Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 719

Although Yunlu\'s cultivation level is higher than Shang Xia\'s, but when Yunlu crosses the state to attack, and Shang Xia himself occupies a favorable location, he is sure to block the opponent\'s offensive by only defending but not attacking.

But now Yunlu has a magic weapon in his hands!

Shang Xia also has divine weapons in his hands, although the Linyuan knife itself is damaged.

However, it is precisely because of having a magic weapon in hand that Shang Xia can truly appreciate the true meaning of a magic weapon to a fifth-level heavenly warrior.

Divine weapons, only in the hands of fifth-rank warriors can truly display their hidden power!

In the past, when Shang Xia was in the Fourth Heaven, Linyuan Dao was only a better weapon than a high-grade sharp weapon in his hands.

Yunlu made a decision for Shang Xia with his own actions.

In Tongyou Blessed Land, Chu Jia was notified by Shang Xia to sacrifice the spirit gourd in his hand, and at the same time looked expectantly at the Qianye Mountains.

In the territory of Jizhou at the southern foot of the Qianye Mountains, Yunluzhou\'s aura had accumulated to its peak. At this moment, he was seen holding the deer-headed staff tightly with both hands, and thrusting it down into the void in front of him.

With a sound of "Du", the void under his feet made a muffled sound as if there was substance, and large space ripples spread towards the surroundings like water waves.

And the deer-head divine staff held tightly in front of him with both hands, but because Yunlu poured a lot of his own life energy, the deer head on the staff seemed to come alive as if it had a spirituality.

As the cloud deer continued to inject the true energy of life into the magic weapon deer head staff, a deer head completely condensed from the phantom of Yuan Gang broke free from the staff head, and gradually condensed the neck, body, and limbs. Turned into a complete Yuangang Divine Deer.

Hearing this Yuangang Divine Deer with its towering antlers suddenly let out a long cry of "Yo Yo", its limbs gathered strength and jumped in the direction of the Qianye Mountains, and disappeared into the void immediately.

Almost just a few breaths later, a divine deer condensed entirely from the natal Yuangang suddenly jumped out of the sky above Youzhou. Hundred feet of behemoth.

Although this giant deer is still extremely small compared to the area of ​​Tongyou Lu Island with a radius of seven to eight hundred or even nearly a thousand miles, when the giant deer lowered its head in the void and rushed towards the land island that was about to fall into the sea, But no one doubted that the moment it hit the land island, it would completely disintegrate the floating land island out of control.

At this time, even Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo, who are on the sky outside the sky, can\'t resist this divine deer at all, not to mention that most of the energy of these two people is now focused on controlling Tongyou Lu Island. Landing on the coastline, there is no spare energy to take care of other things.

Everyone who is paying attention to the situation in Youzhou is looking forward to Kou Chongxue\'s sword!

As expected, Kou Chongxue did not disappoint the others, so when the magic soldier Julu was rushing towards Tongyou Ludao, he drew his sword!

In an instant, a majestic sword aura soared into the sky above Tongyou City, piercing directly through the sky of the plane world. Even the outer vaults could not cover up the sharpness of this sword aura until it sank into the depths of the starry sky.

The sword energy has not yet moved, but just the sword momentum has attracted the attention of all existences above the fifth level in the six states of You, Bing, Ji, Qing, Ji, and Liao!

Heart palpitations!

Heart palpitations!

Still palpitations!

The fifth-level heavenly fighters can use the communication with the world\'s original will to sense in the dark, but facing this sword that soars into the sky, when everyone brings themselves into the corner of facing this sword,

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The moment they fell in love, their feelings were unexpectedly the same - heart palpitations!

On the surface of the sea hundreds of miles east of the coast of Youzhou, the entangled cold light and water vapor instantly dissipated by themselves.


In the sky above Beihai College in Qingzhou, a thin man led by Eguan Bo looked in the direction of Youzhou in the distance, there was a faint glimmer of light in his eyes, but finally he sighed softly and shook his head involuntarily.

In the sky above Jizhou, Xuanlu Patriarch, who had been intimidating all directions with his own strength, suddenly changed his expression, and his figure suddenly became blurred.

However, at the moment when Dao Yuangang\'s incarnation leaped into the void, the void not far away suddenly became magnificent and colorful, as if a maze of space appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Patriarch Xuanlu snorted heavily, stretched out his finger and flicked it heavily in the air. With a sound of "Bo", it was like glass bursting, and the magnificent maze in front of him suddenly shattered. The avatar of Yuangang flashed out of it, and then leaped northward into the void again.

This time there were no accidents.

And in the scene just now, at first glance, it seemed that the Yuangang incarnation of Patriarch Xuanlu was only blocked for a short moment.

However, Patriarch Xuanlu\'s expression became extremely ugly at this time, and he turned suddenly to look at the depths of the Taihang Mountains west of Jizhou.

"Five Mountain League, Yin Wanxiang, good, very good!"

At the western end of the Qianye Mountains, Feng Yezi, who had returned to Bingzhou at some point, looked at the soaring sword energy with horror on his face, and turned around to leave when his figure flickered.

However, behind him was a man in a blue short shirt who looked like an old farmer. He seemed to have anticipated Feng Yezi\'s plan a long time ago. His bronze color was like a tan that had been blasted by the sun all year round and was covered with ravines. With a sudden smile on his face, he said, "Brother Feng, where are you going?"

Feng Yezi didn\'t have the demeanor that Wuchongtian\'s ancestor should have at all, he jumped on his feet and said, "Wen Changqing, or I should call you Yuwen Changqing, I was tricked by you!"

"That\'s the fourth level of the Wu Gang Realm! Kou Chongxue refined the fourth natal Yuan Gang!"

Wen Changqing, deputy head of Bingzhou Yanmen College, or Yuwen Changqing as Feng Yezi called it, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he looked like he was suffering from years of hard work. Sighing, "Brother Feng, escape is not an option. Since you have already boarded the Yuwen family\'s thief ship, it is too late to jump now!"

Yuwen Family, Yuwen Evergreen!

Wen Changqing, the deputy head of Yanmen College, is actually Yuwen Changqing, the old patriarch of the Yuwen family among the remnants of the five surnames in the frontier.

But now this person has successfully stepped into the realm of Wugang Realm.


Feng Yezi\'s fingers directly hit Yuwen Changqing\'s face, but Yuwen Changqing still looked at him without changing expression.

Feng Yezi\'s momentum suddenly weakened, and his whole person suddenly became depressed.

Yuwen Changqing smiled, and said softly: "Brother Feng, Kou Chongxue went to Yunlu, this is our real chance!"


In the sky above Youzhou, the moment Kou Chongxue\'s sword energy sealed in the Lingsha gourd was activated by Chu Jia, the Yuangang giant deer that was rushing towards Tongyou Lu Island suddenly stopped forcibly as if frightened. The void under his feet exploded in several places, directly shaking several hills hundreds of feet below the ground to collapse.

Then Yuangang Julu, who was originally guided by Yunlu\'s divine will, volleyed into the sky

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Turning around, disregarding Yunlu\'s urging, he jumped into the sky and fled back south hastily.

However, before the Yuangang giant deer crossed the Qianye Mountains, the sword energy that directly pierced the outer sky slashed down to the south.

Perhaps knowing that it was impossible to escape back to Jizhou, or perhaps because of Yunlu\'s forceful control, the Yuangang giant deer turned its head again at the last moment, let out a high-pitched neigh, and lowered its head towards the soaring sword energy that fell.

The towering antlers were cut off silently under the sword light, and two pieces were cut off at the same time, this Yuangang giant deer transformed by the magic weapon.

However, this Yuan Gang giant deer didn\'t seem to have caused too much hindrance to the soaring sword energy, and the sword energy continued to cut down in midair.

The void is being torn apart, and the Chiba Mountains are being cut from north to south.

As the saying goes, there is a great sound!

The high-level existence of all parties who have been paying attention to the battle over Youzhou all the time, what can be seen at this time is that the sky of Youzhou seems to be neatly divided into two sections.

There are a large area of ​​mountains in the Qianye Mountains that collapsed and split along a line from north to south, and then was neatly cut into east and west sections. In the middle is a straight and long canyon passage from Youzhou to Jizhou .

However, this sword energy has not been exhausted yet, it is still heading south, chasing something.

Yunlu was on the run, even though he was still holding the divine weapon deer-headed scepter in his hand, he was already on the run when that sword force just broke through the sky.

However, he couldn\'t escape, couldn\'t get rid of it, that sword energy might have consumed 70% to 80% of its power, but it was still like a tarsus, stinging firmly behind him, never leaving, never dying endlessly!


Yunlu screamed wildly, a figure stripped from his back, snatched the deer-headed staff from the deity\'s hand, and rushed towards the sword energy with a face full of grief and indignation.


Amidst the roaring sounds, Yunlu, who was running away sullenly, suddenly turned around, looked at the smoke and dust that covered the sky but had fallen into silence hundreds of miles behind him, and then knelt down on one knee. Inverse blood gushed out from his mouth.

A wave of void waves came, and a figure appeared beside him, and an indifferent voice rang in his ears: "Where\'s the deer-headed scepter?"

Yunlu reluctantly raised his head, there was still blood on his slightly ferocious face, but his eyes met the indifferent gaze of Xuanlu, the incarnation of Yuangang.

"Where\'s the deer head scepter?"

Xuanlu\'s Yuangang incarnation asked again.

Yunlu looked away and looked at the world covered by smoke hundreds of miles away.

Xuanlu\'s Yuangang incarnation snorted coldly, and when his figure flickered, he had already traveled hundreds of miles away.

Just when Yunlu struggled to stand up, the incarnation of Yuangang had already gone and returned.

"Your Yuan Gang incarnation has been completely destroyed, and there is no possibility of recovery!" Yuan Gang\'s incarnation\'s voice was as indifferent as ever.

Yunlu subconsciously looked at the ugly-looking wooden staff held by Yuan Gang\'s incarnation, but his eyes froze suddenly.

On the deer head at the top of the White Deer Sect\'s Town Sect Divine Weapon, the two antlers like tree branches have disappeared, and there is a seemingly subtle and indeterminate crack in the middle of the deer head, making The deer head on the top of the staff seems to have a ferocious and painful expression.

Under the indifferent gaze of Xuanlu, the incarnation of Yuangang, Yunlu fell into a daze.