Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 711

Yunlu has always believed that in the process of plundering the origin of the world, his biggest opponent is "Kou Chongxue" who sits in the mysterious world of Tongyou.

However, regardless of the authenticity of "Kou Chongxue", Yunlu has always ignored a certain aspect, and that is the herd of alien beasts led by the nose by the original torrent!

Of course, Yunlu also thought that after extracting the source of heaven and earth from the torrent of origin, the alien beasts that lost the cover of the source of heaven and earth might go crazy, causing huge losses to Youzhou and Tongyou College.

However, he forgot that, as a looter who plundered the origin of the world, he was already on the opposite side of the alien herd!

Even if Shang Xia in the Mysterious Realm aims to drive the alien beasts to the Qianye Mountains, he still needs to give up part of the origin of the heaven and earth as the foundation of the alien beasts, but what Yunlu is doing now is to Let the group of alien beasts take away even this piece of survival.

Therefore, when Yunlu made a move, even across the Qianye Mountains, it could not weaken its energy of the fifth heaven, but under the threat of life and death, these alien beasts still chose to fight back against Yunlu without hesitation!

Of course, as the pioneer of the resistance of the alien beast group, the Thunderbird, which has already entered the fourth level, led more than 300 mutated swifts to launch a joint attack under the protection of its spouse and children, and made a contribution to other alien beast groups. example.

Under the blessing of the population talent, the Thunderbird gathered the power of the entire mutated swift group to strike with all its strength, and its power was not weaker than that of the fifth-order power, annihilating a void passage in the air under the silver thunder!

The successful resistance of the mutated swift group immediately opened the prelude to the resistance of the entire alien beast group.

A series of counterattacks launched by the power of the high-level alien beasts gathered by the group also have the power to tear the void, which is enough to pose a threat to the several void channels maintained by Yunlu.

What\'s more, even if you can\'t succeed once, you will always destroy the void channel if you hit it several times.

Even if part of the origin of the world was absorbed during this period, it was insignificant compared to the huge torrent of origin covering the entire alien beast group.

On the contrary, Yunlu\'s attempts to seize the origin of heaven and earth failed again and again, and even suffered a dull loss in front of a group of strange beasts in the end. It really made the snoopers around Youzhou see a big joke.

However, the more in this situation, the more Yunlu wanted to save face.

What\'s more, at this time, the Alien Beast Group has come to the edge of the northern foothills of the Chiba Mountains in several groups, and they are about to enter the Chiba Mountains on a large scale.

At this time, Yunlu\'s attempt to use the power of the beast tide to cause large-scale damage to Youzhou has obviously failed, but being closer to him also means that it is easier for him to seek to seize the origin of heaven and earth. He can already see that "Kou Chongxue" is no longer able to control the original torrent hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"You can do as many tricks as you want, but in the end, the source of this world will still be taken away by this old man!"

Yunlu sneered secretly, and just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly discovered that the original tributaries that had converged into several strands dispersed at the moment they entered the Qianye Mountains!


Yunlu was almost dumbfounded as he hung in mid-air.

But in the end it was the Patriarch of Wuchongtian, he quickly woke up from the state of astonishment and dazedness just now, and realized that the tributaries of the source were not broken, but divided up!

That\'s right, it was divided up!

Shang Xia wanted to drive the alien beasts into the Qianye Mountains, but after the alien beasts approached the Qianye Mountains, why didn\'t they instinctively realize that this is the home that is really suitable for them to inhabit and reproduce?

Herd of Beasts

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The body has the power to engulf the origin of the heaven and the earth, and it was gathered together because of the crisis of destruction before, so it can naturally gather a huge torrent of origin.

Now entering the Qianye Mountains, various groups of alien beasts, and even individual alien beasts, are looking for their own habitats, and naturally they will disperse.

Moreover, every ethnic group, and even every alien beast, will take away part of the origin of the world when they leave, as a transition for them to adapt to the new environment, and the originally condensed torrent of origin will naturally be carve up.

The tide of beasts gushing out from the battlefields of the two worlds, there are tens of thousands, even tens of thousands, of large and small birds, beasts and insects. How to let the ancestor of Yunlu collect it?

Could it be possible to slaughter all living creatures along the thousands of miles of Qianye Mountains?

What\'s more, with the passage of time, these strange beasts, birds and insects will gradually consume part of the origin of heaven and earth they carry in the process of adapting to the environment.

Besides, at this time, his ancestor Yunlu really might not have the guts to enter the Qianye Mountains!

That is to say, Patriarch Yunlu has worked so hard for half a day, but what he got is just a small ball of the origin of heaven and earth in front of him, and the shabby ones are not enough for him to swallow in one gulp.

The angry Yunlu patriarch casually fanned out the small group of heaven and earth origin that he had finally absorbed in front of him, and the overflowing original energy suddenly covered a radius of three to five miles, which gave the area a big blow. The rain full of vitality has become a good spiritual land in the next few years, and it has become a treasure land for many low-level warriors to pick up spiritual materials.

The herd of alien beasts flooded into the Qianye Mountains following the source of the heaven and earth, saving the weak foundation of the entire Youzhou from the ravages of the beast tide, making the whole Youzhou heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time making many prying eyes with ulterior motives sigh unceasingly .

And in this process, Shang Xia\'s method of controlling the origin of the world with ease made everyone amazed.

It\'s just that when he never revealed his identity, everyone took this method as a matter of course on Kou Chongxue.

Under the current circumstances, no matter whether it was Shang Xia or Ji Wenlong, Shang Bo and the others above the Qionglu outside the sky, everyone was obviously happy to think so.

The more jealous those people with ulterior motives are, the more time they will buy for Tongyou Xuanjie to be promoted to blessed land.

"Are you all going to watch the promotion of Youzhou Blessed Land\'s secret realm and remain indifferent?"

The unwilling ancestor Yunlu yelled and asked at the southern foot of the Qianye Mountains.

However, the void is clean and far away, as if those dark snoopers had never been here before.

What\'s more... The ancestor Yunlu, who screamed the most fiercely, has always been standing in Jizhou at the southern foot of the Qianye Mountains, and he has never dared to step into Youzhou!

On the dome outside the sky, Luo Baixu laughed softly: "It seems that Tongyou Academy can be promoted to the blessed land with peace of mind, and no one will dare to make troubles."

Speaking of this, Luo Baixu\'s tone paused slightly, then his expression turned solemn, and he said, "Congratulations!"

Seeing this, Xu Bailing quickly cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations!"

Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo looked at each other, and they both clasped their hands together and said, "Thank you!"

At this time, the two sides had already given up fighting, how could they still see the slightest trace of fighting before?

At this time, Xu Bailing said with a smile: "According to the previous agreement, you and I are going to play a show, but we are actually guarding against the opponent who will cause trouble at the critical moment. Now that Kou Shan is so powerful, I am afraid that we will not need the help of the two of us, but My Changbai faction may need the help of the two next."


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Wen Long said in a deep voice: "Since the two families have already made an agreement with each other, Tongyou College will naturally not renege on its promise and become fat."

Shang Bo followed closely and said, "It\'s just that according to the agreement, if you didn\'t help me but I helped you, I will take 70% of the boundaries of these two battle fields!"

Xu Bailing\'s expression darkened when he heard this, and he said, "Impossible! Don\'t forget that you and I fought against each other before, but the two were at a disadvantage. If neither side needs the other\'s help, according to the agreement, my Changbai faction will take 70% of it." .Now even if I need your help, the two parties should share 50-50!"

Ji Wenlong retorted: "We have the upper hand in the battle between the two realms, and don\'t forget, we will deal with most of the alien beast groups."

Shang Bo also said: "Isn\'t this truth to be explained by the head of the mountain and the two of you?"

Ji, Shang, and even the entire Tongyou Academy, this time it is obvious that they want to carry out the pretense of the fox and the tiger to the end.

At this time, Luo Baixu suddenly said: "Sixty percent, you can get sixty percent in the battle between the two realms!"

Xu Bailing said anxiously: "Brother..."

Luo Baixu stretched out his hand to stop him.

Ji Wenlong responded immediately: "Okay, 60%!"

Shang Bo immediately added: "But the mountain pass between the two worlds must be controlled by Youzhou!"

Luo Baixu said calmly, "Okay!"

Xu Bailing was puzzled and said, "Why is that so, brother?"

Luo Baixu looked at Ji and Shang, and a smile suddenly appeared on his originally calm expression: "You two, the Three Cold Palace is coming, please help me Changbai faction as agreed!"


Ji Wenlong and Shang Bo didn\'t know that they were cheated by this old bastard in front of them.

Obviously, Luo Baixu had already noticed the change in the Sanhan Palace, but he used words to trap Ji and Shang without making a show, even Xu Bailing was fooled.

However, Kou Chongxue, on behalf of Tongyou Academy and the two fifth-rank patriarchs of the Changbai Sect, had secretly made an agreement, and he just emphasized it again and again, so it is obviously impossible to refuse at this time.

Seeing that the two were still hesitant, Luo Baixu said with a smile that was not a smile: "Why, but I am worried that someone will hinder the promotion of Xuanjie after the two of you leave? With Kou Shanzhang personally sitting in the town, who would dare to touch him at this time? tiger whiskers?"

Luo Baixu\'s strange smile made Shang Bo\'s heart skip a beat, as if he had discovered something.

Shang Bo immediately said: "Since that\'s the case, then Shang will follow the two of you to the Cangling Realm. Boss Ji will stay behind to take care of the Mysterious Realm and finally get promoted."

Ji Wenlong\'s promotion to the fifth heaven was not perfect, and he also couldn\'t leave the Youzhou area, but Shangbo was not restricted by the region.

Ji Wenlong nodded slightly, and said: "Although Ji can\'t go to the Cangling Realm in person, he can still help out from the air at critical moments."

Luo Baixu smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank you both, but now you don\'t need to distinguish between Cangyu and Cangling. Maybe we will be real neighbors!"

On the Qionglu outside the sky, when the four fifth-rank patriarchs Tongyou and Changbai stopped, there was no need to continue to conceal the secret agreement made by the two parties before.

And not long after Shang Bo left with Luo Baixu and Xu Bailing, Ji Wenlong suddenly felt something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the edge of the original gap between the two worlds.

After shaking for a while, the gazebo that had been standing there for a long time finally rose slowly from the outer vault of the sky.

At this time, his cultivation level clearly hadn\'t improved at all, but his own aura fluctuated greatly at this time, and the surging aura rose up. Ji Wenlong suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "It\'s done..."