Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 742

"You\'re creating a fifth-order exercise yourself? That\'s not an easy task!" Luo Baixu said in surprise.

Not only Luo Baixu, but also Shen Baisong and Yin Wanxiang looked at Shang Xia in surprise after hearing it. Only Shang Bo knew about it and just smiled.

Shen Baisong was puzzled and said: "Master Kou Shan must have passed down the fifth-order kung fu, and with Kou Shan\'s supernatural power, his kung fu inheritance must be good in the fifth-heaven inheritance, you can definitely pass it on top of this It can be improved as long as it fits with oneself, so why bother to create your own exercises?"

What Shen Baisong said is actually the way most fifth-level martial artists choose to inherit the fifth-level skills.

It is very difficult to create your own exercises. It does not mean that you will be able to create them if you have the time and energy.

Perhaps a lot of time, energy, and resources have been spent to create a kung fu system that is not suitable for oneself. Even if it is suitable, the kung fu itself is not a superior kung fu.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Kou Chongxue is a first-rate figure in this world, and his self-created Five Heavenly Layer Kung Fu is one of the most advanced kung fu systems. If you improve on the foundation of the method, is it possible that your self-created method is better than Kou Chongxue\'s?

As a matter of fact, the martial arts skills practiced by the other two five-level masters of Tongyou College, Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo, are all improved on the basis of the martial arts skills created by Kou Chongxue, making them more adaptable. own skills.

Shang Xia shook his head and smiled wryly: "The younger generation has its own concept of martial arts, which does not match the inheritance system of martial arts created by Kou Shanchang, so the younger generation is also helpless, and can only spend some stupid effort to figure out the martial arts by itself."

As soon as Shang Xia finished speaking, Luo Baixu, Yin Wanxiang and others were shocked again.

Shang Xia\'s daring to say "his own martial arts concept" in itself shows that the martial arts path he took is a route completely different from Kou Chongxue\'s and Tongyou Academy\'s inheritance system.

what does this mean?

Now that Shang Xia has successfully advanced to the fifth level, it means that Tongyou Academy now has two complete inheritance systems from the original Wuyuan realm to the Wugang realm!

You must know that the recognized Martial Dao Holy Land of the Changbai School has hundreds of years of inheritance, and it has only fully mastered two inheritance systems that can go directly to the fifth heaven until today.

That is to say, in terms of martial arts inheritance system, Tongyou Academy itself is not far behind Changbai School.

Compared to the astonishment of Luo Baixu and Shen Baisong, Yin Wanxiang on the side could only shake his head and smile wryly.

Although he succeeded in being promoted to the fifth level, he also found out a direct inheritance system to the fifth level.

But he knew in his heart that there were too many chances and coincidences in his own martial arts path, and it was almost impossible for others to copy the martial arts path he had traveled.

It is still a long way to go if the Wushan League wants to truly have its own inheritance system that leads directly to the Wugang Realm.

Shen Baisong also asked with a tentative mind: "But that will inevitably involve the improvement of your own cultivation."

Shang Xia let out an "oh" and said indifferently: "Actually, it\'s nothing. The overall framework of my fifth-order exercise has been successfully constructed, and the most difficult stage has been completed. Now it\'s just a matter of further improvement and perfection."

Shen Baisong felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that, didn\'t he just say that creating his own exercises would involve a lot of time and energy for the warrior?

How come in a blink of an eye, everyone has completed the fifth-order kung fu?

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The overall framework of the law?

By the way, how long has it been since the grandson of the deputy head of the Tongyou Academy advanced to the fifth level genius?

It seems that it is only a little bit better than what I made... that\'s all!

Shen Baisong was a little reconciled. He wanted to ask how far Shang Xia had shortened the Zhoutian transfer cycle of his self-created exercises, but he also thought that this had already involved the secret of his personal practice. When he was hesitating, he suddenly It felt like Luo Baixu\'s hand was pressing on his shoulder.

Shen Baisong looked back, but saw Luo Baixu gave him a veiled look, then looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I can\'t stay here anymore, everyone stay here, please take care of Junior Brother Shen!"

Unlike other people who are all at the first level of the fifth level, even if Shang Bo advanced to the Martial Gang Realm, it took only three or two years. Luo Baixu is a senior fifth-level master at the third level of the fifth level, so naturally he cannot compete with other people. People generally hide in the rear to repair.

After Luo Baixu left, the remaining four men rested on the spot for a while, and they couldn\'t stay behind to paddle anymore, so they took the initiative to block the gap to besiege the warriors of Lingyu Realm on the outside.

During this process, Shen Baisong used some secret means of communication to find Yi Jingzi from Tianxing Palace again, and the five of them once again formed a complete joint attack formation, at least they also had the ability to repel a fifth-order third With the strength of their own masters at the top level, they once again have some confidence.

At this time, under the cover of several masters of the Lingyu world, the warriors of the Lingyu world began to evacuate in an orderly manner relying on the only two remaining void passages.

The original warriors from the two realms originally organized an assault to re-disturb the battle situation, thereby leaving more warriors from the Lingyu realm.

I never thought that this time, the Lingyu Realm side had been prepared for a long time. The life-saving items that were originally used to press the bottom of the box were smashed down, but it caused a big loss for the original two-world warriors, and lost two seniors all at once. The masters of the five heavens and others also consumed a few Yuangang incarnations, allowing the warriors in the Lingyu world to strive for a more calm evacuation situation.

From time to time, mysterious lights flickered in front of the only two remaining void passages, and the Lingyu Realm had sent seven or eight warriors back one after another.

Most of those people had been killed in the previous battle with the incarnation of Yuangang, and their cultivation bases fell to the first level of the fifth heaven, or barely maintained the second level of cultivation, and their deities were mostly severely injured. people.

These people\'s own combat power is limited, even if they leave first, it will have little impact on the battle situation in Lingyu Realm, and if they can find a suitable Tiandi Yuangang in the future, these people can quickly recover their cultivation base and combat power.

In fact, not only the Lingyu Realm side, but also many warriors from the original two realms who fell to the first level of the fifth heaven after the Yuangang incarnation was killed, and they were even more embarrassed than the Lingyu Realm side.

In all fairness, the Lingyu Realm side has been outnumbered from the beginning to the end, and their fifth-rank warriors are actually superior to the same-rank warriors from the original two realms in terms of combat power.

Of course, individual fifth-level masters have their particularities and cannot be treated as the same.

Moreover, the Lingyu Realm is withdrawing as a whole at this time, and the warriors from the two original realms are the ones actively attacking. Those whose cultivation has fallen can calmly join forces to form a joint attack again to put pressure on the Lingyu Realm as a whole.

However, because the two void passages are used as the back road, the warriors of Lingyu Realm still calmly resist the overall impact of the original two realms of warriors, and compared to sending warriors here from Lingyu Realm, when these people return through the void passage , it seems to be much easier, at least in terms of speed.

At this time, someone from the side of the former warriors from the two realms suddenly shouted and asked

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: "Two void passages count as four escaped at once, so who will be the last four?"

This obviously shows that more and more fighters in the Lingyu world are retreating, but their own side has been unable to make achievements for a long time, and some people are going to use an offensive strategy.

The several masters of the Lingyu world who intercepted in front of everyone belonged to the senior fifth-order warriors, and most of them were above the fifth-order fourth floor.

If there are eight such people who are behind, they may still be able to persist for one or two under the siege of the original two-world warriors, but if the last four are left, the original two-world warriors can\'t deal with it, then Cang Yu, Cang Yu The new world after the spiritual world is unified should be destroyed.

However, in the face of such critical questions, the masters behind Lingyu Realm remained unmoved, guarding the situation in front of them tightly, not letting any master from the two realms pass by easily.

The former warriors of the two worlds soon realized that the masters in the Lingyu world who took the initiative to stay behind must have special means of escape.

But it\'s not impossible to think about it. Most of these people\'s cultivation bases are above the fifth and fourth floors. Such masters can\'t be given up at will even in the Lingyu world. Otherwise, how could these people be willing to stay? After coming down?

After trying to understand this point, the attacks of the warriors from the original two realms became more and more rapid, and everyone realized that they definitely couldn\'t lead the warriors from the Lingyu realm to escape so easily.

Even Shang Xia and other warriors at the first level of the fifth level began to boldly continue to approach after forming a combined attack formation.

And after the original warriors from the two realms stepped up their offensive, those masters from the Lingyu realm had to retreat, and three or four masters had no choice but to get rid of their Yuangang incarnation in the process.

It was at this time that a loud shout suddenly came from the depths of the starry sky behind everyone.

Before everyone turned their heads to look around, they saw a sword beam passing over their heads.

The warriors from the original two worlds would not stop them, but even if the masters from the Lingyu world wanted to block them, they would not be able to do so after the opponent intensified their attacks. They could only watch the sword light leap through the air, and then Under the eyes of everyone, it bombarded one of the void passages that broke through the glazed barrier.

Kou Chongxue used one against two, and after enclosing two masters of the Lingyu world who were comparable to him with his sword power, he was able to spare time to slash such a sword in the air. Where is the limit of this person\'s combat power?

This is almost an unstoppable thought in everyone\'s mind after seeing that sword light.

Then another thought came up, the void channel is the means of the sixth-level existence in the Lingyu world, can Kou Chongxue\'s sword work?

On the glazed barrier in the distance, the void passage that was slashed by the sword light just swayed, and soon stabilized again.

Kou Chongxue\'s sword just now didn\'t seem to have any effect, it just delayed the departure of the two martial artists from the Lingyu world for a moment.

Sure enough, it still can\'t?

After seeing that sword return in vain, the original warriors of the two realms felt regretful, but also somewhat fortunate.

However, before everyone recalled their complex emotions, they saw the void above their heads being traversed by a sword light again.

Kou Chongxue was able to strike a second sword? !

Should this mean that Kou Chongxue was beyond his control, or should it be said that the two masters in the Lingyu world who blocked him were too useless?

However, everyone was speechless soon, and the second sword hit the void passage that penetrated the glazed barrier again. After shaking for a while, this passage actually began to collapse from the inside...