through the sea water, directly splitting the huge body of the sea beast so that its whole body trembled, almost turning its belly over on top.

Mrs. Yu saw the opportunity, and the two silk sleeves were already wrapped around the sea beast\'s body, just imprisoning it there.

The sea beast still wanted to struggle hard, but Shang Xia obviously wouldn\'t give it another chance. With a turn of the five-element ring, a gun intent formed by the condensed Gang Qi penetrated the sea water and directly entered the sea beast\'s eyes, annihilating its beast soul.

This is Shang Xia\'s third-order supernatural power, the God-killing Spear, which was restored from the five elements\' original source!

Shang Xia deliberately left a whole body for this fifth-order sea beast!

However, the performance of this sea beast is obviously a little sorry for its status as a fifth-order sea beast.

Mrs. Fish saw the lifeless corpse of the sea beast, but she never let down her vigilance, sneered and said via voice transmission: "Why, do you think you can still escape?"

In order to prevent accidents, Shang Xia destroyed the body of the fifth-order sea beast, and pushed forward the five-element ring suspended in front of him again.

The brilliance transformed by the five-element qi shines on the huge body of the sea beast, causing the hide of the sea beast to squeeze inward without being damaged. It crawled out of the mouth, and it was a person.

This person had disheveled hair and was wearing clothes made of fish skin, but it had already become tattered, and his whole body was covered with some kind of mucus. The moment it came out of the mouth of the sea beast, a large pool of smudges emerged from it. The sea water around him spread out.

Although Shang Xia had already noticed it in advance, when he really saw this person crawling out of the belly of the sea beast, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he still noticed that Mu Hai who was hiding in the belly of the fish The eyes of Zong Shenshi are vertical pupils like snakes.

A faint brilliance flashed around Shang Xia\'s body, purifying everything within three feet of Shang Xia\'s body, and even repelling some filthy things.

However, compared to Shang Xia\'s unaccustomed behavior, Mrs. Yu\'s behavior is much more normal. Obviously, she just didn\'t think of it for a while before, but it seems that this happened to the Muhai Zong warrior. It\'s too weird.

"Muhai Envoy of Muhaizong, it really is you!" Mrs. Yu said coldly, "After all, how did you find this place?"

The Muhai envoy knew that he was bound to die, and when he heard the words, he said with a weird tone, "Don\'t you know who gave us the news? Otherwise, how could you, a bitch, just find a helper? Hey, it\'s just my fault." I didn\'t have enough means, and I fell for the trick of you poisonous woman!"

As he said that, the Mu Hai envoy still didn\'t forget to turn his head and glance at Shang Xia who was opposite him.

Shang Xia\'s eyes were fixed on the dead sea beast all the time, as if he was thinking about something very important, and he didn\'t pay attention to a sea envoy whose cultivation base was only in the fourth heaven.

Mrs. Yu glanced at Shang Xia, and saw that he was ignoring him, she felt certain in her heart, and then said coldly: "Your Excellency thought that you would die and came up with such a provocative trick, but the method is really inferior and cannot be put on the table. Just die There are also many types, although the Tianya Pavilion has a shallow heritage, there are some methods of torture, if you don’t name the person who is in charge, then the slave family can only ask you to try it.”

The Muhai envoy showed contempt on his face, and said: "Since you, a vicious woman, tempted Ben with your beauty,

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The god envoy of the sect not only deprived the envoy of his chance to be promoted, but also ruined his life. From that day on, Mu Haizong and you Tianya Pavilion have been inseparable! Since this envoy falls into your hands, I have no intention of going back alive! "

After all, the man turned his head to look at Shang Xia, and said: "This poisonous woman is known overseas as a snake and scorpion. I don\'t know how much she has given up to ask Your Excellency to come and help me this time, but since this poisonous woman has her eyes on you, how can you It\'s better to be careful, be careful that everything is a wedding dress for others!"

After all, the sea animal herd\'s envoy\'s expression froze suddenly, and then the aura of his whole body rapidly decayed, and his vitality was extinct in just one breath, and the dead could not die again!

"Hey, what a powerful toxin!"

Shang Xia looked at the man\'s body suspended in the sea with some surprise.

This person\'s every move was under Shang Xia\'s divine sense throughout the whole process, but it was only a moment from poisoning to death, and even Shang Xia couldn\'t stop it if he wanted to.

Of course, Shang Xia may not be willing to make a move.

Madam Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It\'s the snake venom of the Hidden Scaled Snake. This snake venom is extremely venomous. It is the natal poison that the Hidden Scaled Snake has cultivated itself. It is said that those below the fifth level will die immediately!"

"Poison evil?"

Shang Xia was surprised when he heard the words, and then released the Hidden Scale Snake that he picked up before, and asked: "So, Shang can peel a good heaven and earth spirit from this sea snake?" Broken?"

Madam Yu quickly reminded: "The power of this poisonous evil spirit is uncommon, but fourth-order warriors can\'t refine it easily, and they will die from the poison if they are not careful. It is best to wait for the warrior to refine two or three spirit evil spirits. After a certain amount of accumulation and background, try to refine this poisonous evil spirit to improve your cultivation."

Shang Xia was surprised and said: "This happened, thank you Madam for reminding me."

Madam Yu said again: "The Needle-Hidden Scaled Snake is good at finding, eating, and refining poison. In addition to its original poisonous spirit bred by advanced fourth-level alien beasts, it only needs to swallow three different poisonous spirits to have A poisonous gang may be bred, and through this, it can cross the bottleneck of the fifth heaven in one fell swoop, and become a fifth-order strange snake!"

Shang Xia let out a "huh" and suddenly understood, and said: "When the volcano erupted, there was a faint poisonous fire and poisonous evil spewing and spreading. Since this snake knows how to seek poison, it may be attracted by this, and this The Mu Hai Envoy of the Mu Hai Sect might have discovered the location of the secret realm of the Tianya Pavilion in this way."

"It is indeed possible!"

Mrs. Fish nodded, not sure if it was an illusion, Mrs. Fish vaguely felt relieved.

At least this kind of speculation vetoed Mrs. Yu\'s dislike of deliberately plotting against Shang Xia.

Of course, guesses are just guesses. After this incident, it is up to Madam Yu to decide whether to find possible internal responses in Tianya Pavilion.

As for the fact that Mrs. Yu seized the opportunity mentioned in Mu Haishi\'s words, it was the grievance between Tianya Pavilion and Mu Haizong, and what did it have to do with Shang Xia?

He only cares about what benefits he can get from helping Tianya Pavilion move the secret place and helping her repel her old enemies.

The seabed in the distance | The volcanic eruption has become more and more violent, the dull loud noise and the shaking seabed have stirred up countless undercurrents, and the two of them can feel that it is still heating up even if they are more than a hundred miles away from the volcano.

Also at this moment, accompanied by an unprecedented loud noise, the two people on the bottom of the sea turned their heads to look in the direction of the volcano almost at the same time, and a fiery Yuangang aura suddenly appeared in their perceptions.

It\'s not the essence of Yuangang, but a complete Yuangang of heaven and earth!