Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 696

"Could this be the legendary sacred artifact of the cave?"

Shang Xia looked at the huge three-legged tripod in front of him in shock, and couldn\'t help asking the incarnation of Yuan Gang next to him.

Yuan Gang\'s incarnation replied with a smile: "That\'s right, this tripod is called \'Xinggao\', and it is the original sacred artifact used to communicate with the origin of the world in the Cangyu Realm in this Dongtian ruins."

Shang Xia looked up and down the huge tripod in shock and inexplicable, but saw two rough and slightly mottled characters on the wall in the center of the tripod. After careful identification, it was the word "Xing Gao". This is the source of the tripod name.

Yuan Gang\'s incarnation saw that Shang Xia was immersed in admiration for the giant cauldron in front of him, so he didn\'t bother him, just stood aside with a smile.

After a while, Shang Xia suddenly woke up from his obsession with the giant cauldron, and asked in astonishment, "Why didn\'t you see the mountain chief himself? Also, where did the other two mountain chiefs\' Yuangang avatars go?"

Shang Xia wandered around while speaking, but all around was a gray void, except for the giant cauldron beside him, there was no one or anything in sight.

While speaking, Shang Xia was secretly vigilant, and when he looked at the new Yuan Gang incarnation in front of him, his eyes were slightly cautious.

Yuan Gang\'s incarnation didn\'t feel annoyed when he saw this, but pointed to the belly of the giant cauldron with a smile, and said: "The deity is inside."

Shang Xia was stunned and said, "What is the head of the mountain doing inside?"

"You don\'t have to doubt, kid, the old man is in the \'Xing Gao Ding\'!"

Suddenly, Kou Chongxue\'s voice came out from the huge cauldron, and at the same time, his unique aura also overflowed from the cauldron, and he continued: "The old man is half trapped in this huge cauldron now. Dingzhong, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to go out in a short time, and the old man doesn\'t want to go out for the time being."

Upon hearing this, Shang Xia quickly asked, "Why doesn\'t the head of the mountain want to come out?"

As soon as the words fell, he felt Kou Chongxue\'s aura suddenly swayed, and a green light flew out of the tripod, falling in front of Shang Xia\'s eyes and turning into the Yuangang incarnation of Changchun Chungang.

Just listen to the avatar say: "This deity was lucky enough to enter into the original holy artifact because of the original torrent that erupted in the forbidden land, now is the perfect time to subdue this tripod, so this deity is not willing to go out before subduing this tripod. "

Immediately afterwards, another light blue light flew out of the tripod, turning into the incarnation of the jellyfish Yuangang, and continued: "And if you want to subdue this tripod, you must do it in the belly of this tripod. If the tripod is refined, then the tripod cannot be obtained, so this deity said that he has been half-trapped in the tripod."

Shang Xia looked at the three incarnations of Yuangang in front of him, and if he added the true astral "Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang" possessed by Kou Chongxue in Dingzhong, Kou Chongxue has indeed advanced to the fourth level of Wugang Realm.

Seeing this, Shang Xia couldn\'t help looking at the Yuan Gang incarnation transformed from the orange-yellow Heaven and Earth Yuan Gang, and said, "I don\'t know which Yuan Gang incarnation of the head of the mountain is this senior?"

The newly stripped Yuangang incarnation said with a smile: "After I entered the Xinggao Cauldron, I got a piece of \'Xuanhuang Cave Xuyuangang\' that looked like yellow mud, so I was refined into the fourth natal true gang by me. .”

Regarding this, Shang Xia no longer knew what to say.

After a while, Shang Xia said: "By the way, there is another big change in the ruins of the cave, and the disciple suspects that the fifth-level masters from various forces have entered. I don\'t know what is the purpose of the mountain chief to bring the disciple here. ?”

Xuanhuang\'s incarnation replied: "There is no doubt, there are indeed many people who have entered the cave ruins."

Changchun\'s incarnation continued: "I asked you to come in to avoid those people temporarily, after all, you are only the fourth heaven now."

The jellyfish incarnation said: "There is a more important one.

At this point, you can now take out all the advanced materials on your body, and then hand them over to the deity to prepare advanced potions for you. "


Shang Xia didn\'t seem to believe his ears: "The head of the mountain personally prepared advanced potions for me? Why didn\'t I know that the head of the mountain has such abilities?"

Even if there is a ready-made advanced formula and blending method for preparing the advanced potion of the fifth heaven, at least the pharmacist must have the blending attainments of a fourth-level great pharmacist, and often even requires the cooperation of two or more great pharmacists.

Kou Chongxue is not a pharmacist, and as far as Shang Xia knows, apart from his world-renowned combat prowess, this mountain chief\'s skills in potions, talisman making, refining weapons, formations, etc. are really not impressive .

At this time, Kou Chongxue\'s real voice came from the belly of the cauldron again: "Hehe, you don\'t have to doubt, the old man naturally doesn\'t have this ability, but he does!"


As soon as Shang Xia\'s words came out of his mouth, he was already awakened: "The original holy weapon? Xinggao tripod?"

Kou Chongxue chuckled lightly, "That\'s right, that\'s exactly it!"

Since Kou Chongxue said it himself, Shang Xia would not doubt it, but asked strangely: "Is this the ability of the original sacred weapon, or is it just the ability of this giant Xinggao cauldron?"

What Shang Xia meant was to ask, if all the original holy artifacts in the Dongtian ruins can be used to prepare fifth-level advanced potions, or only Xinggao Ding has this ability.

Kou Chongxue obviously understood what Shang Xia meant, and said with a smile: "Only the Xinggao Ding can do it, but it is not easy for it. It may weaken the spirituality of the holy artifact itself, and it will take a long time to recover."

Shang Xia probably understood it, but then he was puzzled and said, "But wouldn\'t that be bad for Xinggao Ding?"

Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "Your butt is sitting crooked enough, this old man is preparing an advanced potion for you! Besides, if you don\'t take the opportunity to weaken the spirituality of the sacred artifact, wouldn\'t it take longer for the old man to completely refine this Xinggao cauldron?" ?”

Shang Xia suddenly realized that it should be an inevitable process that this Xinggao Ding can be used to prepare the fifth-level advanced potion when it is full of spirituality, even if it is being refined by Kou Chongxue, this process is still It will be done step by step.

Knowing this, Kou Chongxue hastily let Yuan Gang incarnate to bring Shang Xia in, in order to take advantage of Xinggao Ding\'s inability to refuse the preparation of advanced potions and inevitably weaken his own spirituality , to speed up the refining process of this original holy artifact.

After figuring this out, Shang Xia took out all the spiritual objects and essences of Yuan Gang that he carried on his body to prepare the "Five Elements Yin-Yang Ointment" without hesitation, and said: "Now there is only one The essence of Yuangang with the attribute of Guishui."

As soon as Shang Xia\'s words fell, several auras flew out of the cauldron, and Kou Chongxue\'s voice came from the cauldron: "The old man collected a few yuangang essences in this forbidden land before, just look at them. See if there\'s anything you need in there."

At this point, his voice paused, and he continued: "Even if you don\'t have it, it doesn\'t matter, the semi-finished advanced potion can also be adjusted."

As soon as Kou Chongxue\'s words fell, Shang Xia held up the third aura group, and said a little excitedly: "This one... this one\'s essence of \'Cui Ning Hanquan Yuangang\' is the Guishui attribute that disciples need. Essence of Yuan Gang."

Kou Chongxue laughed "hehe" when he heard the words: "It seems that your kid\'s luck is also very good!"

Shang Xia laughed and said, "This is all about your luck."

All the materials had been collected, and there was a sudden suction in the Xinggao cauldron, absorbing all the things into the cauldron.

However, in this process, Shang Xia needs to

Kou Chongxue had to be informed of the preparation method of the "Five Elements Shunni Yinyang Ointment", but he was able to control the Xinggao Ding to a certain extent to complete the preparation of the advanced potion by himself.

From this point of view, in fact, Shang Xia has already confessed to Kou Chongxue the inheritance of the "Five Elements Yin-Yang Paste".

However, Shang Xia didn\'t take this seriously. In fact, he himself didn\'t intend to keep his martial arts inheritance system a secret forever.

Moreover, even if he revealed the fifth-level advanced formula to others, no one would dare to try his advanced method.

Without knowing the martial arts philosophy that Shang Xia upholds, and when the first four levels have not been promoted according to Shang Xia\'s inheritance system, if he rashly uses his five-level advanced formula, then there is no doubt who it is Who will die!

After all the materials flew into the Xinggao Cauldron, the Changchun incarnation and the jellyfish incarnation nodded towards Shang Xia one after another, and then they turned into light and fell into the Xinggao Cauldron again, leaving only the Xuanhuang Cave virtual element that was just stripped out Sitting cross-legged under the huge cauldron, Gang incarnation slowly swallowed the source of heaven and earth overflowing from the mouth of the cauldron to further purify the true source of true gang in his body.

As the incarnation of Kou Chongxue\'s Yuan Gang, they themselves cannot actually improve their cultivation base through self-cultivation, but they can make their own original true soul pure by swallowing the origin of the world.

Because Shang Xia didn\'t know how long it would take Xinggao Ding to prepare the advanced potion, so, like the incarnation of Xuanhuang, he began to practice with the help of the extremely pure heaven and earth origin scattered around Xinggao Ding, striving to be the last one. |Before advancing to the fifth heaven, accumulate an extra point for yourself.

The mouth of Xinggao Ding\'s cauldron originally spewed out a large amount of the origin of heaven and earth, but because these origins of heaven and earth soon flowed out, so although the origin of heaven and earth around Xinggao Ding was rich, it was not as strong as it was. In the forbidden place, it was silted up to the point where it was almost half solidified.

In addition, after Kou Chongxue ingested the ingredients of the advanced potion into Xinggao Cauldron, the source of heaven and earth flowing out from the cauldron was immediately reduced. Therefore, Shang Xia dared not let the Sifangbei swallow the source of heaven and earth around him.

I don\'t know how long it took, but Shang Xia, who was in meditation, was suddenly awakened by more and more obvious void fluctuations, and the Xuanhuang incarnation sitting cross-legged not far from him had already opened his eyes and stared at the chaotic void in the distance. It is a place where the void is forbidden on the periphery of Xinggao Ding.

Obviously, at the outskirts of this forbidden place, not only have fifth-level masters found it, but they have also begun to break the restrictions on the outskirts and enter the interior.

"The ban in the void is weakening by itself!"

The sound transmission of Xuanhuang\'s incarnation suddenly came from Shang Xia\'s ear.

Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and he also condensed the evil spirit and said: "Will they be able to break into this place, and what do they need to do?"

Xuanhuang\'s avatar remained unchanged, and said: "It\'s okay, it\'s not easy for them to find this place, even if the ban on here has begun to weaken."

Shang Xia asked curiously: "Senior, do you know what is the reason for the weakening of the ban?"

In fact, Shang Xia was even more curious about how Kou Chongxue found this place and entered Xinggao Dingding by himself?

You must know that he was alone at that time, and the other two Yuangang incarnations were not around.

Xuanhuang\'s incarnation pondered for a moment, and said: "I don\'t know the specific reason, but this deity speculates that it may be related to the fusion of the two realms."

Shang Xia nodded slightly, and asked again: "I saw that senior was able to enter and exit this forbidden land on his own without being affected by the restrictions and gaps in the void. ?”

The incarnation of Xuanhuang glanced at him with a half-smile, and said, "That\'s about it!"