Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 733

Without the help of his companions, it is impossible for the martial artist surnamed Xie in Lingyu Realm to defeat the combined attack in front of him.

Even after a period of fighting, under the siege of the crowd, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

However, in this way, although the martial artist surnamed Xie wanted to be the key to breaking the situation at first, so as to be appreciated by the high-level forces in the Lingyu world, it also made him calm down again, and returned to the original reason for the invasion of the Lingyu world. Come with a plan.

According to the original plan of the Lingyu Realm, these fifth-level masters who rushed to the battle in advance were originally just to delay the time, so that more power from the world could be put in, and finally completed the crushing with grandeur.

At first, the two martial artists surnamed Xie only saw that in order to surround the two of them, this world even used the newly promoted warriors of the Fifth Heaven. Gong mind.

Now the warrior surnamed Xie is focused on delaying time, even if he is besieged and puts him at a disadvantage, he is not in a hurry, defending his position extremely tightly, making Shen Baisong and the others helpless for a while.

However, with the astonishment of beheading a fifth-order second-tier Lingyu world warrior in one fell swoop, the combined attack formation where Shang Xia and others are located has long been regarded as overfulfilling the task, and now it is trapping a senior fifth-level warrior. The masters of the sky, others can no longer ask too much of them.

Moreover, in fact, not many people were optimistic about their formation from the beginning, so naturally they would not ask too much of them.

Shang Xia was able to control the large-scale source flood back when he was promoted to Youfu Land before, and now it is easy to sort out the source qi of several warriors of the same level.

But at this time, most of his energy is on the transformation of different kinds of original qi. He needs to use this specific process of the evolution of the five elements to further deepen his understanding of the concept of the five elements, as well as to perfect his self-created invisible Gongfa system.

And during this process, Shang Xia did not forget to draw out a ray of original stellar energy to refine the Tongyang Needle in his palm, so as to draw part of the energy of the warrior surnamed Xie.

Although Shang Xia and the others have gained the upper hand, the situation of besieging the warrior surnamed Xie has actually reached a stalemate. When the two sides have exhausted their means, it will depend on who has the deeper accumulation if the fight continues. Whose heritage is longer...

As a joint attack behind everyone, Shang Xia, who did not participate in the face-to-face siege against the warriors in the Lingyu world, has more time to watch the battle in this blocked starry sky at this time.

At this time, the fifth wave of Wuzhongtian masters sent here by Lingyu Realm through three void passages has reached the fifth wave, and this wave is another six people breaking in.

However, at this time, among the three combined attack formations that came forward to block them, there were two unresolved alien masters who were being besieged.

Six masters from the Lingyu world broke in, and one of the joint attack formations was broken up by the internal and external cooperation on the spot, and they fell into a situation where they were fighting on their own.

Fortunately, although the formation is scattered, they still have the advantage in numbers. Even if they are beaten into a mess by three masters from other worlds, they can barely entangle them, so as not to cause the whole situation to collapse.

But in this situation, how long can one\'s own side last?

Shang Xia couldn\'t help worrying, and then secretly spread the perception of divine will. Although greatly affected by the war, he was barely able to detect a thing or two, and soon discovered that Shang Bo\'s joint attack was still being maintained, and Shang Bo himself was also He was fine, which finally made him feel relieved.

Until this time, Lingyu Realm has sent five batches of twenty-five fifth-level masters into this sealed starry sky through three void passages, and none of them has a cultivation level below the second level of the fifth level.

Although Cang Yu and Cang Ling organized nine joint attack formations and gathered a total of forty-five fifth-level masters, their cultivation levels were uneven.

Fortunately, in the end, they still have the advantage in numbers, and with the simple combined attack formation in hand, they still have the advantage in the situation so far.

In the first wave of the Lingyu Realm, the three warriors who were all above the fifth and fourth level of cultivation, two of them were damaged in battle, and the remaining one was also defeated by several Yuangang incarnations, and now they are just lingering.

The second wave of four fifth-tier masters has also lost two of them.

The third group of six fifth-tier masters also only lost two people in battle.

The fourth wave of six fifth-level masters that Shang Xia and the others faced also only achieved the result of killing two people, and one of them actually came from the joint attack formation where Shang Xia and others were.

But now the fifth wave of six fifth-tier masters has entered, making it more difficult to maintain the combined attack formation. Naturally, our side has not yet achieved any results, but instead lost two fifth-tier masters all at once.

In addition, in the course of the previous battle, two people died together under the desperate attack of the opponent, and the fifth-level masters of Cang Yu and Cang Ling also lost three people in the battle.

In fact, it is not only people who are damaged by both parties.

It is hard to kill a fifth-level master, but it is even harder to kill a warrior who has refined many kinds of natal Yuan Gang.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, it seems that only eight people were lost in the Lingyu Realm, and three people were lost in the Cangyu and Cangling Realms. There will be more, and the cultivation base of many people will fall again and again.

However, after the side of Lingyu Realm sent twenty-five fifth-tier masters to rush into the formation, the movement in the three void passages suddenly subsided, and no other masters broke in from it. It looked like Lingyu The world side has also exhausted itself.

However, as a plane world above the Cang Realm, Lingyu Realm has more than that in its strength and heritage?

You must know that both the Cangyu and Cangling worlds can barely gather more than forty fifth-level warriors under the threat of the entire plane world being encroached on, and how can the warriors from the Lingyu world want to annex a large Cangjie now? Allocate so many manpower?

Others don\'t make much guesses, just looking at the warriors in the Lingyu world who broke into the blocked starry sky this time, no one\'s cultivation base is below the second level of the fifth level, which is enough to prove their background and strength.

It is precisely because of the higher average cultivation level and stronger strength of the warriors in the Lingyu world that they can still survive the combined attack of the Cangyu and Cangling worlds even when they are outnumbered.

However, as the movement in the three void passages subsided longer, the warriors of the two worlds not only did not feel lucky in their hearts, but the sense of crisis that originated from instinct became more and more heavy.

At this time, not only Shang Xia, but almost all warriors from the two worlds have realized that when the warriors from the Lingyu world reappear, it may be the moment when the real decisive victory will come.

Everyone looked at the three void passages that broke through the glazed barrier from time to time.

Outside the glazed barrier, boundless profound light still surged from the depths of the starry sky, continuously exerting pressure on the three sixth-level beings, leaving them no time to care about others.

And just when everyone\'s attention was already attracted by the three void passages after the battle, there was another burst of infinite mysterious light gushing out from the depths of the starry sky, forming an unprecedented tide like a tsunami. It crossed the starry sky and hit the glass barrier.


A crack resounded in the ears of every fifth-rank martial artist, and at the same time resounded in the heart of every martial artist!

A certain part of the glazed barrier shattered again, and was quickly infiltrated, expanded, and maintained by the surging mysterious light. After several times of expansion and contraction, it finally stabilized, forming the fourth void channel!

The hearts of all the warriors from Cangyu and Cangling worlds sank, and a feeling of imminent disaster lingered in everyone\'s hearts instantly.

On the contrary, the morale of the more than ten Lingyu world masters who were struggling to support them was soaring at this moment, and some people even took advantage of the situation to break out from the siege of the joint attack in one fell swoop.

The warrior surnamed Xie, who was being besieged by Shang Xia and others, also suddenly chose to explode at this time. This person even stripped off an avatar of Yuangang as a cover in an instant, and broke through in two directions with the deity.

Gong Xinlan and the others were originally uneasy because of the change of the glazed barrier. At this time, they were attacked by the warrior surnamed Xie with all their strength. Gong Xinlan and Yi Jingzi made a mistake in their judgment at the first time, and went straight to the place. Gu Yuangang went incarnation.

Shen Baisong and Mrs. Yu alone, even with Shang Xia\'s increase in the source of energy, it is absolutely difficult to withstand the impact of the martial artist surnamed Xie, not to mention that Mrs. Yu\'s two water sleeves were torn, and her own combat power There is already a discount.

Sure enough, after both sides put all their strength into a head-on blow in a no-frills way, Shen Baisong\'s energy in his body was scattered, and the wooden ruler in his hand couldn\'t hold it and flew out directly. On the other side, Mrs. Fish Then he sprayed blood directly from his mouth, and was severely injured in one fell swoop.

On the other side, the martial artist surnamed Xie himself was shaken by the joint blow of the two people in front of him because his strength dropped after stripping off the avatar of Yuangang. Unobstructed.

"Ha ha……"

The warrior surnamed Xie laughed wildly, and was about to step out of the encircled formation, at the same time he shook his hand and grabbed behind him, intending to take back the stripped Yuan Gang avatar.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his face changed slightly, and he lost the connection with this incarnation of Yuan Gang in an instant in his perception.

It\'s that Tongyang Needle!

The martial artist surnamed Xie was not a fool, so he had already been prepared for Shang Xia\'s Tongyang Needle, but his defense method was on his own body, not the Yuangang incarnation.

What\'s more, how could a warrior surnamed Xie have thought that Shang Xia would use that deadly trump card on an incarnation of Yuangang?

You must know that Shang Xia has been staying behind the other four as an assistant, and has never personally participated in the battle. He originally had enough opportunities to distinguish the difference between the deity and the incarnation of Yuan Gang, let alone making such an obvious mistake.

But in fact, it seems that Shang Xia has really committed a stupidity!

Although the martial artist surnamed Xie felt regretful that he had lost a Yuan Gang incarnation in vain, but at this time the encirclement of the formation had been broken after all, he broke out and was right in front of him, and then he could return to calmly deal with these people in front of him.

However, when he stepped out to the edge of the encirclement, he suddenly found that there was an extra person in front of him at some point, and this person was the one who had been hiding behind and did not dare to fight with others, but only with A young warrior who sneaks up with a hidden weapon!

It\'s just that this person has an extra knife in his hand at this time, a broken knife with the tip of the knife broken off!

The strange and gorgeous multicolored radiance wrapped around the blade, and as Linyuan Dao slashed down, it instantly turned into a multicolored saber aura, cutting the void in front of him neatly, and appearing directly above the head of the warrior surnamed Xie.

Divine weapon, this is a broken divine weapon!

The protective qi is melting rapidly, the front road has been blocked, the void on both sides is squeezed by the broken space, there is no way to escape, except to go backward...

If you go backwards, wouldn\'t you still fall into the encirclement of everyone, and lose an incarnation of Yuangang in vain?

The warrior surnamed Xie had countless thoughts in his mind in an instant, and finally his expression turned into determination. He took half a step forward to meet the broken sword of the divine soldier and the strange multicolored sword light, and raised a short fork that was neither gold nor jade with both hands. In mid-air.


Another head-to-head collision without any fancy tricks.

The martial artist surnamed Xie suddenly felt his arms loosen suddenly, and felt bad in his heart. He no longer cared about whether he could break through the encirclement, so he leaned back and retreated quickly.

Although he evaded in time enough, when the saber qi approached his body, the protective qi was cut open, a line of blood stretched directly from his chin to the chest and abdomen, and the blood gushed out, almost opening him up broken belly.

When the martial artist surnamed Xie was terrified, he subconsciously reached out to touch a few acupuncture points between his chest and abdomen to stop the bleeding, only then did he realize that both hands were still holding a part of the short fork.

The short fork was cut off by the Linyuan knife in Shang Xia\'s hand just when it was being used to block.

Thanks to the short fork that slightly blocked Shang Xia\'s saber, the warrior surnamed Xie retreated in time to avoid the edge of the Linyuan knife, and was only injured by the saber energy, otherwise, the warrior surnamed Xie would not have been able to say It is necessary to lose another Yuangang incarnation to avoid death.

But even so, the martial artist surnamed Xie was forced back into the encirclement by Shang Xia after all.

Seeing this, Gong Xinlan and Yi Jingzi didn\'t care about the embarrassment of being confused by Yuan Gang\'s incarnation just because of distraction, they hurried forward and besieged the warrior surnamed Xie with all their strength, not giving him any chance to recover from his injuries.

Shen Baisong and Mrs. Yu also ignored their injuries, and hurried forward to cooperate with Gong and Yi\'s offensive, encircling the warrior surnamed Xie again.

However, after Shang Xia slashed out with all his strength unexpectedly, he sighed and shook his head, and seemed to be very dissatisfied and retreated back behind everyone.

If he had a fifth-order martial skill in hand, Shang Xia\'s knife just now could at least make the martial artist in the Lingyu world pay the price of an incarnation of Yuangang again!

There is also the Linyuan knife in his hand, Shang Xia found helplessly that this section of the magic weapon does not seem to be easy for him to use the true power of the five elements!


The second change, asking for a monthly pass!