Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 700

In fact, Kou Chongxue didn\'t quite understand it.

No matter how bad the incarnation in Yuangang is, it is still a proper fifth-level combat power. How can it be destroyed immediately?

You know, when Shang Xia had just finished refining the advanced potion, Kou Chongxue was still worried about his weak combat power because of his weak energy.

But who would have thought that Shang Xia would be so cleanly destroyed as soon as he made a move, directly annihilating the soul and will of that Yuangang incarnation, leaving only the essence of Yuangang that was fused into a large group.

However, as a teacher, Kou Chongxue still guarded against the younger generation’s arrogance because of this, so he changed his tone and said: “Of course, you also took advantage of the surprise, I’m afraid that the incarnation of Yuangang would never have imagined that the sneak attack would be forbidden from the void.” from within the earth."

As a matter of fact, the more you enter the Forbidden Void Land, the more difficult and dangerous all kinds of restrictions and dangers will become. Shang Xia\'s multicolored light shuttle directly pierced from the inside to the outside, which proved his extraordinary skills.

Shang Xia was directly led by Kou Chongxue from the outskirts of the Forbidden Land, so he didn\'t know the details of this Forbidden Land. Hearing what Kou Chongxue said, he naturally had to be educated with humility.

Seeing Shang Xia\'s behavior, Kou Chongxue felt relieved, and said seriously: "You have just advanced to the fifth heaven, and it should take a while to retreat in order to stabilize your cultivation, but under the current situation, I can\'t let you go. continue to stay here."

Shang Xia was actually prepared for this, so he said: "I will save it, my disciple."

Kou Chongxue gave a "hmm" and said, "Later, the old man will send you out of the Forbidden Void Land again, and then you should go out of the cave ruins as soon as possible, and try to avoid the fifth-level masters of other factions on the way, your grandfather will Meet you outside the entrance of the cave ruins."

Speaking of this, something flew out of Xinggao Cauldron and landed in Shang Xia\'s hands.

I just heard Kou Chongxue continue: "It records the arrangements for the various affairs of the college in the next few years. From now on, I am afraid that I will be trapped in Xinggaoding for a long time, and all the affairs of the college will be temporarily handed over to your grandfather, Wenlong and Yunjing are in charge."

Upon hearing this, Shang Xia hurriedly said solemnly: "Don\'t worry, the head of the mountain, the disciple will definitely take this thing out, and pass on the words of the head of the mountain to the three deputy heads of the mountain."

Kou Chongxue paused, and continued: "The old man is not in the academy, but fortunately, your kid has advanced to the fifth level now, and the academy can still retain the deterrent power of three fifth-level masters. Although you are a junior, in the past You can indulge a little bit more, but now you need to be more mature, listen more and ask less when things happen, you must not act on your own will, contradict your elders, you boy now have to bear more for the old man!"

Shang Xia quickly laughed and said: "The head of the mountain is at ease, the disciple is duty-bound!"

However, Shang Xia understood in his heart that Chief Kou Shan regarded him as an unstable factor within the academy.

In fact, it was almost the same. Without Kou Chongxue in control of the overall situation, if Shang Xia wanted to go her own way, there would be no one in the entire academy to stop her.

It\'s just that the current situation is such that it is impossible for Kou Chongxue to give up Xinggao Ding, and it is even more impossible for Tongyou Academy to ignore Shang Xia\'s fifth-level combat power. Admonish.

However, after advancing to the fifth heaven, Shang Xia\'s state of mind was different again. Instead, he began to look at the internal affairs of the college from a detached perspective, and instead cared about the small things in it.

Seeing that Shang Xia\'s attitude was so sincere, Kou Chongxue was obviously relieved, and then two objects flew out of the Xinggao cauldron and landed in his hands.

Shang Xia looked down, but it turned out to be two brocade cloud boxes, one big and one small.

Just listen to Kou Chongxue\'s instructions: "The big brocade cloud box contains the old man\'s gains in the cave ruins, as well as some other spiritual objects and materials. You just give this box to Yunjing, and she will understand it on her own." deal with."

"As for the small brocade cloud box, it contains all the essence of Yuangang collected by the old man before, and there is also a complete heaven and earth Yuangang, which comes from the incarnation of Yuangang that you killed. The old man has probably already I understand that if you want to improve your next cultivation base, you need a little bit of all kinds of Yuangang essence needed for refining. All the Yuangang essences and heaven and earth Yuangang in this box, as long as you need it, just take it Refining and improving cultivation is all about it, and the unused ones are still handed over to Yunjing."

Shang Xia knew that now was not the time to decline, and after solemnly thanking Kou Chongxue, he asked, "Shan Zhang, if this disciple leaves, what if someone finds this place..."

Kou Chongxue sneered: "Why, do you think the old man will be slaughtered by others if he is trapped in this Xinggao cauldron?"

Shang Xia let out an "uh" and quickly said with a smile, "Don\'t dare, this disciple doesn\'t mean that!"

Kou Chongxue snorted, and said: "You just leave, even if I can\'t control this forbidden land, I can still make trouble, and even if someone passes through the forbidden land by chance, so what? Is your magic weapon bad?"

Shang Xia immediately cupped his hands and said, "Please send the disciples away!"

After all, Shang Xia began to gather his own energy.

In the Forbidden Land, although other people retreated due to the small-scale forbidden torrent that just erupted, there may still be people wandering around the periphery. After Shang Xia was sent out of the Forbidden Land by Kou Chongxue, he naturally wanted to be as undetected as possible .

Shang Xia stood still in front of the Xinggao cauldron, and immediately after that, a mighty blue light gushed out from the cauldron, engulfing his body, piercing through the void in front of him, and sending him to the outskirts of the forbidden land.

When Shang Xia was ushered in by Kou Chongxue from the outskirts of the Forbidden Land, he felt dizzy and couldn\'t perceive the specific process of traveling through the void.

However, this time is obviously different. After advancing to the Five Elements Realm, Shang Xia\'s dantian origin and his own divine perception have undergone obvious qualitative changes.

His body and physique can already withstand the squeeze and tear from the surrounding space during the process of traveling through the void.

His mental perception will no longer be confused, but he can clearly perceive the changes in the surrounding space in this process.

Even if it wasn\'t for Kou Chongxue\'s repeated warnings before, Shang Xia felt that as long as he could disperse a little bit of his five elements, the void he traveled through would be more stable and smoother.

Even without Kou Chongxue\'s help, he can easily break through the void to travel.

But in that way, there is a great possibility that Shang Xia will be noticed by others, but Kou Chongxue can avoid the possibility of him being discovered by relying on the power of Xinggao Ding at this time.

The moment Shang Xia landed, he already sensed that no one else noticed him.

At the same time, he also immediately realized that his perception of divine will, whether in the limit range of perception or in the intensity of perception, had been greatly improved compared to the original four-image realm.

However, it may be because of this that when Shang Xia explored the surrounding situation outside the forbidden land, he caught some kind of strange fluctuation in an instant, and this fluctuation seemed to be faintly related to the origin of the five elements that Shang Xia had cultivated himself. There is a certain degree of induction, even resonance!

this is……

Just when Shang Xia was in doubt, a sudden ray of light suddenly broke into his range of perception.

Even because this ray of escaping light came so fast, before Shang Xia could react, the fifth-order warrior who controlled the escaping light immediately followed the direction of his divine will and caught him in the first place. the exact location of the .

"Who are you?"

Tao Gongming yelled and turned into a rolling sound wave and swept towards Shang Xia. The anger in the voice was also full of unexpected surprises!

How many fifth-order masters are there in Cangyu Realm?

Therefore, these fifth-level masters are extremely familiar with each other in most cases.

Just like the fifth-level masters who have teamed up to break through the entrance of the Dongtian ruins this time, even if someone splits into the incarnation of Yuangang, others can often determine who it originated from from its aura.

However, the aura of the person he sensed in front of him was extremely strange, obviously not any of the fifth-level masters he knew.

Then the identity of the person in front of them can almost be revealed, this person must be one of the two groups of people who broke into the cave ruins before them!

It\'s really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn\'t take much effort to get it!

Moreover, in the place where Tao Gongming\'s Yuangang incarnation disappeared, this person appeared by such a coincidence, which made Tao Gongming suspect that the person in front of him was the murderer who killed his Yuangang incarnation!

Of course, in Tao Gongming\'s view, even if the person in front of him is not a murderer, he must definitely believe that this person is a murderer!

It\'s just that he just didn\'t know that he was even more wrong.

Because he needs a reasonable excuse to attack the person in front of him in a legitimate way.

How did those two groups of people force their way into the cave ruins?

How many benefits have they received before then?

What is their real purpose of forcibly breaking into the cave ruins?

Looking at the weak aura in front of him, a fighter of the same level who was injured or not strong enough, Tao Gongming secretly thought that he was lucky, he could find a soft persimmon to pinch when he came up, maybe he could be on this person With a big harvest, the loss of the previous Yuangang incarnation can be made up for in one go.

Thinking of this, Tao Gongming became more and more excited. When he bullied the opponent for twenty miles, he couldn\'t wait to make a move.

A jade ruyi directly broke through the void and appeared above Shang Xia\'s head, and then knocked it down on his head.

Shang Xia also didn\'t expect the opportunity to be so rushed, let alone that the other party would attack him so decisively.

And Kou Chongxue stopped after sending him out of the Forbidden Land, and now he was the only one left to face the first fifth-order battle that had just entered the Five Elements Realm.

In haste, Shang Xia didn\'t deduce any martial arts of the Five Elements Realm, nor did he master the fighting technique of the Five Heavens. Lift up.


A crisp sound exploded, and the sound waves, accompanied by ring-shaped void ripples, radiated to the surroundings, instantly turning everything in a radius around him into dust.

Even the ground around Shang Xia\'s feet sank several feet out of thin air, leaving only a corner where he stepped on.

Shang Xia felt a sudden suffocation in his heart, followed by a sweetness in his throat, and a gust of rust gushed out of his mouth.

But Tao Gongming, who was tens of miles away from him, seemed to have lost contact with Yu Ruyi for a moment, and suddenly became shocked and angry, and shouted: "What a thief!"

And at the moment when the two sides just fought, they immediately attracted the attention of many fifth-order beings, and several tyrannical divine wills extended from the void, trying to find out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shang Xia directly threw out a fourth-order "Linyuan Breaking Void Talisman" to help him break through the void and escape other people\'s divine perception.