Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 751

If we say that the academy warriors headed by Mu Songfang, Shi Huai, Wang Shenglin and others are the tool people that Shang Xia was entrusted by Kou Chongxue to promote his martial arts philosophy in the academy and establish a system different from the current martial arts inheritance system. If it is true, then Hai Yuanyuan is the real disciple Shang Xia uses to pass on the mantle.

Because Hai Yuanyuan was taught by Shang Xia since she was a child, it can be said that she has completely inherited Shang Xia\'s own martial arts philosophy, not like Mu Songfang, Shi Huai, Wang Shenglin and others, who are always subject to the old martial arts ideas. influences.

Hai Yuanyuan has successfully advanced to the Martial Origin Realm soon after she entered the academy\'s outer dormitory to start the cultivation of the extraordinary path of martial arts, and Shang Xia called this realm "One Yuan Realm".

Because the little girl was influenced by Shang Xia since she was a child, she admired Shang Xia very much, and the martial arts she cultivated after she advanced to the One Yuan Realm was the same as Shang Xia\'s at the beginning. "Thunder Alchemy" successfully practiced the martial arts supernatural power "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand", and raised his cultivation level to the Great Perfection of the Unity Realm.

Not long after that, the little girl successfully advanced to the Liangyi realm, and the advanced potion she took was "Qingzhuo San", which was the same as Shang Xia\'s, and she also chose the same medicine when she was practicing the Liangyi realm martial arts. fencing.

After Hai Yuanyuan successfully entered the inner house, Shang Xia made a special trip to the sky, selected two pieces of meteorite iron and made a pair of low-grade sharp weapons from Qitang, and gave it to her as a gift on her birthday.

The little girl\'s swordsmanship talent is not bad. After receiving the pair of uneven swords from Shang Xia, she quickly mastered the comprehension of the long and short poles of the sword, and even vaguely began to transform the two extremes of the sword. Made it.

It was at this time that Shang Xia suddenly intervened to prevent the little girl from further improving her cultivation, but suggested that she also practice other bipolar sword intents in order to understand the meaning of Yin and Yang in a deeper level.

The little girl has always been very convinced of Shang Xiayi\'s master and father. After mastering the two poles of long and short swordsmanship, she also practiced the two poles of speed and speed, and soon entered the room again.

Now that Hai Yuanyuan has cultivated the long and short, fast and slow swords to perfection, and the students in the inner house will go overseas for training soon, Shang Xia finally no longer asks her to deliberately suppress her cultivation.

The little girl is also a smart person, and immediately asked: "Uncle, did you tell me not to blindly improve my cultivation because I have never experienced overseas training?"

Shang Xia said with a smile: "Since the Battle of the Two Realms merged into Youzhou, Youzhou as a whole has been peaceful in recent years. The so-called experience that you students in the third house have experienced in the past is nothing more than a little bit of knowledge. Only warriors who have truly experienced combat and completed sublimation in it can go further and have a deeper foundation in the future!"

The little girl nodded half understanding, and Shang Xia didn\'t explain too much when she saw this. There are some truths that can only be truly understood after personal experience.

Shang Xia looked at the uneven pair of swords in the little girl\'s hands, and asked with a smile: "This pair of swords is easy to use, do you want me to go to the Qitang to upgrade its quality to a middle-grade sharp weapon?"

The little girl quickly shook her head and said: "Uncle, there\'s no need. To have such a pair of low-grade sharp weapons, I don\'t know how many people are envious among my classmates in the academy. If you give me another pair of middle-grade sharp weapons, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to wait." Overseas, many people will be robbed."

Shang Xia laughed "haha" when he heard the words, and said, "I see who dares!"

Having said that, Shang Xia\'s suggestion of raising her weapons\' grade was just a joke, but the child\'s ability to realize that a pair of high-quality weapons was a disaster rather than a blessing to her still made him feel Very pleased.

But Shang Xia still took out two jade boxes and pushed them in front of her.

Hai Yuanyuan opened it and saw two stacks of martial talismans inside.

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A stack of second-tier martial talismans totaled eighteen cards of six types, and a stack of third-tier martial talismans totaled twelve cards of four types.

Seeing so many talismans, the little girl hurriedly pushed the jade box back, and said, "Uncle, there\'s no need, you have accumulated a lot of martial talismans for me in the past."

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Take it away, these are drawn by my uncle when he was practicing pens on weekdays. You can use them on your body for yourself or to help your classmates."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia had no choice but to smile bitterly: "I wanted to give you a few fourth-order martial talismans, but unfortunately, with your current cultivation, even if you have fourth-order talismans, you can\'t use them."

Hearing this, the little girl could only silently put away these martial talismans that were made by the fifth-level great talisman masters, even if they were low-level talisman talismans, many talisman masters in the talisman hall would be envious of them.

Next, the little girl asked for advice on the problems she had encountered in the recent period of cultivation. After Shang Xia answered these questions one by one, the two chatted for a while, and did not stop until Haimin greeted the uncle and nephew for dinner. down.

After dinner, Hai Yuanyuan returned to her room to continue working hard, while Shang Xia and Hai Min cleaned up the table and chairs.

"Is it dangerous for Yuanyuan to go overseas this time?" Haimin looked at Shang Xia seriously and asked.

Shang Xia took the packed bowls and chopsticks from her hand, smiled and whispered: "Don\'t worry, danger is inevitable, but it will definitely not really hurt her!"

"However, you can\'t tell her about this, otherwise the purpose of this experience will be in vain."

Hearing this, Haimin breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Of course I know that, why do you need to say it?"

Shang Xia hurriedly nodded and said, "I almost forgot, Sea Woman Xia was one of the famous \'Youyan Eighteen Riders\' back then!"

Haimin gave him a rare look, and said, "Don\'t make trouble, and be careful that the child hears it!"

Shang Xia glanced at the little girl\'s room with some lingering fear, and then said seriously: "By the way, although you haven\'t practiced very hard these years, but now your cultivation has reached the late third stage, do you plan to go further? Prepare to advance to the fourth heaven?"

Haimin glanced at him in a daze, thought for a while and said, "Let\'s go with the flow, I don\'t have too many thoughts on the journey of cultivation."

Shang Xia nodded, and said, "Understood, I will save a suitable Heaven and Earth Spirit Sha for you, try it someday if you think it\'s okay, as for the advanced potion..."

Hai Min interrupted: "You don\'t have to worry about advanced potions..."

After a pause, Haimin avoided his eyes and said, "My mother may come back from Jizhou in a while, and I\'ll discuss it with her then."

Shang Xia smiled and said, "Okay, I\'ll listen to you!"

Speechless all night, yet the nightingale sings softly...

The next morning, Shang Xia had breakfast early and was about to leave.

Haimin was a little surprised and said, "You want to go first? Have you gone to the academy without waiting for Yuanyuan?"

Shang Xia replied with a smile: "The people sent by the academy to Sanhe Island have returned, I need to go to the outer sky, Yuanyuan can go to the academy by herself today."

After all, Shang Xia disappeared into the small courtyard in a blink of an eye.

Hai Yuanyuan looked enviously at the place where Shang Xia disappeared.

Haimin smiled and said, "Silly boy, with your uncle\'s guidance, you will be able to go out and out of the sky like him sooner or later."

Hai Yuanyuan turned her head and asked Hai Min an irrelevant question: "Mother, do you think that Aunt Wei\'s Xiaozheng looks more and more like Uncle?"

"Wei Zheng?"

Haimin was slightly startled, and then realized the meaning hidden in her daughter\'s words, and scolded with a smile: "Little girl, what do you know? Stop thinking about it."

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, hurry to the academy, be careful you are late. "

Hai Yuanyuan made a face at her mother and hurried out of the courtyard.

Walking westward along the street in front of the small courtyard for tens of feet, I saw a somewhat familiar carriage parked in front of Wei Qiongyi\'s mansion.

Hai Yuanyuan turned her head and took a look in a little surprise, but just as she saw the door of the mansion opened, Wei Zheng ran out with a happy face and jumped into the carriage.

When the curtain of the carriage was lifted, Hai Yuanyuan caught a glimpse of the person in the carriage was Shang Xi, uncle Shang Xia\'s aunt.

"Aunt Xi, where will you take me to play today?"

"You little guy, didn\'t I tell you, don\'t call me aunt, but \'aunt\'."

"Hee hee, Aunt Xi, where are you going today?"

"Go outside the city. My aunt has a manor outside the city. I\'ll take you to see it today."

"Okay, okay, go outside the city..., but you must come back before dark, otherwise my mother will definitely be unhappy if she finds out."

"Do not worry……"

The carriage drove away soon after it started.

Hai Yuanyuan is already fifteen or sixteen years old, so naturally she already knows many things.

For example, Shang Xi is Shang Xia\'s aunt, and her own grandfather and Shang Xi are cousins, so Shang Xia\'s father should be cousins, that is to say, Shang Xia and her mother Haimin are actually cousins. Even as cousins, it was a little far away for her to call Shang Xia "cousin".

However, due to the reasons of the older generation, Haimin\'s mother and son have always kept a distance from the Shang family. Even after Shang Pei returned to the family, Haimin\'s mother and son had little relationship with other Shang clan members except for their relationship with Shang Xia. walk around.


On the dome outside the sky, Shang Xia did not pass through Tongyou Blessed Land, and his figure appeared directly outside the pavilion.

Since the opening of the Sanhe Island Trade Fair, except for the suspension due to the great war three years ago, it has never been affected again. More and more people are flocking to Sanhe Island.

The origin of the name Sanhe Island was originally held by the three major Dongtian sects in the Cangsheng Realm. Although the Cangsheng Realm already has the fourth largest Dongtian sect, the name of Sanhe Island has not changed. The three fifth-rank warriors in Hedao have now become four.

Except for these four fifth-level fighters from the four major cave sects, no other fifth-level masters in the Cangsheng Realm are allowed to go to the island.

This time, the leader who led the warriors from Tongyou Academy to Sanhe Island to participate in the trade fair was Bu Jingshuang, who is now the only elder in the entire Tongyou Academy who is contemporaneous with Kou Chongxue. He was caught up or surpassed by Sun Haiwei, Chu Jia and other younger generations, but still has a very high reputation in the entire academy.

"Nowadays, the transactions of various Yuangang essences are becoming less and less common."

The moment he saw Shang Xia appear, Bu Jingshuang shook his head and sighed.

When Shang Xia heard this, the little expectation that had just arisen in his heart was extinguished in an instant.

The real peak period of the Yuangang essence and even the Tiandi Yuangang transaction was actually one or two years after the great war three years ago.

At that time, the major sects and the fifth-level masters actively traded inside and outside Sanhe Island in order to exchange the Yuan Gang essence and heaven and earth Yuan Gang suitable for their own sects or themselves.

And Tongyou College and Shang Xia also seized that opportunity, and traded out the essence of Yuan Gang that was not related to the five elements and the Yuan Gang of heaven and earth as much as possible.

The second natal Yuangang refined by Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo, and the essence of the ten kinds of Eryuangang raised by Shang Xia, totaling 20 copies, were obtained from this.