Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 746

In order to resist the invasion of the Lingyu Realm, the warriors from the two realms waged a battle in this starry sky, and finally smashed the 30,000-mile starry sky into pieces.

Although the war has ended now, the 30,000-mile starry sky has become a difficult place for ordinary people to gain a foothold in. Even a fifth-order warrior would not dare to go deep into this place full of void cracks, space faults, and void turbulence.

Not only that, because there is still a lingering aftertaste of confrontation at the sixth level in this void, resulting in the tendency of this broken void to spread outward.

In order to prevent this shattered void from finally spreading to the outer sky, and also to prevent all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures trapped in this void from dissipating, the four sixth-order beings of the four major Dongtian sects finally chose to join forces. Seal this void.

"In this battle between the two worlds, more than forty fifth-level masters died on both sides. In addition to the loss of the incarnation of Yuangang, the total number of Yuangang in all kinds of heaven and earth alone may have exceeded a hundred. However, during the course of the battle, These days, Yuangang has been scattered and turned into Yuangang essence, so if there is such a single round of Yuangang essence, the number may be thousands!"

"Among them, the fighters from the Lingyu world must have collected and taken away a small part when they evacuated, and the number of fighters from the two realms must have converged more than the warriors from the Lingyu world who evacuated in a hurry, but I am afraid that those who were lost in this chaotic void It\'s about half."

Kou Chongxue explained to Shang Bo and Shang Xia group Sun the reason why this void was banned, and said: "The essence of the Yuangang that is involved in the turbulent flow of the void is the sixth-order existence that wants to be stripped out of it. This is an extremely cumbersome matter, we can only wait for the turbulent flow of the void in the ban to subside gradually, and perhaps the essence of Yuan Gang overflowing from within will condense into a complete Yuan Gang of heaven and earth by itself."

Shang Bo thought for a while, and said: "Ten, nearly a hundred heaven and earth yuangangs, this is not a small amount. It seems that the four major sects\' move is also to show the major sects that they have no intention of monopolizing it."

Kou Chongxue nodded and said: "I have already received information from the Yuanchen Sect. After rough calculations by the four sixth-order patriarchs, the 30,000 miles of void can be calmed for 3,000 miles from the periphery every 20 years. It will also shrink inward by two thousand miles, but the major sects participating in the war are also qualified to send fourth-order masters under their sects to take the opportunity to find the scattered heaven and earth Yuangang or Yuangang essence. In this way, the sects of all parties have entered the interior fifteen times until the chaotic void finally subsides and the ban is completely lifted after three hundred years."

Shangbo heard the words and said with a smile: "In other words, this void will become a place of opportunity for the younger generation\'s children? I never thought that such a place where both opportunities and risks exist is created by us. Presumably in the future, my deeds will be widely spread with the existence of this void ban, and eventually become the legend of this world.

Say. "

Shang Xia curled her lips and said, "You can only enter once in twenty years, and it is also specified that only warriors in the Wusha Realm can enter. Doesn\'t it make it clear that you want to cut off my chance?"

It has been less than twenty years since Shang Xia stepped into the extraordinary realm of martial arts.

Twenty years later, the things in this forbidden void are probably useless to him.

Kou Chongxue and Shang Bo looked at each other and smiled, and Shang Bo said with a smile: "For ordinary people, it is rare to be able to wait for an opportunity to advance to the Fifth Heaven in twenty years! Even after reaching the Fifth Heaven , It is also extremely rare to be able to practice a natal Yuangang in twenty years. Your personal situation is special, so don\'t compare your own experience with other human beings."

Shang Xia curled her lips and said, "Just think you\'re praising me, my grandson."

Kou Chongxue also said: "Those who can survive this battle will gain something to some extent. Even if they lose the incarnation of Yuangang, it will take time to retrain their original Yuangang to recover."

Shang Xia still said unwillingly: "Those who died in this void left behind more than the essence of Yuan Gang!"

Kou Chongxue and Shang Bo couldn\'t help laughing. The three of them had already arrived outside the outer sky vault at this time, and most of the remaining fifth-level masters who survived were also wandering inside and outside the outer sky vault at this time.

At this time, all warriors in this dimension world who could sense the origin of heaven and earth all sensed a sigh-like sound.

A feeling of frustration suddenly rose from the hearts of all warriors who could sense that dark voice, just like the feeling that after hard work and initial hope, the final result was a failure.

At the same time, these warriors were all enlightened: After the two realms of Cangyu and Cangling were merged into one, and with the help of the essence of the world looted from Manyu Continent, the new world of the new plane was impacting the soul. In the process of the world, it still fell short in the end!

Although this result had already been expected by the high-level warriors of the major holy land sects, the fundamental reason why the sects did not hesitate to consume the foundation of this new world was the fourth Dongtian sect. .

But when the entire world finally failed, many Tier 4 warriors living in this world couldn\'t help feeling sad, and some people with weaker or purer hearts couldn\'t help but speak up for no reason. cry.

Even among the fifth-order warriors outside the outer sky and the outer sky in most of the world at this time, most of them showed sadness, and some sighed and felt guilty.

The three fifth-rank warriors from Tongyou Academy stopped for a while in the void outside the sky,

Kou Chongxue sighed: "In the future, the warriors in this world may be the primary purpose of promoting the spiritual world. Otherwise, under the backlash of the world\'s original will, not to mention the Yuanchen sect, all the sects that originally sent the original essence to Xiangyang Fudi will count as one." They all have to eat and hang up."

Kou Chongxue was puzzled: "But when the Lingyu Realm invaded, could it be that the original will of the world is willing to be swallowed up by another world?"

Shang Bo said with a wry smile: "This battle was fought outside the sky, and we are defending against the enemy outside the country. The original will of the world may not recognize this."

"I feel a little bit wronged!"

Shang Xia muttered, but didn\'t ask any more questions like "Why don\'t you just let the original will of the world feel the danger of being annexed by another world".

Not to mention that before the war, the warriors of the original two worlds themselves were not very sure of being able to block the invasion of the Lingyu world. If we really want to put the battlefield in the outer sky, even if we can resist it, I am afraid that the entire plane world will be destroyed. Sometimes the loss will only be greater.

Now at least before the backlash of the world\'s original will, the major holy land sects still have some room for maneuver for a while, that is what Kou Chongxue said before, to speed up the promotion from the plane world to the spirit world in a short time!

Only in this way, the major holy land sects will not only be able to get rid of the backlash of the world\'s original will, but may also be blessed by misfortune.

"Let\'s go, it\'s time to go back!"

Kou Chongxue\'s eyes were piercing, and he didn\'t know what kind of thoughts were churning in his heart.

Shang Bo\'s grandson and grandson followed him back to the outer sky.

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly let out a "hey" and said, "It has been almost two years since the origin of the two realms became one and the void barriers in the two realms disappeared."

Kou Chongxue pointed out: "In the future, you will feel more and more what time means to us!"

The fifth-order masters of the major holy land sects also returned at this time.

And that sense of darkness originating from the original will of the world strikes again, and this time there is only one word for all warriors who can perceive its existence: "Sheng!"

Shang Xia was puzzled and said, "What is the meaning of this? Could it be that the original will of this world is also urging us to help her advance to the spirit world as soon as possible?"

Kou Chongxue said: "No, this is the name spontaneously generated by the original will of this newly born plane world. \'Ascension\' means \'Cangsheng Realm\'!"

"Is that right?"

Shang Xia was skeptical, and he was more willing to believe that the reason why the original will of the world took the word "upgrade" was to express his unwillingness after failing to advance to the spiritual world.

However, this idea only existed in his mind for a moment, and soon Shang Xia began to think about his plans for the next period of time.