Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 762

Before seeing the Five Elements Ring, Shang Xia didn\'t know that Yi Sangtian and Yunhu, two master weapon masters, would transform the magic weapon Linyuan knife into a ring-shaped weapon.

However, it was the first time when Shang Xia met the two of them. When he asked the two of them how to modify the Linyuan knife, the two masters recommended a set to Shang Xia. In his ears, there is quite a reasonable plan.

That is a plan to promote self-evolution based on the original characteristics of the owner of the magic weapon.

The prerequisite for implementing this plan is that Shang Xia must first intercept a ray of natal Yuangang and integrate it into the spirituality of the divine weapon.

What the two master masters wanted Shang Xia to intercept was not the original qi, nor the original qi machine, but the natal Yuangang, which was the essence of the natal Yuangang that Shang Xia actually refined into the dantian!

And once a ray of natal Yuangang essence is intercepted from the dantian, it is really intercepting Shang Xia\'s own cultivation, and it may even directly affect Shang Xia\'s own background and potential in martial arts.

However, after hearing the further explanations from the two master weapon masters, Shang Xia not only agreed to their plan, but even the essence of the natal Yuangang intercepted from the origin of the dantian was not one strand, but five strands!

After all, according to what the two master weapon masters said, a warrior only needs to intercept a strand, but if more is intercepted, the trend and trajectory of the divine weapon\'s self-evolution will become more obvious, and the weapon master will also be more effective in promoting the evolution process. It\'s so easy, even the power of the magical weapon will increase after it is formed.

The five strands of natal Yuangang essence intercepted by Shang Xia also had considerations. He followed the way of the five elements, and even divided the yin and yang among the five elements. Therefore, the five strands of natal Yuangang essence he intercepted belong to the Yang of the Five Elements, namely Jiamu, Binghuo, Wutu, Gengjin, and Renshui.

After the interception of these five strands of natal Yuangang essence, Shang Xia was about to complete the second round of refinement of ten kinds of Yuangang essence, and it took a lot of effort to complete it again. As a result there was a delay of nearly a year.

However, the interception of these five strands of Yuangang essence had a far more impact on Shang Xia\'s own cultivation. Even though he has completed the third round of refining the ten kinds of Yuangang essence, in fact, if it hadn\'t been for the interception at the beginning , he may have even collected the essence of the fourth round of Yuangang now.

However, when Shang Xia paid such a high price back then, when he saw the five-element ring again, he knew that it was all worth it when he saw the admiration and intimacy revealed from its spirituality.

When the five-element ring was naturally integrated into the protective qi almost without refinement, and when Shang Xia made another move, the power of his gestures more than doubled?

Because of this, in the subsequent process of suppressing and draining the underground lava together with the fish lady, there will be no major waves, and everything will appear natural.

At this time, Mrs. Yu, who was not far from Shang Xia, had the most intuitive feeling for what happened to Shang Xia, so she looked at Shang Xia with both gratitude and envy, which seemed very complicated.

The two fifth-tier masters joined hands to suppress the flames in mid-air for more than an hour, which has already passed the start time of the Tianya Pavilion\'s guardian formation.

However, judging from the current situation, there is no need to activate the Tianya Pavilion\'s guardian formation.

Not only that, after the lava riot under the crater mouth temporarily stopped, the two fifth-level masters did not stop.

Shang Xia is also considered

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It is to help to the end, continue to attract the underground lava outward with the energy of the fire element, and help Tianya Pavilion and Bai|bingfang to complete the preparation of the "fire pool".

And after this large-scale initiative to "drain" the underground lava, I believe that for a long time to come, there will be no fear of eruption and riots at the underground crater in the secret place where Tianya Pavilion is located.

Until about three hours later, at this time, the temperature of the original crater in the valley dropped drastically due to the large amount of underground lava being drawn out, and the original blue-red color slowly changed to scarlet red, That "fire pool" finally accumulated enough lava to declare success.

At this time, even as fifth-layer heavenly warriors, Mrs. Yu and Shang Xia felt a little tired.

Under the kind invitation of Mrs. Yu, Shang Xia came to the main hall of Tianya Pavilion to rest for a while.

Shang Xia didn\'t ask Mrs. Yu and others about the purpose of that "Fire Pond", and he didn\'t even see that "Fire Pond" with his own eyes. At this time, most of his energy had already been put on the "fire pool" cultivated by himself. On the five-element ring.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shang, this magical weapon seems to be very suitable for the martial arts that you practice!"

Madam Yu said with a smile after her subordinates served the tea.

Shang Xia raised one hand empty-handed, and the five-element ring was immediately suspended above his palm and rotated on its own. As he stretched out his hand and flicked on the five-element ring, there was a sound of "Ding——", faintly purging the soul of the warrior. meaning.

Without hiding the joy on his face, Shang Xia praised: "Thanks to Madam\'s recommendation, the two master weapon masters of Bai|Bingfang are really skilled."

While the two were talking, two fourth-tier master weapon masters from Bai|Bingfang walked in from outside the hall.

After entering the hall, Yunhu first nodded slightly to Mrs. Yu, and Mrs. Yu nodded slightly when she saw this, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

Shang Xia just pretended not to see him.

After the two master weapon masters saw the ceremony, Shang Xia praised again: "The two master weapon masters are really amazing. The five-element ring is very suitable for Shang. I have had two masters in the past three years."

Seeing this situation, Yun Hu and Yi Sangtian said they didn\'t dare, Yun Hu said with a smile: "My lord, don\'t blame me for transforming the good Linyuan knife into a five-element ring, and the two of us have already breathed a sigh of relief."

Shang Xia laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It\'s not strange, it\'s not strange, how could it be strange? It\'s a good change! It\'s very suitable for me!"

Seeing the relaxed expression on the faces of the two, Shang Xia said again: "Although I don\'t know how to refine weapons, I also know that the transformation of divine weapons is different from others, and various accidents often occur. , I can source crystal to compensate you two."

The two looked at each other, this time it was Yi Sangtian who said: "No need to compensate!"

Yunhu helplessly added quickly: "So that you know, being able to transform a magic weapon with your own hands is an opportunity that can\'t be met, and my two brothers are determined to complete the forging of a magic weapon independently. , The completion of the transformation of the Five Elements Ring this time is of great reference value to us, and it is my brothers who made the money, so I dare not ask for any more compensation."

Seeing this, Shang Xia had no choice but to give up, and said: "Anyway, I would like to thank you two this time. If the two forging magic soldiers are in short supply in the future, you can go to Youzhou for a trip, but you will not refuse if you own anything from Shang!"

It is an extremely important promise for Yi Sangtian and Yunhu to say such a sentence as a Shang Xia Fifth Heaven Warrior.

The two also knew the weight involved, and they resigned after thanking Shang Xia.

looking at the two

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After leaving, Shang Xia turned to Mrs. Yu and asked: "Bai|Bingfang is just taking shelter under Madam\'s command? The two men\'s weapon refining skills are probably at the top level among the great weapon masters, and they are even better at refining magic weapons." Why don\'t Madam take them under the sect?"

Madam Yu smiled wryly and said: "Easier said than done? These two have their own ambitions, and they have other causes and effects, even Tianya Pavilion dare not reveal their whereabouts easily now, and now they are just sending a few disciples to the two to practice. To learn the way of refining weapons, each takes what he needs."

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard the words, but he didn\'t go into the details about the cause and effect of Yi Sangtian and Yunhu.

At this moment, Mrs. Yu\'s expression suddenly became solemn, and she said: "Today, with the help of the young master, I was able to temporarily eliminate the disaster of the earth fire. The slave family thanked the young master on behalf of Tianya Pavilion."

Shang Xia said with a faint smile: "Ma\'am, you don\'t have to be so polite, it\'s just that it\'s just a matter of time for the meeting."

At this moment, Madam Yu smiled wryly, and said: "My lord, do you know why there is a danger of earth fire erupting in this secret place?"

Shang Xia secretly said that it\'s coming!

In fact, since Mrs. Yu went to the eastern waters of Youzhou to meet him this time, he already knew that Mrs. Yu might have something else to ask.

"Shang is also curious. The secret realm where your faction is located was originally a dilapidated blessed land, so there shouldn\'t be a danger of fire."

Shang Xia naturally followed Madam Yu\'s words and continued this topic.

Mrs. Yu sighed slightly, and said: "This secret place was not obtained by Tianya Pavilion from the very beginning. When the sect moved into this secret place, the ground fire in the back mountain already existed. After the inspection by the seniors of the sect, it is only now. It turns out that the body of this secret realm rests on a submarine volcano."

"How could this be?" Shang Xia was surprised.

Madam Yu glanced at Shang Xia, and then said: "Senior Zongmen had two guesses, one is that this blessed land was destroyed by the eruption of a seabed volcano, and the other is that after the blessed land was destroyed, Falling by itself to the bottom of the ocean|volcano."

Shang Xia wondered: "Can\'t this secret place be moved away from the volcano?"

Madam Yu smiled bitterly: "After the damage to the body of the secret realm, it has already merged with the underground|volcano. Forcibly moving it will only make the whole secret realm more dilapidated. It is not certain whether this mysterious realm can be preserved."

Shang Xia suddenly understood, and said: "So the crater..."

The fish lady said: "That\'s the method that the ancestors of the sect came up with. After opening the crater, it can not only vent the lava inside the volcano, alleviate the danger of the seabed | volcanic eruption, but also use the fire of the underground lava to forge weapons. use."

Shang Xia nodded and said, "It\'s indeed the convenience of killing two birds with one stone."

Mrs. Yu sighed: "It\'s not working now. That underground volcano moves frequently. Even if there are some volcanoes venting, it\'s still a temporary solution, not the root cause. Moreover, my family has gone to the bottom of the sea several times to investigate. I\'m afraid it will happen sooner or later when it erupts." If you want to get closer, even if you get the help of the young master today, it will only be delayed for a year or two at most. After a year or two, once the seabed|volcano erupts, Tianya Pavilion will lose this secret place."

Shang Xia smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Madam has said so much, but is there a place where Shang can help?"

Madam Yu\'s expression turned serious, and said: "My family, I would like to ask you to help me, and pull the sect\'s secret place from the volcano!"

Shang Xia was startled when he heard the words, then he laughed dumbly and said: "Ma\'am, you are joking, none of the seniors in Tianya Pavilion has solved this matter, why can Madam be sure that Shang can do it?"