Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 756

When all Shang Xia\'s fifth-order talisman papers were about to be used up, he finally succeeded in making a "shifting talisman" whose effect was unknown.

However, the idea is rare, since Shang Xia is still immersed in this rare state, naturally he doesn\'t want to miss it.

But the problem before him is that the fifth-order talisman paper has been used up, and the fourth-order talisman paper is also used up. This strange state cannot be wasted on making third-order martial talismans, right?

With Shang Xia\'s current talisman-making attainments, what difference does it make to draw a third-order martial talisman without the blessing of the strange state brought by this kind of inspiration?

Is it possible to just watch this lingering state disappear?

A flash of inspiration flashed in Shang Xia\'s mind. He almost subconsciously stretched out his right index finger to make a pen, using the five elements\' original energy as ink, making the void in front of him paper, and just started to make talismans with his bare hands!

Because this was just an almost whimsical attempt, Shang Xia chose only a third-tier martial talisman from the beginning, and it was the "Thunderbolt Golden Spear Talisman" that was easier to make among the third-tier martial talismans!

Point your finger towards the void, and the Five Elements Gang Qi will flow out evenly and steadily from the fingertips, and with the sliding of Shang Xia\'s fingertips, it will leave clear and condensed traces.

In this way, three points are in the warrior\'s cultivation base, three points are in the control of the original stellar energy, and the remaining four are rooted in the special original source of the five elements of Shang Xia.

The rune drawn by the volley seems to be between reality and illusion, and the special source of qi can condense in mid-air until Shang Xia completes the complete "Thunderbolt Golden Gun Talisman" rune.

However, this lingering characteristic is ultimately derived from Shang Xia\'s exquisite control of the original qi, but it does not mean that it can be maintained for a long time!

The moment the "Thunderbolt Golden Gun Talisman" was completed, Shang Xia had already realized this, so he waved his sleeve and flicked forward!

This swipe didn\'t scatter the condensed talisman in the void, but activated this talisman of the void!

A golden gun of vitality entwined with thunderbolt and thunder, accompanied by the shriek caused by tearing the space, directly penetrated the secret room where Shang Xia was, and hit hard on the formation outside the secret room, making a loud bang. ring!

The "Thunderbolt Golden Spear Talisman" is effective, which means that the Void Talisman is actually feasible!

Even Shang Xia himself never imagined that just a sudden idea could be put into practice and succeeded at the first time!

Of course, drawing a third-order martial talisman out of the void with the source of the five elements\' qi is really not worth the candle.

And at this time, Shang Xia also vaguely sensed that the lingering inspiration seemed to be going away from him.

Without further ado, Shang Xia, regardless of the exhaustion of the energy in his body, once again used his fingers as a talisman to volley into the air, and this time he chose the first martial talisman "Golden Yang" that he made when he became a fourth-rank great talisman master. Fire Talisman"!

With the fingertips walking in front of the eyes, the five elements in the body surged out, turning into runes in the void and condensing them.

I don\'t know how long it took, but as Shang Xia finished the last rune in the air, the "Golden Sun Flame Talisman" was finally completed, but it seemed that it could last for a much shorter time than the previous third-order martial talisman !

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly realized that he was still in the secret room, and outside the secret room, there was a barrier between the inside and outside.

In desperation, Shang Xia had no choice but to wave his sleeves again to spread the Void Talisman as far as possible...

So after a louder noise than before exploded, not only Fu Tang, but almost half of the people in the academy all looked in the direction of Fu Tang after hearing it.

The secret room where Shang Xia was in was completely destroyed for the third time, this time it was completely reduced to ashes.

Even though there was a barrier outside the secret room, everyone could vaguely see a large area of ​​golden red glowing above the talisman hall.

At this time, Shang Xia could clearly perceive that the inspiration had been exhausted in him.

Although he only completed a third-tier and a fourth-tier martial talisman in the air, Shang Xia knew that he might have opened a new application method of martial talisman, and the most intuitive effect of this method was to directly improve the character of the talisman. The division\'s personal combat power and adaptability!

Of course, the premise of all of this is that someone must be able to master this ability to act as a void talisman.

As far as Shang Xia currently feels, this method of making talismans from the void is more difficult than making martial talismans of the same level on talisman paper!

Compared with the traditional martial talisman made of talisman paper carrying talisman patterns, the Void talisman Shang Xia tried is more difficult, and it will cause more damage to the talisman teacher in all aspects.

Shang Xia made fourth-order martial talismans with the cultivation base of the Five Elements Realm, and he could clearly perceive the consumption of vitality in his body and his own spirit, which made him feel tired for a while.

If it were someone else...

Of course, this method of making talismans in the void is not without advantages. It not only enriches the means of making talismans for talisman masters, but the key is that they can still make talismans according to the situation when the talisman teacher lacks talisman paper.


Shang Xia\'s originally slightly excited mood suddenly calmed down. Although this method of using void as a talisman is only in its infancy, there is still a lot of room for improvement, but even so, it is almost conceivable that for a long time in the future, this kind of The method of making talismans in the void is probably only a secret technique that only a few talisman masters are qualified to touch.

Looking at the surroundings that had turned into a white ground under the burning of the "Golden Sun Fire Talisman", Shang Xia sighed helplessly, and opened the already crumbling formation ban.

Outside of the formation ban, most of the talisman masters in the talisman hall had already arrived, and even Chu Jia from the talisman hall followed to watch the excitement.

The moment Shang Xia opened the barrier, everyone\'s eyes were a little dull looking at the empty ground behind him.

Chu Jia laughed and said, "Did you offend this talisman-making secret room in the hall of talisman? This secret room was built three times and you destroyed it three times."

Shang Xia had no choice but to smile bitterly: "I just realized a brand new way of making talismans, so I tried it out and accidentally burned the secret room down."

"A new way of making symbols?"

Chu Jia glanced at the talisman masters who looked curious and searching around him, then looked at Shang Xia again and said, "Your new talisman is ready?"

Shang Xia hesitated: "The talisman is made..."

Chu Jia said, "Then what\'s the problem?"

Shang Xia said: "This is a brand new fifth-order martial talisman. Therefore, it is not enough to just make this new talisman. It needs to be verified before it can be finally confirmed."

Chu Jia laughed and said, "That means you have gone through many failures and painstakingly made this new talisman, and now you have to use it to know the effect?"

Shang Xia said helplessly, "It\'s true."

"Trying a new talisman must be risky, right?"

"Indeed there are!"

"What danger?"

"Fall into the void, the secret room is in the turbulence of space, or it is torn apart by the power of the void..."

Chu Jia waved her hands, turned her head and walked away, smiling as she walked, "Then you should find a way to try this new talisman yourself, I think it\'s better to stay as far away from you as possible!"

Shang Xia watched Chu Jia leave, then turned his gaze back to the person in the hall of talisman, smacked his lips and said, "It\'s okay, let\'s leave, um, the third-order talisman master stays!"

Soon everyone in the talisman hall left one after another, leaving only seven third-tier talisman masters.

Shang Xia reopened the barrier behind him and said, "Just here, I have something to tell you."

After all, Shang Xia walked in first, and the others followed behind.

After the formation was closed again, without waiting for Shang Xia to speak, Lou Zizhang asked first: "The new talisman made by the great talisman master is related to whether a new talisman can be added to the fifth-order martial talisman of the talisman. Get someone to try out that fifth-order new talisman?"

Lou Zizhang and Fan Yuanhui are the two third-tier talisman masters with the highest cultivation, the most exquisite talisman making skills, and the deepest qualifications except for Shang Xia in the talisman hall. Now the entire talisman hall is headed by these two.

Shang Xia shook his head and said: "No, the new talisman I made may not be successful, and it may cost someone\'s life to try it out. It\'s best for me to do it myself."

All the talisman masters suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the words, and they all advised Shang Xia to act cautiously and not to take risks.

Shang Xia was agitated by everyone\'s gossip, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I have made up my mind, besides, I am a fifth-layer cultivation base, so even if there is something wrong with the new talisman, I can deal with it properly. Will you be able to find a fifth-order trial user?"

Seeing this, all the talisman masters had no choice but to keep their mouths shut, but they still secretly signaled with their eyes and expressions, obviously wanting to report the matter to the high-level of the academy, and to prevent people from Shang Xia from coming forward to stop it.

Shang Xia could naturally sense everyone\'s actions in private, but he didn\'t bother to say anything.

On the contrary, Fan Yuanhui was afraid that Shang Xia would stop everyone again, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "Just now I heard you talk to the great talisman master in the formation hall. When you were making talismans, you realized a brand new way of making talismans?"

Shang Xia snorted, and said, "That\'s right, I called you in this time to tell you about this brand new way of making talismans..."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia paused slightly, and said: "This method of making talismans is a bit difficult, and it needs to attract the power of the void, that is to say, this method of making talismans has a threshold requirement for the cultivation base of a talisman teacher, and must be in the fourth heaven. above."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia saw that five of the seven talisman masters in front of him had turned disappointed.

Shang Xia didn\'t care about it either, and continued: "I call this method of making talismans \'Void Talisman\', and you can also understand it as a talisman-making technique that doesn\'t use talisman paper."

Seeing the expressions of everyone looking at each other in dismay, Shang Xia immediately made a move, using his finger to mobilize the original power to make a talisman in the air in front of him, a third-order "clean and secluded water curtain" talisman pattern formed in front of his eyes, and as he stretched out his hand and pushed forward, a talisman A shield like a water curtain enveloped him.

Shang Xia waved his sleeves, and the third-order water curtain was punctured like a bubble. Just as he was about to say something, he found that the seven talisman masters in front of him were all stunned. .

"Really... really can we not use talisman paper?" Lou Zizhang murmured to himself.

"This is to arouse the power of the void, to print the original runes into the gap between the virtual and the real..., and the original vitality, the original vitality must be extremely concentrated. I am afraid that this requires the talisman master to control the original power to a certain extent. Row!"

While Fan Yuanhui was talking, there was a wry smile on his face.

He is very clear that although he has advanced to the fourth level, he does not have that kind of exquisite original control.

Besides, now that he is facing the bottleneck of an advanced master talisman master in the conventional talisman making technique, how can he have time to go to a brand new "void talisman making technique" in a blink of an eye?

On the contrary, Shang Xia glanced at Fan Yuanhui in surprise. He didn\'t expect him to have such a vision. Compared with Lou Zizhang, Fan Yuanhui was probably going to catch up from behind, and he was one step closer to becoming a fourth-rank great talisman master.

However, Shang Xia did not delve into this issue, but first passed on the inheritance of the "Void Talisman Technique" that he realized in detail to the seven third-tier talisman masters present.

Although this set of talisman-making techniques may not be used for a long time in the future for them, and they may even never be able to step into the lowest threshold of use, but it has to be said that this set of talisman-making techniques It can greatly enhance the combat power of the talisman master itself.